The relationship between personality types A and B in
stress and stress-causing characteristics of mother and
Fatemeh Rahmani Moqaddam and Samira Hatami
MA in Clinical Psychology, Kharazmi University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences,
Department of Human Sciences, Iran MA in General Psychology, Azad University of Torbat-e Jam Iran
The present study is intended to investigate the relationship between personality types A and B in stress and stress-
causing characteristics of mother and child. The research method is descriptive-correlational. To this end, 100 indi-
viduals (63 subjects with type A and 37 subjects with type B) were selected through simple random sampling method
from the intended population including mothers working as a nurse in Kashmar hospitals aged between 25 and 35
years with at least one child and completed Abidin Parenting Stress Index Questionnaire (1990), Friedman and Ulmer
Personality Type Inventory (1984) and Rice Job Stress Questionnaire (1992). Further, to analyze the data, descriptive
statistics method, Pearson correlation method, multivariate regression analysis and independent t test were applied.
The research results demonstrated that the rate of job stress is signi cantly different between individuals with per-
sonality types A and B (P<0.05). Besides, the rate of maternal stress in people with personality type A and those with
personality type B shows signi cant difference (P<0.05). As a result, personality types A and B signi cantly predict
stress and stress-causing characteristics of mother and child.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 27
Dec, 2016
Accepted after revision 2
March, 2017
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2017: 4.31 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2017. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. Special Issue No 1:255-259 (2017)
Stress is one of the most important causes of the inci-
dence of physical and mental disorders. Some have con-
sidered stress as the non-speci c response of the body
to any situation that needs compatibility; whether it is a
pleasant (job promotion) or unpleasant (dismissal from
work) situation. However, new  ndings suggest that
there are physiological differences between the stress
caused by favorable and unfavorable situations. Stress
is associated with health and performance; its low level
can improve the health and performance and its high
Fatemeh Rahmani Moqaddam and Samira Hatami
levels endanger the health and impair the performance
(Dadsetan, 2007). Numerous and different antecedents,
causes and sources can be introduced for stress so that
Lazarus and Folkman (1984) believe that all events are
potentially stress-causing and Holmes and Rahe (1967)
observe that all changes in life, whether positive or
negative, produce stress. Lazarus (1971) states that stress
refers to a wide range of problems that are distinct from
other problem areas. He believes that the individual’s
reaction depends on how the individual (consciously or
unconsciously) interprets or evaluates the meaning of
these traumatic, threatening or challenging events (Zah-
rakar, 2008). As mentioned, one of the stress-causing
factors is job and conditions of the workplace, which
includes any physical event or mental discomfort occur-
ring in the working environment. These events cause
disorder in the individual’s performance and ultimately
disorder in the organizational function in the long run
(Nicole & Tymnz, 2005). A large group of these employ-
ees comprise nurses. Nursing profession creates great
job stress due to the need for high skill and concen-
tration at work, strong team coordination and 24-hour
care (Vickers, 2003). Nursing staff in the workplace are
faced with a large number of stressors (Koshneer, 2000).
International Labor Organization has estimated the costs
imposed on countries due to job stress to be 1 to 5.3 per-
cent of the gross domestic product (Tangri, 2003). Cur-
rently, with regard to raising the awareness of employees
and correcting the legal laws, percentage of the problems
and costs associated with job stress is on the rise (Hole
et al., 2006). It has been determined in various studies
that around 30% of the labor force in developed coun-
tries suffers from job stress and this rate is even greater
in developing countries.
Parental stress is a term that determines the percep-
tion of stress in the parent-child system which embraces
both the child’s stress-causing characteristics and par-
ents’ responses to these characteristics (Abidin, 1983).
Experience of parental stress by different researchers
(e.g. Miller & Sillie, 1980; Kwok & Wong, 1999; Crea-
sey & Jarvis, 2003) showed that parenting is stressful
for both parents, but mothers experience more parental
stress than fathers (Wook & Wong, 1999). Development
in young children demands closer attention and moni-
toring on the part of mothers due to the functions of
the dynamics of development in early childhood (birth
to seven years old). Mothers spend more time with their
child while fathers spend this time outside the house.
