Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An International  Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal


Identifying Air Pollution as A Major Threat to Newly Grown
Ecotourism Spot in Baranti, Purulia, West Bengal, India

Dibyendu Saha1, Jai Prakash Keshri 1 and Nimai Chandra Saha2*

Page Number : 1895-190

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Synchronous Stimulation of Reproductive Cycle in Cows and Heifers

Mikhail Vasilevich Nazarov*, Andrey Georgievich Koshchaev, Sergey Nikolaevich
Zabashta, Nikolay Nikolaevich Zabashta and Boris Viktorovich Gavrilov

Page Number : 1289-1293

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On the Bioactivity, Chemical Profiling and 16S rRNA-Based Phylogeny of
Nocardiopsis Species Isolated from the Gulf of Khambhat, Gujarat, India

Nisha D. Trivedi1 and Jignasha T. Thumar2

Page Number : 1294-1301

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Phytogenic Synthesis of Nanoparticles from the Extract of Achyranthes
A Panacea for Dental Health Care

Sunita Khatak*, Naman Wadhwa, Harinder Singh and Pranay Jain

Page Number : 1901-1908

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Antioxidant Potential of Fucose Isolated from the Marine
Padina gymnospora

R. Swaminathan1, M. Syed Ali1*, V. Anuradha2, R. Abinaya1
and J.S. Ananthalakshmi1 and N. Yogananth1

Page Number : 1302-1308

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Isolation of Antibiotic Resistant Plasmid Deoxyribonucleic
Acid from Diarrheal Pathogens

Sarath Kumar*and A. Mohan Kumar

Page Number : 1909-1912

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Cellulosolytic Activity of Gastrointestinal Microflora and Energy
Metabolism in Yakutian Horses During  Winter

R. V. Ivanov1, A. M. Stepanova2, U. V. Khompodoeva3, M. N. Pak1,
I. V. Alferov1, L. G. Kozlova1* and V. V. Sysolyatina3

Page Number : 1309-1317

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Effect of Exogenous Factors on Transformation Processes in
the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex

Tatiana P. Maksimova*, Olga A. Zhdanova and
Tatiana G. Bondarenko

Page Number : 1913-1918

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Influence of Water Hyacinth-Based Organic Manures on Yield and
Phytochemical Composition of Cultivated Cassia angustifolia

Jignasha Chauhan  and Ramar Krishnamurthy*

Page Number : 1318-1325

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Effectiveness of Hold Relax Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Technique in Total Knee Arthroplasty

Mohammad Miraj1,2*, Msaad AlZhrani1, Mazen AlQahtani1, Ahmad Alanazi1, Fuzail Ahmad1,
Faizan Kashoo1, Abdul Rahim Shaik1, Mohamed Seyam1, Deepak Kumar2,3, Achal Pathak3,
Kamran Afzal4, Ahmad Abdullah A Alsaleh4, Mazen AlQahtani5 and Mehrunnisha Ahmad6

Page Number : 1919-1923

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