Mohammadi and Ragh Abadi
ria and indicators and quantitative analysis to evaluate
and select proper rating schematic end model optimized
to be presented in such projects did not show accurate
and reliable results are not achieved so in evaluation of
suggestions,the nal selection will be based solely on
the lowest bid, in fact, many crucial differences between
options are ignored decision and the differences between
competencies and capabilities of the contractors partici-
pating in the tender would not affect the ranking and
nal selection. In other words, the selection was based
on a comprehensive assessment of the options will not
be decided. In the proposed model in this study, all the
issues and problems of the intended bid is considered as
one of the measures decided on the model, therefore, pri-
oritization and nal selection decision will be based on
a comprehensive evaluation options based on the best
choice, not necessarily the lowest price offered is not a
contractor. The results of such prioritization and selec-
tion of long-term pro tability and competitive ability
for organization will follow.
According to extensive conducted studies, in this
research in order to identify criteria and indicators cho-
sen contractor as well as the use of scienti cally based
decision-making model, it is recommended for future ten-
ders in health-medical projects in Iran’s Southeast region;
selected contractor will be utilizing the model proposed in
this study. Applying this pattern results from the failure of
such contracts as well as improving quality problems will
be reduced and ultimately lead to lower costs.
Since the identi cation of fundamental studies and
applied research criteria and no extreme measures can-
not be made known; expanding the scope of the iden-
ti ed criteria adds richness to select the better. When
evaluating and selecting contractors, should always
consider the fact that real-world decisions are made
based on criteria related to one another, therefore, the
use of statistical technique to determine the dependence
of measures to achieve more accurate results and more
realistic is required.
In this study, the fuzzy AHP technique was used for
ranking contractors. It is suggested that similar research
methods and decision-making models such as data
envelopment analysis (DEA), VIKOR, LINMAP, etc. are
used for this work. These techniques there can be logical
or used in a fuzzy environment.
Modeling, selection criteria, process logic, calcula-
tion of individual utility functions criteria to determine
FIGURE 11. Final weight and Prioritization of
weights, processes and procedures and decision-making
models students in eld of knowledge management and
computer programming and visual design and create
favorable environment in software is specialized eld of
engineering students.
The major limitation of this study is large number
of the large number of references that should be taken
to obtain expert opinion. Another limitation is limited
basic criteria in the selection of the contractor in the
research literature.
The third limitation of this study is that after identify-
ing the criteria of fuzzy hierarchical analysis presented
in this study is not just about the selection of contractors
is true and probably many more results to be achieved
in the population.
At the end of this research we hope to be able to sci-
enti cally explain some of the problems of development
projects and presents the appropriate solution further
testing is also helpful.
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