Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

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P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E-ISSN: 2321-4007

Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

An Open Access International Journal

Natalya I. Agronina1, Tatyana B. Belozerova1, Svetlana A. Gorbatenko1, Natalya P. Krasnova2,  Ilya N. Medvedev1* and Alexander P. Savchenko1

1Kursk State University, 305000, Kursk, Russia

2Kursk Institute for Educational Development, 305004, Kursk, Russia

Corresponding author

Article Publishing History

Received: 17/04/2020

Accepted After Revision: 15/06/2020


Adversity in Russian society and the Russian family has led to increased child abuse, psychological stress, illness, suicide, and prostitution.  It should be borne in mind that many of the rules of law governing family and state relations, came into conflict with modern life realities, and ceased to adequately meet the needs of the family and society.  An important factor in child neglect in Russia, in addition to a dysfunctional family producer, is the stage of outgoing violation of the distinctive rights of children’s elements; delivery in the field of education, rehabilitation, the system for obtaining a profession and housing, the degree and measures of the growth of the unemployment system, an activity that is developing more and more worsening the financial situation Russian families.  According to the legislation of Russia, children and adolescents who have lost family and family ties, abandoned by their parents, or who voluntarily leave families that have not provided the child with the minimum necessary conditions for life and full development, are neglected.  The hallmarks of homelessness include the complete loss of any ties with family, parents, relatives, living in places not intended for human habitation, obtaining funds to provide for life in ways that are not recognized by society as socially positive, submission to caste criminal laws prescribed by street children as adult criminals.


Homelessness, Neglect, Children, Russia, The Law.

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Agronina N. I, Belozerova T. B, Gorbatenko S. A, Krasnova N. P, Medvedev I. N, Savchenko A. P. Homelessness and Neglect of Children in Modern Russia: Literature Based Analysis. Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. 2020;13(2).

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Agronina N. I, Belozerova T. B, Gorbatenko S. A, Krasnova N. P, Medvedev I. N, Savchenko A. P. Homelessness and Neglect of Children in Modern Russia: Literature Based Analysis. Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. 2020;13(2). Available from:

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Modern studies in the social sphere indicate crisis situations in many areas of the life of Russian people, which affect their consciousness and behavior.  A serious social danger is that the negative consequences of such changes affect children as the most vulnerable category of the population.  This leads to a violation of their physical and mental health, gives an impetus to the development of so-called social diseases, including neglect and homelessness (Kholostova,  2011).Significant reasons for the increase in neglect in modern conditions are the ongoing deterioration in the standard of living of Russian families, the decline in its moral principles, the unwillingness of many parents to raise their children, and the increase in the number of divorces and single-parent families (Vorobyeva et al., 2018).

Social problems in society and in the family was the cause of frequent ill-treatment of children, psychological stress, diseases, suicides, prostitution. Because note that many of the rules of law regulating the relations of the family and the state, came into conflict with modern life’s realities, have ceased to adequately meet the needs of the family and society (Lublinsky, 2012). Additional factors of child neglect, in addition to the disadvantaged producer families, step is leaving the distinctive violation of the rights of children elements of delivery in education, health, the system of obtaining the establishment of a profession and the same housing, degree and measures the growth of unemployment, more activities, more developing worsening financial situation of families.

Determining how many street children are in Russia is quite difficult.  According to estimates by the Ministry of the Interior in Russia, there are from five hundred thousand to two and a half million street children today.  Their number constantly fluctuates and develops on the basis of data received from internal affairs bodies.  The figures given by official bodies differ from those used by non-governmental organizations, sometimes twice.  So, according to the Russian Children’s Fund, the country has three million homeless children, according to the Russian movement “In Defense of Childhood” – four million.  Conducted sociological studies give other figures.  The media also operate on various indicators.  The difference in the estimates is explained by the fact that the authorities only consider children who have become the object of police attention, as they have committed various offenses and were put on the wanted list.  At the same time, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a negative tendency remains in Russia to affect the growth process of the number of domestic street children represented, (Merdeshev, 2019).

