Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An International  Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007


Publishers: Society for Science and Nature, Bhopal India

Journal Unique Identifier:   Cross Ref DOI:

Periodicity:  Jan-Feb-March, April-May-June, July-Aug-Sep and Oct-Nov-Dec

Journal Website:

(Important Links of Journal )

  1. Manuscript Processing Flow Chart :
  2. Manuscript Template:
  3. Author Ethical Statement & Copyright form /  Plagiarism Check Report:
  4. Cover letter with Reviewers and their addresses (see template):
  5. Manuscript On Line Submission

Instructions for Authors / Detailed MS Submission Guidelines For

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

All manuscripts must be submitted to Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

Only through the journals online submission system at (

Author submitting the manuscript for the first time is required to register online and create a profile as an author. This enables the authors to receive login credentials for manuscript submission. Manuscripts must consist of duly completed Author Ethical Statement / Copyright  Form along with plagiarism / similarity  level Certificate  of  the submitted MS,  (which should be   less than 15%.  Attach Certificate checked by Ithenticate / Turnitin Software). This is a mandatory part of manuscript submission.

Before final submission, please make sure that the manuscript conforms to the journal guidelines and instructions to authors for the preparation of the manuscript.

MS not prepared as per instructions to authors will not be entertained and will be returned as incomplete submission.

Please note that the journal does not charge any fees for submission of articles, and we do not give any fixed frame of time to publish an article, since the review of articles depends upon the reviewers processing time, the editorial assessment, and production. Roughly a MS takes about 60 to 90 days from the date of submission to publication, depending upon the review process and number of revisions envisaged.

Academic Quality of  Submitted Manuscripts

Manuscript must be written in explicit English language, with the writing clear, concise, and logical, consisting of high academic quality and scientific rigor. Authors submitting manuscripts to Biosc. Biotech.Res.Comm. should present an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance.

Underlying data should be represented accurately in the paper. There should be a clear statement of logical objectives and rationale / justification to take up the study. Study design must be robust and  all methods used must be cited properly with standard references so that they can be reproduced easily. A paper should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work.

Discussion must have a critical   and comprehensive   account of  statements,  supported by up-to-date references. Conclusions must be drawn in corroboration with data and interpretation highlighting the novelty of the work. References need to be checked for their presence in both text and reference section with all links of refrences from Google Scholar, Pub Med etc.

If any of the above features are missing in the manuscript, it  may  not be processed for  the initial  internal reviews and selection of the MS

  1. Ethical & Plagiarism Policies of Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications:

Ethical Issues Plagiarism

On Ethical Issues:

Animal  and Human Studies

Ethical declarations in research form an integral part during the submission process of a manuscript to a journal. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, requires that the experimental conditions under which  animal  and human assays and tests are performed are as per standard protocols used worldwide.

Authors must make it clear in writing that the procedures they used were as humane as possible and have been compiled with the guidelines for animal care of their institutions or with national / international guidelines. Studies on animals must comply with the prevailing standards of animal welfare according to Indian Council of Medical Research Guidelines or  Committee for the Purpose of Control & Supervision of Experiments on Animals  ( CPCSEA )  in India,  and likewise following similar conditions elsewhere, (Ethical Approval  Committees/ Institutional Review Board with Approval Number is necessary).For  details   of animal studies please see : ARRIVE and Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

Studies involving human subjects / patients / and also if   the manuscript includes case reports / case series, authors need to provide the following: Name of the Ethical Committees /Institutional review Board, they have obtained consent from along with approval  number /ID. Authors should specifically mention that the study was in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 (Human Research: Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013, SCARE criteria etc ).

Human Studies: Ethical Standards and Informed Consent

++For studies involving human subjects and volunteers, please indicate in the manuscript, in a section preceding the References, the following statement or an analogous statement that applies to your situation: “All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 Human research: Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013.

Case Reports: Case Reports should be followed as per the guidelines of SCARE criteria

Informed consent should be obtained from all patients for being included in the study.” If any identifying information about participants is included in the article, the following sentence should also be included: “Additional informed consent was obtained from all individuals for whom identifying information is included in this article.” If you have not included or cannot include this statement in your manuscript, please provide the reason or an alternative statement here and in the manuscript.