This attention and monitoring can itself be a source
of stress in parents especially mothers (Shek & Tsang,
1993; Creasey & Jarvis, 2003).
Adjustment of mothers with parenting problems and
the resulting pressures has encouraged the researchers
to study the impact of parental stress on the mother’s
health. By the same token, Lahelma, Arber, Kivela and
Roes (2002) consider parenting alongside spousal rela-
tionships as one of the multiple roles which have nega-
tive effects on various components of maternal health.
Investigations of Gelfand, Teti and Fox (1992) revealed
the in uence of parental stress on increased depression
and stress in parents as two major components of men-
tal health (Rodrigous et al., 2003).
One of the most remarkable efforts made to build
a relationship between personality differences and the
ability to cope with stress belongs to Friedman and
Rozenmen (1959). They introduced two personality
types A and B. Personality types A refers to someone
who is highly competitive, bored, vengeful and vibrant
and speaks quickly. Personality type B is characterized
by people who are less competitive, are not vengeful and
dif cult, have more patience and speak or move with
more peace; additionally, the latter group is less prone to
cardiovascular diseases (Panel, 1981). Some individuals
create stress for themselves or aggravate their stress with
the help of irrational beliefs. Some other create stress as
a result of type A behavior (Spencer; cited in Hamzeh
Ganji, 1999). Conversely, type B individuals take things
easy and give more importance to the quality of life and
have less stress (Spencer; cited in Hamzeh Ganji, 1999).
Based on the foregoing, the present study seeks to inves-
tigate whether there is a signi cant relationship between
personality types A and B with stress and stress-causing
characteristics of mother and child.
The present research is descriptive-correlational. The
statistical population comprises mothers working as a
nurse in Kashmar hospitals with the age of 25 to 35
years with at least one child. With respect to the men-
tioned statistical population, the sample size of this
study includes 100 people who were selected through
simple random sampling and were assigned into two A
and B groups based on the 25-question personality test
(A -%63) (B -%37).
1) Parenting Stress Index Questionnaire (PSI): To meas-
ure parental stress, Parenting Stress Index Questionnaire
(Abidin, 1990) was used. Alpha reliability coef cient
for each subtest, each domain and total scores was cal-
culated by the test-maker. The rate of reliability in the
population of 2633 people is 0.70 to 0.83 in the child
domain and 0.70 to 0.84 in the parent domain and in
the whole scale, the rate of reliability is 0.95. This rate
of reliability coef cient can represent the internal con-
Fatemeh Rahmani Moqaddam and Samira Hatami
Table 1.
Job stress Maternal stress Total stress
Number Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Group A 63 145.62 12.608 153.38 9.37 145.62 12.608
Group B 37 130.68 14.756 137.76 11.696 130.68 14.756
Table 2. Independent samples test to compare the average job stress in A and B groups
Student’s t-test for the assumption of
the equality of means
Levene’s test for the assumption of the
equality of variances
Degree of
Signi cance
Standard error
T Signi cance
98 0.000 14.943 2.783 5.369 0.777 0.080
sistency of evaluations (Hatami, 2009). In a study con-
ducted interculturally, the reliability rate of the scale is
similar to that of the original sample. The consistency
rate of the test was obtained in four different studies
through assessing reliability using test-retest method.
Three weeks after the initial implementation, Spearman
correlation coef cients in the child and parent domains
were obtained to be respectively 0.817 and 0.706, which
indicate the existence of a strong and signi cant corre-
lation (P<0.01) during three weeks (Abidin, 1990). More-
over, in terms of reliability, the researcher estimated
Cronbach’s alpha to be 0.92 (Hatami, 2009).
2) Friedman and Ulmer Personality Type Inventory:
To separate personality types from each other, Friedman
and Ulmer Personality Type Inventory (1984) was used.
This scale has been developed by Friedman and Ulmer
(1984), Matthews et al. (1982) and Mourant et al. (1983)
according to the characteristics of type A individuals.
Positive responses have been prepared based on type A
behavior and show type A behavior. Ganji has translated
this questionnaire in 2002. In most of the studies con-
ducted regarding the validity of this scale, coef cients
above 70% have been achieved (Hasanzadeh, 2005).
