Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 11(3): 387-392 (2018)
Comparative studies on the physicochemical and
microbiological characteristics of different animal milk
collected from the farms of Khartoum State, Sudan
Sabah Ibrahim Omer Ibrahim
, Amir Mahgoub Awadelkareem
, Syed Amir Ashraf
* and
Murwan Khalid Sabahelkhier
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Al-Neelain
University, Sudan
Department of Clinical Nutrition, College of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Hail, Hail, Saudi Arabia
Milk is considered as one of the  nest natural foods containing all the essential nutrients such as lactose, fat, protein, minerals
and vitamins in balanced ratio rather than the other foods. The present study was aimed to compare the physicochemical and
microbiological qualities of cow, camel and goat milk farmed in Khartoum states. Milk samples were collected from the villages of
Khartoum, Sudan and analyzed for nutritional and mineral variations. Our proximate analysis showed that, there was no signi -
cant difference (p > 0.05) in total solid content, moisture and fat content of cow, camel and goat milk. However, we found signi -
cant differences (p > 0.05) in cow, camel and goat milk for protein content, ash content, total acidity content and pH. In addition
to that, mineral analysis of entire samples revealed that level of potassium was highest followed by calcium and phosphorus.
However, level of magnesium and zinc was found to be lowest in concentration. Microbiological investigation showed that, total
viable count in cow, camel and goat was 3.5 10
, 7.5 10
and 4.5 10
, respectively. Moreover, total coliform count was found
to be 9, 7 and 6 in cow, camel and goat respectively count indicates possible poor hygienic practices at farm level. In addition to
that, Yeast and Mold, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella was not detected in the samples. This work provides
updated information on the current physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of cow, camel and goat milk collected
from the farms of Khartoum, Sudan. This can be of great importance in the  elds of dairy, food technology and food analysis.
*Corresponding Author:,
Received 19
July, 2018
Accepted after revision 29
Sep, 2018
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007 CODEN: USA BBRCBA
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC / Clarivate Analytics USA and
Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2018: 4.31 SJIF 2017: 4.196
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, Bhopal India
2018. All rights reserved.
Online Contents Available at: http//
DOI: 10.21786/bbrc/11.3/6
Sabah Ibrahim Omer Ibrahim etal.
Milk is one of the utmost important nutritious foods con-
sumed throughout the world. It has been considered as
key sources of all basic nutrients required for mammals
including human beings. Milk is a complex colloidal dis-
persion containing fat globules, casein micelles and pro-
teins in an aqueous solution of lactose, minerals and a
few other minor compounds. Moreover, major chemical
composition of milk has been reported in the form of
water, carbohydrate, fat, protein, organic acids, enzymes
and vitamins. Though, its physical and chemical proper-
ties depend on intrinsic compositional and structural fac-
tors, extrinsic factors such as temperature, diet and type
of breed as well as post-milking treatments. In addition
to that, milk from several animals such as cow, camel and
goat etc. are used for various nutritional purposes such as
feeding to young ones or used for dairy preparation such
as milk cream, butter, yogurt, ghee, sour milk, etc., (Imran
etal., 2008, Sood etal., 2016).
The health bene ts of milk and other dairy products
are known to humanity since ancient times and could
be attributed due to naturally occurring active com-
pounds that are existing in milk. Milk facilitates post-
natal adaptation of baby through digestive maturation
simultaneously by providing the bioactive components
and nutrients. It supports lymphoid tissues development
and in the establishment of symbiotic micro  ora. The
importance, potency and the quantity of milk bioactive
compounds are possibly more than old consideration.
They comprise certain speci c organic acids, vitamin A,
B12, D, ribo avin calcium, carbohydrates, phosphorous,
selenium, magnesium, zinc, proteins, bioactive peptides
and oligosaccharides (Ahmad et al., 2011; Homayouni
etal., 2012, Gasmalla etal., 2017).
According to the Ministry of Livestock of Sudan
(North African Country), an estimated 4.8 million ton of
milk per year is produced of which 50% is used for direct
human consumption and the remaining for bakeries and
for feeding young stock. The average consumption is 6.5
million liters per day, which equals 0.18 liter (one cup
of milk)/capita per day or 66 liter per year. Most of this
milk is consumed directly without processing. Moreover,
previous study shows major concerns for cow milk only,
which represent 84 % of the milk consumed around the
world and to a lesser extent to other animal likewise
camel and goat milk despite of their high nutritional
importance (Dairy Quick Scan Sudan, 2016, Mayilathal
etal., 2017).