    1. Disclosure of Interest

    Authors must provide details of any financial or personal relationships that might bias the work being submitted. In a section of text preceding the References, please provide relevant information for each author(s) with regard to any conflicts of interest. All submissions must include disclosure of all relationships that could be viewed as presenting a potential conflict of interest.

    1. Acknowledgement of sources: 

    Proper acknowledgement of the work of others must always be given. Funding acknowledgement must be properly made with grant details, number etc.

    Data access and retention: Authors may be asked to provide the raw data in connection with a paper for editorial review, and should be prepared to provide public access to such data.


 (Author Ethical Statement / Copyright form / Plagiarism Check Report)

Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and representing them as one’s own original work and Biosc. Biotech. Res. Comm.  strictly International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), condemns all forms of plagiarism, following a very  vigilant policy of removing this malady. Within the academia, it is considered dishonesty or fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure. Plagiarism can be unintentional or intentional, reproducing academic material without appropriate credit to the original authors (Citations).

Similarly self -plagiarism is the re-use of significant, identical or near identical portions of one’s own work without citing the original work. This is also known as recycling fraud. Worst form of plagiarism is to steal the whole article or in parts from some source and publish it under one’s own name in another journal. Plagiarism, fabrication, unethical or redundant publication grossly violates the editorial policies of Biosc Biotech Res Comm. which follows best practice guidelines given by the as mentioned in the Journals  Instructions for Authors. Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. strongly condemns any form of plagiarism and unethical practices.

All authors submitting their MS to Biosc Biotech Res Comm must complete and sign the ethical statement form (downloaded from above link)

and append the Plagiarism Check Certificate of their MS along with  ethical statement form,  failing which their MS will be not processed further.

Authors submitting their work to Biosc.Biotech.Res.Com must also mention the names, addresses and email ids of three subject experts to serve as independent reviewers for their submitted MS, in their cover letter. The reviewers must not be of their Institution, it is not necessary the same reviewers will be appointed for their submitted manuscript, selection of independent unbiased reviewers is under the purview of editorial board / editors.

The following files need to be submitted with every article:

  1. Cover Letter stating the originality of research and why you think it should be published in Biosc Biotech Res Comm.along with names / addresses and emails  of 3  external reviewers must be attached, (See Cover Letter template).

Original Research Articles Manuscript  MS Text: For preparation and style of MS
(See Manuscript Template): Articles must be a minimum of 3,000 words to a maximum of 4,000 words excluding abstract and references.  Please note that only the main text is included in the word count; the abstract, references, figure captions, and tables are not counted toward the word count. The full manuscript should contain first page with  full author  names, affiliation,  ORCID No and the corresponding author  email / ORCID details, followed by full text of the MS file in word format. All data/tables/figures/Images (images must be submitted with the MS in high print-reproducible resolution).

2. Article Types: Submission of the following article types is considered for publication in Biosc. Biotech.Res. Comm.

  1. Original research articles, (3000-4000) words
  2. Critical analytical reviews (4000-5000 words)
  3. Case reports with discussion (2000 words)
  4. Short Communications (1500 words)
  5. Letters to the Editor / Editorials / Perspectives / Correspondence (up to 1000 words)

(I)  Original Research Articles

Manuscript must be written in explicit English language, with the  writing clear, concise, and logical, consisting of high academic quality and scientific rigor. It must be typewritten using Times New Roman font size 12 only, double-spaced with one inch margin on all sides. All manuscripts must be accompanied by author declaration with ethical certificate signed by the corresponding author and all co -authors that they have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and that the article has NOT been published or submitted to any other journal for publication. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining permission from the copyright owner for the use of any copyrighted material in the submitted article.

Each original article must contain the following in the order as:

  1. Title page: Title page should contain the following information:

Main Title of the article followed by short running title, Name (s) of author(s), Department (s)/Institution(s) City / Code & Country, where the work was performed, with all author ORCID links, ( E-mail address of the corresponding author marked with an asterisk * is necessary.