There is also a need for a radical increase in the associated effectiveness of the work representing all the progressive structures of a developing state, establishing responsible for the retail solution to the division of the problems of street children.  Necessary being a search include non-standard evolving ways of reducing elements providing the acuteness of the trade and the negative consequences of the deviating commercial behavior of children and adolescents. The purpose of the establishment of the work features: to consider the problems of street and street children in Russia.


The research material was 31 literature sources listed in the list of references.  As research methods, analysis and synthesis methods, induction and deduction methods, as well as a generalization method were used.  With their help, the available information presented in the results of the study was generalized and critically processed.


Homelessness and neglect as a social phenomenon is the object of study in many areas and fields of science.  This circumstance is due to the complexity of the phenomenon itself, which requires an intersubjective approach to it, a combination of scientific, axiological, regulatory, ethological and other levels of its analysis (Bolshakova and Khamadeeva, 2012).In the Russian legislation on the family, in the legislation on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children and in the scientific literature, the term “children deprived of parental care” has become widespread.  In this regard, the concepts of “neglect” and “homelessness” often began to be used as equivalent.  For quite a long time, researchers considered the phenomenon of neglect as one of the significant reasons for adolescents committing unlawful actions (Nevarov, 2014).

The Russian Federal Law of June 24, 1999 “On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Homelessness and Juvenile Delinquency” prevented the definition of “homelessness” and “homelessness” as various phenomena for the first time, but hereinafter in the text of this law there are no real differences between these concepts  not traceable.  Because of this, difficulties ensued in the selection and determination of ways to prevent homelessness, which, in our opinion, shows the highest degree of social danger for minors and for the whole society.  This law provides the following definitions of these concepts: “neglected – a minor whose control over the conduct is absent due to non-fulfillment of silt and improper fulfillment of obligations to educate him, about teaching and (or whether) with the help of parents or equestrian representatives,  or officials “;  “Homeless – homeless, with no place of residence and place of stay” (Federal Law of the Russian Federation №120 of  24.06.1999).

A street child, unlike a street child, usually lives under the same roof with his parents, maintains ties with his family, he still has emotional affection for one of the family members, but these bonds are fragile and are at risk of atrophy and destruction. Left to their own devices, children abandon their studies, give free time to the street, aimless pastime. Child neglect is often the first step towards homelessness, social maladaptation, and the destruction of the normal process of child socialization.

Neglected include children and adolescents: those who have lost family and family ties;  abandoned by parents or voluntarily abandoned from families that did not provide the child with the minimum necessary conditions for life and full development, who tolerated ill-treatment, escaped from boarding schools, graduates of boarding schools who found themselves without work and livelihood, engaged in vagrancy, begging, committing petty  theft;  consuming alcoholic beverages, toxic and narcotic substances;  who have received a delay in serving their sentences, are victims of sexual crimes, are involved in illegal activities, and are sentenced to probation.

The hallmarks of homelessness include: the complete loss of any ties with the family, parents, relatives, living in places not intended for human habitation, obtaining funds to ensure life in ways that are not socially recognized as socially positive;  submission to caste criminal laws prescribed by homeless “authorities”.  Lack of own housing usually turns street children into vagabonds, wandering from place to place.  The combination of all the above signs distinguishes a street child from other children (Kholostova, 2017).

Homelessness is often associated with unlawful behavior.  Street children do not have parental or state care, a permanent place of residence corresponding to the age of socially approved occupations, necessary care, proper upbringing and systematic education.  Among wandering, homeless adolescents, depending on the duration of their stay in the street environment, three levels are distinguished. The first level includes adolescents who have been outdoors for less than a month.  He had not yet managed to adapt in this world, did not lose hope of returning to his family (especially younger adolescents).

The second level includes adolescents who have been outdoors for more than a month (sometimes up to a year).  As a rule, he was exposed to the additional risk of ill-treatment and violence after escaping from home or a child care facility.  Such adolescents have already gained experience in drinking alcohol, toxic agents, and often sexual relations.  The spectrum of their antisocial behavior is significantly expanded in comparison with children of the first level.  Begging, and he prefer theft.