Camel milk has been considered as an important source
of proteins for the people living in the arid lands of the
world. Its medicinal properties, has been widely exploited
for human health. Camel milk is considered to possess
anti-cancer, hypo-allergic and anti-diabetic properties. A
high content in unsaturated fatty acids contributes to its
overall dietary quality (Konuspayeva etal., 2008). On the
other hand, goat is considered as the poor man’s cow due
to its great contribution to the health and nutrition of
the landless and rural people. Consumption of goat milk
should be enhanced because of its therapeutic properties
and nutrition value (Mayilathal etal., 2017).
Goat was one of the  rst animals to be domesticated
and it remained a popular animal serving the needs of
human beings all over the world. Goat milk is one of the
milk sources that was characterized as an economical,
nutritional and medical importance, especially for chil-
dren who suffer allergy from the cow milk. In addition to
that, goat milk has high importance as a source of nutri-
tion for poor communities (Warsama etal., 2015). Goat
milk has high biological value and nutritional qualities
due to its higher digestibility and its dietary character-
istics with smaller diameter fat globules. It presents a
chemical composition composed of proteins of high bio-
logical value and essential fatty acids, besides its min-
eral and vitamin content (Nascimento etal., 2017).
Based upon the nutritional facts and importance of
animal milk such as cow, camel and goat their quality
needs further exploration and updated information. The
present study was carried out to evaluate and compare
the physicochemical and microbiological properties of
cow, camel and goat milk collected from the farms of
Khartoum State, Sudan.
Collection of sample:
A total of 9 fresh milk samples were collected during the
month July–September 2017 from the individual ani-
mals (cow, camel and goat) by using hand milking and
milk samples collected in separate sterilized containers
used for sample collection. Then the collected samples
were immediately transferred to an ice-box and trans-
ported to the laboratory for further chemical and micro-
biological study.
Proximate Analysis:
Total solid, moisture content, Lactose content and fat
was measured as per method mentioned (El-Hag etal.,
2013; Ashraf etal., 2016). Total protein was measured
according to Kejldahl method using factor 6.38 (Bashir
etal., 2015). pH, titratable acidity and ash was measured
according to AOAC (2006) methods.
Microbiological Analysis:
Microbiological quality (Total viable count, yeast and
mold, Staphylococcus aureus, coliform, Salmonella and
E. coli) of the products were investigated by ISO (Inter-
national Organization for Standardization) methods ISO:
Sabah Ibrahim Omer Ibrahim etal.
Table 1. Chemical composition of cow, camel and goat milk
Cow Camel Goat
Moisture content (%) 86.34±0.0
Fat content (%) 3.63±0.01
Protein content (%) 3.42±0.10
Ash content (%) 0.813±0.06
T.S.S (%) 15.0±0.05
pH 6.42±0.01
Acidity (%) 0.230±0.06
Lactose (%) 3.19±0.01
Table 2. Mineral composition of cow, camel and goat milk
Cow Camel Goat
Calcium (mg/100 g) 119.90±0.69 119.27±3.43 127±3.42
Phosphorus (mg/100 g) 95.03±0.72 83.58±7.64 66.36±9.91
Magnesium (mg/100 g) 13.42±0.24 12.43±0.94 11.86±1.28
Sodium (mg/100 g) 49.67±0.70 68.58±3.52 41.91±7.02
Potassium (mg/100 g) 147.02±1.55 160.50±9.23 133.57±10.42
Zinc (mg/100 g) 0.38±0.00 0.519±o.o35 0.326±0.030
Cobalt (mg/100 g) 0.0599±0.007 0.0638±0.0069 0.0559±0.0084
Iodine (mg/100 g) 0.0336±0.004 0.0357±0.0067 0.0317±0.0049
Table 3. Microbiological analysis of cow, camel and goat milk
Cow Camel Goat
Total viable count (CFU ml
) 3.5 103 7.5 103 4.5 103
Yeast and Mold (CFU ml
Staphylococcus aureus (CFU ml
Total Coliforms (CFU ml
)9 7 6
E. Coli (CFU ml
Salmonella 25ml ND ND ND
4833-2003, ISO: 21527-(2)2008, ISO: 6888-(1) 1999,
ISO: 4832-2006, ISO: 6579-2004 and ISO: 6888-(1) 1999
Determination of Milk Minerals : 2 gram milk sam-
ple and 10 ml of 20% Nitric acid (HNO
) were added
to crucible. The mixture was initially heated at 70–85°C
for 2 hours and later on placed into muf e furnace for
another 3 hours. In addition to that, after completion
of sample digestion the content of crucible was  ltered
using Nalgene  lter (Thermo scienti c) unit. The  ltrate
was collected in 100 ml volumetric  ask and allowed
to cool. After cooling the volume was made up to 100
ml using deionized water and analyzed with ICP-MS
(Inductive Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry). For the
sample preparation all the glassware was washed with
deionized water and rinsed three times with 20% nitric
acid. Milk minerals were determined for calcium, phos-
phorous, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iodine
and cobalt (Alghamdi etal., 2018).
