The effect of drought stress on morphological and
physiological traits and essence percentage of
medicinal plant,
Nigella sativa
Fatemeh Soltan Shahattary
and Cyrus Mansourifar
MSc of Agronomy, Department of Agriculture, Payame-Noor, Karaj, Iran
Associate Professor of Agronomy, Department of Agriculture, Payame-Noor, Karaj, Iran
Various environmental stresses are of factors reducing agricultural yields. But applying these stresses on the medicinal
plants effects on their active substances (constituents). In the current study, the effect of different amounts of irriga-
tion on some qualitative and quantitative factors of Nigella Sativa was examined. The experimental design was a ran-
domized complete block with three replications. Treatments included 3 levels of drought stress of 50 (severe stress), 70
(medium stress) and 90 (control) percent of  eld capacity. The required amount of water in each treatment and at any
time was calculated through the measurement of soil moisture content using a hygrometer and as a result of water
required to reach  eld capacity. During physiological investigation grain number per follicle, number of grains per
plant, grain weight, biological yield, grain yield, harvest index, soluble protein, proline concentration and the essence
percent were measured. The results showed that drought stress on morphological, physiological and the essence per-
cent at 1% probability level, there was a signi cant difference. The results showed that with increasing stress levels, the
essence percent, proline, and soluble protein increased. As well as applying moderate drought stress, the largest num-
ber of grains per plant, biological yield and grain yield was achieved, but with increasing levels of stress, these traits
(characteristics) were decreased. In other traits (characteristics) increasing levels of stress, their amount was decreased.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 27
Dec, 2016
Accepted after revision 2
March, 2017
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2017: 4.31 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2017. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. Special Issue No 1:298-305 (2017)
Shahattary and Mansourifar
Water is one of the most important environmental fac-
tors in the production of various products, so that its
de ciency can severely damage the growth and develop-
ment as well as the active ingredient of medicinal plants
(Omidbeygi, 2005). Irregular precipitation (rainfall) pat-
terns in arid areas expose plants to different intensities
of drought stress. Often, high temperatures and poor
nutritional status also makes it more complex effects of
drought. Water is not only ecologically but also physi-
ologically is important for plants, because involved in
most of the internal processes of plants and almost all
metabolic activities of plant cells such as manufacturing
of active ingredients in medicinal plants depends on the
presence of water (Letchamo et al., 1994). Therefore, one
of the most important goals in plant breeding programs
is the study of their tolerance facing drought (Yadav and
Bhathagar, 2001). Long-term water stress effects on all
metabolic processes in plants and thereby reduces plant
production (plant throughput). The survival of plant in
limiting conditions of drought stress requires its abil-
ity to survive in conditions of severe drought (osmotic)
caused by drought. Maintenance of optimum moisture
and maintaining the structure of biopolymers under
stress conditions is crucial for the survival of the plant
(Kuzentsov and Shevykova, 1999). Therefore, the opti-
mization of irrigation management due to lack of water
along with choice of suitable crops plant to cultivate is
particularly important (Ghanbari et al., 2007).
In recent years, herbs have returned again to Iran
medicine and have been cultivated in all parts of the
country. Medicinal herbs (plants) due to natural essence
and similar medicinal compounds together with, better
adapt to the body and are usually free of side effects,
especially in cases of prolonged use and for chronic dis-
eases, therefore, are very convenient. Thus has a con-
siderable advantages compared to chemical drugs. Also,
having good therapeutic effects as well as resistance of
some diseases to some medications and sensitizing in
people towards some industrial medications have been
the factors increased consumption of herbal medici-
nal products in recent decades. According to the WHO
(WHO) 80 per cent of the world people to the early
health care has traditionally been dependent on medici-
nal plants and natural products. Historically, medici-
nal plants have great importance in the development
of communities and extensive research to  nd herbal
medicinal products and natural materials have been
done throughout history. The cultivation of these plants
requires the evaluation of their capability to produce on
a large scale and their resistance to adverse environmen-
tal conditions such as lack of irrigation water (Cronquist,
Nigella sativa (L.) (black cumin) is an annual plant
belonging to the Ranunculaceae family, with a height
of 60 to 70 cm, the leaves are gray-green color with
notched  ber, white to blue  owers and capsule fruit
(follicles) that there are large number of fragrant black
grains within. In the Nigella sativa (black cumin) grains,
there is 40 percent constant oil and about 1.4 percent
essence (Islam et al., 2004). Grains from these plants in
medicine are used as a carminative, menstruation facili-
tator, laxatives, lactate stimulant, anti-constipation and
sexual power ampli er in men (Riaz and Chaudhary,
1996). In addition to its automotive growth in various
regions of Europe, West Asia and Iran (Esfahan and Arak)
, this plant is cultivated for crops (Akbarinia et al., 2005)
which meanwhile, the limiting environmental factors
can reduce growth and performance of it. The conducted
studies showed that appropriate moisture increased the
plant height and more foliage and thus increased the
number of capsules per Nigella Sativa plant and resulted
in increased grain yield (Akbarinia et al., 2005).
