Rahmanian, Ghavam and Yazdanpanah
questions to collect better data. So, the checklist used
to collect the research data had 42 questions that was
applied for the different stages of hospital waste man-
agement, including how to produce waste, status of col-
lection, transportation, weighing, disinfecting and nal
disposal of hospitals’ solid wastes in Bandar Abbas.
The checklist includes six scales that are the per cap-
ita waste, disinfecting procedures, management com-
ponents in waste disposal, waste separation, storage,
transportation and methods of nal disposal of waste.
Questions of subscales are as follows: Per capita waste,
questions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16; that how
to measure on these questions is as kg per day. Disin-
fecting methods, questions 17, 18, 19 and 20; which the
method of measurement is based on standard or non-
standard methods.
Management components in waste disposal, ques-
tions 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25; that the method of measur-
ing them is as yes / no, complete / incomplete. Waste
separation, questions 25, 26, 27 and 28, that the method
of measuring them is as yes / no, complete / incomplete.
Storage and transportation, questions 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44, that the
measurement method is as yes / no, complete / incom-
plete. Methods for nal disposal of wastes, questions 45,
46, 47 and 48, that the measurement method is as yes /
no, complete / incomplete. In this questionnaire, obtain-
ing less points means more consistent with the standards
of the Ministry of Health.
In this review, after completing the paperwork and
obtaining the necessary permits, in collaboration with
the Deputy Treatment and Deputy Health of medical
university and hospital managers in Bandar Abbas, the
research data in hospitals of Bandar Abbas was collected
in 4 steps as follows.
The research environments were visited in a eld method
(waste production sites, including wards, outpatient
departments, clinics, diagnostic departments, operating
rooms, drug stores, administration and support depart-
ments, kitchens and cafeterias) and the solid waste col-
lection sites, people involved in the production process,
collection, transportation, storage and nal disposal of
wastes were identi ed.
At this stage, it was justi ed the people involved in the
production process to the nal disposal of wastes in hos-
pitals on the goal of the study, for this purpose, in coor-
dination with the hospital manager and health experts
based in hospitals, the people gathered in the audito-
rium of the hospital and the functional objectives and
implementation phases of the study were described for
them. As the number of people involved in the Shahid
Mohammadi hospital was great, 3 brie ngs were held in
this hospital and 2 brie ngs were held in the children’s’
hospital and Persian Gulf hospital. In other hospitals, a
meeting was held to justify the people involved.
At this stage, the designated sites were daily visited
and then the process of collecting, transporting, stor-
ing, weighing and disposing of the wastes generated
was observed and recorded for each site and nally, the
completed information related to the various stages of
producing solid waste in each hospital was recorded in
the standard checklist of Ministry of Health (checklist
of visiting the management of the collection, storage,
transportation and disposal of wastes in the country’s
hospitals). It should be noted that the standard check-
list Ministry of Health related to the different stages
of solid waste disposal in country hospitals has been
105 years that after soliciting the opinion of experts of
environmental health department of the Health Center
in Hormozgan province and professors of environmen-
tal health department at the School of Health in Bandar
Abbas, it was summarized to the 42 questions by the
researcher to collect better data.
At this stage, after collecting the data required in all
hospitals, the data collected was entered into SPSS 16
software and then using the descriptive and analytic
statistics and statistical tests, the per capita produc-
tion, duration of waste storage and waste management
method in the hospitals of Bandar Abbas were compared
with the regulations of the Ministry of Health.
In this study, the SPSS 16 software and descriptive
statistics including frequency, mean and standard devi-
ation; and inferential statistics including one sample
t-test (at the signi cance level 0.05) were used to ana-
lyze the data.
According to the results of this study, the amount and
percentage of the waste generated is shown in Table 1.
Accordingly, the amount of waste produced daily in hos-
pitals was 1987.45 kg that the waste generation in the
university hospitals was 921.45 kg, in the private hospi-
tals 383 kg, in the military and police hospitals 296 kg,
and in the social security hospital 387 kg per day.
As seen in Table 1, the highest average total pro-
duction of waste is in Social Security hospitals in the