Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An International  Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal


Transcript Analysis of the Known Moisture Stress Responsive Gene Orthologs Among Different Genotypes of Little Millet, Panicum Sumatrense

Banda Sushmitha, Patil Arun H, Mahima Dubey and Girish Chandel*

Page Number : 335-346

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Ethics in Publishing: An Opinion on its Importance

Mohd. Kamran Khan1, Anamika Pandey1*, Saumya Choudhary2, Kamer Gulcan1, Sheeba Khan3, Shivani Rustagi4, George Thomas2, Mehmet Hamurcu1, Sait Gezgin1 and Erdogan E. Hakki1*

Page Number : 1-4

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Biophotonics and Machine Learning Model for the Diagnosis and Treatment of HIV

Anubha Dubey

Page Number : 5-10

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Hand Hygiene Practice Among Laboratory Workers in Selected Hospitals in Saudi Arabia

Mohammed Alaidarous1 and Mohamed I. Waly2,3

Page Number : 11-17

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Review on Bacterial Production of Alkaline Pectinase with Special Emphasis on Bacillus Species

Bijesh Kavuthodi and Denoj Sebastian*

Page Number : 18-30

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A Regenerative Protocol and SEM Study for in Vitro Propagation of Anthurium Crossed Lines Via Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis

G P Bhavana1, Kumudini Belur Satyan2 and C. Aswath3

Page Number : 31-40

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Clinical Uses and Toxicity of Atropa Belladonna; an Evidence Based Comprehensive Retrospective Review (2003-2017)

Hanine Almubayedh1, Reem Albannay1, Kawthar Alelq1, Rizwan Ahmad2*, Niyaz Ahmad3 and Atta Abbas Naqvi4

Page Number : 41-48

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Simultaneous Degradation of Organochlorine Pesticides by Microbial Consortium

Madhu Raju Saghee1,2 and Rajkumar Bidlan2*

Page Number : 49-54

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Evidence of Biological Activity of Pulicaria Crispa on Biomphalaria Pfeifferi Host Snails of Schistosoma Mansoni

Elnour Abdelmageed,1* Hamid O. Bushara2 and Mohanad Abdelgadir1

Page Number : 55-59

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Plant Regeneration from Direct and Indirect Organogenesis and Assessment of Genetic Fidelity in Saccharum Officinarum Using DNA-Based Markers

Avinash S. Thorat1,2*, Nishant A. Sonone1, Vrushali V. Choudhari1, Rachayya M. Devarumath1 and K. Harinath Babu1

Page Number : 60-69

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