Comparing the cost of joint replacement surgery in
patients receiving social security insurance in Shahid
Beheshti and Shahid Chamran hospitals in Shiraz
Mohammadmehdi Esfandiaribayat
, Abbas Ghavam
* and Abbas Yazdanpanah
Department of Healthcare Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Institute of Sciences and High Technology and
Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran
Assistant professor, Department of Healthcare Management, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Marvdasht, Iran
This study examines the cost of joint replacement surgery services for the persons receiving Social Security insurance
in Shahid (martyr) Beheshti hospital and compares it with Shahid Chamran hospital in Shiraz. In the study, it was
intended to compare the cost of joint replacement services in two hospitals in Shiraz.In this study, the activity-based
cost calculation method was used to calculate the costs. The data were analyzed by using the logistic regression
model.The results showed that the costs in the Shahid Beheshti hospital af liated with Social Security were more than
the Shahid Chamran hospital in Shiraz. The cost of all the sub-items in the Shahid Beheshti hospital was more than
the Shahid Chamran hospital, only in the sub-item of consumer goods cost, there was not a signi cant difference.
The study’s  ndings will introduce the cost factors of a hospital to the health managers and policy makers. The cost
of services in many parts of the study was roughly equal to the tariff of health services in 2016. In some of the items
of cost, the cost was less than the tariff, and in others was more than the announced tariff.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 1
Jan, 2017
Accepted after revision 3
April, 2017
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2017: 4.31 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2017. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. Special Issue No 1:139-145 (2017)
Esfandiaribayat, Ghavam and Yazdanpanah
The joint replacement or arthroplasty is a type of surgery
in which the damaged joint surfaces are replaced with
an arti cial surface. The main goal of joint replacement
is to relieve the pain caused by erosion, arthritis, rheu-
matism and destruction of the articular surface. Obtain-
ing the optimal range of motion in joint and modify-
ing the deformations created in the joint are considered
as another factors to use the arti cial joint(Bachmeier
et al., 2001).
Arthroplasty is a type of reconstructive surgery
that is performed to reduce the pain and increase the
range of motion in the joints with limitation of motion.
The most common arthroplasty performed today is the
total joint replacement which is also called the joint
replacement(Nunley et al., 2012). Arthroplasty is a type
of surgery in which the movable articular surfaces that
have severely damaged and destroyed are resected so
that the joint can move with less pain. Arthroplasty is
usually used in the treatment of joints that have suffered
severe damage. There are three types of arthroplasty: 1)
Resection arthroplasty. 2) Interposition arthroplasty. 3)
Prosthetic arthroplasty which is also called joint replace-
ment. In this type of surgery, after removing the articu-
lar surfaces, they are replaced with the metal, ceramic
or plastic pieces which are called arti cial joint(Healy,
Iorio, Ko, Appleby, & Lemos, 2002),(Koskinen, Eskelinen,
Paavolainen, Pulkkinen, & Remes, 2008).
Shahid Beheshti hospital of Shiraz is one of the hos-
pitals under the Social Security Organization. The Social
Security insured persons do not pay the fee for the ser-
vices done for them in the Social Security hospitals and
all expenses will be paid by the indirect health sector
of the Social Security Organization. It seems that this
makes the necessary sensitivity that exists in the public
and private sectors to monitor and calculate the cost of
various services, does not exist.
Health in Social Security is divided into two sectors:
direct and indirect health. Direct health includes the
medical centers belonging to the social security organi-
zation in which the health care is offered free to the
insured. Indirect health is another sector of the organiza-
tion that is responsible for the purchase of service from
the various diagnostic and therapeutic centers (public
and private) by contracting with them that the Insured
receive the health care by visiting the centers after pay-
ment of franchise(Arefnezhad et al., 2016; Kazemi Kary-
ani, Homaie Rad, Pourreza, & Shaahmadi, 2015).