3) Rice Job Stress Questionnaire: To measure job
stress, Rice 57-question scale was employed. This ques-
tionnaire has been tested in relation to 275 school teach-
ers. Three sections of this questionnaire are quite similar
to other questionnaires of this type. The rate of validity
is 0.921 for the whole questionnaire and 0.898, 0.883
and 0.816 for its three sections. The full validity is equal
to 1. Cronbach’s alpha of the questionnaire was calcu-
lated to be 0.89 (Hatami, 2009).
The average age of mothers in the experimental group is
29 years and in terms of education, 85 subjects have a
bachelor’s degree and 15 subjects have a master’s degree.
Descriptive statistics of the research variables have been
provided in Table 1.
Hypothesis 1: There is a relationship between per-
sonality type A and job stress of mothers.
Hypothesis 2: There is a relationship between per-
sonality type B and job stress of mothers.
It should be initially proved that job stress of mothers
is normally distributed in both personality types. For
this purpose, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied.
The signi cance levels of this test for the variable of
job stress of mothers in each of personality types A and
B were respectively 0.954 and 0.717, which are greater
than 0.05. Hence, job stress of mothers has a normal
distribution in each personality type. In the following,
independent t-test was used to compare the average job
stress in both A and B groups.
Signi cance level of t test is 0.00 which is lower
than 0.05. Thus, there is signi cant difference between
personality types A and B in terms of job stress. Here,
hypotheses 1 and 2 were proved, meaning that the rate
of job stress is different in people with personality types
A and B.
Hypothesis 3: There is a relationship between per-
sonality type A and maternal stress (stress-causing
Hypothesis 4: There is a relationship between per-
sonality type B and maternal stress (stress-causing
It should be initially proved that maternal stress is
normally distributed in both personality types. To this
end, like the  rst and second hypotheses, Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test was applied. The signi cance levels of this
test for the variable of maternal stress (stress-causing
characteristics) in each of personality types A and B
were respectively 0.324 and 0.218, which are greater
than 0.05. Therefore, the variable of maternal stress
Fatemeh Rahmani Moqaddam and Samira Hatami
(stress-causing characteristics) has a normal distribution
in each personality type. In the following, independent
t-test was used to compare the average maternal stress
(stress-causing characteristics) in both A and B groups.
Signi cance level of t test is 0.00 which is lower than
0.05. So, there is signi cant difference between person-
ality types A and B in terms of maternal stress (stress-
causing characteristics). Here, hypotheses 3 and 4 were
proved, meaning that the rate of maternal stress is dif-
ferent in people with A and B personality types.
The overall results of the research demonstrate that there
is a signi cant relationship between personality types A
and B with job stress of mothers and also, there is sig-
ni cant difference between these two personality types
in terms of maternal stress and job stress of mothers. For
example, it can be said that these two personality types do
not show similar reactions in the face of mental pressure
and job stress and based on the foregoing, the more the
stressful events of life, the greater the job stress will be.
Further, individuals with personality type A (high scores
in the test) show less compatibility with pressure and
stress and are likely to receive mental pressure and on the
contrary, more compatibility with stress and mental pres-
sure is seen in people with personality type B.
