Students’ marriage age increase, affecting
factors and priorities
Heidar Ali Jahan Bakhshi
and Sayfolla Fazlollahi Ghomeshi
Department of Islamic Sciences, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr, Iran
Department of Education (Curriculum), Qom Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran
The purpose of research is to identify and prioritize the factors in uencing the increase in age of marriage among
students of Islamic Azad University of Islamshahr. Methods: This study was descriptive survey and the statistical pop-
ulation was Islamshahr Islamic Azad University students at the second semester of 2015-16 academic years among
whom 350 students were selected based on the sample size estimation table of the Morgan and Kerejcy populations
as strati ed random sampling. The information gathering tool was the self-made questionnaire including 31 compo-
nents according to the 5-points Likert scale with 0.89 reliability based on Cronbach’s alpha. Descriptive inferential
statistics and single-group Z inferential test were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed: First, all Z
score agents are more than critical Z score in con dence level of 0.99 and / 2 (2.58) = 0.01 and the second, The
existence of the phenomenon of unemployment, the society approach to increase the level of education, the fear of
the phenomenon of excessive increase in the costs of living, lack of suf cient income to marry, fear of failure in life,
the spread of aristocracy culture, extreme emphasis on the nobility of the two parties, changing the criteria for an
easy marriage, fear of supplying suitable supplies for life, and the dif culty of families’ deal as a result of complex
social relations are as the most important factors in increasing the marriage age of students respectively. Conclusion:
economic factors and living conditions are more in uential on the increase of marriage age of students more than
cultural phenomena and social values.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 30
Dec, 2016
Accepted after revision 29
March, 2017
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2017: 4.31 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2017. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. Special Issue No 1:234-242 (2017)
Jahan Bakhshi and Fazlollahi Ghomeshi
Islam is a religion of culture and in the Islamic cul-
ture, the pivot of reforms is the culture. Culture is the
extract of social life and it is y culture that the person
is linked and coordinated to the people around at vari-
ous dimensions and is identi ed and determined of the
other societies. Certainly, the existence and survival of
human beings and societies is related to the culture (Fazl
Ellahi Ghomeshi, 2013). Universities and students are
of the most important cultural elements of the society
that play a major role in the structure of society by cre-
ating knowledge and the promulgation of culture and
ways of life. Marriage and families are of the symbols
of Islamic culture as an inevitable necessity not only for
psychological and physical comfort of the people, but
also to strengthen values and family institution, social
health and a fortunate for excellence, purity and pure
life. Therefore, the timely marriage of students not only
emphasizes the adherence to culture and values but also,
the sanctity of the pure and scienti c environment of
the university is also speci cation. Marriage (Ezdevaj) is
made up of the word “Zoj” meaning as couple and pair.
In fact, a person who has been alone and single tries
to form the smallest unit of the society as the family
and marriage can be known as a social contract based
on compromise and compromise between the man and
the woman and the stability of the society (Biabangard,
In the Qur’an’s view, marriage is the source of peace
of the human spirit and is a great sign of God’s mercy
and grandeur (Rome Sura: 21). Marriage is an intimate
relationship between man and woman for a long time
and this relationship is not to satisfy the immediate
desires but the future life and the happiness of men and
women and their children are formed based on this rela-
tionship. There is a need for constant compromise and
high level of sacri ce in the marriage but if the man
and the woman have more compromise before the mar-
riage, there is a possibility for higher compromise after
the marriage (Ahmadi Monfared, 2008).
Marriage is a process of interaction between man
and woman held under Sharia and customary legal
ceremonies the loyalty to which is accepted by Sharia
and social laws and organizations (Ibid: 20). Marriage
is an action that causes the interaction between the two
sexes based on the constant sexual relationships; there-
fore, the relationship between two people of the same
sex is not considered as marriage whether contempo-
rary or permanent and o the other hand, in the marriage
de nition, the mere physical relationship between the
opposite sexes does not seem suf cient since marriage
requires a social agreement that causes the legality of
the physical relationships (Sarookhani, 1991). Karlsson
shows marriage as a process of mutual action between
two people, a man and a woman, that realizes some legal
conditions and holds a ceremony for their marriage and
generally, their activity is accepted by the law as the
marriage (Karlsson, 1963).
