The prediction of psychological distress of prisoners
based on personality traits and dimensions of
Sima Mortazavi*
Master of Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
The aim of this study was to prediction of psychological distress prisoners based on personality traits and dimensions
of spirituality. For this purpose, 288 prisoners were selected from Chenaran imprisonment with Simple Random Sam-
pling .The tools used in this study consisted of NEO Five-Factor Inventory, for anxiety, depression, stress (DASS) and
McDonald’s dimensions of spirituality. Data were analyzed using spss software and regression method. The results
showed that two factors for neuroticism and Experimental- Phenomenology dimension of spirituality caused to
increasing of anxiety, depression and stress. While, the dimension of paranormal beliefs led to decreasing of depres-
sion and stress and increasing the anxiety.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 28
Dec, 2016
Accepted after revision 6
March, 2017
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2017: 4.31 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2017. All rights
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The investigating of mental health status of prisoners
and providing services in the  eld of mental health to
them has been concerned of experts in psychiatry and
health of several countries and yet addressed problems
relating to criminals and prisoners specially in its relation
to psychiatric problems is one of the most challenging
of research areas (Arasteh et al., 2008). In recent years,
there is increasing in the prison population in the world-
wide that it is alarm for society (Fazel. . Baillargeon, 2011;
Watson et al., 2004); Now the world’s prison population
is more than 10 million people (Fazel and Siyald, 2012)
and based on the reports that have been published in the
last two decades, it show that people imprisoned dramati-
cally experienced higher rates of mental health problems
compared to the general population, because the impris-
onment could be an important psychological impact on
them (Birmingham, 2004) so that it is raised as a risk fac-
tor for a variety of bad emotional stress.
Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. Special Issue No 1:11-18 (2017)
Sima Mortazavi
Also, the prison population improperly faced with
trauma, mental de ciencies and a little ability to deal
with dif culties and statistics have shown that psycho-
logical stress and bottlenecks especially being very high
for people who had been unintentional crime (Durcan,
2008). So that the studies conducted in the prison show
that the onset of mental disorders among prisoners is
higher than in the general population (Albokordi et al.,
In one of the studies, Ashkani et al (2010) in study
on 200 prisoners reported that 21.21% of them had a
depressive disorder. On the other hand, one can be said
that the harsh prison conditions can be one of the risk
factors for developing of anxiety and threatened mental
health; the prison have unique conditions and features
that is one of the most stressful and anxious conditions
for every human. Studies show that %18-19 of prison-
ers is exposed to basic mental disorders during sentenc-
ing. Also, a study on Iranian prisons indicates that about
5.87% of prisoners are suspected to having a mental dis-
order, stress and anxiety (Almasi et al., 2012).
The presence of these mental distresses that de ned as
a set of symptoms of psycho-physiology and behavioral
such as anxiety, depressive reactions, stress, restlessness
and etc. are result of the interaction between several
different factors. One of the variables that have been
investigated in this study in relation to psychological
distress prisoners is characteristics of personality. Parvin
and John (2001) suggest the following de nition as per-
sonality: “Personality represents those of the person or
people features including its  xed patterns of thought,
emotion and behavioral” (Parvin and John, 2007). In
fact, we can say that the personality is certain patterns
of behavior and ways of thinking that determines how
compatibility of person’s with the environment (Atkin-
son et al., 2009). Joyce and Meredith demonstrated that
there is very strong relationship among health and gen-
eral health and his personality and if a person does not
have the normal growth and development of personality,
it can be said he/she is deprived of mental health (Bono
et al., 2007).
In fact, researchers have con rmed that each charac-
teristic of personality has an impact on health care out-
comes (Baghiani moghadam et al., 2011). Momeni et al
(2012) in a study found that the dimensions of personal-
ity were predicted 44% of the variance in mental health.
There was a signi cant negative correlation between
neuroticism and mental health and there were signi -
cant positive correlation between openness and con-
scientiousness with mental health and there were not
observed signi cant relationship between extraversion
and agreeableness with mental health. Beyrami and
Gholizadeh (2011) in their study concluded that the
experience of depressive symptoms were signi cantly
positively associated with neuroticism. Studies show
that people with high neuroticism evaluate little nega-
tive stimuli just like strong negative pressure. The results
of Baghiani moghadam et al (2011) showed that signi -
cant relationship was observed between public health
and neuroticism.
The analysis of regression also showed that 39% of
public health changes were predicted by neuroticism.
Khanjai et al (2014) also found that three variables of
neuroticism, body image and mental stress are able
to predict the physical and mental health in students.