The  rst step towards the economic management of
detailed planning about the future performance of the
hospital is the accurate calculation of the cost of each
part(Se ddashti, Rad, Mohamad, & Bordbar, 2016). How-
ever, the lack of cost accounting in hospitals has made
the correct amount of consumer spending does not exist
in every hospital, in every sector and on every patient
and lead to the budget bargain method, important hos-
pital function, etc.(Kazemi Karyani et al., 2015),(Rad,
Rezaei, & Fallah, 2015).
With regard to the implementation of the health
reform plan and new tariff book in country’s hospitals,
there has been a sharp rise in prices of medical services.
In this regard, controlling the medical costs that one of
the most expensive is the surgery, is a priority. Analyz-
ing and comparing the costs of surgery in the Social
Security hospital to other hospitals is important in two
aspects. The  rst aspect is to  nd the right solution to
optimize the surgery costs including the costs related
to the physicians, staff, equipment, daybed, para clinic,
etc. and the second aspect that is considerable in this
study is the determination of priority whether the direct
investment to perform the surgery in the Social Security
hospital bene ts the organization or purchasing the ser-
vice from other hospitals under the contract. The impor-
tance of this issue arises from this fact that by having
the data and analyzing the costs carried out in the social
security hospitals and centers under the Social Security
Agreement, it can be improved the long-term care poli-
cies of organization(Samadi & Homaie Rad, 2013),(Bay-
ati, Sarikhani, Rad, Heydari, & Lankarani, 2014).
For performing more hip and knee joint replacement
surgery in these two hospitals and their high cost, these
surgeries were selected. The cost of hip and knee joints
replacement surgery in Shahid Chamran University Hos-
pital was compared with this cost in the Organization’s
Shahid Beheshti Hospital according to the implementa-
tion of the health reform plan and increased costs result-
ing from it and it was determined as far as possible what
the differences there are between the cost of arthroplasty
in the two hospitals according to the hospital bills and
which of the bill rows (premium, daybed, consumer
goods, etc.) has created the differences. The basis for
comparing the information contained in patients’ bill
was from early October 2015 to late September 2016. In
this study, the total prosthetic Arthroplasty includes the
total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) and total hip Arthroplasty
(THA). And the question is answered that what differ-
ence is there between the total costs of Shahid Chamran
hospital and all the same costs calculated in the bill of
Shahid Beheshti hospital?
This is a descriptive-analytic study that will be conducted
in a retrospective way. The method used is to view the
available documents in the archive of the Social Secu-
rity Organization and accounting records of the studied
Esfandiaribayat, Ghavam and Yazdanpanah
Table 1. the descriptive  ndings of the study on the gender of the subjects
Variable Frequency Ratio Chamran Hospital Beheshti Hospital
Gender-male 118 67.8 58 40
Gender-female 56 32.2 30 46
Total 174 100 88 86
Table 2. Descriptive  ndings of the study on the cost of joint
replacement services
Total costs Coef cient SD T-statistic P-value
Gender-male 35600000 17000000 2.09 0.04
Beheshti Hospital 10100000 1600000 629 0.00
Length of stay -1078129 5561830 -0.19 0.85
Constant coef cient 150000000 23000000 6.53 0.00
Table 3. Comparing the cost of joint replacement services
Coef cient SDT-statisticP-valueTotal costs
0,006,29160000010100000Beheshti Hospital
0,85-0,195561830-1078129Length of stay
0,006,5323000000150000000Constant coef cient
hospitals. The study population will be comprised of two
Shahid Beheshti and Shahid Chamran hospitals in Shi-
raz and the patients referred to them. In this study, all
samples admitted to the two hospitals during the period
April to September 2016, will be used. Thus, the sam-
ple size does not matter in this study. Sampling is done
by viewing the documents in the archives of the Social
Security and accounting records of the studied hospitals
and the samples examined will be collected using the
The information can be retrieved and also accessed
by data processing, administrative and  nancial units,
statistics and economics of treatment, and clinical and
laboratory departments of hospital. Given that the
above-mentioned information is placed in the  nancial
sector of hospital HIS system, access to the system is
possible via the hospital’s database. Excel software will
be used to process and summarize the data. Moreover,
SPSS software will be used for the report-statistical con-
clusion and analysis.