Marriage and marital issues has been one of the most
important issues of human life during history. Therefore,
this issue has been considered by different scienti c
elds as sociology, law, economics, psychology, phi-
losophy in addition to religions. Thus, any change and
transformation in society will cause changes in the fam-
ily institution by considering the importance of the fam-
ily as one of the major institutions of society.Increased
marriage age for girls and the phenomenon of certain
spinster among them is among the cultural and social
changes that are resulted in large changes occurred in
the society. Increased marriage age phenomenon is not
only observed in Iran but also in postindustrial devel-
oped countries like the United States of America, so that
on the basis of existing studies, the age of marriage in
this country has outstandingly increased since the mid-
1960s among its population (Loughran and Zissimopou-
los, 2004).
Marriage time and family formation is in uenced
by several factors. The development and modernization
in the new world has caused the change in the time of
marriage and its delay with the rapid and considerable
change of the individual’s economic and social condi-
tions. The collapse of wide family systems, the replace-
ment of industrial and business trading instead of tra-
ditional agricultural economy, the complexity of social
labor division, the expansion of public education and
more involvement of women in economic and social
activities outside the house are factors that contribute to
delayed marriage (Mahmoudian , 2004).
The increase of the population growth rate is among
the factors that has catalyzed the increase of marriage
age and the occurrence of certain spinster phenomenon.
On the other hand, it should not be neglected that the
increase of marriage age and the certain spinster phe-
nomena cause disorder in the natural function of the
family institution and consequently, we will naturally
face the destroy and the threatening of mental health,
the creation of inhibiting dams and barriers in the way
of mental growth and sublimation, the occurrence of
mental and social diseases and disorders such as depres-
sion, anxiety, addiction and social crimes, wasting the
massive energy of people that prevents social growth
and sublimation, the increase of the age differences
between children and parents and interest and perspec-
tive gaps between the two generations within the family
(Soltanpoor, 2000).
According to this important factor and the emphases
of the Islam humanitarian school on timely marriage of
Jahan Bakhshi and Fazlollahi Ghomeshi
youths constantly as the cause of the mental peace and
physical comfort; “And of His signs is that He created for
you from yourselves mates that you may  nd tranquil-
ity in them; and He placed between you affection and
mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give
thought” (Rome Sura: 21). According to the necessity of
creating a healthy and pure environment for thinking
and producing knowledge and the promulgation of the
culture and societal values at universities as the center of
thinking and knowledge production the most important
factor of which is students and their physical and intel-
lectual health is considered as the environment creation
and learning experiences for the knowledge production.
The students’ marriage at proper ages will cause the suc-
culence at universities and the focus of exactness on
scienti c objectives. Therefore, the researchers are after
providing the possibility of cultural and managerial cur-
riculum for having developed and Islamic valued-based
universities by identifying and prioritizing the affecting
factors of the students’ marriage age increase.
Any factor that causes the lack of the formation of mar-
riage of girls and boys or delays the marriage is called
the inhibiting factor of the marriage (Dezhakam, 2004:
108). These factors include: economic problems and
false customs and formalities, false freedoms and escap-
ing responsibility, military service of boys, the problem
of housing, fastidious and possessiveness in mate selec-
tion, poverty (Biabangard, 2002: 94 ), disrupting the
balance of boys and girls ready to get married because
of migration from the villages for the purpose of uni-
versity education (Sadeghian, 2001: 5), sexual deviation
and adultery, male impotence and female undersexed,
intense love relationships as falling in love, the lack of
coordination of social and economic status of the two
parties’ families, time lapse and aged boys or girls, rela-
tive incent, high intellectual difference between the boy
and the girl, ideological and religious differences and
so on (Dezhakam, 2004). Sometimes these factors can
be overcome and are not majorly important and such
as poverty, education time and so on and sometimes,
these factors cannot be overcome and there is no possi-
bility for marriage such as love relationships, the intense
educational and economic differences and the lack of
the complete compromise of the both parties’ families
(Dezhakam, 2004). The age of marriage is one of the
important indicators to evaluate the physical and men-
tal health of a community (Murayama, 2001). In our
country that religious norms enjoy a favorable popu-
larity among people, it carries the domain of the effect
of the marriage age to new generation behavioral and
cultural identity  elds. A signi cant increase in mar-
riage age after centuries of early marriage experience is
considered as important phenomenon in social changes
(Hajnal, 1965: 48).