2.  Abstract:

Abstract should be factual summarization of the entire work and should NOT TO EXCEED 250 words, with 5 keywords written below it.

Abstract must have following subheadings:

Introduction (Objectives / Justification /Rationale), Brief Methods, Results and Conclusion

3.  Main Text of the Manuscript: Text must be arranged under the following headings:

  1. Introduction
  2. Material and Methods ( Must have cited references so that they can be replicated easily)
  3. Results (Including Tables/Fig/ Clear Images)
  4. Discussion (Must be critical and comprehensive with up to date citations)
  5. Conclusion ( must be based on data)
  6. Funding Statements /Acknowledgements (if any).
  7. References (Strictly in Harvard Style)
  1. Introduction: This section must provide a brief review of literature, purpose of the study, objectives and the rationale of the research undertaken should be given with proper clarity.
  2. Material and Methods: This section of material and methods /procedures should be concise but detailed enough to enable the reader to reproduce the experiments / methodology. Commonly used procedures and methods in detail need not be described, but require a reference to the original source.
  3. Results (Including Tables/Fig/Images) : Give only brief findings, presented in the form of tables or figures, should be included without duplication of presentation and no discussion of the significance of the data, either tables or figures be given, avoid duplication of data.
  4. Discussion should present the significance of the present data under the prevalent understanding and interpretation of the phenomenon. Speculative discussion is allowed but it should be concise and corroborated by the presented data.
  5. Conclusion summarizes the study and is drawn from the results and discussion, should not be more than 100 words.

Acknowledgements/ Financial Acknowledgements if any, should be placed at the end of Conclusion before References.

6. References: (Strictly as per Harvard Style)

References in text of the manuscript should be written using last author name (s) without their initials with year in PARENTHESES ( ).

The final bibliography in the References Section should be arranged alphabetically using last name of the author and written in Harvard Style as shown below in examples of references: All references must be written in 11 point font Roman letters.

Use Italic styles only for scientific names of organisms, genera, species in the entire MS as well as in the Reference section.

In this section et al should be used only after three names of authors.

In reference section, DOIs / Links of the references from PubMed, WoS–Clarivate Analytics, Scopus, Google Scholar and others must  also be provided.

All references should be checked minutely, for their appearance in text as well as in References, incomplete or missing references in the text or in Reference List & Vice versa will not be accepted, and the MS will be returned as Incomplete Submission.

a. Example of Reference from a Standard Journal Article:

Ali Sharique A, S Salim, Sahani T, Peter J and Ali AS (2012c) Serotinergic receptors as novel target for optimizing skin pigmentary responses in Indian bull frog, Hoplobatrachus tigerinus British Journal of Pharmacology Vol 165 No 5 Pages 1515-1525.

b. Example of Reference from a book:

Falconer DC (1960) Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. Oliver & Boyd Edinburgh 165-185.

c. Reference from article in a book:

Ali, Sharique A, N Parveen and Ayesha S Ali (2021) In Herbal Medicine: Back to The Future, Promoting Melanocyte Regeneration Using Different Plants and Their Constituents – Vol 3
(Ed. Ferid Murad, Nobel Laureate) Bentham Science, USA Pages 247-276.

Tables and Figures (or Images): Short, Precise Tables and sharp image figures must be included, complete with legends /footnotes / explanation / units  should be right below them. The tables and figures pages should be consecutively numbered, and arranged between results and discussion. Position of the tables or figures in the text of the MS must be indicated using same numbers.

Instructions for Preparation of Images: An image refers to the following: Graphs, photographs, maps, charts, paintings, drawings, diagrams, etc. Images must be embedded within the manuscript text between Results and Discussion of the article, not separately or at the end of the article. Once the article is  accepted for publication, the author may be asked for  submission of image in high resolution file formats. It is strongly recommended before embedding images in the manuscript, images must be prepared as mentioned below in the image specifications section.

Image specifications: Images must be prepared in accordance with the instructions mentioned on the PubMed Central website: The key factor for preparation of MS images for sufficient quality is images must have a minimum resolution of 300 dots per inch (dpi) for the grayscale (or black and white) and at least 600 dpi for color scale. The acceptable image formats are tiff, jpeg, gif, psd or png.

