Maryam Hasirbaf and Shamim Maalavi
Cognitive psychology has begun its rapid progress since
the second half of the twentieth century;and it was in
peak condition when the opponents like Watson had
rejected it. But meta-cognitive psychology is the idea
of founding a new eld that dates back to 1970 (Salehi,
Metacognition is a multifaceted concept. This concept
includes knowledge, processes, and strategies that recog-
nizes, monitors, and controls the cognition (Wells, 2009
translated by Mohammad Khani, 2013).Metacognition
refers to the structures, knowledge, and the psychologi-
cal processes that control, modify and interpret thoughts
and knowledge.Metacognition is de ned as the knowl-
edge that how a person learns, knowing how to use avail-
able data to achieve a goal, ability to judge cognitive
processes in a particular task, knowledge of which strat-
egies should be used, and evaluating the progress dur-
ing and after the performance (Salarifar & Pouretemad,
2011). Metacognitive beliefs refer to the part of metacog-
nitive knowledge that connect the person’s beliefs about
cognition, cognitive, and emotional experiences (Wells,
2009 translated by Mohammad Khani, 2013).
Adolescence is a period of physical, cognitive, social,
and emotional changes; it is a dynamic and excite-
ment period for individuals. The ability to think, the
onset of puberty and changes in relationships with fam-
ily, friends, school and community, peers, family roles,
responsibilities, efforts to acquire new emotional and
social roles, management responsibilities without exces-
sive dependence on other people and new direction for
the future are formed in this period (Shaffer, 2014). The
adolescents take family a special way to express their
con icts that caused by their cognitive and often they
are reluctant to change their con ict styles over time
(Canary & Lakey, 2010). In other words, it seems that
the con ict style is dependent on in an environment
where con ict occurs in it. Teenager in the family envi-
ronment during a particular way to express the con ict
thatInteractions between family members and cognitive
emotion regulation strategies that are used can affect the
practices of con ict resolution (Jalali and Rafei, 2011). In
recent years, tendency towards the use of cognitive and
metacognitive therapy on children and adolescents has
been rising.Results of researches show that this method
is effective in the treatment of anxiety and aggression
MCT has been proposed in recent years, and it is con-
cerned from different aspects, such as having a regu-
lar structure, a limited number of sessions, emphasis on
process rather than content knowledge, and developing
speci c techniques such as attention training.MCT by
changing maladaptive thinking styles controls the ex-
ibility in cognitive control.MCT has been welcomed by
speci c models for each disorder and experimental eval-
uation so that despite the short time after the emergence
of this approach, many researches have been conducted
on evaluation of basic theory and techniques of meta-
cognitive therapy (Wells, 2008).
This method has been the most applied treatment
of social anxiety disorder (Clark & Wells, 1995; Wells
& Papageorgiou, 2001), post-traumatic stress (Wells
& Sembi, 2004), generalized anxiety disorders (Wells,
2008), obsessive-compulsive disorder (Fisher and Wells,
2008).Lobban et al., (2002) reported that metacognitive
beliefs in patients with anxiety disorders, particularly
generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and obses-
sive-compulsive disorder are effective.
Metacognition is the one’s information about his cog-
nitive system. According to Thomson et al (2011), meta-
cognition judgment plays an important role in making
people feel good and their analytical thinking. Cognitive
strategies refer to any behavior or action that the learn-
ers use, and these strategies aim to help learning, organ-
izing and storing knowledge and skills, as well as ease
of operation in future (Weinstein & Hume, 1988).Meta-
cognitive strategies are known as ways to guide and
monitor. Metacognition is also a variable that can be
in uenced by visual capabilities. Metacognition is high
level of cognitive function that can be de ned as any
kind of consciousness or cognitive process to inform and
or control every aspect of cognition (Vargas et al., 2012).
In fact, metacognitive knowledge refers to beliefs
and knowledge stored in memory of person, duties, and
selecting strategies (Rosenzweig et al., 2011). Through
knowledge and metacognitive strategies,metacognition
works by changing beliefs and interpretation of speci c
symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, emotional pro-
cessing and response to injury. The main idea of this
approach is that in psychological disorder, beliefs consist
of meta-cognitive components that directs the thinking
and coping style; these beliefs in uenced by the think-
ing and coping style (Salarifar et al., 2011).
Social psychologists de ne aggressive act as the
conscious behavior that is aimed to cause physical
or mental pain (Aronson, 2007). In 1993, according
to Berkowitz, aggression is relative constant desire to
express with aggression by one’s behavior in various
situations (Mohseni Tabrizi & Rahmati, 2002). Aggres-
sion may arise in many different forms; its verbal and
physical represents the behavioral aspect, anger repre-
sents the emotional aspect, and hostility represents the
cognitive aspects of aggression (Naghdi et al., 2010).
Several factors contribute to the incidence of aggression