Also, the study conducted by Mozzafari et al., (2000)
on black cumin (Nigella Sativa) showed the increased
drought stress increases grain oil percent but oil yield
due to reduced yield in high stresses irrigation decreases.
Srivastavs and Misra (2000) has reported effects of suf-
cient irrigation on growth and essence content of
peppermint. Several reports also show an increase in
extracted oil per unit area by reducing irrigation water
(Mozzafari et al., 2000).
The determination of the most appropriate amount of
irrigation water in order to produce the best quality and
quantity of the product in the herb lack cumin (Nigella
sativa) is essential. Therefore, in this study the effects
of water shortage in various stages of development on
the morphological factors, the amount and main compo-
nents of essence and physiological traits were evaluated.
To evaluate the effect of irrigation intervals on mor-
phological, physiological and amount of essence of
herb Nigella Sativa in the Deh-Shir-Khan village  eld
of Arak city, an experiment was conducted in the 2016
crop year. The mean of average annual temperature and
precipitation have been reported 13.9 ° C and 341 mm,
respectively. Texture of the  eld soil is silt clay.
The experimental design was a randomized complete
block with three replications. Treatments included 3
levels of drought stress 50 (severe stress), 70 (medium
stress) and 90 (control) percent of  eld capacity. Grain
rate was about 1.5 grams per square meter. The width
of each replication was 3 meters and the distance
between main plots and subplots was considered about
Shahattary and Mansourifar
40 cm. Also, the distance between each repetition 2 m
for irrigation water move and walk were considered.
In order to study changes in the water content of the
soil pro le in the various treatments of irrigation,
soil moisture content was measured at depths of 15
and 30 cm using hygrometer. To determine soil water
holding capacity accidentally six undisturbed samples
from the farm were taken from two depths 15 and 30
cm. Sampling was conducted using auger and special
capped rings. Samples were taken saturated state after
the weighing. The amount of gravity water the moisture
contained in the soil at  eld capacity and permanent
wilting point using pressure plates and then drying in
oven calculation of the percentage of residual moisture
in the soil were determined.
Soil water holding capacity of test run at  eld capac-
ity points and permanent wilting were calculated. The
amount of required water in each treatment and at any
time through the measurement of soil moisture content
using a hygrometer and as a result of the measurement
of required water to reach  eld capacity was calculated.
Irrigation regimes following established plants and thin-
ning were applied. Fighting against the weeds mechani-
cally and hand weeding was done for four times.
Finally, the number of grains per follicle, number of
grains per plant, grain weight, biological yield, grain
yield, harvest index, soluble protein, proline concentra-
tion and essence percent were measured. To measure
the percentage of essence water distillation (Clevenger,
1928) was performed using Clevenger apparatus.
For the extraction of soluble proteins in leaves, one
gram of frozen leaf samples at -80 ° C using liquid nitro-
gen in a porcelain mortar was powdered and then adding
4 ml of extraction buffer with the composition: Tris-HCl
one molar (pH = 7.5) Na2EDTA + 5% one molar 0.2% +
two- Mercaptoethanol 0.4% in distilled water to sample
and its homogenization, the mixture was transferred to
the capped tubes followed by 13,000 rpm for 20 min
was centrifuged and transparent extract was separated
from solution and was kept at -20 ° C. The quantitative
amount measurement of soluble proteins based on Brad-
ford method (Bradford, 1976) using Bio-Rad reagent
a spectrophotometer with wavelength at 595 nm was
read and then by depicting curves derived from read-
ings protein standards taken from bovine serum albumin
(BSA) in speci ed concentrations on graph paper were
Measurement of proline, according to Bates Method
(Bates et al., 1973) was performed. To measure proline of
the leaf,  rstly, 0.2 g of leaf blade was cut then it was in a
porcelain mortar with good liquid nitrogen was crushed.
