Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(4): 804-808 (2016)
Evaluation of fumonisin and zearalenone levels in wheat
of silages in Golestan Province, Northeastern Iran
Hamidreza Yazdi
, Hamid Reza Joshaghani
, Mojgan Nejabat
, Mohammad Mostakhdem
, Nasser Behnampour
, Arazgaldi Chogan
, Ziba Abbasinejat
and Farhad Niknejad
Cereal Health Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Science, Gorgan, Iran
Laboratory Sciences Research Center, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Metabolic Disorders Research Center, Gorgan Faculty of
Medicine, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Golestan province,Iran
Health Management and Social Development Research Center, Golestan University of Medical
Sciences,Gorgan, Iran
Mycotoxins are secondary fungal metabolites that can contaminate stored foods and lead to various complications.
Golestan province has a humid climate so on it is considered as a high risk area for fungal contamination of wheat
products, therefore this study was aimed to evaluate the levels of fumonisin (FB) and zearalenone (ZEA) contami-
nation in wheat, stored in the province’s silages which has a humid climate. 35 samples of stored wheat were col-
lected from silages of 14 cities in the province. FB and ZEA were extracted from samples and later their levels were
measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay method by the commercially available kits. Fungal myco ora
of the samples was identi ed too. 31 out of 35 samples were contaminated by ZEA, while only 3 samples had FB
contamination. Temperature or relative humidity had no effect on the prevalence or concentration of these toxins.
The mean ± SD for ZEA and FB were 3.77±2.46 ng/g and 0.034±0.11 ng/g, respectively which were lower than the
maximum tolerated level for mycotoxins in food and feed. 29 out of 35 samples (82.84%) had one of four fungi
types which went under detection. The detected levels of FB and ZEA in wheat samples of this province are lower
compared with other similar studies in Iran and particularly northeastern of Iran. Despite the low concentrations in
our study, it is recommended to monitor the occurrence of ZEA and FB in wheat and wheat products to ensure safety
and consequently improved public health.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 21
Nov, 2016
Accepted after revision 25
Dec, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
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Hamidreza Yazdi et al.
Fumonisin and Zearaleone are two of abundant
mycotoxins in cereals
Positive correlations were seen between mycotox-
ins and health problems such as cancers
Mycotoxins monitoring in stored cereals may have
potent  nancial and health bene ts
Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced
by various mould fungi such as Aspergillus, Fusarium,
and Penicillium which are naturally developed in food
products. They generally grow on agricultural prod-
ucts due to pre/post-harvest states and transportation
or storage conditions. The Fusarium fungus species are
the most frequent pathogens in crops in humid climate.
Fumonisins (FB) and zearalenone (ZEA) are two myco-
toxins, produced by these species which can have seri-
ous effects on the safety of foods and feeds. ZEA binds to
the mammalian estrogen receptors induces oestrogenic
effects in mammals and interferes with conception, ovu-
lation, implantation, fetal development, and viability of
newborn animals. While B1, B2 and B3 are the most
common types of fumonisins, fumonisin B1 (FB1) is the
most toxic form which contaminates wheat and causes
many diseases in both animals and humans (Shier, 2001,
Šegvić Klarić, 2009, Pérez-Torrado, 2010, Shirima, et al.,
2013, Arroyo-Manzanares, 2014, Feizy, 2014).
Fumonisins are absorbed through the digestive sys-
tem and affect cell surface by interfering with the bio-
synthesis of sphingolipids, resulting in accumulation of
sphingosine and membrane dysfunction (Stockmann-
Juva, 2008). These compounds act as an accelerator for
cancer and cause mutations through frequent accumula-
tion of sphingoid free base (Bhandari, 2002). Epidemio-
logic studies have reported a direct correlation between
FB intake and esophageal cancer (EC) in South Africa
(Shirima, et al., 2013) and China (Yoshizawa, 1994).
FB1 is also thought to be a risk factor for EC, especially
in high risk areas (Yli-Mattila, 2010) such as Golestan
province, located in northeastern Iran (Roshandel, et al.,
It also has been categorized by the International
Agency for Research on Cancer as a possible human
carcinogen (Group 2B) (IARC, 2004). Wheat is one of
the most important cereal crops for human consumption
(Chehri, 2010) and mycotoxin contamination of crops,
particularly wheat, maize, peanuts, and rice can have
serious economic and environmental consequences.
Moreover, the food and agriculture organization (FAO)
estimated that 25% of the world
s crops are affected
by mycotoxins annually, with an average loss of 1 bil-
lion metric tons of food and food products each year
(Schmaile, 2009). There are several methods available
for mycotoxin analysis including ELISA (Sebaei, 2012
and Arroyo-Manzanares, 2014). Therefore, this study
was aimed to use the ELISA technique to determine FB
and ZEA levels in wheat grains collected from silages of
Golestan province, Iran.