Marriage and family formation is one of the issues
discussed by various religions, philosophers, sociolo-
gists, psychologists, scholars, educators, poets, writers
and artists. In marriage and family formation, goals and
motivations such as the human desire for the continu-
ity of generations, spiritual and economic needs and
requirements are involved that have been varied in dif-
ferent periods of human history (Caldwell, 1981). But
what nowadays is the main challenge of Iranian society
among young people is the increase of the age of mar-
riage; young people, who do not  nd the opportunity
to marry, young people who are isolated due to wrong
social traditions and also young people who like to be
single for a long time of their lives. These and other fac-
tors have changed the marriage age phenomenon as a
problem. It worth mentioning that the consequences of
this phenomenon (marriage age) can cause the increase
in anxieties and stresses and the prevalence of depres-
sion and behavioral disorders and sexual vulnerability.
By the lapse of the exciting period of life, it decreases
the motivation for marriage and discourages the aged
girls to form families (Azad Armaki, 2007).
Besides that, the marriage age increase and certain
spinster sends out the marriage of the legal and nor-
mal circulation and threatens the security of the family
which is in line with other damages as the increase of
divorce due to illegitimate relationships (Gidenze, 2007).
On the other hand, speci c problems such as huge dow-
ries, huge amounts of jewelry payment, various gifts and
costumes and glamorous wedding celebrations, renting,
mortgage or house purchase, pregnancy and parenting
and dozens of other family, economic, social and cul-
tural problems face young people (Eskandari Cherati,
2008). Simultaneous with economic and social changes
such as urbanization, education, creation of new jobs
and the emergence of various classes, the family system
and the governing norms can be seen in the changes in
marriage age (Kana’ani, 2006).
Considering the importance of the issue, the increased
marriage age seems to be more important from differ-
ent cultural, political, economic, social and even secu-
rity for people when it is related to the open minded
students of universities. Students are the thoughtful and
cultural capitals and future leaders and managers of the
societies who have the mission of knowledge produc-
tion, culture development and cultural services to people
and certainly, thinking method and their interpretation
can have various effects on the society. Student mar-
riage phenomenon will be the provider of physical and
mental happiness and the background provider of the
health and the purity of the sacred environment of the
Jahan Bakhshi and Fazlollahi Ghomeshi
university to produce knowledge and endeavor to reach
individual and social sublimation peaks; an objective
that the Supreme Leader of Iran institution tries to real-
ize in order to realize the pure life at universities by
providing the cultural background and giving  nancial
services and loans in the recent years.
Despite all these efforts and in the way of the God’s
satisfaction, the student marriage age also needs more
investigation according to realities in order to have
effective planning to reach the goals with proper reason-
ing. The review of literature and websites and credited
information services of the country show that descrip-
tive researches based on the data analysis are very few
although the researches in the related domain are not
few some of which are mentioned below.
Karimlu et al (1999) compared the change trend of
the age of the  rst marriage of women in Tehran prov-
ince with all the country based on the information of the
National Health and disease project in Iran and analyzed
it based on Bras 8 method.
