Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An International  Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal

Bioscience Biotechnology
Research Communications
Peer Reviewed Refereed
Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Publishers: Society for Science and Nature Bhopal India
CrossRef DOI:

Published Every Three Months: Jan-Feb-March,
April-May-June July-Aug-Sep and Oct-Nov-Dec is a project of MDPI
St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland

Archived In Portico
Index Copernicus InternationalICV 2021: 94.19

Archived In Cross Reference USA

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI   USA)  NLM ID: 101703647

Google Scholar

Citations of Biosc Biotech Res Comm in Google Scholar =10842
h-index of Google Scholar = 29
i10-index of Google Scholar=  246

Editors Communique

Have we tamed the coronavirus? May be yes, 

as pandemics do not die, they can only be faded !

Science and technology has made it possible, in the shortest span of time, it has shown that with firm determination and international cooperation, we can win over the onslaughts of even the worst of the pandemics. COVID-19 is perhaps fading over now, due to our coordinated efforts worldwide. Though we have lost millions, in the two year period, partly due to the mishandling of the viral attacks and somewhat by our own follies and carelessness. Anyway lessons learnt from the past, always make us  more stronger and determined. Let us now not relax and work on a better mode, as all is still not well yet.  The almost taming of the virus and its cousins have indicated some of the concealed failures, on which we have to focus now. We have to be more vigilant, and even a bit of laxity can spoil the good work done. On societal and governmental parts, utmost care and caution is required on a long term basis.

On behalf of Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, we falter at words to express our deep sense of solitude and grief on the catastrophic events of the world wide pandemic, spanning over two years now. We pray for the strength to bear this universal calamity and come up with long lasting fortitude to eradicate it soon.

Biosc Biotech Res Comm is an open-access international platform for publication of original research articles, exciting meta-reviews, case histories, novel perspectives and opinions in applied areas of biomedical sciences. It aims to promote global scientific research and development, via interactive and productive communications in these areas, helping scholars to present their cherished fruits of research grown on toiled and tilled trees of hard work in life sciences. Being the publication of a non-profit academic Society for Science and Nature, Bhopal India, since 2008, Biosc Biotech Res Comm strongly believes in maintaining high standards of ethical and quality publication.

Quality publication is one of the ways to keep science alive, and good journals have a leading role to play in shaping science for humanity! As teachers, we have great responsibilities, we have to advocate our students to accomplish and show them the path to test their mettle in hard times to excel, especially in the post COVID 19 era. Science and its advocates will rise more to the occasion and will soon provide succor to the already grief stricken humanity.

Sharique A. Ali, PhD
Bioscience Biotechnology
Research Communications 

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