Steele et al (2008) found in a study in the context of the
relationship between personality traits and well-being
that personality traits were explained 39 to 63 percent of
variance of well-being. In fact, people that in the main
dimensions of personality, extraversion and conscien-
tiousness are high and in the neuroticism are low, have
greater mental health. Ahadi (2007) in a research also
founds that conscientiousness, extraversion and neu-
roticism have signi cant role in predicting of mental
health. Increasing of conscientiousness and extraversion
and decreasing of neuroticism has most signi cantly
relationship with mental health. Irani (2010) also con-
cluded that there is a signi cant positive relationship
between neurosis and anxiety.
Another variable in the study is spirituality. Spiritual-
ity is a term that most commonly used and has differ-
ent meanings for different people in different cultures
and era. Asonigten knows spirituality as outer protests
and function of the human spirit and his de nition of
spirituality is an aspect of human existence which gives
humanity (Aukst-Margetic et al., 2005). Clinical trials
have con rmed on the relationship between spiritual-
ity and health so that there is a signi cant relationship
among spirituality and depression and anxiety disorders
and recently will be more attention in mental health by
certi ed of religious beliefs, because it is known that the
religious beliefs will be inhibiting of negative attitudes
and thus prevented of thought disorder and mental ill-
ness (Ganji et al., 2010). Studies have shown that people
who have high spiritual level, have higher well-being
and happiness, more life satisfaction, and signi cantly
higher purpose, higher self-esteem, more rapid imple-
mentation of mourning, receive more social support and
less alone, less depression and faster recovery rates of
depression, lower levels of suicide, less anxiety, lower
psychosis and more marital stability (Hatami, 2011).
The results of Kazemi et al (2011) showed that there
is a signi cant relationship between depression and
religious beliefs. Nelson (2002) states that undoubt-
edly, faith is most effectiveness treatment for anxiety.
Also Pournamdarian (2012) in their study concluded
that meta-cognitive beliefs, especially negative beliefs
associated with non-controllability have most contribu-
Sima Mortazavi
tion in predicting depression. Also Bahrami et al (2012)
showed that there is signi cant relationship between
spirituality and religiosity and mental health. Spiritu-
ality can be predicted the mental health of people by
increasing ability for dealing with stress, deep under-
standing of the meaning and objectives or reduce the
sense of hopelessness.
Lot , Kashani et al (2012) also found that spiritual
intervention is effective in reducing distress in mothers
of children with cancer. Also, Reyhani et al (2014) in a
study found that the pastoral care training can reduce
psychological stress and increasing distress tolerance
mothers with premature infants in the neonatal intensive
care unit. On the other hand many studies have shown
that the presence of spiritual beliefs and participation
in religious ceremonies resulted in decreased depression
and anxiety among the people (Mohr et al., 2006; Van
Olphen et al., 2003).
Given the mentioned contents, it is important that
does imprisonment healthy exits from jail psychologi-
cally or he/she will be face with disorder rather to pre-
vent from disease severity. The aim of this study is to
provide a context in prison to the paying attention to
predicting personality traits and religious and spirit-
ual thoughts of people exposed at risk of psychologi-
cal distress and to prevent to the disease by improve-
ment of the spiritual atmosphere of the prison and
The studied populations were all prisoners of Khorasan
Razavi that were 1400 imprisonments based on statis-
tical reports. According to Morgan table (Kiamanesh,
1195) 300 subjects were randomly selected. Out of the
questionnaires distributed, only 288 completed ques-
tionnaires can be veri ed. The tools used in this study
1. Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21)
This questionnaire was developed in 1995 by Lovibond,
S. H. & Lovibond .The short form version was used in
this study which has 21 items that to be evaluated each
of the depressive mental structures, anxiety and stress
by 7 different items; this questionnaire has been vali-
dated by Sahebi et al (2005) for the addicted Iranian
population. Graford and Henri in England by 1771 sam-
ples compared this tool with two other tools in term of
depression and anxiety and the reliability of the tool
was reported with Cronbach’s alpha for 0.95 depression,
0.90 anxiety and 0.93 stress 0.97 for total scores, In Iran,
Moradipanah, Sahebi and Aghebati has been con rmed
the validity of the scale. It is scored from zero to three
and the range of responses are from never to always so
that Cronbach’s alpha have been reported in the area of
depression for 0.94, anxiety 0.92 and stress 0.82.