The results show that marriage ratio in all age groups,
and especially in 15- 19 years age group, has completely
decreased and generally, marriage age has increased
across the country as well as Tehran province. In a study
entitled as “the age of marriage is rising: the study of sup-
porting factors”, Mahmoudian (2004) found that recent
marriages happen at higher ages and education, urbani-
zation, the cooperation of women as labor force, freer
marriages, sexual equality and the relative relationship
of the couples have direct effects on the marriage age. In
a study entitled as “the evolution of women’s marriage
age in Iran and the population factors affecting it based
on attributive study and descriptive-analytical research
method”, Kazemipoor (2004) concluded that there is a
relationship between marriage age, literacy, education,
ethnicity, urban and rural residential areas and gener-
ally the socio-economic status of people. Moreover, the
age structure of population (the disproportion between
unmarried men and women) are among the in uencing
factors on the variations of the age of marriage in Iran.
In a study, Nikmanesh and Kazemi (2006) studied the
effective factors on the marriage age increase among the
youth and the in uencing solutions to come over this
problem and showed that marriage opportunities have
been more available for girls with delay in marriage than
boys and girls have known the main reason for their
failure to getting married as not  nding a loved one
and continuing education. Boys have introduced eco-
nomic problems and unemployment as barriers to mar-
riage. Hope for marriage in the future is higher in boys
than girls. Also, they showed that boys and girls know
reducing expectations of their parents as a solution to
marriage problems. In the second priority, boys and girls
have introduced the overcome of economic problems
and unemployment as the solution. In a study entitled
as “the study of the reasons and effects of the marriage
age increase among rural girls in Ashtian”, Majduddin
(2007) concluded that family is of great importance in
terms of effectiveness on its members and on different
levels of society and the cause of the family is marriage.
So, the health of the society and family is related to a
healthy and permanent marriage.
Also, social factors and problems caused by this such
as poverty and unemployment will cause to the migra-
tion, marriage and the permanent residence of the rural
boys in cities and the lack of sexual balance in the vil-
lage, so that it causes the increase in the number of
the single girls in the village and the delay in their mar-
riage age followed by the increase of the damages and
social deviations. In a study entitled as “Marriage Age;
increase factors and the strategies to decrease”, Rajabi
(2007) has introduced the increase of the marriage age
as one of the important issues of the human society
because by the increase of the marriage age, the youths
are deprived of the normal sexual instinct satisfaction
way and its consequences and bene ts.
In past societies, boys and girls got married at puberty
or shortly thereafter and staying single was considered
a social shortage. But with more complexity of socie-
ties and the creation of false desires and motivations,
the social tastes changed and as a result of this taste
changing, the natural and instinctive need for mar-
riage was repressed and this process has gone so far
that today in some Western societies, young people
have totally refused marriage and regarded it as a bar-
rier to their freedom. They will turn to marriage only in
time that they lose their youthful vitality and require
a caregiver. Unfortunately, this wrong culture has also
affected Islamic societies, including our Islamic commu-
nity, so that the increasing age of marriage has caused
many problems in the country. Problems such as depres-
sion and loss of vitality among the youth, obsession in
choosing spouse, the problematic and unmarried elderly
children at home, increased anxiety especially in girls,
uncertainty, loss of freshness and beauty, hopelessness
and deciding to not to marry for reducing the desire for
marriage, carelessness in selecting a spouse, the risk of
diversion, and dozens of such problems that challenges
many of our youth.
In a study entitled as “the criteria for choosing the
education level of spouses and comparing it among male
and female students”, Forodastan et al (2008) concluded
that the education level of spouse is very important in
the view point of students and is one of the spouse selec-
tion criteria. Moreover, there is a signi cant difference
between male and female students in the education level
of spouse. The girls showed the highest the tendency
towards the higher education level of spouses and boys
Jahan Bakhshi and Fazlollahi Ghomeshi
showed the lowest tendency towards the higher educa-
tion level of spouses. According to the results of this
research, there is this formal attitude in the society that
the education level of men should be higher than his
wife. Moreover, statistics show the increase in the num-
ber of the girl students at universities compared to boys.
This trend can cause the increase in marriage age
of youths and especially in the number of single edu-
cated girls in the societies. Some strategies are recom-
mended in the way of reforming the current attitudes.