Then 10cc of Sulfosalicylic acid 3% was poured into a
mortar and leaf sample was crushed good and then was
passed through  lter paper and cc2 of resulting solution
was removed and with cc2 ready-made solution Nine
dimenhydrinate (how to prepare it will be mentioned)
and cc2 acetic acid was poured into the test capped
tube and was placed for 1 hour in a warm bath. Then,
the samples were removed from the bath and placed in
the ice and to its temperature reach the temperature of
room, so that if you touched it does not feel the heat. At
this stage under the hood, cc4 amount of toluene was
added to each sample and shaken well until completely
blended. After a few moments, two phases were resulted
that the low (bottom) phase was more transparent and
higher (top) phase was red colored (depending on the
amount of leaf proline). The toluene as a witness (con-
trol) in a spectrophotometer was used to measure the
wavelength of light. Then cc4 of top phase was removed
and placed into the spectrophotometer under the wave-
length of 520 nm and read number rather than vari-
able X was placed in the equation (6). The obtained Y is
placed in Equation 7 to obtain the leaf proline in terms
of micromoles per mg.
The data were analyzed using SAS 9.1 software. Also
means comparison using test LSD (at 5%) was performed.
Analysis of variance showed that between levels of
drought stress in terms of the number of grains per
follicle, there was a signi cant difference in 1% level
(Table 1). Also, the results of mean comparison showed
that the control treatment (90% FC) had the highest
amount of grain in the follicles (Table 2). The severe
drought treatment (50% FC) has the lowest number
of grains in follicles (Table 2). Effect of drought stress
caused the number of grains per follicle at 70 and 50
percent of  eld capacity, respectively, to the 22.08 and
29.40 percent decrease compared to the control treat-
ment. The results were in line with many studies. For
example, in a study by Rezapour and colleagues (2012)
Nigella sativa grain yield in irrigation treatment after
150 mm compared to treatment of 50 mm evaporation
from pan surface treatment decreased 22.8 percent, so
that the drought stress had a signi cant impact on all
components of grain yield including biomass, number of
capsules per plant and grains per capsules and reduced
them. Koochaki and colleagues (2007) reported that
Shahattary and Mansourifar
water stress (drought) by failing to provide photosyn-
thetic inputs reduced yield components of the fennel. It
seems that these factors have been effective in reducing
some yield components of Nigella sativa (black cumin).
Analysis of variance showed that the effect of drought
stress on grain number per plant, there was a signi cant
difference at 1% level (Table 1). The results of comparison
of mean showed that mild stress had the highest number
of grains per plant and severe stress (50% FC) had the
lowest number of grains per plant (Table 2). In general,
the number of grains per plant in mild drought stress
(70% FC) increased 10.04 percent, while applying severe
stress the number of grains per plant decreased at 23.16.
Increased number of grains in the less drought stress
could be relevant to the more numbers of follicles, big-
ger and better plant growth. Considering the fact that the
number of grains per follicle in fact determines the stor-
age capacity, therefore, the greater the number of grains,
plants with larger and more storage has been produced
to receive photosynthetic material and increased this
trait will improve the yield. In many crop plants, water
stress, especially during  owering reduces the number
of fertilized  owers, abortion and subsequent reduction
of grain and therefore is greatly reduced performance
(yield) (Rezaei, 2012). Shabanzadeh and Golvi (2012)
showed that the effects of irrigation interval on height,
number of branches, number of capsules per plant, grains
per  owers and plant, grain (grain) weight, biological
yield and harvest index were signi cant and increasing
irrigation intervals, the studied features decreased. The
result of this study was consistent with Rezvani and col-
leagues’ one (2012).
Analysis of variance showed that the effect of drought
on the w1000 grain weight, there was a signi cant dif-
ference in the 1% level (Table 1). The results of mean
comparison showed that the control treatment (90% FC)
had the highest amount of 1000 grain weight (Table 2).
Also severe stress treatment (50% FC) had the lowest
1000 grain weight (Table 2). In general, drought stress
decreased one thousand grains weight at 8.62 and 15.68
percent in the mild and severe drought stress. The results
are consistent research conducted by Shabanzadeh and
Golvi (2012). The 1000 grain weight indicates the sta-
tus and reproductive period of any plant and since by
beginning of  owering and determination of the num-
ber of grains per plant, grains begin to receive and store
values of their photosynthesis, there should be a differ-
ence between the 1000-grain weight and normal modes
when the plant placed under moisture stress. But the
1000 grain weight is among the factors that most is
in uenced by genetic control and has a high heritability
and less affected by environmental factors.