2. Five Factor- Personality Inventory (Neo-FFI):
The questionnaire was designed in 1985 by Mckerry
and Costa. The questionnaire contains 60 questions that
measured the  ve main factor of personality and 6 char-
acteristics in each factor, ie 30 characteristics. The ques-
tionnaire was conducted by Mckerry and Costa over 208
American college students within three months that its
validity was obtained 0.83 to 0.75. The questionnaire
was conducted by an Iranian group (2001) over a sample
size of 200 students that the correlation coef cient of
main  ve factors was reported 0.65 to 0.87. Cronbach’s
alpha was found to vary from 0.85, which indicates that
this questionnaire has good reliability. It is scored from
zero to four and the range of responses is from strongly
disagreeing to strongly agree.
3. MacDonald spirituality Questionnaire–scale revised
This questionnaire has been prepared by McDonald’s in
1997. This scale has 32 items, which to be measured
generally  ve dimensions of spirituality: Cognitive ori-
entation toward spirituality, the empirical / phenom-
enological spirituality, existential well-being, paranor-
mal beliefs, and religiosity. From 32 items, there are
additional 2 items which considered as indicators of
validity and reliability of response. Its Scoring on  ve
levels from strongly agree to strongly disagree that
gave it a score of 0 to 4 awarded, Cronbach’s alpha of
the scale is in the range of 0.80 to 0.89. Data analy-
sis using the software Spss-19 and using Pearson cor-
relation coef cient and stepwise regression analysis was
NEO personality test scores, psychological distress and
spirituality is presented in Table 1.
Some of the variables in the regression test results are
presented in Table 2.
In Table 3, standardized coef cients Beta and zero-
order correlation coef cients, separation and quasi-plot
for predicting anxiety is presented. As you can see the
p is less than 5 (p<.05). Thus, desired components have
an impact on anxiety. Beta coef cient is also positive for
all predictor variables and it means that with increasing
experience, Neurosis and the paranormal, the anxiety
Sima Mortazavi
Table 1. Descriptive  ndings for anxiety
mean standard deviation number
Anxiety 72639 476849 288
Neurosis 342708 690222 288
Extroversion 317813 427015 288
Experience 373194 372514 288
Agreeableness 402743 544063 288
Conscientiousness 439167 828878 288
Religious orientation 117813 309952 288
Empirical phenomenological 123750 490022 288
Spiritual well-being 139757 348857 288
Paranormal believes 138889 209400 288
Religiosity 114306 332167 288
Table 2. Summary statistics of regression and analysis of variance
model variables resources sum of
Degrees of
F P R Squared R
regression 1802525 1 1802525 109142 0.005 0.526 0 .276
Error 4723420 286 16515
Total 6525944 287
regression 2163713 2 1081856 70681 0.0005 0.756 0.322
Error 4362232 285 15306
Total 6525944 287
Paranormal beliefs
regression 2320186 3 773395 52225 0.0005 0.576 0.356
error 4205758 284 14809
total 6525944 287
Table 3. Standard and nonstandard regression analysis to predict of anxiety through variables predicting
variables B B error Beta t p Zero-order
Fixed 0.987 0.1890 0.522 602
Experimental 0.382 0.052 0.393 0.7374 0.000 0.526 0.526 0.526
neurosis 0.189 0.037 0.273 05147 0.000 0.526 0412 0.370
paranormal -0.355 0.109 -0.156 -0.3251 0.001 0.442 0.277 0.235
Depression descriptive statistics are presented in
Table 4.
Regression test results are presented in Table 5.
As you can see in table 6, the p is less than 5 (p<.05).
Thus, studied variables have an impact on depression.
Beta coef cient is also positive for all experimental and
neurosis variables and negative for paranormal variable,
it means that with increasing experience, Neurosis the
depression increases and the depression decreases with
increasing of paranormal variable.
Descriptive statistics for stress variable is reported in
Table 7.
The results of the regression analysis are presented
in Table 8.
Sima Mortazavi
Table 4. Descriptive  ndings of depression
mean standard deviation number
Depression 67326 465852 288
Neurosis 342708 690222 288
Extroversion 317813 427015 288
Experience 373194 372514 288
Agreeableness 402743 544063 288
Conscientiousness 439167 828887 288
Religious orientation 117813 309952 288
Empirical phenomenological 123750 490022 288
Spiritual well-being 139757 348857 288
Paranormal believes 138889 209400 288
Religiosity 114306 332167 288
Table 5. Summary statistics of regression and analysis of variance
model variables resources
sum of
Degrees of
Squared R
regression 1744065 1 1744065 111232 0.005 0.529 0 .280
Error 44844384 286 15680
Total 62288413 287
regression 2023683 2 1011841 68583 0.0005 0.570 0.325
Error 42047 285 1475330
Total 6228413 287
Paranormal beliefs
regression 2267554 3 755851 54196 0.0005 0.603 0.364
error 3960859 284 13947
total 6228413 287
Table 6. regression coef cient
variables B B error Beta t p
Fixed 2347 1735 1279 202
Experimental 383 50 403 7612 000 529 412 360
neurosis 169 36 251 4750 000 422 271 225
paranormal 443 106 199 4182 000 227 241 198
As you can see in table 9, the p is less than 5 (p<.05).
