The effect of strength and resistance training on
changes in total fat, body mass index and serum
leptin as well as their correlation in obese sedentary
Amir Falahnezhad Mojarad
and Nematolah Nemati
MA in Exercise Physiology
Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University of Damghan Department of Physical Education, Faculty of
Human Sciences, Islamic Azad University of Damghan Damghan, Iran
This study aims to investigate the effect of strength and resistance training on changes in total fat, body mass index (BMI), and serum
leptin as well as correlation between serum leptin and BMI in obese sedentary employees. Research variables include total fat, serum
leptin, body mass index, and strength training protocol for a month and in 3 sessions per week, each session lasts for 84 minutes as
well as 60 to 70 percent of maximum heart rate. The strength training protocol lasts for one month and the weight training for 3 times
per week, 60 to 75% for 1 repetition maximum (1RM) and the total exercise lasts for 70 minutes per session. In this study, the research
method is experimental. 30 out of 110 obese employees are randomly selected as the statistical sample. The sample is categorized into
three groups, including control (n = 10), resistance (n = 10), and strength (n = 10). In pre-test, demographic and physical characteristics
of the sample are measured and recorded. In the post-test and after the course of the training protocol, the previous measurements are
repeated. Statistical methods to compare training groups in the test process include repeated measures ANOVA, the Bonferroni post hoc
test whenever a signi cant difference between three or more sample means has been revealed by an analysis of variance (ANOVA), and
Pearson correlation coef cient to investigate the relationship between variables. Spss version 19 software is used to analyze the data and
the error rate in all cases is ( = 0.5 %). The  ndings of the study include: 1) for both groups, the resistance training has no signi cant
effect on serum leptin level, 2) endurance training has a signi cant effect on body mass index, but strength training has no signi cant
effect on body mass index, 3) Strength and resistance training have a signi cant effect on total fat, 4) for the group with resistance train-
ing, there is a positive correlation between the variables of leptin and body mass index, 5) for the group with strength training, there is
a positive correlation between the variables of leptin and body mass index. These changes are associated with an increase in the level of
readiness for participants in both training protocol groups. Perhaps by increasing the statistical population, the intensity, and duration
of exercise activities, there will be a different effect on changes of variables and their signi cance.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 12
Jan, 2017
Accepted after revision 18
March, 2017
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2017: 4.31 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2017. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. Special Issue No 1:105-111 (2017)
Amir Falahnezhad Mojarad and Nematolah Nemati
Table 1. Mean and standard deviation of age, height and weight of the
participants in three groups
Age (year) Body weight (kg) Height (m)
Resistance 27.1 3.87 94.29 5.38 1.8 0.046
Strength 26.4 3.71 91.5 7.48 1.76 0.036
Control 26.1 4.25 99.3 8.79 1.81 0.069
Total 26.53 3.83 95.03 7.82 1.79 0.054
Obesity is considered as a major risk factor for diseases
such as diabetic and coronary heart diseases. Levels of
the hormone leptin are associated with body fat mass
and can be regulated by hunger, eating a meal, insulin
and many other factors. Exercise is one of the strat-
egies to reduce the obesity (Jockehovel et al. 1997).
The ratio of leptin to fat mass is relatively constant
during the period of sexual maturity. However, the
reason for obesity in youth is resistance against leptin
through changing hypothalamic leptin receptor iso-
forms due to mutations of the coding region of leptin
receptor long isoform. It can be said circulating leptin
concentrations have a positive correlation with body
fat stores. Leptin plays an important role as a signal
in the regulation of adipose tissue and body weight.
Performance of Leptin is controlling food intake and
stimulating energy consumption. However, leptin as
the circulating signal is effective in attenuating appe-
tite. There are many questions related to the effect of
physical activity (exercise) on the concentration of lep-
tin. Physical activity (exercise) is in effective in reduc-
tion of obesity. A study has shown that serum leptin
concentration is related to body mass index. Among
employees, the issue of an appropriate physical norm
and overweight is important. In Iran, if the employee
is overweight his / her next promotion is delayed until
reaching the ideal weight. Therefore, investigating the
effectiveness of exercise in reducing the risk factors of
obesity can help the employees. Given that the effects
of strength training on serum leptin concentration and
body mass index are less important. Knowledge in this
area, in particular, its effects on endocrine system still
remain somewhat unknown. In most studies, compar-
ing the two groups of strength and resistance is used
without control group and assessment inside the group.