In a study entitled as “the assessment of the youth atti-
tude towards marriage and the recognition of its con-
sequences and effects”, Kazemipoor (2009) concluded
that in Iranian society, the family institution and the
interactions among its members has not developed as
long as the growth and the development of industri-
alization and urbanization. In this regard, divorce has
been higher among the people with lower social status.
Finally, according to the interaction view, most youth
have pay attention to rational selection for spouse selec-
tion and the attitude towards marriage has changed to a
rational selection among young people.
In a study entitled as “the study of the effect of cul-
tural factors on marriage model in Shiraz”, Kazemi and
Niazi (2010) concluded that the marriage model is more
modernized by the increase of the developmental ideal-
ism of individuals. Moreover, gender, age, value priori-
ties, income, education levels and the level of using mass
media tools have had a meaningful relationship with
marriage model. Based on the multi-variate regression
results among all the independent variables, gender var-
iables, developmental idealism, the level of using mass
media tools, age, value priorities and income explain
73 percent of the changes of dependent variable. The
gender variable has the highest effect on the marriage
model. In a study entitled as “the study of the effect-
ing factors on the marriage age of women in Iran; an
economic approach”, Zarabi and Mostafavi (2011) stated
that marriage is a social, demographic and economic
phenomenon and the marriage age is a good indicator to
study it. The research results prove the positive effect of
education level on the marriage age of women. Moreo-
ver, the urbanization variable shows negative effect in
general compared to being rural. The difference of mar-
riage age is also seen among different ethnic groups.
Also, the results show that marriage age is lower among
families of higher economic classes and  nally, marriage
age faces an increasing trend among recent age groups
compared to the past.
In a study entitled as “Effect of socializing with the
opposite sex before marriage on marriage age and will-
ing to marry among students of Tehran University”,
Farahani Khalajabadi et al (2011) concluded that the
experience of advanced sociability before marriage is
one of the determinants of late marriage among students
after controlling for sex and economic status and family
culture so that the experience of advanced sociability
with the opposite sex before marriage delays the mar-
riage about 2 years. Also, this sociability has a more
signi cant relationship with marriage among girls and
less signi cant relationship with marriage among boys.
In a study entitled as “the reasons of girls’ marriage age
increase among single girls and married women from 25
to 44 in urban centers of the country”, Habibpoorgetabi
and Ghaffari (2011) concluded that girls who marry later
have higher education, have supernal attitude towards
marriage and believe that the costs of the lost opportuni-
ties with marriage is higher than marriage opportunity.
On the other hand, if the society condition, whether
economically or socio-culturally, is not ready to accept
such changes, its negative consequences would be more
than its positive ones. In a study entitled as “An intro-
duction to the statistics of young people marriage in
Iran with the analysis of divorce and marriage statistics
and the explanation of the major barriers to marriage”,
Bankipoorfard et al (2011) concluded that cultural bar-
riers have more effects than economic barriers but they
are less paid attention to. In addition, the marriage trend
in recent years is been worrying so that marriage growth
rate has decreased despite the population growth and
divorce rate has signi cantly increased. In this condi-
tion, the marriage age average has increased especially
among girls.
The result is that the marriage of peers, training life
skills at various levels, permanent monitoring and spe-
cial attention of managers to planning and a national
commitment to solve this problem are of the ways out of
this critical situation. In a study entitled as “the relation-
ship between women’s education with their marriage
age increase and preventing strategies emphasizing
Islamic approach”, Mirsondosi and Mohammadi Qale
Se di (2011) concluded that there is a signi cant, nega-
tive and inverse relationship between the education of
the married women and the economic expectation level
of Tehran girls. In other words, the higher their educa-
tion level goes, the less their economic expectations are.