The third level includes teenagers who left home more than a year ago.  Such adolescents have already gained criminal experience; they are often involved in various activities by criminals.  The transition of a teenager to this group increases the risk of his socio-psychological deformation and reduces his chances of getting into a social rehabilitation institution.  In today’s conditions, this group has a tendency to increase.

According to the Russian Federal law “the homeless” – it’s the same street but are in the most difficult life situation due to their lack of residency. Speaking about the mismatch of the terms “neglect” and “neglect” should be aware that neglect is mainly determined by the pedagogy. Its distinctive and essential features, in particular, are the subject of pedagogical science, calling attention to the supervision of minors, which is not limited to the control over its behavior, pastime, as is the maintenance and preservation of inner spiritual connection with a child, a teenager, a relationship that allows you to save even at a distance contact the parents and persons substituting them with his pupil. The lack of such oversight is fraught with trouble, when problems arise of a legal nature, including those associated with homelessness (Bogdanov,2016).

Between neglect and homelessness, of course, there is a strong link. Neglect is a fertile ground for homelessness. Homelessness consider how long the disease goes through several stages, or phases, of development. The initial phase of this social “disease” is precisely the neglect and final, already very advanced, on the verge of irreversibility becomes homelessness as such, which determines the position of the child, in the peculiar socio-psychological status, which he acquires at his own request or due to a confluence of any circumstances. Among them was dominated by neglect, that is, the lack of supervision of parents or persons substituting them (Feonychev, 2015).

To understand the causes and factors influencing the occurrence of child neglect in Russia, it is necessary to consider socio-psychological portrait of the Russian street children.Modern neglected child resembles a children’s home: it is distinguished by the underdevelopment of the emotional sphere, the mental retardation and short attention span. Living conditions on the street make the child to survive and realize itself, forming mental flexibility, reaction time, rigidity of the decisions made, acuity at the household level (Vorobyeva et al., 2018). Such children are creative and resourceful, able to unite to face the danger. They are good psychologists and know in adults, have high communication skills. The presence of these qualities allow the homeless to earn money to life in ways not recognized in society (begging, stealing) (Bolshakova and  Khamadeeva, 2012).

Russian street child is characterized by a steady violations of psycho-emotional sphere, abnormalities in social behavior and a gross distortion of group norms of interaction. Prolonged lack of attention and supervision by parents, schools, families and other social institutions of society, these violations lead to the inevitable changes in the child’s personality and affect his transition from the category of street children in the street. Significant difference in the socio-psychological characteristics of the above two categories is the presence of street children psychosomatic diseases and mental disorders caused by prolonged use of psychoactive substances and the specific conditions of existence. Among street children and adolescents, there are only preconditions for such violations due to inattention on the part of adults (Pishchulin, 2007).

From the point of view of criminologists children continue to lead a so called normal way of life differ from other also by the fact that life goals have shifted in the direction of psychological comfort, social – group, short-term pleasures of consumerism and greed. They have fixed the weakening of the sense of shame, indifferent to the feelings of others, aggressiveness, rudeness, deceit, nezametnoe. Added to that, clicking on the position of the outcast, homeless minors losing the initiative in the assimilation of more complex forms of social behavior. From children in normal families homeless in Russia is characterized by a stronger instinct and habit to the artificial agents (drugs, alcohol, and toxic substances). Some of them prematurely begin a sex life. Constant, at times severe physical stress, making such children are physically fit, providing them with an ideal body weight. The possibility of development of this effect was confirmed in experiment indicating the possibility of preservation of good health on the background of regular physical activity, despite the negative impact from the external environment, (Vatnikov et al., 2018).