Image Copyright: For any image that the authors have not made themselves, the authors will need to have written permission to reproduce that image, even if the image is posted on the internet. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to use the images, not the publishers. Permission must be obtained in writing before the article can be submitted. For complete information, please visit the Copyright Agency Limited website:

(II) Review Articles / Systematic Reviews / Meta-Analysis

Systematic Reviews or Meta-Analysis should be systematic, critical assessments of most recently updated literature and data sources pertaining to basic biological or bio-medical science topics that include a statistical technique for quantitatively combining the results of multiple studies that measure the same outcome into a single pooled investigation. Data must be searched for and selected systematically for inclusion and critically evaluated, and the search and selection process for compiling the review must be mentioned. The text should NOT exceed 5000 words excluding abstract, references, tables and figures.

Each of the sections of the Systematic Review or Meta Analysis articles should include specific sub-sections as follows:

  1. Structured Abstract: (Not exceed 250 words):

Objectives, Methodology, Results and Conclusion

  1. Introduction: Rationale, Objectives, Research questions
  2. Methodology: Study design, Participants, interventions, comparators
  3. Systematic Review Protocol: Search strategy, Data sources, Studies Sections and Data Extraction, Data analysis/ Statistical tools used
  4. Results and Discussion: In results provide flow diagrams / attractive tables / figures of the studies retrieved for the review, study selection characteristics synthesized findings, risk of bias etc.
  5. Summary: Abstract of main findings, Limitations, Conclusions etc.

For all other information including title page, typing and reference style etc, please follow the instructions to authors for Research Articles.

(III) Case Reports with Discussion

The case reports, of two or more patients must contain genuinely new interpretational information, discussed with up to date literature. The reports should have clinical significance, new adverse effect(s) of a drug or other unique first time observations, etc. Patient consent for publication must be obtained from the patient in written or, if this is not possible, the next of kin before submission. The author(s) must have been involved in the care of the patient.

Case Reports: Case Reports should be followed as per the guidelines of SCARE criteria

Case Report /case  description should start with  a single paragraph  abstract followed by  text, which  should not exceed 2000 words (excluding  references, tables and figures) with maximum 10 bibliographic references and either three figures or three tables. Case report / case presentation must contain:

  1. Brief Abstract (should not exceed 150 words)
  2. Introduction
  3. Case Presentation
  4. Reviews & Discussion
  5. Conclusion
  6. References

Patient Consent, Competing interests, Funding Statement, Acknowledgements (if any). For all other information including title page, typing and reference style, please follow the instructions for original articles.

(IV) Short Communications

Short communication should be original work, such as complete results of a short pilot study, not merely a preliminary report and should not exceed 2000 words with one or two figures and/or one table. An editorial decision will be provided rapidly without reviews. For writing and references style, follow the same instructions listed above.

(V) Letters to the Editor/Editorials / Perspectives / Correspondence

Opinions on topics and articles recently published in the journal will be considered for publication if they are objective and constructive in nature and provide academic interest to the readers. These letters may also be forwarded to the author of the cited article for possible response. The editor reserves the right to shorten these letters, delete objectionable comments, make other changes, or take any other suitable decision to comply with the style and policies of the journal. For writing and references style, follow the same instructions listed above.

(VI) Editorials

Editorial will be written by one member of the editorial board as solicited by the Editor-in-Chief. The editorial is generally a scientific review on one or two of the current topics pertaining to biomedical sciences.

4. Article Processing Charges (APC) and Waivers

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications does not have any article submission charges, however authors will be required to pay only article processing charges (APC) that too after acceptance of their peer reviewed manuscripts.

We do not have any other charges for publication of MS in Biosc. Biotech. Res.  Comm.  like color print charges  or reprint  charges, author subscription charges or  any other fees.

The moderate APC taken from authors contributes to the handling/ editorial/ production / open access/ HTML/ DOI / costs and hence is non-refundable. APC is to be deposited via Net Banking/ Electronic Transfer after acceptance of the manuscript only.