Analysis of variance showed that the effect of drought
on the on biological yield trait, there was a signi cant
Table 1. Analysis of variance Nigella sativa morphological traits under drought stress
Mean of squares
Degrees of
Sources of
The number of
grains per follicle
number of
grains per plant
grain yield
30.76** 127.45** 0.007** 94.34** 67.46** 69.33** 2 Block
144.43** 2593.78** 0.120** 4033.00* 3238.78** 212.34** 2 Drought stress
0.44 4.11 0.005 324.32 13.76 3.16 4 Pilot error
1.77 1.23 3.06 10.33 3.63 5.74 Coef cient of variation
Table 2. The comparison of mean of morphological traits of Nigella sativa under drought stress
Mean of squares
Drought stress
(Field Capacity)
The number of
grains per follicle
number of
grains per plant
45.33a 172.66b 2.55a 188.65a 116.33b 32.33b 90 percent
35.32b 190.00a 2.23b 201.61a 125.66a 38.66a 70 percent
32.00c 132.66c 2.15c 132.60b 64.66 c 22.00 c 50 percent
Shahattary and Mansourifar
difference in the 5% level (Table 1). The results of mean
comparison showed that the mild stress level had the
highest amount of biological yield and sever stress (50
percent FC) had the lowest biological yield (Table 2). It
should be noted that moderate stress level and control
had no signi cant difference. In general biological yield
in mild drought stress (70% FC) increased 6.90 percent,
while applying severe stress the number of grains per
plant was decreased as 29.71 percent.
Plant growth is in uenced by a series of biochemical
and physiological processes such as photosynthesis, res-
piration, material transfer, ion absorption and metabo-
lism of food which are also involved in plant dry weight
of plant (Ka et al, 2010). These processes have a direct
relationship with the amount of available water and its
continuity. With increasing irrigation intervals, these
processes are disrupted, and the plant can’t produce
their maximum potential dry matter (Imam and Zavareh,
2008). On the other hand, the drought stress reduces the
uptake of water and nutrients, crop growth rate, growth
period, the plant photosynthesis, plant height, growth
rate and root development and all of these factors ulti-
mately lead to a reduction in dry matter production (Pes-
sarkli, 1999). According to the Ahmadian and colleagues
(2010) increased intensity of water de ciency leads to a
reduction in biomass of chamomile in a way that at the
90% treatment of  eld capacity the most and at 50%
treatment of  eld capacity the least plant biomass was
produced, respectively. Rezapour and colleagues (2012)
in a study on the Nigella sativa reported that decreased
production yield by increase in the drought is related
to reduction in plant height, leaf area reduction and
enhanced allocation of photoassimilates to the root
rather than shoot (aerial part) of plant.
Analysis of variance showed that the effect of drought
stress on the on grain yield trait, there was a signi cant
difference in the 1% level (Table 1). The results of mean
comparison showed that the mild stress level had the
highest amount of grain yield and sever stress (50 per-
cent FC) had the lowest grain yield (Table 2). In general
grain yield in mild drought stress (70% FC) increased
8.02 percent, while applying severe stress the number of
grains per plant was decreased as 44.41 percent. Goldani
and Rezvani Moghadam (2006) argue that the availa-
ble accessible soil moisture increases the plant canopy
development, thereby absorb more radiation energy
plant leading increase yield and its components in the
plant. On the other hand, the reduction of photosynthetic
area of leaves and shortening the duration of grain  ll-
ing and prematurity of treatments under drought can be
effective in reducing grain yield. Aghayee and Ehsan-
zadeh (2012) found that drought stress by reducing leaf
area, chlorophyll content, openings conductance and
ultimately reduce the rate of photosynthesis decreased
the function of paper grains pumpkin.
Analysis of variance showed that the effect of drought
on the on harvest index trait, there was a signi cant
difference in the 5% level (Table 1). The results of mean
comparison showed that the mild stress level had the
highest amount of harvest index and sever stress (50
percent FC) had the lowest harvest index (Table 2). It
should be noted that moderate drought stress level and
control had no signi cant difference. In general, harvest
index in mild drought stress (70% FC) increased 19.57
percent, while applying severe stress, harvest index was
decreased as 31.95 percent. The effect of irrigation inter-
val on plant height, number of branches, the number of
capsules per plant, number of grains per plant, 1000-
grain weight, biological yield and harvest index was
signi cant and with increasing irrigation interval, the
studied features were decreased. Most grain yield grain
was obtained in irrigation interval of seven days (aver-
age irrigation) (Shabanzadeh and Golvi, 2012).
Analysis of variance showed that between levels of
drought stress in terms of the percentage of the essence,
there was a signi cant difference at 1% level (Table 3).
Also, the results of mean comparison showed that the
control treatment (90% FC) had the lowest percentage
of essence (Table 4). The severe drought treatment (50%
FC) had the most percentage of essence (Table 4). Effect
of drought stress resulted in levels of 70 percent of  eld
capacity, respectively, to the 8.33 and 11.11 percent
increased compared to the control.
