Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An International  Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal

Volume 14 Number (1) Jan-Feb-March 2021

Reproductive Toxicity of Gemcitabine on Breeding and Fertility in Male Albino Rats

Bassam A. Alahmadi

Page Number : 152-160

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Changes in Levels of Formed Elements in Pig Blood with reference to Activity in Conditions of their Eleovite Use

Igor G. Glamazdin, Ilya N. Medvedev*, Natalya Yu. Sysoeva, Marina M. Goryacheva,

Galina M. Kryukovskaya, Tatyana O. Maryushina

Page Number : 161-171

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Karyotypic Analysis and Chromosome Banding in Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium dayanum from Jammu and Kashmir, India

Raman Jasrotia* and Seema Langer

Page Number : 172-177

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Isolation and Characterization of Escherichia coli from two Major Rivers in Trivandrum City and Assessment of its Antibiotic Sensitivity

Deepa Indira, Adithya S Geetha, Anjali G Sujatha, Anju G Lali, Faheema Kabeer, Lekshmi S Lal, Siddharth Vikram and

Ramya R Prabhu*

Page Number : 178-182

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Assessment of Treatment Needs in Orthognathic Patients in a Dental University Hospital in Saudi Arabia

Khalid A. Almoammar1, Nasser D. Alqahtani1, Eman I Alshayea1,Turki M. Althenyan1* Yaser M. Alnatheer2, Naif H. Alqahtani3, Ziyad M. Alzahrani4 and Sahar F. Albarakati1

Page Number : 183-189

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Paleo Environmental Analysis of Cretaceous Inoceramid fossils of Bagh beds from Eastern Region of India

Amrita Khatri1 and Mamta Pathrade2

Page Number : 190-195

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Biochemical Characterization and Probiotic Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Camel Milk

Komalben J. Hirani 1, Sandeep K. Shrivastava 2 and Amar P. Garg*

Page Number : 196-202

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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical, Psychological and Nutritional Characteristics of Elite Athletes: a Cross-Sectional Web Survey

Vandana Esht1*, Yashika Jain 1, Rupali Chikara1 and Sorabh Sharma2

Page Number : 203-208

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Options of Dental Students on Learning Methods in Riyadh Elm University: A Questionnaire-Based Study

Sultan Saleh Al-Shamrani*, Khaled Alshamrani, Ahmed Aljubairah, Abdullah Alanazi, Muhannad Albalawi and Mousa Hussin Khbrani

Page Number : 209-214

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In-Silico Analysis of Nonsynonymous Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Human PCSK1 Gene

Anas Hussain Maly Majeed, Hani Mohammed Ali, Yasir Anwar Ihsan Ullah and Ahmad Firoz*

Page Number : 215-219

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