There is a direct and positive relationship between the
education of the married women and the social pressures
level so that the higher their education level goes, the
higher is the level of social pressures and the person is
more willing to get married. In a study entitled as “the
economic and social factors related to the marriage age
increase in Kermanshah”,
Moradi and Saffarian (2012) showed that there is sig-
ni cant relationship between the variables such as the
people’s attitudes towards gender equality, democratic
parenting style, authoritative parenting style, education
and enjoyment of being single, the strictness of parents
Jahan Bakhshi and Fazlollahi Ghomeshi
and expectations. The results of the regression show
that the use of media, parents’ intervention, parenting
style, sexual inequality, housing and self-con dence are
respectively important in the explanation of the depend-
ent variable that have entered the regression equation.
Taken together, these variables have explained and pre-
dicted the marriage age from the conceptual atmosphere
of the dependent variable.
The results of Hosseini and Geravand (2013) as “the
assessment of the factors affecting the behavior gap and
attitudes of women to the appropriate age for marriage
in Koohdasht” indicate the fact that there is better expla-
nation of gap in behavior and the attitudes of women
towards appropriate marriage age from the socio-eco-
nomic, demographic, and cultural and ethnic back-
ground characteristics. Fazl Elahi Ghomeshi and Maleki
Tavna (2013) in “mate-selection culture among students:
criteria and priorities” indicated that mental and intellec-
tual health has the highest priority and political view is
of the least important criteria among students and mod-
esty and family and personal decency, having marital
honesty, moral agreement between the spouses, security
and peace in life, reliability, high sense of responsibility,
physical health and cultural and educational  t between
the spouses were the most important criteria for mate
selection among university students respectively. The
correlation between students’ ranking of two universi-
ties was signi cant. They concluded that students pay
minor attention to mundane and physical characteristics
compared to spiritual factors that is in more coordina-
tion with cultural and Islamic teachings.
The realistic analysis of the previously mentioned
researches show that the researches in coordination with
the objectives of this research have been very few and
the conduction of this research in the sacred city of Qom
and via referencing students emphasize its uniqueness.
However, the identi cation and prioritization of the
effecting factors on the marriage age of students is not
been previous observed with the presented trend.
The research method is practical in terms of purpose and
it is a descriptive survey in terms of data collection. The
statistical population consisted of all students of Islam-
shar Islamic Azad University in the second semester of
2015-16 academic years as about 7,000 according to
authorities. The sample included 350 people who were
selected based on the sample size estimation table of the
Morgan and Kerejcy populations (quoted in Hasan Zade,
2004) as strati ed random sampling. The information
gathering tool was the self-made questionnaire includ-
ing 31 components according to the 5-points Likert scale
with 0.89 reliability based on Cronbach’s alpha. Descrip-
tive inferential statistics such as mean, standard devia-
tion and dispersion coef cient and inferential statistics
such as single-group Z test were used.
The above table shows the status of the collected data
about the effecting factors on the marriage age increase
among students and its prioritization in their view.
According to the information, all the studied criteria of
Z score are higher than table Z at the con dence level
of / 2 (2.58) = 0.01 and 0.99. According to the signi -
cance of the average difference with the average of the
expected gained score (3) with 99% reliability, it can be
concluded that 31 components of the studied compo-
nents are acceptable and favorable. In accordance with
the data, the highest average (4.35) was related to com-
ponent 2 (the unemployment among young people) is
located in the  rst position of the second with dispersion
coef cient of 22.03 and after that, component 1 (the
increase of higher levels of education among youth) is
placed in the second position with the mean of 3.84 and
dispersion coef cient of 22.09 and component 7 (the
phenomenon of high cost of living for young people)is
placed in the third position with the mean of 4.26 and
dispersion coef cient of 23.71.
The lack of income for marriage among young peo-
ple, the fear of the phenomenon of failure in life among
youth, the expansion of multiplier culture and pride and
aristocracy among youth, the excessive emphasis on the
nobility of the parties, changing standards of marriage
from easy to dif cult, the phenomenon of rivalry to sup-
ply equipment for life and the dif culty of full agree-
ment of the two sides families are in grades four to ten
According to the students of Islamic Azad University
of Qom, military service of boys, gender equality among
young people, the excessive emphasis on the age agree-
ment of the couples, the emphasis is on having the vehi-
cle before marriage among young people, reducing the
desire for marriage, the emphasis of parents on choosing
spouse among relatives and having elder single brother
or sister as a barrier to marriage were known as the least
important components from 25 to 31 respectively.
