Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An International  Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal


Description of Intestinal Parasites Found in Some Snakes of Al-Diwaniyah, Iraq

Hadi M. Hamaza AL-Mayali and Sadiya Aziz Anah

Page Number : 187-194

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In-Silico Identification of Phytohormone Pathway Genes in Camellia Sinensis and Expression Analysis Under Combined Water and Herbivore Stress

Madhurjya Gogoi1,2*, Hemanta Saikia1, Sangeeta Borchetia1, Raj Narain Singh Yadav3 and Tanoy Bandyopadhyay1

Page Number : 195-207

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Comparative Analysis of Plant Growth Regulators on Bud Break in Prosopsis and Tecomella for Sustainable Agriculture in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of India

Sunita Khatak*, Archit Sharma and Rashi Saini

Page Number : 208-215

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Relationship Among Combining Ability, Heterosis and Genetic Distance in Maize (Zea Maize L.) Inbred Lines Under Water-Deficit Conditions Using Line × Tester and Molecular Analysis

Sharareh Fareghi1, Aghafakhr Mirlohi2* and Ghodratollah Saeidi3

Page Number : 216-223

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Screening in Healthy Individuals for Risk of Falls by Employing Various Tools: a Clinical Study

Aksh Chahal1 and Nitesh Malhotra2

Page Number : 224-230

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A Dynamic Effect of Infectious Disease on Prey Predator System and Harvesting Policy

Rachna Soni* and Usha Chouhan

Page Number : 231-237

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Effects of Probiotic in Expression of RUNX-2, ALP, OCN and CASP-3 Genes in Wistar Albino Rat Receiving 2Gy Gamma Radiation

Omid Azadbakht1, Vahid Changizi1*, Elahe Motevaseli2, Sedighe Kolivand3 and  Pegah Khanzadeh1

Page Number : 238-245

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Design of a Probe Type in Situ Electronic Grain Moisture Measurement System

A.K. Rai, Bharati Dass and V.K. Tiwari

Page Number : 246-250

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Inventorization of Electronic Waste Management, Engaging with Consumption: a Survey in Bhopal

Somi Khan*1 and Savita Vyas2

Page Number : 251-255

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An Efficient Protocol for in-vitro Regeneration of Vitex Negundo an Important Medicinal Plant

Amit Kumar*, Mufida Fayaz, Musadiq Hussain Bhat and Ashok Kumar Jain

Page Number : 256-262

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