Manuscript Template

Length of manuscript must not be more than 20 typed pages in double space
4000 to 5000 words with all Tables / figures and references in a single word file
Title of the Manuscript (Must be brief without abbreviations) ———————
Short Running title of Manuscript……………..……………………………………
Name of all Authors:
Do not give designations of authors
Address of all Authors (Give superscript numbers 1, 2 if addresses of authors are from different institutes) …………………………………………………………….
Corresponding Author Name and Email ID
ORCID ID of all Authors………………………………………………………………..
Abstract of not more than 250 words (Following sub Headings Required)
Introduction, Brief Material & Methods, Results and Conclusion
5 Keywords Arranged Alphabetically
Main Manuscript Text ( in MS word file ) Should have following 6 Sections
- Introduction of not more than 2 to 3 pages, including brief review of literature/ references till date.
- Material & Methods of not more than 3 to 4 pages (give adequate references for all methods used).
- Results: Describe the findings of the study with data / tables, provide very clear sharp images / figures.
Give only brief relevant results, presented in the form of tables or figures, without duplication, either tables or figures be given, avoid duplication of data.
(Tables should not be more than one page, give heading / legends / on top of the tables / figures).
Number all tables and figures carefully, same number should also be in text matter of the MS.
- Discussion
- Conclusion (in brief, of not more than 100 words).
- References:
Arrange all references by last author names, alphabetically in Harvard Style.
All reference items must be in 11 point font, do not use any Italic styles except for the scientific
names of organisms, genera, species in the References section.
In this section et al should be used only after three names of authors.
Example of a Reference from a Journal Article:
Ali, S A, S Salim, Sahani T, Peter J and Ayesha S Ali (2012c) Serotinergic receptors as novel target for optimizing skin pigmentary responses in Indian bull frog Hoplobatrachus tigerinus British Journal of Pharmacology Vol 165 No 5 Pages 1515-1525.
Example of a Reference from article in a book:
Ali, S A, N Parveen and Ayesha S Ali (2021) In Herbal Medicine: Back to The Future, Promoting Melanocyte Regeneration Using Different Plants and Their Constituents – Vol 3
(Edited by Ferid Murad Nobel Laureate) Bentham Science USA Pages 247-276.
Checklist for Authors While Submitting Their Manuscripts to Biosc.Biotech Res.Comm.
As part of the on-line submission process, authors should carefully check their submission, using the below Check List for careful compliance with the following items as the manuscript will be returned to the authors as Incomplete Submission if any of the following points is missing.
- The main manuscript has been prepared by all the concerned authors, after carefully reading all the Instructions to Authors.
- All authors through the corresponding or principal author have filled and enclosed the Author Ethical Statement, Copy Right and Plagiarism-Check Certificate along with their manuscript.
- The above forms of Author Ethical Statement, Copy Right and Plagiarism-Check Certificate should be downloaded from journals website and must be filled, signed by all authors and attached with the MS.
- The submission file format is in ˜Microsoft Word document file and not a PDF.
- The text is double-spaced and should be within the word limit of 4000 words or 20 pages with a 12-point Roman font
- Italics must be used only for all scientific / Latin / Greek names.
- A single manuscript word file has been submitted that contains title page, short running title, author details, abstract followed by main manuscript.
- Check all correct authors names, their addresses, email ID of corresponding author and ORCID link of all authors.
- A brief cover letter stating why the submission is suitable for Bios Biotech Res Comm must be attached mandatorily giving names,
- Addresses and e-mail ids of 3 subject experts to serve as unbiased reviewers, who should be from different universities and institutions.
- Main MS file must be in word format, single and must contain all text matter headings such as Title, Short Running Title, Abstract, MS Main Text Matter Tables / Figures / and References in it.
- Abstract of 250 words must be written under headings: Background / Introduction, Objectives and Rationale, Brief Methods, Results and Conclusion.
- Mention 5 key words below the abstract in alphabetical order
- Only 5 subheadings are required in the main MS: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results & Discussion, Conclusion and References.
- Ethical approvals / consent to participate must come in Methodology. Acknowledgements / funding details (if any) must come after Conclusion before References.
- All illustrations, figures, and tables are properly numbered and should be arranged between Results & Discussion.
- Size of tables / figures must not be more than half a page. All legends of tables / figures must be written right below them.
- References should be written in text with AUTHOR LAST NAME WITH YEAR IN PARENTHESES ( )
- Strictly as per Harvard Style of References. Do not use any italics for names of Journals or their Volumes Numbers or years
- All references in the References Section must be alphabetically arranged using only the first author’s last name as per Harvard style.
- Use of et al in Reference Section must only be used after writing three author names.
- Name, designation, institution and email address of three independent reviewers related to the
Subject area of research must be provided in the cover letter along with the manuscript.