Samples were collected from 35 wheat silages in 14
cities of Golestan province, according to the guideline
provided by the standard and industrial research insti-
tute of Iran (ISIR) number 2087, in a way that for every
1500 tons of wheat, 1 Kg should be taken as sample.
The samples were  lled in well-packed sterile plastic
bags and then stored in 2-8 °C until the time of analysis.
Questionnaires were also designed for each silo which
contained the following items: silo location, structural
type of silo (metal, concrete, etc.), storage temperature,
relative humidity (%), total capacity of the silo and the
planting and harvesting area of the stored products.
The fungal myco ora of current wheat samples were
determined as following: Each sample (20 g) was surface
disinfected for 2 minutes with 0.2% sodium hypochlo-
rite solution and rinsed three times with sterile distilled
water. From each sample, 40 grains were randomly
selected and then put in Petri plates (90 mm diameter,
10 grains/dish) containing Sabouraud’s dextrose agar
(Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) with 5% chloramphenicol
in duplicate. Petri plates were incubated at 25°C for 6 to
10 days. Each pure culture was characterized and identi-
ed based on their morphological and microscopic char-
acteristics using the keys of Pitt and Hockings (1997)
and Raper and Fennel (1965).
First, 50 – 100 jars of wheat were ground into a  ne
powder and then 3 jars of this powder were added to 3
ml of 80% methanol and mixed for 15 minutes at room
temperature. It was later centrifuged for 10 minutes at
2000*g and the supernatant liquid was used as the sam-
ple for further FB detection test.1 gram of well-pulver-
ized wheat powder was added to 4 ml of 60% methanol
and then mixed for 15 minutes at room temperature.
After centrifugation for 10 minutes at 2000*g, the super-
natant liquid was used as the sample for ZEA detection
In order to measure FB, 50μl of the obtained superna-
tant from the FB extraction step were added to 150μl of
dilution buffer provided by the FB measurement ELISA
kit (Euro Proxima, Cat number: 5121FUM), according to
the manufacturer’s instruction. For ZEA measurement,
25μl of the obtained supernatant from the ZEA extrac-
tion step was added to 475μl of dilution buffer provided
Hamidreza Yazdi et al.
Table1: The descriptive characteristics of the investigated wheat silages in the Golestan province, Iran
Ave. Temperature
and (Range) (C°)
Ave. relative humidity
and (Range) (%)
Ave. capacity (tons)
and (Range)
Ave. period of wheat
storage (year)
Type of silo
1 Metal: 34.5%
Concrete: 8.5%
Traditional: 37%
Mechanized: 20%
Table 2: The comparison of FB and ZEA contamination in
wheat silages located in the east and west of the province
East (n=17) West (n=18)
ZEA (mean ± SD) 3.1059 ± 1.8084 4.4111 ± 2.8569 0.118
FB (mean ± SD) 0 ± 0 0.67 ± 0.1534 0.083
Table 3: The occurrence of fungi in the samples
Fungi type No %
Aspergillus  avus 16 45.71%
Aspergillus niger 2 5.71%
Penicillium spp 7 20%
Yeast 4 11.42%
Total 29 82.84%
by the ZEA measurement ELISA kit (EuroProxima, Cat
number: 5121ZON), according to the manufacturer’s
instruction. The tests were performed in duplicate and
the results were reported as ng/g.The data were analyzed
by SPSS (version 21) statistical software. The normality
of data distribution was evaluated using Kolomogrov-
Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk and Speraman correlation coef-
cient test was used to investigate the relationships
between mentioned toxin levels and other parameters
due to the non-parametricity of the data.
Overall, 35 wheat silages were investigated in this
study and Table 1 shows the basic descriptive character-
istics of all the tested silages from the Golestan province,
Iran. It also has to be mentioned that the average period
of wheat reservation for all the silages was one year
(table 1).
FB contamination was found in only three samples with
concentrations equal to 0.4 ng/g, while 31 samples (88%)
were contaminated by the ZEA mycotoxin. The ZEA-free
samples were related to four silages which were also free
of FB contamination. The found FB levels in the samples
were ranging from 0 to 0.4 ng/g with a mean ± SD of
0.034±0.11 ng/g. The levels of ZEA in the tested samples
were ranging from 0 to 10.40 ng/g with a mean ± SD
of 3.77±2.46 ng/g.Overall, there were 4 silages without
any toxic samples and it was also found that all the FB
contaminated samples were accompanied by ZEA con-
tamination.Further analysis was performed to explore
the probable difference of contamination between the
silages located in the East or West of the province and
no signi cant variation was detected (table 2).
The Pearson correlation coef cient test showed no
relationship between the presence and level of myco-
toxin contamination with temperature or relative
humidity percentage in the tested silages. Also, the type
or capacity of the silages had no signi cant effect on the
level of these toxins. While, all three FB contaminations
were found in traditional silages (the silages without any
developed structure or building), contamination-free
silages were of metal and mechanized types. However,
the analysis showed no signi cant statistical difference
between these types of silages.
