Omidi, Poursamimi and Parvaneh
Need to bleaching, in the population is growing. Con-
temporary bleaching systems are primarily based on
hydrogen peroxide, or one of its derivatives, which are
often established with liquid peroxide which is used in
different concentrations (Lagori et al. 2014). Bleaching
is de ned as a way to lighten the color of teeth using
organic oxidizing agents of pigment. Increased release of
hydroxyl radicals from hydrogen peroxide, with increas-
ing temperature is according to the following equation
(Pare and Loganathan, 2012).
Bleaching reactions, is dependent on the chemical and
physical changes, during operation (concentration, tem-
perature, light, pH, co-catalyst, and duration) (Tano
et al. 2012).
Raising the temperature to C˚ 10 increases the hydro-
gen peroxide decomposition to x2.21. The use of light
sources such as laser (Light Ampli cation by strengthen-
ing and emitting a radiation) light hybrid (HL), halogen,
LED, plasma arc, and UV lamps are used to accelerate
the release of free radicals.First used wavelengths, were
argon laser (480 nm), and CO2 (10600 nm), but today
laser Diode (810 and 980 nm), and potassium phosphate
Titanil KTP (532 nm) are proposed too. Laser diodes are
used as well as pulsed or continuous, and have the wave-
lengths of 830, 810 and 980 nm. Diode laser has less
absorption of water and minerals of the teeth; they are
absorbed in pigments and have a lot of depth, in hard
tissue of teeth. Clearly, the best laser parameters, such
as power, wavelength, frequency, and duration of use
in dental treatment, totally depends on, different color
themes, tooth type, and change its color depends on the
skill and experience of the dentist , which should be
considered in reviews, as a key element (Nokhbe alfoga-
haei et al. 2012). Different types of lasers, they create
different effects, depending on the wavelength used, and
the type of material that causes discoloration, and each
wave laser, the whitening effect on a certain type of dye.
In fact, a particular type of bleaching gel, when coupled
with different lasers and different color elements, creates
dissimilar results (different) (Torres et al. 2011).
After preparing freshly extracted teeth of cattle, and
washed with water and physiological solution, to split
between their teeth. Selected teeth healthy, and was free
of any cracks, decay and enamel defects. Root, cut from
the junction of the cement enamel, diamond bur, and
the pulp was removed. The teeth were kept for a week
for decontamination in 0.5% thymol solution. Teeth
brushing of the ori ce were closed, light-cured com-
posite. The teeth were randomly numbered from 1 to
72, and numbers were recorded in each tooth lingual,
by ne milling. Then color parameters were measured
in pigments, by a spectrophotometer (spectrophotom-
eter KONIKA MINOLTA Model CS-2000_ Japan) before
wrapping teeth (BS).The teeth have been prepared before
measuring the color. In this case, the rst four points
were prepared in Bacall level, just a quadrilateral the
dimensions of 5 x 5 mm, and at every step, measuring
the color of a part that was xed between points, done.
This is done by milling the ne of turbines. And then, a
speci c form for each tooth must be prepared, with the
proviso that, all templates are the same.
It should be noted that, at any time by spectropho-
tometer colorimetric, to enhance the accuracy of the
study is to determine the color of teeth in each series,
three consecutive colors was determined, and the aver-
age results achieved in statistical surveys and The evalu-
ation results was done.To stain teeth, 3 different types
of dye, tea, coffee, and pomegranate juice were used.
Instant tea Tea bags intensity using a number (Golestan-
Iran), in 250 ml of boiling water, the tea out of the water,
so cooler full of boiling water. 10 grams of soluble coffee
using coffee powder (Nestle - Switzerland), which is nor-
mally used for consumption, mixed in 250 ml of boiling
water, then it was ltered, and
Pomegranate juice, pomegranate seeds by mixing 50
grams in 250 ml of distile water, grains, were crushed
well in it, and then ltered solution was obtained (Lagori
et al. 2014). The teeth were immersed in the solution, so
that the numbers 1 to 24 in a mixture of tea, coffee 25
to 48, and 49 to 72 in pomegranate juice, were stored for
two weeks at 37 ° C (incubator ), and mixed daily. After
two weeks, the teeth out of solution and were washed
with brushes. Then, they were placed in physiological
solution, and again were measured by spectrophotomet-
ric color of the teeth (AS).
Bleach the teeth were prepared for the case that the
rst half of the teeth of each group were white using a
laser, and the second half without a laser. In the exam-
ples, along with laser bleaching: teeth were dried, and
a drop of 35% carbamide peroxide gels Pola of ce (SDI
Australia) were placed on each, and was broadcast by
micro-brush, as a uniform layer. Remained gel on the
teeth for about 8 minutes, and during this time, it was
under the in uence of diode laser radiation (laser diode
Biolase, model Epic10 940 nm wavelength, and the 7
watt United States), for each tooth, two 30-second cycle
with a rest period of one minute (power 7 w). After 8
minutes, the teeth were rinsed with water. And the pro-
cess was repeated. In total, on each of these examples,
the bleaching gel and laser for 2 minutes and 16 min-
utes were used according to manufacturer’s recommen-