Hasan Amiri et al.
Formaldehyde is a chemical material with a nasty smell,
which is used in xing cadavers, histological processes,
synthetic resins, wooden and plastic productions and
industrial ber production. It has a negative effect on
performance of body organs. It is metabolized to formic
acid by dehydrogenase formaldehyde and dehydrogenase
aldehyde enzymes in the liver and erythrocyte which is
exorcised through urine, excretion and breathing with
different macromolecules such as protein, acid nucleic or
interact with the light molecules like amino acid. Formal-
dehyde can cause oxidative stress in the body and has
a bad effect on respiratory system and blood circulation
and liver (Golalipour et al., 2007 Mendis et al., 2007,
Cheng et al., 2003, Collins and Lineker 2004 Kini et al.,
2004). Formaldehyde was known as a harmful factor for
liver cells in the different studies. Antioxidants are such
components that help body to destroy free radicals oxi-
dative stress is actually imbalance between oxidants and
antioxidants. When the amount of oxidants increases,
the cells are damaged. Antioxidants include Vitamin
A, E, C, Zn and selenium, which play a crucial role on
inhibition of free radicals and stability of cell membrane,
(Kini et al., 2001, Gupta et al., 2004, Woolaqrd et a;
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) is a white or yellow odor-
less solid substrate with the molecular formulation of
C6H806. Ascorbic Acid is produced in the liver of plants
and animals (except some special kind and human). Vita-
min C operates as antioxidants in the body and cause
acceleration of Fe, Cu and also revives of folic acid and
collagen making. Vitamin C as a soluble antioxidant
becomes active by moving oxygen and nitrogen ele-
ments. The role of vitamin E as a protective agent on
liver damage caused by formaldehyde in the previous
studies was approved. The role of A,E,C Vitamins as
protective antioxidants on liver hepatotoxicity was also
investigated. It is possible to evaluate liver function by
checking the indicators in the blood, (Kum et al., 2011,
Kini et al., m 2011, Djeffal et al., 2011, Ememghorashy
et al., 2012).
With regard to the formaldehyde effects in making
oxidative stress, free radicals and their effect on liver
performance and in accordance with the performed
studies related to the formaldehyde on the liver tis-
sue changes as glomerular vascular congestion and
also minor decline holes in the pipe cells and stud-
ies about the protection effect of Vitamin C on pre-
vention of formaldehyde damage, in this study, we
decided to investigate the protection effect of Vita-
min C on liver performance of rats after exposing to
In this study 24 adult rat of Wistar bread were selected
and divided into 3 equal groups. The rst group (c)
received 1cc/kg of normal saline and the second group
(E2) received 10 mg/kg formaldehyde and the third group
(E3) received both 10mg/kg formaldehyde and 200 mg/
kg Vitamin C in 10 days by injection into peritoneal.
During the study, the rats were under normal condition
of shelter with 24±2 temperature and appropriate feed-
ing. 3 weeks after nishing the injection phlebotomy,
after anesthesia by sterile syringe was performed. After
making occulation by centrifuge, samples were sepa-
rated with 1500 rpm during 10 minutes and they were
kept in -20 c till testing for evaluation of ALT and AST.
The amount of ALT and AST were measured by using
Pars Azmoon kits and auto analyzer tool (BiotecticaIn-
strument BT 1000).
Data analysis was performed after entering the data
to SPSS Ver.20program and to investigate normality of
cantinas quantitative data distribution, Shapiro-wilk
test was conducted. The explicit result of the groups was
reported as average and deviation from standard devia-
tion. The comparison between the investigated groups
was performed by using ANOVA test. If the average dif-
ferences of statistic results were meaningful the LSD test
were used to compare them. The meaningful level was
considered less than 0.05 (P<0.05).
In this study, 24 adult male rats of Wistar bread were
involved. Among them 8 rats (33%) considered as con-
trol group, 8 rats (33%) considered as test group 2 (E2)
and another 8 rats (33.3%) as test group 2 (E2). Descrip-
tive factors and the comparison between the weights of
rats among 3 groups of control E1, E2 was shown in the
table 1. In order to compare AST level in 3 groups of
control (c) E1,E2. Variance analysis test (ANOVA) was
conducted and in order to compare 2 group’s level of
ALT, the LSD test was came out. Descriptive speci ca-
tions and the comparison between ALT levels of three
groups include group c, E1, E2 were listed in the table 2.
According to the comparison of AST level, it was sug-
gested that there is a signi cant difference in 3 groups
of control, E1, E2 (p<0.05). Also, with regard to the 2
groups comparison, The difference between the AST
level of group c and group E1 was meaning (p<0.05)
and the difference between AST level of control (c) and
test group (E1) was also meaningful (p<0.05). However,
there is not a meaningful difference between AST level
of study group E1 and E2 (p>0.05) (plot 1). In order to
compare, ALT level in 3 study groups of control (c), E1,