Most often, this category of children can be found in the busiest places where you can get food or earn money bazaars, markets, squares, supermarkets, expensive night clubs. Their day usually begins closer to lunch, and ends well after midnight. Livelihood is earned by washing cars, begging, removal of debris from the stalls, theft, prostitution. In many cases, their work is heavy, dangerous and long-lasting (Demidova, 2013).As a result of rising male mortality at young age, divorce, and extramarital birth rate, the number of single-parent families with less opportunities for maintaining and raising children is increasing in Russia.  Every seventh Russian child is brought up in an incomplete family.

In conditions of disorganization of family life, the prevailing moral and ethical standards and traditions of the family structure are being destroyed.  The disorganization of the life of families is expressed in strengthening the conflict of relations between spouses, parents, children, their depressed state as a result of legal, economic, moral insecurity.  Dysfunction, poverty of families, unfavorable psychological atmosphere adversely affect the upbringing of children, their moral and physical development.  For most of them, the most necessary consumer goods, leisure services, sports, and culture services were not available,(Abdacim, 2017). In children who have not been given due attention from the moment of birth, there is an insufficient formation of observation, obedience and diligence, moral ideas and a sense of respect for others.  The absence of the necessary moral ideas and skills prevents them from orientating themselves correctly in communication with peers, leading to conflicts and alienation. The child becomes “difficult” for peers and for educators, pedagogical neglect arises (Erman, 2007, Bespalov et al., 2018).

There’s also the reverse situation – the child, are not educationally neglected, may cause persistent resistance to pedagogical influences in the power of the inept approach of the teacher, the impact of the unfavorable current situation, the personality of the teenager. It can be assumed that the requirements of the teacher, is unfair, are a manifestation of its arbitrariness and Caprice. Internal dislike of a student to the teacher can be easily transferred to all outgoing from him ideas and can make the student strong enough internal resistance that the traditional pedagogical means cease to operate, and sometimes give results opposite to the expected. In such conditions, relationship conflicts there is often a conscious rejection of the child norms and values that come from the caregiver, and consequently the student becomes pedagogically neglected (Komarov, 2014).

For quite a large period of time in Russia there is a growth of the total crime in General, and that combined with the quantitative increase in juvenile crime. Street children, being so-called risk group, not having a livelihood, they seek affordable way. Not always by legal means. And as a consequence permanently join the ranks of juvenile delinquents. The number of teenagers taken to the police for various offenses in 2019 exceeded 1 million 140 thousand Ten years ago – there were exactly two times less. Among delivered to 310 thousand – Teens as young as 13 years old, and 295 thousand, neither working nor students. While homeless and neglected of them were 265 thousand, and 45 thousand of them the numbers were generally not literate (figure 1) (Mikirtichan et al., 2010).

Figure 1: Five-year dynamics of the number of street and street juvenile offenders in Russia

Figure 1. Five-year dynamics of the number of street and street juvenile offenders in Russia

Recently in Russia more than in 2 times increased the number of minors who committed murder and attempted murder, 1.5 times committed a minor robbery, 2.4 times minors who were detained for illegal purchase and manufacture of drugs. The number of street children with syphilis, other sexually transmitted diseases, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome has increased tenfold.  Over the past three years, the number of children registered in drug addiction clinics has increased almost three times, for substance abuse – 3.5 times, and the number of adolescents annually recognized as drug addicts has increased 13 times over ten years.  A specific problem of minors is substance abuse and addiction.  Adolescents abuse drugs 7.5 times, and intoxicants 12 times more often than adults (Ivanova et al., 2017).

Statistics show that Russian juvenile delinquency has a steady tendency to “rejuvenate”.  Therefore, the most acute problem is the crime of minors who have not reached the age of 14, as well as adolescents who are not subject to criminal liability.  There is an active process of involving adolescents in the criminal business, in extortion, in prostitution.  In Russia, child crime is now highly organized.  Group nature is today one of the specific features of juvenile delinquency.  In recent years, the proportion of minors who have committed crimes in groups has consistently exceeded 70% (Samoylova and  Sidukova, 2014).

