Anvari, Shahbazi and Imani
Soissons and it did not show any signi cant difference
with the cultivars of Pishtaz, Kenya-2002, Soltan-95
and Seri 82 and they were put in one statistical level.
Also, the cultivar of Rasad with a mean of 11.11 had the
lowest harvest index (Table 2).
Decrease in harvest index in drought stress condition
after owering is attributed to the decrease in access
to the current processed materials during grain ll-
ing period. (Emam, 2011; Emam and Niknejhad, 2011)
Decrease in harvest index due to the terminal drought
stress has been reported by other researchers as well.
(Emam, 2011; Wang et al., 2001) In drought stress con-
dition, decrease in photosynthetic activities ultimately
leads to a decrease in the transfer of produced materials
to the seeds and this leads to a decrease in harvest index.
(Gooding et al., 2003).
Data mean comparison showed that the cultivar of Pishtaz
with a mean of 3.25 tons per hectare had the highest grain
yield and it was put in one group along with the culti-
vars of Rasad, Soissons and Seri 82, and they didn’t show
any signi cant difference based on this trait. On the other
hand, the lowest grain yield was from the cultivars of
Soltan-95 and Kenya-2002 which were in the same sta-
tistical level and in the last ranking (Table 2).
Abdoli and Saeidi (2012) showed that irrigation cut
after pollination decreases the grain yield and thousand
kernel weight to 33.9% and 26.4% respectively in vari-
ous wheat cultivars.
Results from Ramezanpour and Dastfal (2004) showed
that 25 and 50 percent of decrease in the water lead to
21.8 and 40.7 percent decrease in grain yield, respec-
tively. Also, biologic yield index decreased by 16.4 and
32.2 percent, respectively.
Since modi cation of grain yield is usually dif cult due
to its low heritability, suitable physiologic properties
should be searched for in order to maximize the relation-
ship with formation of grain yield in various environ-
mental conditions. It seems that by studying phonologic
traits, such as relative water content, chlorophyll con-
tent, photochemical ef ciency of photosystem II, sto-
matal conductance and water loss from separated leaf,
cultivars resistive to drought stress could be easily iden-
ti ed. Based on retrieved results, the cultivar of Pishtaz
is the most yielding cultivar in water drought condi-
tion and planting it by the farmers in Ardabil Region,
in addition to leading a higher yield comparing to the
other studied cultivars, could entail a lower risk in drop
in production in case of drought stress emergence dur-
ing grain lling stage. Accordingly, cultivars of Rasad,
Soissons ans Seri 82 are in the next ranks.
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