Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An International  Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal


Efficacy of Closed Loop Feedback System with Augmented Virtual Reality Visual Cues Training on Gait and Functional Performance in Stroke Patients

Abu Shaphe1*, Iftikar Hussain Shalla2, Raid Saleem Al Baradie3 and Mohammad Qasheesh4

Page Number : 70-75

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Effect of Monosodium Glutamate on Striato-Hippocampal Acetylcholinesterase Level in the Brain of Male Wistar Albino Rats and its Implications on Learning and Memory During Aging

P. G. Sreejesh and E. Sreekumaran*

Page Number : 76-82

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Effect of Aluminium Chloride on Bond Strength of Adhesive Resins

Keyvan Saati, Haleh Kazemi Yazdi, Naser Valaei, Bahar Bonakdar*, Pedram Khodadadzadeh and Ehsan Seyed Yousefi

Page Number : 83-88

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Intestinal Microbiome and Related Diseases: a Recent Updated Review

Fatemeh Bagheri*1,2 and Davood Zare1

Page Number : 89-96

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Recent Updates on the Economic Use of Poly Hydroxy Butyrate (PHB): A Green Alternative to Plastics

Mukesh R. Jangra1, Ikbal1, K. S. Nehra2, Sumit Jangra1* Amit Pippal1 and Virendra K. Sikka1

Page Number : 97-109

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On the Relationship Between Spiritual Care Competence of Nurses Working in Shafa Hospital with their Quality of Working Life

Tayeb Shariatipour1, Nasrin Elahi2*, Abdolali Shariati3 and Mohammad Hosein Haghighizadeh4

Page Number : 110-116

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Effect of Different Exposure Settings on the Diagnosis of Vertical Root Fractures on Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images

Sandra Mehralizadeh*, Zohreh Khalilak and Sepideh Entezari

Page Number : 117-121

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Physical and Milling Properties of Chickpea, Cicer Arietinum Influenced by Seed Characteristics

Ashwini Tikle1* and Archana Mishra2

Page Number : 122-127

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Comparative Analysis of Green Diesel Versus Petro-Diesel in Compression Ignition Engine

Vijander Kumar1*, Rakesh Kumar Sindhuand Sandeep Kumar3

Page Number : 128-135

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Sucralose and Maltodextrin-An Altrernative to Low Fat Sugar Free Ice-Cream

Sheeba Khan1, Shivani Rustagi2, Saumya Choudhary3, Anamika Pandey4, Mohd. Kamran Khan4, Anu Kumari1 and Avinash Singh1*

Page Number : 136-143

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