This study aims to investigate the Effect of strength
and resistance training on changes in total fat, body
mass index (BMI), and serum leptin as well as correla-
tion between serum leptin and BMI in obese sedentary
A public call for the voluntary participation in research
design was used and 52 out of 110 people announced
their readiness based on completed questionnaires,
clinical examination, not having an orthopedic injury
history, lack of medicine consumption, not 28 k/m2.
After brie ng session and  lling out the consent form,
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q), and
Health History Questionnaire, those who had no history
or symptoms of infection from a month ago, cardiovas-
cular disease, thalassemia, diabetes, arthritis, and res-
piratory disorders, insulin resistance, and other disease
statuses, medicine consumption and ergogenic supple-
ments were removed from the research. Finally, a total
of 22 people dropped out or were forced to quit and 30
people remained. According to the classi cation by one
of the colleagues, these 30 people were randomly cat-
egorized into three groups in terms of body mass index,
age, and the fat content determined by body composi-
tion analyzer. The groups include control (n = 10), resist-
ance (n = 10), and strength (n =10). The selected people
were requested to take the commitment to regularly par-
ticipate in the research plan in due time and the control
group was requested not to do any exercise but attend
the exercises. Statistical description of characteristics for
participants in terms of central tendency and dispersion
are given in Table 1.
As scheduled in coordination with blood samples, the
participants were requested to take the pre-test. Then,
according to program, leptin levels of both the experi-
mental group and the control group were measured by
the relevant specialist and his assistant in the labora-
tory through Leptin ELISA Kit manufactured by the
German company sensitivity 0.1 ng per milliliter. Next,
they attended the sport conference center and height
and weight were measured without shoes on the device
Amir Falahnezhad Mojarad and Nematolah Nemati
(Seca weighing scale, model 220, the accuracy of 0.1
kg, and with height measuring rod). The participants
were standing on two legs in order to divide the weight
equally and their look was parallel to the horizon after a
normal expiration. In this way, the horizontal ruler was
placed on the man’s head and the end of the ruler was
on the graded tape. Body mass index and body fat per-
centage were measured by Body Composition Analyzer
(model GAIA 359 PLUS). 1-Mile Walking Test was used
to determine Vo2Max and 1 repetition maximum (1RM).
According to this test, the participants in the experimen-
tal group of resistance walked a distance of a mile as
fast as they could. The distance time and heart rate were
recorded after  nishing walking. By adding weight and
age to these factors, Vo2Max was calculated through the
following equation:
Vo2 Max = (6965.2 + 20.02 (Body weight in kg)) -
25.7 (Age in years) + 595.5 (1) -224.00 (Test time
in minutes) -11.5 (Heart rate per minute)/ (Body weight
in kg)
Weights of  tness equipment (manufactured by
IMPLUS) were recorded for the experimental group of
strength. The experimental groups did their own exer-
cises at speci ed dates and times (9 to 11 am). After
completion of the training period, height, weight, body
mass index, fat percentage, and maximum oxygen con-
sumption were re-measured in the post-test. In addition,
previous blood tests in the laboratory were repeated in
due date. The amount of blood serum in the posttest
was sent to the hormone laboratory for the analysis of
changes in levels of leptin. Furthermore, all participants
in the pre-test (24 hours before exercise) and in the post-
test (24 hours after exercise) attended the laboratory for
blood sampling at 9 am after fasting for 12 hours. Before
going to the laboratory, participants were announced
by a guide about the main points on the nutrition (24-
hour dietary recall questionnaire in three days), physical
activities, and disease before and after 4 weeks of physi-
cal exercises in order to be careful about the mentioned
points. In the laboratory, blood samples of 30 ml were
taken from a vein in the right arm and blood was slowly
poured into the test tube. When blood was clotted, the
tubes were balanced. Then, the tubes were placed into
Hettich centrifuge. Next, serum was separated from
blood clots and was frozen for testing leptin.
In this study, the protocol of aerobic exercise (resistance)
included two months, 3 sessions per week, 84 minutes
in each session, at 2 stations (stationary bike and tread-
mill), 2 sets of four-minute, training intensity by 60 to 70
percent for the maximum heart rate. To follow the prin-
ciple of overload, a half minute per session was added
to the training time in order that the aerobic exercise
time reaches 96 minutes in the last session. Forasmuch
as participants did not regularly the exercises, 12 min-
utes for rest time between two sets and 20 minutes for
rest time between two stations were considered as the
duration of the break in aerobic exercise. The strength
training protocol included Two months for weight train-
ing, the 3 session exercise per week, 9 stations, 8 to
12 repetitions in three sets, 60 -75% of one repetition
maximum with 45 seconds for the rest time between
sets and 1.5 minutes between stations. In the strength
training protocol, the total exercise time was 70 minutes
per session. The one repetition maximum test was given
for the principle of overload at the end of each session.
