Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An International  Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal


Characterization of Siderophore  Producing Pseudomonas Sp for its Plant Growth Promoting Properties.

Rashitha Parveen  S* and   D. Latha

Page Number : 1031-1037

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On the Physical Chemical and Bioremediation Methods for the Removal of  Certain Heavy Metals

Shweta Yadav

Page Number : 1063-1071

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Applications of Feather Keratin Hydrolysate in Divergent Fields

Santhiyaa RV,1 Wilson Aruni A2, Suresh G,1Prasanna Balaji  N,1 Barathi S,Pugazhvendan SR,3 Rajasekar T,4Karthikeyan DR5 and  Kumaran*S2

Page Number : 1072-1080

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Genetic Analysis of Ticks from Livestock  of Akola District Maharashtra India

Pooja S Thakur,*  Raja IA** and Joshi RP#

Page Number : 1110-1114

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Exosome as an Exciting Class of a Next-Generation Therapeutic Platform and its Role in Diagnostics.

Sumedha Bobade, K. Vijayarani, K.G. Tirumurugaan, A. Thangavelu, S. Vairamuthu and G. Kalaiselvi

Page Number : 1123-1133

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