Statistical Analysis:
All the experiments were carried out in triplicates. The
data were analyzed statistically with SPSS-17 statistical
software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Mean was sta-
tistically compared by student t test at P <0.05% level.
Variations in the composition of cow, camel and goat
milk collected from the farms of Khartoum state, Sudan.
Physicochemical investigations were presented in table 1.
Moreover, mineral analysis showed a signi cant varia-
tion as depicted in table 2. In addition to that, table 3
represents microbiological analysis.
Sabah Ibrahim Omer Ibrahim etal.
Total solids and Moisture content: Our results showed
that, the total solid content for cows, camels and goats
milk in the present study were 15.0±o.05a%, 15.28±o.01a
and 14.66±0.o57a%, respectively. The statistical analysis
of the data showed non-signi cant differences (p > 0.0
5) between cows, camels and goats milk. However, mois-
ture analysis showed that, cow, camel and goat milk in
the present study were 86.34 ± 0.0a, 87.28 ± 0.09a and
87.71 ±0.07a respectively as shown in table 1. The statisti-
cal analysis of the data showed no signi cant difference
(p≤0.05) between three species and it was similar between
them. Ealier reports reveal that, the total solid content in
these milk was slightly lower than the observed results
(Konuspayeva etal., 2008; Elsheikh etal., 2016 ).
Lactose content: The lactose content of cow, camel
and goat milk in the present study were found to be
3.19±0.01%, 4.04±0.05%, 3.79±0.7%, respectively as
shown in Table 1. The lactose content of cows, camels
and goats milk in the present study revealed that there
was signi cant difference (p≤ 0.05) between cows, cam-
els and goats milk. The lactose of camels milk in the
present study was found to be similar to the previous
reports (Konuspayeva et al., 2008). Moreover, lactose
content in goat milk was not signi cant with the pervi-
ous study ie; 5.0±0.04% (Warsama etal., 2015).
Fat: The content of fat in cow, camel and goat milk in
the present studies were 3.63±0.01%, 4.3±0.01% and
3.9±0.12% respectively as shown in table 1. The sta-
tistical analysis showed, no signi cant difference (p >
0.05) between cow , camel and goat milk. The milk fat of
camels support the  ndings determined by Shuiep etal.,
2014. However, fat content in cow milk was similar to
previous study ie; 3.70% (Mourad etal., 2014). Moreo-
ver, the fat percentage in different milk samples could be
due to genetic and environmental factors.
Protein: The content of the milk protein for cows, cam-
els and goats were found to be 3.42±0.10b, 3.83±0.15a,
4.81±0.12a respectively as shown in Table 1. The sta-
tistical analysis of the data showed signi cant differ-
ence (p > 0.05) between cows, camels and goats milk.
This results was in accordance with the previous study
(Mourad etal., 2014).
pH and Acidity: Table 1 shows that, the results of pH for
cows, camels and goats milk in the present study were
6.42±o.01, 6.32±0.05 and 6.47±0.o5, respectively. In addi-
tion to that, acidity for cows, camels and goats milk were
found to be 0.230±o.06%, 0.183±0.08% and 0.153±0.
o3% respectively. The content of the pH and Acidity of
cows, camels and goats milk in the present study the data
revealed that there was signi cant difference (p≤ 0.05)
between cows, camels and goats milk. Our results were in
accordance with the previous study (Fahmid etal.2016).
