1Information Technology Department College of Computer and Information Sciences King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2Software Engineering Department College of Computer and Information Sciences King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author Email: galhudhud@ksu.edu.sa
Article Publishing History
Received: 15/04/2019
Accepted After Revision: 19/06/2019
Nowadays, most security companies hire guards’ team for different tasks to protect the company’s assets. At least one guard should monitor the cameras or other systems. The goal of the proposed research in this paper is to add mobility to security guard by using Google Glass. The guard can do many tasks to control and keep the building safe from any damage. Accordingly, the guard doesn’t have to stay in one place to monitor, and hence many security guards are required to cover all the building. The system would require supporting the building and the important rooms with the infrared sensor, light intensity sensor and camera, whilst supporting the guard with Google Glass. The sensory data will be dealt with through a sensor board that sends all the information to the main controller. The system has a look-up table that contains data, such as: temperature and light infrared readings; the sensors keep sending readings to the system. The system calculates the difference between the stored readings with the sent data. If the difference is greater than zero, then the alarm is sent to the guard and the image is displayed in the Google Glass to the guard
Google glass, infrared sensors, light intensity sensor, mobile security
Alhudhud G, Alsaeed D. H, Al-Baity H, Al-Humaimeedy A. S, Al-Turaiki I. iGuard: Mobile Security Guard System with Infrared Biosensor and Google Glass. Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. 2019;12(2).
Alhudhud G, Alsaeed D. H, Al-Baity H, Al-Humaimeedy A. S, Al-Turaiki I. iGuard: Mobile Security Guard System with Infrared Biosensor and Google Glass. Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. 2019;12(2). Available from: https://bit.ly/2K70JPh
Copyright © Alhudhud et al., This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) https://creativecommns.org/licenses/by/4.0/, which permits unrestricted use distribution and reproduction in any medium, provide the original author and source are credited.
Securing work, institutional, business, tourism or military facilities is highly demanded. Current security management systems rely on hiring teams of security guards supported by a set of surveillance cameras and monitoring devices. These systems verify the visited points by security guards in the building/facility and report the deviation of security check plans. Meanwhile, these systems require at least one guard should monitor the cameras displays in a control room. In addition, the currently available mobile security guards systems, for example: Pancomp, monitors the security guards’ performance not the facilities.The main problem is the shortage of security guards and the high level of effort required from them. Controlling the whole building requires many guard rounds within the building. The second problem is that the guard who monitors the cameras or the systems has to stay all the time in the room. For this, the proposed solution is to add mobility to guards. One guard can control and keep the building safe from any damage without having to stay in one place to monitor. Therefore, we need to use some tools such as Google Glass and Motion sensors, sounds, and heat as a mobile security tower. The proposed system is composed of multi-sensor boards and a main controller using Arduino technology. Each sensor board retrieves different forms of data such as the light intensity, sound waves and temperature for example in the offices, labs and servers room also in order to monitoring room then sends all the information to the main controller which sends the data to a web server and its database. Hence, when any of these data changes by unauthorized access or especially out of working hours, the security guard will receive this data change from the second part of the network which displays the information retrieved to the security guard. One of the most functionalities that the proposed system offers is to let the guards keep their mobility and give them the ability to move and monitor at the same time. What we aim for in mobile security tower is incorporation the Arduino technology and Google glass to enhance security devices these days, (Safavi & Shukur 2014 He et al. 2015).
Related work
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Immune chromatographic Diagnostic Test Analysis Using Google Glass
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Material and Methods
System Architecture
The proposed system design focuses on commonly known design pattern for security of the mobile connection providing the maximum availability of the services that the system provides: reliability, fast response, availability of secure connection, usability, and efficiency (Bialas 2011)(Modares, Moravejosharieh & Salleh 2013). After analyzing the system architecture, a layered pattern is most suitable to serve the system to meet up with its services, iGuard architecture is composed of the following layers:
Presentation Layer
Presentation of the web pages, UI forms and end user interacting API’s
Business Layer
The logic behind the accessibility, security and authentication happens in this layer, middle ware and other various request interceptors to perform validations.
Persistent layer
This is the presentation layer for the Data. This includes the DAO (Data Access Object) presentation, ORM (Object Relational Mappings) and other modes of presenting persistent data in the application level. In more meaningful words this demonstrates the persistent data in RAM which usually stays in Disks at the below layer.
Database Layer
Simple Databases is expanding up to SANs (Storage Area Networks).
![]() |
Figure 1: Layered Architecture |
Transactional Model Components
![]() |
Figure 2: Components transactions |
In this section, the algorithm according to which the alarm to the guard is issued will presented below
Do While
Sense the Office Temperature
If Motion Detector is triggered
If the Temperature is >24
Capture Image
Send Image to Google Glass
Else if the Temperature is <24
Check the AC and WIndows
Sense the Office Temperature
Send Notification to the Google Display
Display Image
Development environment
The proposed system integrates multiple technologies. It includes motion detector board and a main controller using Arduino technology. The PIR sensor board detects the motion for example in the offices, labs and servers room then sends all the information to the main controller which sends the data to a web server and its database. Hence, if there are changes in the normal status by unauthorized access especially out of working hours, the security guard will receive alarm from the second part of the network, which displays the information retrieved to the security guard. One of the most functionalities that the proposed system offers is to let the guards keep their mobility and give them the ability to move and monitor at the same time. What we aim for in iGuard is to integrate Arduino technology and Google glass with mobile application to enhance security management applications as shown in the figure below.
![]() |
Figure 3: i-Guard system |
Figure 3 shows how iGuard system works. The guard can select the location that he will monitor. The application sends the action to the Arduino which is connected to the application by Bluetooth and starts sense any motion. If any of the conditions below is detected, then the system sends to the camera the order to capture the scene. Finally, the application sends the captured image to the Google glass worn by the guard.
In this paper, we proposed Mobile Security guard that improves the current state of security devices at most security companies. The system is composed of multi-sensor boards and a main controller. Each sensor board retrieves different forms of data such as the light intensity, sound waves and temperature for any location into the companies that will ensure the security at the building of any unauthorized access or especially out of working hours. One of the most functionalities provided in our system is to let the guards keep their mobility and give them the ability to move and monitor at the same time by applying that the efficiency of the job performance for the guard will be increased. What we aim for in mobile security tower is to reduce security guards at the company and increase their monitoring efficiency.
This research project was supported by a grant from the “Research Center of the Female Scientific and Medical Colleges Deanship of Scientific Research, King Saud University for funding this work through research group No (SMRC -1903)
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