First and second hypotheses: The results suggested
that the rate of job stress is different in individuals with
personality types A and B. These results are consistent
with the  ndings achieved by Aqilinezhad et al. (2007),
Nasrollahi et al. (2013), Keergard (2001), Kittel (2005),
Friedman and Rosenman (1974), Friedman (2006),
Atashafrouz (2007) and Yarahmadi Khorasani (2013). In
explaining the existing results, it can be stated that with
regard to the component of personality types A and B,
a signi cant relationship exists between the component
of personality type and job stress of mothers. It should
be remembered that each of personality types A and
B has its own special features and accordingly, type A
can be distinguished from type B. For example, type A
is always on the move whereas type B has no concern
about time. Type A individuals walk quickly but type
B individuals are patient. Type A group eats fast while
type B group eats food slowly and calmly. Type A talks
rapidly but type B does not brag and speaks slowly. The
tone of speech in type A individuals is harsh while type
B individuals have a gentle tone. Type A people are not
satis ed with their job and attempt to reach higher lev-
els whereas type B people are happy with their job. Con-
sidering the mentioned features, it can be easily claimed
that these two personality types are signi cantly dif-
ferent from each other and type A is more susceptible
to exhaustion and physical and mental problems. Based
on what has been said so far, it can be concluded that
the closer the personality type to A group, the higher
the risk of job burnout will be and vice versa. Conse-
quently, based on the foregoing, hypotheses 1 and 2 are
con rmed and it can be said that there is a signi cant
relationship between personality types A and B with job
burnout and also, a signi cant difference exists between
these two personality types in terms of the risk of job
Third and fourth hypotheses: The results indicated
that the rate of maternal stress is different among indi-
viduals with personality types A and B. Additionally, it
can be mentioned that the dimensions of stress-causing
characteristic of the mother such as depression and dis-
satisfaction, parental attachment, role limitations, sense
of competence and social isolation have a signi cant
relationship with the personality type of mothers and
a signi cant difference was observed between these
two types. Results of the present research are congruent
with the studies carried out by Lawson and Shen (2002),
Schaefer (1991), Chandan (2005), Stura (1990), Green-
berg and Baron (2003) and Ross (2001).
In explaining these results, it can be stated that type
A individuals feel threatened and stressed even under
normal conditions because of their low self-esteem and
thus make extra efforts to improve their condition. In
this regard, Callahan (1989) came to the conclusion that
mothers with low self-esteem experience higher levels of
parental stress and often seek medical help, but there is
a possibility that low self-esteem in mothers who con-
stantly get sick results from low levels of parental stress
and in this case, they should bene t from counseling
and psychological support more than medical care. In
such cases, before adopting any therapy method, health
status of parents should be examined. With respect to
Table 3. Independent samples test to compare the average maternal stress in A and B
Student’s t-test for the assumption of
the equality of means
Levene’s test for the assumption of the
equality of variances
Degree of
Signi cance
Standard error
T Signi cance
98 0.000 15.624 2.130 7.334 0.378 0.785
Fatemeh Rahmani Moqaddam and Samira Hatami
what has been mentioned above, it can be said that there
is a signi cant relationship between the dimensions of
stress-causing characteristics of mothers and their per-
sonality type, meaning that parents with personality type
A have more problems particularly in connection with
their children and show features such as low self-esteem,
few friends, depression and greater anxiety compared
to type B individuals. Therefore, a signi cant difference
can be clearly seen between the two groups. Based on
the foregoing, hypotheses 3 and 4 are con rmed.
This study was faced with some limitations. The  rst
limitation of this research was related to the noncoop-
eration of subjects since the questions were numerous
and time-consuming so that it was dif cult for most of
mothers to complete the questionnaires because they
spent most of their time in hospital. Another limita-
tion included constant presence in the hospital envi-
ronment and the mismatch between the time of pres-
ence and working shifts of nurses, which was resolved
by continued presence in their workplace. Finally, since
the data has been collected from a small city, caution
should be exercised in generalizing the results to other
areas and other healthcare environments. With regard
to these limitations and given that this study has been
implemented in a correlational manner, causal relation-
ships are not clear in it. Thus, to obtained more accu-
rate results, it is recommended that causal relationships
between the research variables be determined by an edu-
cational approach in future studies using experimental
and quasi-experimental methods and since the qual-
ity of the mother’s relationship can have a signi cant
impact on compatibility and cognitive features of the
child, stress including job stress which is one of the most
important types of stress should be under the control of
individuals and organizations and steps must be taken
to reduce it. In this respect, institutions and organiza-
tions are recommended to provide an environment so
that the employee can work with more peace of mind.
This peace of mind can include working time manage-
ment, timely payment of salaries and bene ts, reducing
the working pressure using additional forces and also
selection of individuals with respect to their personal-
ity and psychological characteristics. Besides, because
the personality type of people determines their type of
behavior in the face of stressors, it is suggested that the
presence of individuals in the workplace be used with
regard to their abilities before their assignment. For this
purpose, personality tests can be applied. Apart from
these measures, it is also recommended that individuals
who are under extra pressure at work should be screened
and trained using cognitive and behavioral techniques.
To this end, individual and group therapies can also be
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