The variables of this study include the costs of dif-
ferent departments of joint replacement surgery includ-
ing the cost of daybed, surgery, anesthesia, laboratory
and prosthesis. Furthermore, other variables such as the
number of hospital beds and staff are also collected and
their impact on the cost of services is assessed. While
using the paired t test and chi-square test, the costs of
services in two hospitals will be compared.
Table 1 shows the descriptive  ndings of the study on
the gender of the subjects. As the above table shows,
67.8% of subjects were male with a frequency of 118
people and the rest was female. In addition, 58 men were
related to the Chamran hospital and 40 were related to
the Shahid Beheshti Hospital.
Table 2 shows the descriptive  ndings of the study on
the cost of joint replacement services in the two studied
hospitals as a whole. In addition to the average costs, the
standard deviation and minimum and maximum values
of costs are also included.
As can be seen from the above table, the average
premium was equal to 71815177 IRR, average consumer
goods 21757406 IRR, paraclinic average cost 13666891
IRR, average anesthesia 30248387 IRR, average cost of
prosthesis 85208976 IRR and average total cost of joints
replacement 222696838 IRR. The average length of stay
for patients was also averaged 2.77 days. This amount
was 2.95 days in the Shahid Beheshti Hospital (af liated
to Social Security) and was 2.59 days for the Cham-
ran Hospital af liated to Shiraz University of Medical
Sciences. The maximum number of hospitalization days
was equal to 7 days in the Shahid Beheshti hospital and
5 days in the Chamran hospital. The total cost of daybed
for patients in two hospitals was equal to 109982800
Esfandiaribayat, Ghavam and Yazdanpanah
Table 3 shows the analytical results of the study on
the cost of joint replacement services and the compari-
son between the two hospitals. As speci ed in the table,
the Beheshti Hospital variable coef cient is signi cant
and positive and indicates that the cost of services in
Shahid Beheshti hospital af liated to Social Security is
more than Shahid Chamran hospital. Since the hospital
type variable was imaginary and for the Shahid Beheshti
hospital was 1 and for the Shahid Chamran hospital was
zero, the Chamran hospital variable as a basic variable
input into the model and as a result, since the variable
was for the comparison between the two hospitals and
recognition of differences, the variable coef cient was
as a number and related to the Shahid Chamran hospital
variable. The cost in men was more than women and
was not associated with the length of stay for patients
in the hospital. The above variable coef cient is also
equal to 10100000 IRR, indicating a difference of nearly
one million Toman in the services cost between the two
Table 4 shows the analytical  ndings of the study
on the surgery premium cost of 1770000 joint replace-
ment services and the comparison between the two hos-
pitals. Since the hospital type variable was imaginary
and for the Shahid Beheshti hospital was 1 and for the
Shahid Chamran hospital was zero, the Chamran hospi-
tal variable as a basic variable input into the model and
consequently, since the variable was for the comparison
between the two hospitals and recognition of differ-
ences, the variable coef cient was a number and related
to the Shahid Chamran hospital variable. As speci ed
in the table, the Beheshti Hospital variable coef cient
is signi cant and positive and indicates that the cost
of services in the Shahid Beheshti hospital af liated to
Social Security is more than the Shahid Chamran hos-
pital. Also, this cost was not associated with the gender
of the subjects. The above variable coef cient is equal to
1770000 IRR. The cost of premiums was not associated
with the length of stay.