Ash: Our results shows that, cow, camels and goats
milk had 0.813±0.0%, 0.653±0.05% and 0.899 ±0.034%
of ash respectively as shown in Table 1. The statisti-
cal analysis of the data showed signi cant difference
(p≤0.05) between camel from other species. The content
of milk ash of camels in present study was similar to the
previous study (Mourad etal., 2014).
The results of calcium (Ca), Phosphorus (P), Magnesium
(M), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Zinc (Zn), Cobalt (Co)
and Iodine (I) for cow, camel and goat milk were pre-
sented in table 2. The data indicated that there was highly
signi cant difference (p≤ 0.001) between goats with cow
and camel milk. Goat milk had higher amount of calcium
level than camel milk. The variation of Ca concentration
in milk could be due to species, absorption and avail-
ability of Ca to the animal, environmental factors. More-
over, results of phosphorus showed a signi cant differ-
ence at (p ≤ 0.05 ) between cows and other two species .
No signi cant difference between camels and goats. The
level of P in camel milk in present study was higher than
values reported (Zamberlin etal., 2012). However, result
of magnesium shows that, there was a signi cant differ-
ence (p ≤ 0.05 ) between Mg level of cows , camels and
goats milk. The camel milk exhibited higher Mg level
than goat milk. The level of Mg in camel milk in the
present study was similar for the value demonstrated by
(Konuspayeva, etal., 2009). Similarly, results of sodium
and potassium showed highly signi cant different at (p
≤ 0.01) in Na concentration between cows, camels and
goats but no signi cant difference (p>0.05) in K con-
centration. The results of potassium, in the current study
showed that there was no signi cant difference among
the cows, camel and goats milk. The levels of micro min-
erals of cow milk in present study were Zn 0.38±0.00,
Co 0.0599±0.007 and I 0.0336±0.004, camels milk Zn
0.516±0.035, Co 0.0638±0.0070, and I 0.035±0.0072
mg/100ml. Where, as the levels of micro minerals of
goats milk Zn 0.326±0.030, Co 0.0559±0.00837, and I
0.035±0.0072. The data revealed that, there was no sig-
ni cant difference (p > 0.05) between camels and goats
milk in Zn, Co and I concentrations.
The microbiological analysis results of cow, camel and
goat milk were presented in table 3. Our data shows that,
Salmonella spp were not detected in the milks. However,
the number of total viable count in cow, camel and goat
milk were found to be 3.5x10
, 7.5 x10
, 4.5x10
, respectively. Moreover, total coliform count was
found to be 9, 7 and 6 in cow, camel and goat respec-
tively count indicates possible poor hygienic practices at
Sabah Ibrahim Omer Ibrahim etal.
farm level. In addition to that, Yeast and Mold, Staphy-
lococcus aureus, E. Coli and Salmonella was not detected
in the samples.
Milk is an essential product for human consumption as
it is a complete food supplement in various parts of the
world. Milk can be obtained from different animal spe-
cies, such as goats, cows and camels. Our study focuses
on the nutritional and microbiological characteriza-
tion of cow, camel and goat milk. We found that, cow,
camel and goat milk contained similar percentages of
protein implying that any of them can adequately serve
as a nutritional source of protein for human consump-
tion. However, lactose and fat percentage had signi cant
variation. In addition to that, the level of potassium was
highest among the entire mineral tested. Detection of
coliform and total viable count indicates poor hygienic
conditions during the milking process by farmers. Fur-
thermore, intensive studies should be carried out to
investigate the vitamin and other micro nutrients present
in milk. This work provides updated information on the
physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of
cow, camel and goat milk collected from the farms of
Khartoum, Sudan. This can be of great importance in the
elds of dairy, food technology and food analysis.
We are thankful to the Department of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science and Technol-
ogy, Al-Neelain University, Sudan and Department of
Clinical Nutrition, CAMS, University of Hail Hail KSA to
carry out present study.
The authors do not have any con ict of interest.
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