Today, the mission of universities in knowledge produc-
tion, culture, in uencing the public culture and provid-
ing services is considered as vital the tools of which are
behavioral patterns and information including teach-
ers, administrators, staff and the audience. The univer-
Jahan Bakhshi and Fazlollahi Ghomeshi
Table 1. Prioritizing the factors affecting the marriage age increase among students
XXnS Z V R
1 The society approach in the increase of higher education 883 3.84 230 0.88 23.1 22.9 2
2 The unemployment among youth 1001 4.35 230 0.96 29.3 22.03 1
3 The expansion of free relationships between boys and girls 808 3.54 228 1.23 12.83 34.66 21
4 The fear of providing appropriate equipments of competitive life 889 3.88 229 1.12 18.68 28.84 9
5 The parents’ emphasis to choose spouse among relatives 632 2.76 229 1.1 3.58 39.85 30
6 Contractive form of dowries between families 769 3.39 227 1.13 11.85 33.32 17
7 The change of the criteria of easy marriage 820 3.66 224 1.06 16.47 28.82 8
8 The fear of the increasing costs of living 962 4.26 226 1.01 26.17 23.71 3
9 The military service of boys 785 3.46 227 1.26 11.46 36.41 24
10 The obsession in religious beliefs of both sides 689 3.06 225 1.06 7.96 34.58 20
11 Idealism and the belief to free life among youth 734 3.26 225 1.17 9.79 35.8 23
12 The emphasis on  nancial independence and the income of both sides 822 3.62 227 1.14 14.77 31.57 14
13 The lack of boy and girl proportion due to urbanization 711 3.13 227 1.19 8 37.99 28
14 The excessive obsession in choosing spouse 808 3.56 227 1.12 14.29 31.38 13
15 The dif culty of family agreement due to the complexity of social
801 3.54 226 1.08 14.55 30.45 10
16 The lack of suf cient income of the youth 959 4.19 229 1.07 23.87 25.55 4
17 The lack of trust to the other party due to the increase of crimes and
771 3.43 225 1.16 11.99 33.83 19
18 The excessive emphasis on the age agreement of the couples 740 3.29 225 1.23 9.63 37.36 26
19 The intensity of gender pride due to the increase of gender equality in the
673 3.05 221 1.14 7.14 37.28 25
20 The lack of supportive laws and institutions for marriage 832 3.68 226 1.21 14.69 32.85 16
21 The lack of tendency to permanent marriage among youth 787 3.45 228 1.33 10.82 38.48 29
22 The cultural and value emphases of the society in the marriage of siblings in
the order of birth
724 3.25 223 1.32 8.44 40.69 31
23 Attention to the occupation of the boy’s or girl’s parents 766 3.42 224 1.21 11.37 35.39 22
24 The decrease of trust to the opposite sex in the society 840 3.8 221 1.17 16.53 30.79 11
25 The excessive emphasis on having family nobility for the both parties 834 3.79 220 1.07 17.91 28.21 7
26 The excuses of parents for choosing spouse based on their will (not their
759 3.4 223 1.14 11.81 33.56 18
27 The con ict in decision making between marriage and education 765 3.45 222 1.24 9.3 37.89 27
28 The emphasis on having house and car before the marriage 727 3.27 222 1.24 9.3 37.89 27
29 The emphasis of the society on traditional criteria for marriage 791 3.53 224 1.1 14.08 31.03 12
30 The fear of the failure in marital life 874 3.92 223 1.04 20.45 26.45 5
31 The expansion of aristocracy culture among youth 852 3.86 221 1.07 18.77 27.84 6
sities affect not only the person development but also
the living methods of the people of a society through
the emergence of internal ef ciency (giving suf cient
knowledge, insights and ability) and external ef ciency
(employment and quality of life) through the develop-
ment of information, skills, character and development
of creativity and thinking (Fazl Elahi Ghomeshi and
Maleki Tavana, 2013).