The strength training program was designed according
to 60-75 percent of the one repetition maximum test
after three training sessions. Statistical methods to com-
pare training groups in the test process include repeated
measures ANOVA, the Bonferroni post hoc test whenever
a signi cant difference between three or more sample
means has been revealed by an analysis of variance
(ANOVA), and Pearson correlation coef cient to investi-
gate the relationship between variables. Spss version 19
software is used to analyze the data and the error rate in
all cases is ( = 0.5 %).
Table 2 shows changes of scores from pre-test to post-
test for all groups based on their BMI, hormone leptin,
and total fat.
The  rst null hypothesis: there is no signi cant dif-
ference for the leptin level between the training groups
(resistance, strength and control). A 2x3 repeated meas-
ures ANOVA was used to investigate the data obtained
from the effects of exercise on hormone leptin. The results
of the Shapiro–Wilk test showed that the blood leptin
Table 2. Mean and standard deviation of the variables in pre-test and post-test
Variables Body mass index Hormone leptin Total fat
Groups pre-test post-test pre-test post-test pre-test post-test
Resistance 29.08±0.704 28.59±0.875 16.6±4.25 12.69±2.38 46.26±2.08 45.15±1.86
Strength 29.25±1.27 29.2±1.16 14.71±2.91 13.59±2.13 44.01±1.29 44.22±1.18
Control 30.06±1.23 30.02±1.27 13.4±3.91 13.13±3.88 44.94±0.88 44.93±0.84
Amir Falahnezhad Mojarad and Nematolah Nemati
level has a normal distribution for all training groups
in pre-test and post-test sessions (p>0.05). According to
Table 3, the Levin test shows that there is homogeneity
of variance between the scores of the training group in
the pre-test and post-test (p>0.05).
According to Table 4, the results of the repeated
measures ANOVA show that the effect of the test is sig-
effect (Test * Group) was signi cant, the paired sample
t-test was used to compare the pre-test and post-test.
The results of the paired sample t-test showed that there
is a signi cant difference between the pre-test and post-
test in the resistance training group (t=4.960, p= 0.001)
but there is no signi cant difference between the pre-
test and post-test in other groups.
The second null hypothesis: there is no signi cant
difference for the Body mass index between the training
groups (resistance, strength and control). A 2x3 repeated
measures ANOVA was used to investigate the data
obtained from the effects of exercise on hormone lep-
tin. The results of the Shapiro–Wilk test showed that the
blood leptin level has a normal distribution for all train-
Table 3. Evaluation of homogeneity of variance between the
training groups in the pre-test and post-test (Levin test)
Test/statistics Levin statistics df1 df2 Sig.
pre-test 0.621 2 27 0.545
post-test 2.569 2 27 0.95
Table 4. The repeated measures ANOVA to compare the groups in the pre-test and
Indexes® Sources of
Sum of
Degrees of
Test 37.763 1 37.763 23.901 0.000
Test * group 25.658 2 12.829 8.12 0.002
Error 42.659 27 1.589
Group 13.773 2 6.887 0.330 0.721
Error 562.71 27 20.841
Table 5. Evaluation of homogeneity of variance between the
training groups in the pre-test and post-test (Levin test)
Test/statistics Levin statistics df1 df2 Sig.
pre-test 1.005 2 27 0.379
post-test 0.339 2 27 0.716
Table 6. The repeated measures ANOVA to compare the groups in the pre-test and
Indexes® Sources
of Variation¯
Sum of
Degrees of
Test 0.574 1 0.574 7.352 0.012
Test * group 0.663 2 0.332 4.246 0.025
Error 2.109 27 1.078
Group 15.181 2 7.591 3.179 0.05
Error 64.468 27 2.388
Table 7. Evaluation of homogeneity of variance between
the training groups in the pre-test and post-test (Levin
Test/statistics Levin statistics df1 df2 Sig.
pre-test 5.97 2 27 0.007
post-test 2.249 2 27 0.012
ni cant. In other words, there is a signi cant difference
between the pre-test and post-test regardless of the type
of training. In addition, the interaction effect is signif-
icant. However, the results show that the main effect
of the group is not signi cant. It means that there is
a signi cant difference between the different training
groups regardless of the type of training. Hence, the null
hypothesis is con rmed. Forasmuch as the interaction
ing groups in pre-test and post-test sessions (p>0.05).
