Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An International  Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal


BMI for Age Percentile As Criteria for Assessment
of Obesity in Children and Adolescents

Manju Dewan

Page Number : 77-83

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Adsorption of Phenol and Resorcinol on Parthenium Based Activated
Carbon (Pac) in Basal Salt Medium: Equilibrium and Kinetics

Khushi Gandhi 1, Shambhavee Srivastav 1, Huda Afreen*2, Ravi Kant Singh*1

Page Number : 84-90

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Avifaunal Abundance of Lumding Forest Reserve Area, Assam, India

Jashodeb Arjun* and Rajesh Paul

Page Number : 91-99

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Standardization and Evaluation of Buffers:  A One Step DNA
Extraction Protocol from Microbial Cultures

Poornima Shyam 1,  Dr. S.Subramaniam2 and Dr. Shyama
Subramaniam3  and Edwina Jospiene M 4

Page Number : 100-103

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Didactic Strategy for the Use of Virtual Itineraries in the Training
of Graduates in Education. Geography

Oliday Aguilar Espinosa, Erich Rodríguez Vallejo, Rafael
Armiñana García and Rigoberto Fimia Duarte

Page Number : 104-114

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Localization of NPY Immunoreactivity in the Proximal and
Distal Intestinal Region of Teleost Fish,

Tulika A. Khadse1, Yashashree. A. Gadhikar2,
Trupti S. Khedkar3 and Sudhir G. Chirde4

Page Number : 115-119

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Ecology of Biofouling Phytoplankton in Chinnamuttom
Harbour Waters Southeast Coast of India

P. Nithya1,2,3*, B. Dhanalakshmi2 and P. Santhanam3

Page Number : 120-125

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Knowledge and management Assessment of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
Disorders Among Dental Interns at King Saud University

Hamad Albagieh1,  Abdulrahman Alghamdi2, Musaad almefyaz2,
Abdulrahman Alshehri2, and Osama Alsaiady2.

Page Number : 126-131

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Evidence of Pain Neuroscience Education on Musculoskeletal
Disorders: An Updated  Review

Sunidhi1, Sidhant2, Bhawna Verma3, Megha Gakhar4, Ramta Devi5 and  Poonam Devi6

Page Number : 01-05

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Modeling of a Positive Case of Covid-19 Through Regressive Objective
Regression Without Doing PCR

Melba Zayas González1, Rigoberto Fimia-Duarte2*, Fernando Martínez Fernández3, Ricardo Osés
Rodríguez4, Mary E. López Garcia3, Yureneisy Pérez Izquierdo5 and Maribel I. Noda Valledor2

Page Number : 06-11

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