Table 5 shows the analytical  ndings of the study
on the consumer spending of joint replacement services
and its comparison between the two hospitals. Since the
variable of hospital type was dummy and for the Sha-
hid Beheshti hospital was 1 and for the Shahid Chamran
hospital was zero, the Chamran hospital variable input
into the model as a basic variable and consequently, since
the variable was for comparing between the two hospi-
tals and understanding the differences, the variable coef-
cient was a number and related to the Shahid Chamran
hospital variable. As speci ed in the table, the Shahid
Beheshti Hospital variable coef cient is not signi cant
and indicates that the service brokerage cost in the Shahid
Beheshti hospital af liated to Social Security was similar
to the Shahid Chamran hospital. Moreover, this cost was
not associated with the gender of the subjects. The cost of
premium was not related to the length of stay.
Table 6 shows the analytical  ndings of the study on
the para clinic cost of joint replacement services and its
comparison between the two hospitals. Since the vari-
able of hospital type was imaginary and for the Shahid
Beheshti hospital was 1 and for the Shahid Chamran
hospital was zero, the Shahid Chamran hospital vari-
able as a basic variable input into the model and as a
result, since the variable was for comparing between
the two hospitals and understanding the differences,
the variable coef cient was a number and related to the
Shahid Chamran hospital variable. As speci ed in the
table, the Shahid Beheshti Hospital variable coef cient
Table 4. Comparing the brokerage cost of joint replacement
Coef cient SDT-statisticP-value
0,006,3527839491770000Beheshti Hospital
0,94-0,08968150-73833Length of stay
0,0014,95399995159800000Constant coef cient
Table 5. Comparing the consumer spending of joint replacement
Coef cient SDT-statisticP-value
0,410,8324684212053253Beheshti Hospital
0,38-0,88856759-754014Length of stay
0,005,69353973720200000Constant coef cient
Esfandiaribayat, Ghavam and Yazdanpanah
is signi cant and positive and indicates that the service
brokerage cost in the Shahid Beheshti hospital af liated
to Social Security is higher than the Shahid Chamran
hospital. Also, this cost was not associated with the gen-
der of the subjects. The  nished consumer cost was not
related to the length of stay. The difference in the above
amount also was equal to 459901 IRR.
Table 7 shows the analytical  ndings of the study
regarding the anesthesia cost of joint replacement ser-
vices and its comparison between the two hospitals.
Since the variable of hospital type was imaginary and
for the Shahid Beheshti hospital was 1 and for the Sha-
hid Chamran hospital was zero, the Shahid Chamran
hospital variable as a basic variable input into the model
and as a result, since the variable was for the compari-
son between the two hospitals and recognition of differ-
ences, the variable coef cient was a number and related
to the Shahid Chamran hospital variable. As speci ed
in the table, the Shahid Beheshti Hospital variable coef-
cient is signi cant and positive and indicates that the
anesthesia cost in the Shahid Beheshti hospital af li-
ated to Social Security is higher than the Shahid Cham-
ran hospital. Also, the cost was not associated with the
gender of the subjects. The cost of anesthesia was not
related to the length of stay. The difference in the above
amount also was equal to 1230000 IRR.
Table 8 shows the analytical  ndings of the study on
the prosthesis cost of joint replacement services and its
comparison between the two hospitals. Since the vari-
able of hospital type was imaginary and for the Shahid
Beheshti hospital was 1 and for the Shahid Chamran
hospital was zero, the Shahid Chamran hospital variable
as a basic variable input into the model and as a result,
since the variable was for the comparison between the
two hospitals and recognition of differences, the vari-
able coef cient was a number and related to the Shahid
Chamran hospital variable. As speci ed in the table, the
Shahid Beheshti Hospital variable coef cient is signi -
cant and positive and indicates that the prosthesis cost
in the Shahid Beheshti hospital af liated to Social Secu-
rity is more than the Shahid Chamran hospital. Further-
more, the cost was not associated with the gender of
the subjects. The  nished cost of the prosthesis was not
related to the length of stay. The difference in the above
amount also was equal to 6410000 IRR.