According to Table 3, the Levin test shows that there
is homogeneity of variance between the scores of the
training group in the pre-test and post-test (p>0.05).
According to Table 6, the results of the repeated meas-
ures ANOVA show that the effect of the test is signi cant.
In other words, there is a signi cant difference between
the pre-test and post-test regardless of the type of train-
Amir Falahnezhad Mojarad and Nematolah Nemati
ing.. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. Because of
differences between groups Bonferroni post hoc test was
used to determine the location of difference. The results
showed that there was a signi cant difference between
resistance and control groups. Forasmuch as the inter-
action effect (Test * Group) was signi cant, the paired
sample t-test was used to compare the pre-test and post-
test. The results of the paired sample t-test showed that
there is a signi cant difference between the pre-test and
post-test in the resistance training group (t=2.985, p=
0.015) but there is no signi cant difference between the
pre-test and post-test in other groups.
The third null hypothesis: there is no signi cant differ-
ence for the total fat between the training groups (resist-
ance, strength and control). A 2x3 repeated measures
ANOVA was used to investigate the data obtained from
the effects of exercise on hormone leptin. The results
of the Shapiro–Wilk test showed that the blood leptin
level has a normal distribution for all training groups
in pre-test and post-test sessions (p>0.05). According to
Table 3, the Levin test shows that there is homogeneity
of variance between the scores of the training group in
the pre-test and post-test (p>0.05).
According to Table 6, the results of the repeated meas-
ures ANOVA show that the effect of the test is signi cant.
In other words, there is a signi cant difference between
the pre-test and post-test regardless of the type of train-
ing. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected. Because of
differences between groups Bonferroni post hoc test was
used to determine the location of difference. The results
showed that there was a signi cant difference between
resistance and control groups. Forasmuch as the inter-
action effect (Test * Group) was signi cant, the paired
sample t-test was used to compare the pre-test and post-
test. The results of the paired sample t-test showed that
there is a signi cant difference between the pre-test and
post-test in the resistance training group (t=4.418, p=
0.02) but there is no signi cant difference between the
pre-test and post-test in other groups.
The fourth null hypothesis: there is no signi cant
relationship between the blood leptin level and body
mass index of the participants in the resistance training
Pearson correlation test was used to examine the rela-
tionship between these two variables. Table 9 shows the
correlation between variables. The results showed that
there is a signi cant positive relationship between two
variables of the blood leptin level and body mass index
in the posttest. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.
The  fth null hypothesis: there is no signi cant rela-
tionship between the blood leptin level and body mass
index of the participants in the strength training group.
Pearson correlation test was used to examine the rela-
tionship between these two variables. Table 10 shows the
correlation between variables. The results showed that
there is a signi cant positive relationship between two
variables of the blood leptin level and body mass index
in the posttest. Hence, the null hypothesis is rejected.
This study investigated the effect of strength and resist-
ance training on changes in total fat, body mass index
(BMI), and serum leptin as well as correlation between
serum leptin and BMI in obese sedentary employees.
Table 8. The repeated measures ANOVA to compare the groups in the pre-test and
Sources of Variation¯
Sum of
Degrees of
Test 1.368 1 1.368 8.176 0.008
Test * group 5.105 2 2.552 15.288 0.000
Error 4.558 27 0.167
Group 25.193 2 12.597 3.179 0.048
Error 106.973 27 3.962
Table 9. correlation between the variables of blood
leptin level and body mass index in the post-test in the
resistance training group
body mass
blood leptin
blood leptin level
body mass index
Table 10. correlation between the variables of blood
leptin level and body mass index in the post-test in the
strength training group
body mass
blood leptin
blood leptin level
body mass index
Amir Falahnezhad Mojarad and Nematolah Nemati
Although many researches have done on serum leptin
concentration and its relationship with body mass index,
Factors such as intensity, time, type of training, physical
conditions of the people, their sex and age, and ways
of measuring body mass index lead to different reac-
tions in the body. In addition, there are a few studies on
the effects of strength training on leptin and body mass
index. Strength and resistance training has no signi cant
effect on serum leptin concentrations in obese and over-
weight men. This result can affect the leptin level due
to changes in hormones concentration affecting leptin
such as insulin, cortisol, testosterone, growth hormone,
and catecholamine (Hamedinia et al. 2011). Other studies
showed that lack of reduction in serum leptin in spite of
decreasing the body fat percentage is because of high
cortisol levels and creating conditions for overtraining
due to the exercise protocol in athletes (Noland et al,
2001). In another study, despite a signi cant decrease in
fat mass, and serum testosterone, there was no change in
serum leptin concentrations after six weeks of strength
training in physical education students because of an
increase in serum leptin concentrations in comparison
with body fat mass (Jones et al, 2009). Furthermore, the
results of some studies showed that in spite of a decrease
in percentage of body fat, there was no change in the
serum leptin level resulting from exercises (Thong and
Hudson, 2002; Lau et al, 2010; Kraemer et al, 2002).