The development of work on the social adaptation of street and street minors includes the identification of such children and adolescents and their placement in specialized institutions for minors, the organization of activities aimed at adapting each time phase of a child’s life to reality. Minors in difficult situations experience a lack of internal resources to change both themselves and the situation as a whole.  That is why, for their adaptation and integration, they need a socially organized influence aimed at active inclusion in society, corresponding to the needs of the child.  Such socially-organized influence aimed at the successful process of social rehabilitation, adaptation, integration and socialization of street and homeless minors is carried out, in accordance with Federal Law № 120 “On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Street Childhood and Juvenile Delinquency”, in specialized institutions for  minors in need of social rehabilitation (Abramov, 2006).

Figure 2: Shows the features of the device of the identified street and street children.

Figure 2 shows the features of the device of the identified street and street children.

To solve this problem, state programs are being developed in the country to transfer children from shelters to guardianship or to raise a family.  The modern system of state institutions for such children is ineffective from the point of view of adaptation to independent life in the new socio-economic conditions and the conscious choice of their adult social role.  For this reason, their number tends to decrease (table).

Table: Dynamics of the number of social institutions for children in Russia

Institutions for orphans


2016 year 2017 year 2018 year 2019 year
Baby houses, units 243 227 218 207
They have children, thousands of people 17.8 17.5 16.3 16.0
Children’s homes, units 1095 1048 1012 976
They have children, thousands of people 52.3 50.0 48.3 45.9
Boarding schools for orphans and children without parental care, units 106 90 83 72
They have children, thousands of people 12.1 9.8 9.0 7.8

To improve the current situation, to increase the efficiency of the process of social adaptation of street and street minors in Russia, the development of programs and methods aimed at the professional adaptation of adolescents in specialized institutions is being implemented;  closer interagency interaction, coordination and cooperation of social institutions, organizations and services in working with the category of street and street minors is ensured (Forms and Fokin, 2008).The above measures are implemented in Russia at the municipal level of government, directly at the institution level.  However, for a more successful process of social adaptation of street and homeless minors in specialized institutions, improvements are needed, including the legal and regulatory framework, at all levels of government. The activities of specialized institutions are referred to the competence of social protection authorities.  This provision was enshrined in the Federal Law “On the Basics of Social Services for the Population”, an order of the Government of the Russian Federation and a decree of the Government of Russia “On the Approval of Model Provisions on Specialized Institutions for Minors in Need of Rehabilitation”.  In accordance with the adopted standards, social rehabilitation centers for minors, social shelters for children and adolescents, and territorial centers for social assistance to families and children were created (Burgoeva, 2014).

The fundamental document for solving the problems of social deviations in children’s environment in Russia is the Law “On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency.” Developed and approved a program of measures to overcome social orphan hood and improve the situation of children left without parental care. The program provides for improving the regulatory framework, supporting families in the upbringing and education of children, social protection of orphans and children left without parental care. Depending on what categories of children and adolescents, and socially vulnerable families have to work the specialists, their areas of activity are built in a particular system, in which the measures of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention (Oliferenko and  Shulga, 2002).

Primary prevention and early correction of the child’s behavior and the parent-child relationship are educational institutions, leisure socio-pedagogical centers, counseling centers and educational rehabilitation. The primary objects of the work are children and adolescents, which was not seen in the manifestation of antisocial acts, but are a long time in a socially dangerous situation and have problems in school learning, intellectual development, communication, have fragile social ties with family, relatives, which can further lead to the escape of the child from the family or educational institution (Malerova  and Nesmeyanov, 2004).

The subjects of rehabilitation space, operating on the first level aim at the humanization of society of the child, harmonious development, prevention of school and social maladjustment (Namereny, 2003).Profound socio-pedagogical correction of behavior of the child and his/her family members, as well as early rehabilitation of children who have a tendency to deviation, is carried out by: the Commission on Affairs of minors and protection of their rights formed by local government, designed to reveal violations of the rights of minors to education, work, recreation, and other rights. The guardianship and guardianship that identify minors left without parental care or in the environment that pose a threat to their health and development; health Authorities responsible for examination, monitoring and treatment of neglected and homeless children who use alcoholic drinks, narcotic drugs, intoxicants or psychotropic substances (Machulskaya, 2007).