Thus, studied variables have an impact on stress. Beta
coef cient is also positive for experimental and neu-
rosis variables and negative for paranormal variable, it
means that with increasing experience and neurosis the
stress increases and the stress decreases with increasing
of paranormal variable
One of the  ndings from this study is that the depres-
sion increases by increasing the experimental phe-
nomenology of spirituality and neuroticism in term of
personality and decreases with the increasing of para-
normal variables. The present research  ndings on the
positive and signi cant relationship between neurosis
and depression are consistent with study the Momeni
Sima Mortazavi
Table 7. Descriptive statistics for stress
mean standard deviation number
Stress 74007 471010 287
Neurosis 342439 689910 287
Extroversion 318014 426388 287
Experience 373136 373032 287
Agreeableness 402997 543307 287
Conscientiousness 438920 829265 287
Religious orientation 117735 310215 287
Empirical phenomenological 123884 488796 287
Spiritual well-being 139826 349271 287
Paranormal believes 138920 209699 287
Religiosity 114286 332730 287
Table 8. Summary statistics of regression and analysis of variance
model variables resources
sum of
Degrees of
regression 1756983 1 1756983 109143 0.005 0.526 0.277
Error 4587937 285 16098
Total 6344920 286
regression 2302762 2 1151381 80895 0.0005 0.602 0362
Error 4042158 284 14233
Total 6344920 286
Paranormal beliefs
regression 2444345 3 814782 59115 0.0005 0.621 0.385
error 3900575 283 13783
total 6644920 286
Table 9. standard and non-standard coef cients of regression analysis to predict stress through predicting
variables B B error Beta t p
Fixed -0.163 1824 -0.89 0.929
Experimental 0.354 0.050 0.368 7065 0.000 0.526 0.387 0.329
neurosis 0.230 0.35 0.337 6497 0.000 0.493 0.360 0.303
paranormal -0.337 0.105 -0.15 -0.3205 0.002 -0.172 -0.187 -0.149
Sima Mortazavi
et al (2012) that indicates the personality dimension pre-
dicts 44% of the variance in mental health. There was
a signi cant negative correlation between neuroticism
and mental health and a positive correlation between
openness and conscientiousness mental health was a
signi cant and between extraversion and agreeableness
was no signi cant relationship with mental health.
Beyrami and Gholizdeh (2011) in their study con-
cluded that experience in depressive symptoms were
signi cantly positively associated with neuroticism.
Studies show that people with high neuroticism evalu-
ate little negative stimuli just like strong negative pres-
sure. The results are consistent with the study of the
paranormal spirituality and depression by Ganji (2010)
so that shown that people who have high spiritual
level, have higher well-being and happiness, more life
satisfaction, and signi cantly higher purpose, higher
self-esteem, more rapid implementation of mourning,
receive more social support and less alone, less depres-
sion and faster recovery rates of depression, lower lev-
els of suicide, less anxiety, lower psychosis and more
marital stability. Kazemi, (2011) found a signi cant
relationship between depression and religious beliefs.
Bahrami (2012) also found that Meta-cognitive beliefs,
especially negative beliefs associated with non-control-
lability has the largest contribution in the prediction of
Another  nding of this study is that the anxiety
increases by increasing the experimental phenomenol-
ogy, neuroticism and paranormal beliefs. These results
are consistent with the Irani (2010), which found a posi-
tive and signi cant relationship between neuroticism
and anxiety. Steele et al (2008) found in a study in the
context of the relationship between personality traits
and well-being that personality traits were explained 39
to 63 percent of variance of well-being. In fact, people
that in the main dimensions of personality, extraversion
and conscientiousness are high and in the neuroticism
are low, have greater mental health. These results are
consistent with Ellison (2009). The results of the study
of the in uence of spirituality on anxiety are consistent
with Nelson (2002) that undoubtedly, faith is most effec-
tiveness treatment for anxiety. The results are consistent
with Mohr et al (2006) which in their study stated that
the presence of spiritual beliefs and participation in reli-
gious ceremonies resulted in decreased depression and
anxiety among the people
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