Some studies concluded that the reason for the reduc-
tion of the leptin level is a decrease in percentage of the
body fat (Kraemer et al, 1998). Some others concluded
that the effect of exercise on the leptin level is positive
and independent from changes in the body fat (Gaini
et al, 2000;
default.aspx). We can say that the apparent differences
in training protocol and type of participants and their
individual characteristics can explain the difference in
the percentage of the body fat and leptin. In a study, it
was concluded that the lack of changes in leptin was the
limitation of the leptin performance (Maestu et al, 2008;
Erikson et al, 2008).
In the present study, the volume of exercises such as
the intensity and duration of exercise was not enough to
affect the leptin level. There may also be another possibil-
ity that explains the lack of changes in the leptin level in
this study. Leptin is either free (possibly active) or pro-
tein bound. The free leptin level is greater in obese people
and concentration of free leptin decreases after weight
loss even more than total leptin concentration (Unal et
al. 2005). Exercise in spite of no reduction in total leptin
is effective in changing in the ratio of free leptin to pro-
tein bound leptin (resulting in changes in leptin activity).
Measuring the amount of leptin binding protein requires
the measurement of leptin receptor in plasma. This issue
was not measured in the present study.
It seems that there are many other factors involved
in the effect of training on the serum leptin level. These
factors include enzymes involved in the biosynthesis
of testosterone as a result of stress caused by exercise
(Nidle et al. 2002), the inhibitory effect of cortisol on
LH receptors in Leydig cells of the testes, and reduc-
tion in the secretion of testosterone (Cooke et al, 1999).
Therefore, high cortisol levels may decrease the secre-
tion of testosterone and LH receptors (Gotshalk et al,
1997). Researches have shown a strong inverse relation-
ship between leptin and testosterone (Dohem and Louis,
1978). Leptin also affects the production and secretion
of cortisol (Lowndes et al, 2008) and cortisol is stimulus
of leptin gene expression. There is a direct correlation
between leptin and cortisol resting levels (Smilios et al,
2003). With regard to the inverse relationship between
cortisol and testosterone, an increase in the hormone
cortisol results in increasing stress (Cooke et al, 1999).
It leads to decreasing testosterone and the emergence
of a factor in line with the lack of a signi cant effect
of the exercises, including strength training and resist-
ance training protocol, on the hormone leptin. Kraemer
et al investigated the effect of the resistance exercises on
cyclists. Glucocorticoids play an important role in the
physiological regulation of leptin and cortisol is simul-
taneously effective in the production and disposal of
leptin (Kraemer et al, 2002).
There was a signi cant difference between differ-
ent groups in relation to the effects of two methods of
exercise training on body mass index. According to the
results of the Bonferroni post hoc test in the present
study, there is a signi cant difference between the con-
trol and resistance groups. It can be concluded that this
change occurs due to an increase in fat oxidation for the
control of body composition in the resistance training
This issue is consistent with the control of the variable
of fat in the present study. According to the reduction
in body mass index in strength and resistance groups in
this research, it seems that the way of training in this
study has the required intensity and energy cost thresh-
old for changing the weight levels of the participants.
Given that there was a signi cant change in body mass
index and height is stable according to the middle age
range of the participants, the weight loss occurred for
the participants. The overall conclusion indicated that
both of the exercises lead to the similar results. Most
changes in body mass index were related to the resist-
ance training.
Therefore, it is suggested that the resistance exercises
are further used to prevent obesity and many diseases
caused by inactivity and obtain the desired effect of
exercises based on physical preparation and reducing
Amir Falahnezhad Mojarad and Nematolah Nemati
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