The plants depending on the plant species and gen-
otypes are different in reactions to drought stress. So
water setting and management in medicinal and aro-
matic plants are important in terms of essence produc-
tion. Rabiee and colleagues (50) in the study of the effect
of drought stress (no stress, moderate stress and severe
stress) on cumin showed that the plants under moderate
stress compared to the two treatments of no stress (con-
trol) and severe stress had higher essence. Rezai Chaîne
(2012) in the study of effect of different irrigation treat-
ments on the accumulation of essence, its composi-
tion and some eco-physiological traits in fennel found
that drought stress increases the fennel essence, but it
reduces the essence yield and increased fennel essence
due to drought stress has been reported as a result of the
higher concentration of essence glands due to reduced
Shahattary and Mansourifar
leaf area caused by stress and more accumulation of
essence. It seems that drought stress increases secondary
metabolites (essence) that have protective effect against
stress such as drought stress in plants. The results of
other studies on the effect of irrigation intervals on the
production of secondary metabolites and the essence
percentage of savory and rosemary attest (con rm) the
results of this trial, so that with increasing irrigation
intervals and reduced  eld capacity, the essence per-
centage of these plant has also been added (Baher et al.,
2002). Rezainejad and colleagues (2002) reported that
irrigation interval had a signi cant effect on the essence
percentage of Cumin. Javanshir and colleagues (2002)
also examining the effects of irrigation on the amount of
essence of anise observed that irrigation treatment had
signi cant effect on the essence percentage.
Analysis of variance showed that the effect of drought
stress on soluble protein trait, there was a signi cant
difference at the level of 5 percent (Table 3). The results
of mean comparison showed that the control treatment
had the lowest levels of soluble protein and severe stress
(50% FC) had the highest amount of soluble protein
(Table 4).
Also, Ghorbani Javid and colleagues (2007) reported
that concentrations of soluble proteins at different lev-
els of drought stress in the tolerant genotypes of alfalfa
is almost constant that seemingly has been favorable
maintaining the structure of the plant and plant activi-
ties, while in sensitive genotype with increasing stress,
the concentration of soluble proteins decreased that
can be caused by decreased the frequency of precursors
producing protein (Substrates) and a decrease in gene
expression or manifestation of their origin.
Analysis of variance showed that between levels of stress
in terms of proline, trait there was a signi cant differ-
ence at 1% level (Table 3). Also, the results mean com-
parison showed that the control treatment (90% FC) had
the lowest proline, (Table 4). The severe drought treat-
ment (50% FC) had the most proline (Table 4). The effect
of drought stress caused proline at 70 and 50 percent of
eld capacity, respectively, to the 11.34 and 22.88 per-
cent increase compared to the control.
The study was carried out on eggplant it was shown
that applying water shortage stress leads to increased
concentration of leaf proline were by re-watering the
proline decreased (Taghavi Razavizadeh, 2004). Zeifne-
jad and colleagues (1997) in their study on sorghum and
Grif n and colleagues (2004) in their study on Judas tree
and Mehrabi (2009) on sesame reported praline increased
under drought stress. Akhondi and colleagues (2007) and
Kydamby and colleagues 1990) in their experiments on
the alfalfa reported the effect of drought stress on pro-
line. Pagter and colleagues (2005) in their study on the
straw plant reported that just under severe stress water,
proline increase slightly and thus until the critical level,
has little signi cance. Safarnejad (2004) examining the
effects of drought stress on alfalfa genotypes reported
that with increasing drought stress, proline concentra-
tion increases on leaves. Thus, it can be concluded that
genotypes which have produced more proline in the
Table 3. Analysis of variance of essence percentage, soluble protein and proline traits of
Nigella sativa under drought stress conditions
Mean of squares
Degrees of
Sources of changes
Essence percentage soluble protein proline
0.00001** 144.10** 2.95** 2 Block
.00001** 6330.08** 9.99* 2 Drought stress
.0000002** 129.64 0.76 4 Pilot error
1.35 15.14 4.93 Coef cient of variation
Table 4. The mean comparison of percentage of essence, soluble protein and
proline of Nigella sativa under drought stress
Drought Stress (Field Capacity)
Essence percentage soluble protein proline
0.036b 0.37b 15.95b 90 percent
0.039a 3.40b 17.76ab 70 percent
0.040a 81.40a 19.60a 50 percent
Shahattary and Mansourifar
effect of drought stress, this increased proline prevents
further decline and loss and show less reduction of yield
Totally, the results of this study showed that drought
stress reduced number of grain per follicle, 1000-grain
weight and grain yield. On the other hand, increased
drought stress increased the soluble protein and pro-
line content. For other traits moderate stresses drought
increased the traits compared to control.
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