They want to teach life methods to students as a
soft and in exible social system and affect the culture
of the society. Attention to the marriage age increase
among students is also one of socio-cultural phenom-
ena that universities are faced with as their mission in
order to have a completely scienti c and pure environ-
ment and free of intervening factors for learning the
thinking method or learning the learning and problem
solving method and creativity in the production of sci-
ence as the most important capital of the countries in
the current era scienti c competition and in uencing
the public culture. The results of the present study with
the aim of the identi cation and prioritization of the
effective factors on the marriage age increase among
Jahan Bakhshi and Fazlollahi Ghomeshi
students of Islamshahr Islamic Azad University showed
that: unemployment, the increase of the education level
the increase of the living costs are of the most important
and effective factors of the marriage age increase among
university students respectively.
These results are partly consistent with the research
results of Habibpoorgetabi and Ghaffari (2011), Zarabi
and Mostafavi (2011), Kazemipour (2009), Forodastan
et al (2008), Majduddin (2007), Nikmanesh and Kazemi
(2006), Kazemipour (2004) and Mahmoudian (2004) in
terms of economic factors and higher education and are
congruent with the research results of Mirsondosi and
Mohammadi Qale Se di (2011) and Farahani Khalajab-
adi et al (2011) concerning the impact of cultural factors
including the pre-marital relationships between girls
and boys. The major reason seems to be mostly the envi-
ronmental conditions prevailing in the holy city of Qom.
Also, the components of the lack of income for mar-
riage, the phenomenon of fear of failure in life among
youth, the expansion of multiplier culture and pride and
aristocracy among youth, the excessive emphasis on the
nobility of the parties, changing standards of marriage
from easy to dif cult, the phenomenon of rivalry to sup-
ply equipment for life and the dif culty of full agree-
ment of the two sides families are in grades four to ten
The other effective factors on the marriage age
increase from 10 to 20 priorities are: the decrease of
trust to the opposite sex in the society, the emphasis
of the society on traditional criteria for marriage, the
excessive obsession in choosing spouse, the emphasis
on  nancial independence and the income of both sides,
the con ict in decision making between marriage and
education, the lack of supportive laws and institutions
for marriage, contractive form of dowries between fami-
lies, the excuses of parents for choosing spouse based
on their will (not their youths), and the lack of trust to
the other party due to the increase of crimes and moral
In contrast the following components have the least
importance among youth: the obsession in religious
beliefs of both sides, the expansion of free relationships
between boys and girls, attention to the occupation of
the boy’s or girl’s parents, idealism and the belief to free
life among youth, the military service of boys, the inten-
sity of gender pride due to the increase of gender equal-
ity in the society, the excessive emphasis on the age
agreement of the couples, the emphasis on having house
and car before the marriage, the lack of boy and girl pro-
portion due to urbanization, the lack of tendency to per-
manent marriage among youth, the parents’ emphasis
to choose spouse among relatives and the cultural and
value emphases of the society in the marriage of siblings
in the order of birth. This shows a kind of the prior-
ity of economic criteria compared to cultural and social
and especially moral issues and social values and some-
times, some anti value issues are made more important
in social discussions. The results can reveal the fact that
the cultural and social values derived from dominant
philosophy are more important among students despite
the increasing effects of economic factors on marriage.
1. In order to have a healthy, happy and far from
intellectual and cultural pollutions and the adher-
ence to Islamic traditions and rules at universities,
it is suggested to conduct a large research with
precise components for planning and the pre-
requisites of easy marriage of students as one of
the major concerns of the authorities in Supreme
Leader of Iran institution.
2. Due to the consolidation of Islamic culture and
values through planning based on basic knowl-
edge, the values and symbols of mental, physical,
intellectual and cultural health of students should
be retained and the background for the production
of more knowledge should be provided.
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