Table 9 shows the analytical  ndings of the study on
the joint replacement services’ daybed cost and the com-
parison between the two hospitals. As speci ed in the
table, the Shahid Beheshti Hospital variable coef cient
is signi cant and positive and indicates that the cost of
the daybed in the Shahid Beheshti hospital af liated to
Social Security is more than the Shahid Chamran hos-
Table 6. The analytical  ndings of the study on the para clinic cost
of joint replacement services
Coef cient SDT-statisticP-value
0,003,141450383454901Beheshti Hospital
0,79-0,27503411-137331Length of stay
0,005,16207986210700000Constant coef cient
Table 7. The analytical  ndings of the study on the anesthesia cost
of joint replacement services
Coef cient SDT-statisticP-value
0,003,5235033671230000Beheshti Hospital
0,24-1,171215976-1422506Length of stay
0,004,98502385825000000Constant coef cient
Table 8. The analytical  ndings of the study on the prosthesis cost
of joint replacement services
Coef cient SDT-statisticP-value
0,004,41145000006410000Beheshti Hospital
0,800,2650383311309556Length of stay
0,101,652080000034300000Constant coef cient
Esfandiaribayat, Ghavam and Yazdanpanah
pital. The cost also was not associated with the gender
of the subjects.
In this study, it was tried to compare the cost of knee
replacement surgery services in two large hospitals in
Shiraz. The results showed that the cost of services at the
hospital af liated to the Social Security was more than
the University Hospital. Chakubz et al found that the
intensive care services are the most expensive hospital
services in Canada(Jacobs & Noseworthy, 1990). Dornyg
et al also found that the patients with joint problems
impose the highest costs to the health system (Buch-
mueller, Couf nhal, Grignon, & Perronnin, 2004). Many
studies have demonstrated that the use of a standard
costing system can be effective in calculating the cost of
goods and services and cause the standardization of the
costs in hospitals(Rezaei, Bazyar, Fallah, Chavehpour, &
Rad, 2015). In this case, a study was done by Crowe et
al in the  eld of activity-based costing in the pediatric
radiology department of Oulu teaching hospital in Fin-
land in 2007 that 7452 radiology procedures were stud-
ied in this study. The information in this study was col-
lected through the radiology information system as well
as personnel and accounting units of the hospital. The
results showed that the overhead costs have decreased
from 57 percent to 16 percent with the implementa-
tion of activity-based costing system and the unit cost
change in various procedures of radiology department
has changed from 42 percent to 85 percent(Crow & Wil-
lis, 2009).
The hospitals and other health care organizations are
increasingly faced with a competitive and challenging
environment. The strong focus on the quality of patient
care, the high cost of service delivery and the  erce com-
petition are among the factors that force these organiza-
tions to revise the methods of service delivery and the
services cost(Losina et al., 2009),(Hatam, Tourani, Rad, &
Bastani, 2016),(Rad, Kavosi, & Arefnezhad, 2016). In the
meantime, increasing the accuracy and precision and
linking the information of costs are the main challenges
of hospitals for the proper spending and management
decisions. The aim of any costing and cost management
system is to provide the accurate and useful informa-
tion for helping the organizations so that they can pro-
vide the quality products and services in a competitive
environment(Homaie Rad, Ghaisi, Arefnezhad, & Bay-
ati, 2015; Tuominen & Eriksson, 2011). Costing can be
de ned as the estimated cost of the  nal product. In
recent years, there have been much progress in the cost-
ing methods that is hoped to be able to more precisely
calculate the health costs.
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Table 9. The analytical  ndings of the study on the daybed cost
of joint replacement services
Coef cient SDT-statisticP-value
0,0013,371189703339736799Beheshti Hospital
06,461190877977989360Constant coef cient
Esfandiaribayat, Ghavam and Yazdanpanah
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plasty in patients with primary osteoarthritis: A follow‐up
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