Article Processing Charges (APC) for Authors from India- Rs.7000/*

Article Processing Charges (APC) for SAARC Countries – US Dollars 175

Article Processing Charges (APC) for Low Income Countries- US Dollars 250

For All other Countries the APC is US dollars 425

*Waivers available for Non Funded Research.

Publication Fee Waivers: In order to meet the rigorous academic standards on a fast track, the open access journal has some expenses as stated above, and for these reasons we charge a very modest article processing fee. Nevertheless, as we believe that lack of funds should not be a barrier to quality open access publication, Biosc Biotech Res Comm has a policy to provide significant waivers to deserving authors from middle and low income countries without any financial support. Authors can request for a waiver in such cases.

5. Conditions of Acceptance of Manuscripts

Acceptance of Manuscript: On acceptance, the editors retain the right to make stylistic changes in the MS, shorten the material as necessary and decide on the date and periodicity of publication.

  1. Galley Proofs: Authors will be sent an online copy of the galley proofs to the email id of only the corresponding author. Corrections should be confined to typographical errors or matters of accuracy. Authors should return their galley proofs within two days of receipt. If there is a delay in returning the proofs beyond the given deadlines the MS will be published in next issue, no changes in the MS will be possible once the author sends the corrected galleys.
  2. Early On Line Ahead of Print Publication / Final Publication

Early on Line E- Prints, ahead of final publication, is provided by Bios Biotech Res Comm to enable authors and readers to have early and free access to their published work.

8. Checklist for Authors While Submitting Their Manuscripts

  • As part of the on-line submission process, authors should carefully check their submission, using the below Check List for  careful compliance with the following items as the manuscript will be returned to the authors as Incomplete Submission if any of the following points is missing.
  • The main manuscript has been prepared by all the concerned authors, after carefully reading all the Instructions to Authors.
  •  All authors through the corresponding or principal author have filled and enclosed the Author Ethical Statement, Copy Right and Plagiarism-Check Certificate along with their manuscript.
  • The above forms of Author Ethical Statement, Copy Right and Plagiarism-Check Certificate should be downloaded from journals website and must be filled, signed by all authors and attached with the MS.
  • The submission file format is in ˜Microsoft Word document file and not a PDF.
  • The text is double-spaced and should be  within the word limit of 4000 to 5000 words or 20 pages with a 12-point  Roman font
  •  Italics must be used only for all scientific / Latin / Greek names.
  • A single manuscript word file has been submitted that contains title page, short running title, author details, abstract followed by main manuscript.
  •  Check all correct authors names, their addresses, email ID of corresponding author and ORCID link of all authors.
  • A brief cover letter stating  why the submission is  suitable for Bios Biotech Res Comm must be attached mandatorily  giving names,
  • Addresses and e-mail ids of 3 subject experts to serve as unbiased reviewers, who should be from different universities and institutions.
  • Main  MS file must be  in word format, single and  must contain  all  text matter headings such as  Title, Short  Running Title, Abstract, MS Main Text Matter  Tables / Figures /  and References  in it.
  • Abstract of 250 words must be written under headings: Background / Introduction, Objectives and Rationale, Brief Methods, Results and Conclusion.
  • Mention  5 key words below the abstract in alphabetical order
  • Only 5 subheadings are required in the main MS: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results & Discussion, Conclusion and References.
  • Ethical approvals / consent to participate must come in Methodology.  Acknowledgements / funding details (if any) must come after Conclusion before References.
  • All illustrations, figures, and tables are properly numbered and should be arranged between Results & Discussion.
  • Size of tables / figures must not be more than half a page. All legends of tables / figures must be written right below them.
  • References should be written in text with AUTHOR LAST NAME WITH YEAR IN PARENTHESES ( )
  • Strictly as per Harvard Style of References. Do not use any italics for names of Journals or their Volumes Numbers or years
  • All references in the References Section must be alphabetically arranged using only the first author’s last name as per Harvard style.
  • Use of et al in Reference Section must only be used after writing three author names.
  • Name, designation, institution and  email address of three independent reviewers related to the

Subject area  of  research must be  provided in the cover letter along with the manuscript. is a project of MDPI
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