Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An International  Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access Journal

P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal


Nutritional Assessment of Different Date Fruits (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) Varieties Cultivated in Hail Province, Saudi Arabia

Ahmed Ali Alghamdi1, Amir Mahgoub Awadelkarem2, A.B.M. Sharif Hossain1, Nasir A Ibrahim1,3, Mohammad Fawzi1 and Syed Amir Ashraf2*

Page Number : 263-269

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On the use of Brushless Digital DC Motor and Fuzzy Logic Controller for Hearts Left Ventricular Assist Device (VAD)

Donya Nias1, Mohammad H. Fatehi2 and Hassan Masoumii2

Page Number : 270-276

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Docking of GSK-3® With Novel inhibitors, a Target Protein Involved in Alzheimer’s Disease

Akanksha Joshi, Archit Sharma and Rajesh Kumar*

Page Number : 277-284

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The Accelerating Epidemic of Type-2 Diabetes In Children and Adolescents

Manju Dewan

Page Number : 285-290

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Heavy Metal Contamination in Street Precipitated Dust in Tabriz City, Iran and its Ecological Risk

Vakil Heidari Sareban* and Sharare Saeb

Page Number : 291-299

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A Comparative Analysis of Overall Codon Usage Pattern of Louping Ill Virus with Natural Livestock Host and Associated Vector

Anjusha Mune1*, Ajay Pandey2 and Khushhali Menaria Pandey1*

Page Number : 300-306

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A Survey on Analysis of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Flowing Water of Langting Stream of Dima Hasao Assam, India

Nilu Paul1, A. K. Tamuli2, R. Teron3 and J. Arjun4

Page Number : 307-312

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Quality Assessment of Milk Samples of Amreli Region with Nanotechnology Based Dipstick and Other Known Technology: A Comparative Study

Rakesh B Kabariya and Vimal M Ramani*

Page Number : 313-317

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The Potential of Certain Algal Species as Source of Biodiesel

Ramendra Soni, Shriya Henry and Bhavana Tandon*

Page Number : 318-323

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Evaluation of Anti-Hyperglycaemic Potential of the Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Quisqualis Indica

Jyoti Verma*, Devender Arora and Ajeet Singh

Page Number : 324-334

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