The object of secondary prevention are street children and teenagers of various ages, from pre-school to youth. They’re not involved in criminal activity, the suppression of which should be engaged in law enforcement, but, nevertheless, their social development is adversely and is characterized by various behavioral problems of anti-social character: an introduction to alcohol, drugs, aggression, self-serving misconduct, the shirking study, work, prone to vagrancy. Work in relation to such children in Russia aimed at the development of forms of social and public impact of behavioral change and social adaptation of children in the area of social risk (Krivonosov, 2007).

Work with homelessness on the third level is the correctional institutions, as well as the specialized social rehabilitation institutions, which play a crucial role in crime prevention. These institutions accepted emergency measures aimed at providing assistance, rehabilitation, correction, protection of rights and legal interests of juveniles who are in a critical situation. It can be street children, a long time outside of adult supervision absconded from families or educational institutions, have undergone various forms of violence and cruelty, commit illegal acts, prosecutable (Komarov, 2014).The actors in Russia solution to the problems of homelessness at the third level, realize their activity in the system of stationary and semi-stationary institutions (Abramov, 2006).

Work on solving the problems of child neglect and homelessness is impossible without the suppression of the initial origins of vagrancy most children in dysfunctional families. The main objective of activities aimed at optimizing the social situation of homeless children is the improvement and optimization of social relations in the immediate environment of the child, family, school, peer group. In this regard, on the territory of the Russian Federation, there are local centers of assistance to family and children. Data centers carry out measures of control and social support in the rehabilitation of a teenager with the experience of vagrancy, criminal activity, substance use. The activities of the specialists of the center are aimed at maintaining the educational functions of the family in the juvenile and at preventing the negative consequences of child neblagopoluchnomu (Harichkin, 2001).

In Russia often use social patronage – form is the most close interaction with the family. This method of operation has the goal of creating a family of optimal conditions for the full development of the child’s personality, and also implies the establishment of contacts with maladjusted children and motivate them to socially acceptable activities. The center also runs a day (evening) of the children, which operates year-round. In the process of rehabilitation activities the group is the identification of sources and causes of social maladjustment of minors, promote the development of creative abilities of children (Kuzmin, 2004).

On the basis of what categories of children have to work to specialists of the social rehabilitation institutions there are the following main objectives: prevention of neglect and homelessness among minors; providing free social services to juveniles in a socially dangerous situation; identify sources and causes of social maladjustment of minors; the development and provision of individual programmes for social rehabilitation of children and adolescents; provision of temporary accommodation of street children in a normal domestic environment; the provision of psychological, rehabilitative and other assistance; participation jointly with the relevant departments to decide the destiny of minors in their device (Ershov, 2003).


According to the legislation of Russia to the street include children and adolescents, by losing family and kinship, abandoned or absconded from families that do not provide the child the minimum necessary conditions for the life and full development. The distinctive signs of neglect include complete loss of all ties with family, parents, relatives, living in places not intended for human habitation, obtaining funds for maintenance of life in ways not recognized by society socially positive, submission of caste criminal laws specific to homeless adult criminals.Homelessness and neglect cannot be called a social phenomenon in the strict sense of the word, since they have a non-rooted, socially determined, and themselves homeless and neglected are certain groups of teenagers, with their usual values, norms, rules, relationships and psychological characteristics. In the Russian Federation currently has developed a system of correctional-rehabilitation work with juveniles in difficult life situations. This system includes various state and public organizations, which are within its competence, implement measures for the elimination of deviant behavior among juveniles. Support and assistance to children of “risk group” is in the Russian Federation through social services, shelters, social rehabilitation centers, territorial centres for social assistance to families and children. They allow to solve problems of correction and rehabilitation work, focusing it on the child caught in difficult life situations, and the environment in which it is located, including the family home.


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