Elahe Jalali
bond in chemical and bio-chemical phenomena, as well
as the nature of this bond’s structure, has scienti cally
made it remarkable and worthy of further scrutiny and
research. Phenomena affected by hydrogen bond are
extensively found in daily life. These phenomena can
go under specialist assessment by empirical techniques
(Pimcntel and Clellan, 1976).
Inter-molecular hydrogen bond (IMHB) exists in many
organic molecules and bio-molecules such as carbohy-
drates, hormones, and proteins. Furthermore, this type of
bond determines the con guration of many molecules,
and it is because of such bond that proteins have unique
con gurations. An important parameter in classifying
systems with hydrogen bond is its strength. Structur-
ally, this strength is determined by parameters such as
the distance between two electronegative atoms (A…B),
length of hydrogen bond (H…B), length of covalent bond
(A–H), and bond angle (A^H^B), as well as thermodynamic
parameters such as enthalpy of formation (ΔHf), entropy
of formation (ΔSf), and Gibbs free energy (ΔGf) (Pauling,
1960; Speakman, 1975). These empirical methods expe-
rienced cannot measure hydrogen bond strength, or at
least have limited applications. Theoretical and computa-
tional methods are more ef cient and comprehensive in
this context, in which molecules can be optimized in any
structural and electron mode in terms of energy. These
methods, which seem necessary for measuring inter-
molecular hydrogen bond energy, have also signi cantly
developed after emergence of ultra-modern computers
with high speed and performance.
Reviewing the literature revealed that no reports have
yet been published related to the objectives of this study.
Given the fact that hydrogen bond is one of the effec-
tive factors in human life, its effect has been examined in
1,3-di(pyridine-2-yl)Benzonium (1) and analog contain-
ing P (2) and As (3) atoms by pseudo Jahn-Teller analysis
using high level B3LYP/6-311++G** theoretical method.
It is expected that the pseudo Jahn-Teller effect can
describe the transformation of C2V high symmetry
structures to Cs low symmetry structures in the follow-
ing compounds (Figure 1):
(1) 1,3-di(pyridine-2-yl)Benzonium (2) and analog
containing P atoms (3) and As atoms
It was found that compounds (1)-(3) mentioned above
have C2V high symmetry con guration. By Q transfor-
mations, the rst three compounds with C2V high sym-
metry con guration turn into Cs con guration.
This study carefully investigates the important issue
of ground state electron mixing in electron exited
state in the direction of applying normal coordination
describing leaving high symmetry and transforming into
low symmetry. The major cause of deformation was the
pseudo Juan-Teller effect, which was created by com-
bining the ground state and excited states.
Since the electron ground state of these compounds
is not aligned, it is obvious that all deformations
observed from linear con guration with the highest
symmetry is due to pseudo Juan-Teller effect (Bersu-
ker, 2006). Generally, the pseudo Juan-Teller effect is
associated with non-aligned stated of any system,
Juan-Teller effect is associated with aligned stated of
non-linear molecules, and Renner-Teller effect is associ-
ated with aligned stated of linear molecules (Bersuker,
All of these effects are general and unique forms,
each describing symmetrical instability and many other
issues brie y discussed in the following.
First, the molecular form, written based on Zmatrix, will
be drawn and numbered, given the desired symmetry.
Then, the optimal molecular structure and its negative
frequency will be calculated using Gaussian 03 & 98
software. Then, DFT hybrid-based method (B3LYP) with
6-311++G** base series will be used for all desired com-
Computational time depends on the Density Function
Theory (DFT). TD-DFT is, for sure, one of the most com-
mon tools for investigating the excited levels of molecu-
lar systems, which has been used to study the electron
con guration of Enolic structures of 1,3-di(pyridine-
2-yl)Benzonium and analog containing P and As
Results of B3LYP/6-311++G** and TD-DFT shows that
the major reason for deformation of high symmetry con-
gurations (C2V) to low symmetry con gurations (Cs)
for these compounds is pseudo Juan-Teller effect, which
is created by combining ground state and excited stated.
The energy difference (Δ) and pseudo Juan-Teller stabil-
ity energy between reference stated and ΔEe1 in these
forms (C2V Cs) is also investigated.
FIGURE 1. Symmetrical transformation of C2V and
3-di(pyridine-2-yl)Benzonium, analog containing P
and As atoms in Cs form (C2V Cs) using calcula-
tions in B3LYP/6-311++G** theoretical level (X= N,
P, As)