Table 3 shows the frequency and percentage of the
samples owning various types of fungi (table 3).
According to the guidelines of Iranian institute of
standard and industrial research (ISIR) number 2087 for
food and feed’s maximum tolerated level of mycotoxins,
the maximum permitted levels of FB1 and ZEA should
not exceed 5 ng/g and 200 ng/g, respectively. Although
in this study ZEA contamination was present in 88% of
the collected samples, all of them were at levels lower
than the cutoff point reported by the ISIR guidelines.
Moreover, the amount of the three FB contaminated
samples was notably lower than the maximum permit-
ted level.
Hamidreza Yazdi et al.
In our study, the presence or rate of mycotoxin contami-
nation was not associated with temperature or relative
humidity percentage of silages. Also, the type or capac-
ity of the silages had no signi cant effect on these tox-
ins. However, all three FB contaminations were related
to traditional silages and also the silages without any
toxins were metal and mechanized types, but the sta-
tistical analysis showed no signi cant difference which
can suggest the effect of other non-mentioned factors in
the establishment of mycotoxin contamination. Josha-
ghani (2013) conducted a study on the myco ora of
fungal contamination among the same wheat silages in
this province and found that 10 out of 34 samples were
contaminated with a atoxin B
with hazardous levels
only in one case. They reported Aspergillus niger hav-
ing the highest frequency in their samples while in our
study, Aspergillus  avus was the most prevalent fungi in
the samples and also 82.84% of wheat samples showed
the presence of fungi. According to the toxicogenity
potency of some of these moulds, the risk of mycotoxin
increase exist when long-lasting reservation of wheat in
un t circumstances.
There was no signi cant difference between the mean
levels of ZEA and FB from silages located in the West
and East of the province which is against their potential
role in cancer pathogenesis, since there is a big differ-
ence in the frequency of cancer between the East and
West of Golestan province (Pourshams, et al., 2005,
Islami, et al., 2009). In a study by Bettencourt (2005),
the contamination level of 60 maize meal and  our sam-
ples was assessed in Sao Paolo, Brazil and the average
concentration of these toxins in maize meal and  our
was found to be 6170 ng/g and 2740 ng/g, respectively
which are remarkably higher than our  ndings. Šegvić-
Klarić (2009) studied on the prevalence of ZEA contami-
nation in household cereals and foods reported that 92%
of foods had ZEA toxins and a high prevalence for ZEA
compared to FB, which were similar to our  ndings.
Curtui (1998) analyzed 55 wheat and corn samples des-
tined for animal consumption and demonstrated that all
wheat samples and 13% of corn samples were contami-
nated by ZEA which are in agreement with our  ndings.
Feizy (2014) reported 12.6% FB
contamination and
no ZEA contamination in wheat samples of Mashhad,
Iran, which are different from our  ndings. In the study
of Chehri (2010), FB
was found as the dominant type of
FB toxin with 68.2% prevalence rate, ranging 22-455
ng/g which are extremely higher compared to the total
FB level in this study. Hedayati (2006) analyzed the
samples obtained from 12  our producing factories and
showed that all the granaries had ZEA contamination
with minimum concentration of 29 ng/g, which is in
agreement with our results. In another study in Iran by
Roohi (2012), 42  our samples from bakeries and con-
fectioneries were assessed for FB contamination and 18
samples from bakeries and 17 samples from the stud-
ied confectioneries had FB contamination. Alizadeh and
others (2012) analyzed 132 grain silo samples (66 rice
and 66 corn) and reported 50% and 40.9% FB
nation in the corn and rice samples, respectively. Despite
the heterogeneity of our samples with the former study,
there was still a very high concentration of FB
ng/g for corn and 21.59 ng/g for rice). In two parallel
studies by Yazdanpanah and others (2006) and Shephard
and others (2000) on corn samples of Mazandaran and
Isfahan province in Iran, Mazandaran province had a
higher level of FB in comparison to Isfahan which had
results similar to our  ndings.
Wheat and other starchy grains are the staple food
of many countries all over the world, especially Asian
and African countries. Also, the use of grains in ani-
mal feeding further highlights the issue of their safety.
Furthermore, development of advanced technology
and possibility to store foods and particularly grains,
propounds the importance of considering food storage
safety. Therefore, more extensive studies are required to
evaluate the levels of mycotoxin contamination in these
foods for improved public and environmental health.
Low levels of mycotoxins are detected in the silages of
Golestan province. ZEA contamination is more preva-
lent compared to FB, while none of the silages exceeds
maximum tolerated levels of mycotoxins according to
the safety of food and feed guidelines. Furthermore,
there is an important necessity to monitor food products
before consumption.
The authors would like to thank the Deputy of Research
and Technology of Golestan University of Medical Sci-
ences, Iran for  nancial support.
The authors declare that they have no con ict of
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