Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(3): 546-552 (2016)
An adaptive controller for motion control of
nanorobots inside human blood vessels
Amir Farahani*
and Ali Farahani
Ashtian Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ashtian, Markazi, Iran
Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
The rise of nanorobots for medical diagnostics and treatments is arriving in the near future. In this study, a control
method is designed so that the motion of a nanorobot can be controlled inside the blood vessel of the human body
when we use them for medical therapies. A kinematic model of nanorobot in MATLAB/SIMULINK is used for dem-
onstrating the movement of nanorobots to examine the performance of proposed control mechanism. The nanorobot
system used in this study is a nanorobot with very small dimensions (0.5 m) with a rigid body. It was assumed that
the damaged part of the vessel wall is detected by the nanorobot with the help of the signals transmitted from the
part. We applied an adaptive control algorithm and with this type of controller, the nanorobot motion was optimized.
Our results showed that by using the proposed method, the system was controlled such that the nanorobot moved
towards the damaged area and reached the target destination with an improved accuracy. Simulations indicated the
ef ciency of this control method with respect to the nonlinear velocity equation of the nanorobot.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 21
Aug, 2016
Accepted after revision 25
Sep, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Platelets are plasma elements which are spherical or
oval shaped with 2-5 microns in diameter (Warkentin,
2009). Blood platelets are blood cells which exist in our
blood. When they recognize a part of the blood vessel is
damaged, they intertwine to stop the bleeding. In other
words, when there is a wound in the body, the platelets
stick together, and create a blood clot; as result, it cause
a hemostaticprocess.Platelets also are called thrombo-
cytes because a clot also is called a thrombus. Thrombo-
cytopenia is a condition in which the platelets count is
Amir Farahani and Ali Farahani
less than 150,000 per microliter which causes excessive
bleeding. In this case, the patient may enter the shock
from blood loss. Or it may occur inside the brain causing
intracranial hemorrhage which causes death or paralysis
of the patient. There are many ways to treat thrombo-
cytopenia. One common method is the Platelet trans-
fusions. Normal platelet count in an adult is 150000-
400000/µL. After the transfusion, platelets remain only
about ten days, and then, they are destroyed. Thus, the
patient needs the transfusion of platelets about two to
three times per month. One of recent techniques that is
used to heal the wounds is the use of nanorobots which
within the human body, acts like arti cial platelets. They
are expected to enable diagnosis, medical therapies, and
surgery (Montemagno and Bachand, 1999; Freitas 1998,
1999 and 2005; Cavalcanti, 2003).
Nanorobots can travel inside the body. They can
detect different patterns of chemicals in the body, moni-
tor their biochemical and biomechanical characteristics
and store the observations based on an internal clock
in their memories (Hogg and Kuekes, 2006). With the
help of nanomedicine diseases can be easily cured with
no side effects and no surgery is required (Yadav et al.
2011).There are many studies that have investigated the
use of nanorobots for medical treatment (Abeer , 2012;
Kharwade et al. 2013;Manjunath and Kishore, 2014).
Most researches on nanorobots have been done for
different type of automated and accurate medical tar-
get identi cation (Cavalcanti et al. 2008). Nanorobots
are increasingly important in today’s world, but there is
still no good framework to design these kinds of robots,
although in this  eld recently some studies have been
carried out (e.g. Behkam and Sitti, 2006; Arora and
Saini, 2013 and Farr et al. 2014).
Cavalcanti et al. (2009) presented a method to release
nanorobots inside the blood vessels to identify aneurysm
in the brain. Al-Arif et al. (2011) investigated the pos-
sibility of using Nanorobots in  nding damaged nerve
and delivering medicine to cure the demyelination. Due
to the small size of these robots, the designed robots are
very complicated and consist of very small components.
Boonrong and Kaewkamnerdpong (2011) proposed a
swarm intelligence based control mechanism for swarm
nanorobots that operate as arti cial platelets to search
for wounds. For both industrial and medical applications
such as microsurgery, Pan et al. (2011) developed a pro-
totype with a rotatable head and a body that has legs
and  ns. Douglas et al. (2012) described a DNA nanobot
shaped like a hexagonal tube, with its two halves con-
nected by a latched hinge. When the little device rec-
ognizes a target cell based on its surface proteins, the
two halves swing open like a clam to deliver a tiny but
deadly cargo of drugs or nanoparticles.
Jaiswal et al. (2013) studied the use of an arti cial
nano-medical erythrocyte which duplicates all of the
important functions of the red blood cell by providing
treatment for anaemia, heart attack, choking, lung dis-
eases, asphyxia, and other respiratory problems. These
nano-robots are able to keep a patient’s tissues safely
oxygenated for up to about 4 hours (at maximum dos-
age) if their heart has stopped beating in case of a heart
In this study, a method is proposed to control the
nanorobot motion inside the human blood vessel by
performing an adaptive control algorithm. The impor-
tance of the nanorobot motion control within the vessel
is revealed when the nanorobot wants to move towards
the wall to detect and treat the wounds and in amma-
tion of the blood vessel wall. The structure of this paper
is as follows:  rst we introduce the kinematic model of
our nanorobot system, and present its governing equa-
tions; next, nanorobot control system is designed and its
control algorithm is provided; next section reports the
results of the simulation to evaluate the performance of
the system; and in the  nal section we present our con-
clusions according to the results of stimulation
In this paper we tried to optimize the movement of a
nanorobot inside human blood vessel. The nanorobot
system used in this study is a nanorobot with very small
dimensions (0.5 m) with a rigid body. Figure 1 shows
the kinematic model of this system.
In this  gure, is the rotational angle of the tip of
the nanorobot, is the angel between the body axis and
the axis x, is the nanorobot length, k denotes the cur-
vature of the reference trajectory, and O is the center of
rotation. Considering the rigid body of nanorobots, we
will have:
By deriving from equation (1) and (2), we will have:
According to  gure 1, we have:
Amir Farahani and Ali Farahani
Equations (5), (6) and (7) express nanorobots kinematic
equations. These equations are used to calculate the next
state of the robot moving forward to the destination
which is the vessel wall.
In this study, it is assumed that the damaged part
of the vessel wall is detected by the nanorobot with
the help of the signals transmitted from the part. The
path to the damaged part is determined as a  fth-order
equation which is presented as a reference trajectory in
equation (8).
The reference path is shown in  gure 2.
To nd the coef cients of the equation for the refer-
ence trajectory, the following boundary conditions are
Where, X
= horizontal component of the initialpoint, Y
= vertical component of the initial point, X
= horizontal
component of the terminal point, and Y
= vertical com-
ponent of the terminal point. According to the reference
trajectory, the nanorobot follows the path. To achieve
this goal, we designed a controller that with determining
the angle of , it be able to control the angle in such
a way that the nanorobot motion can move according
to the reference trajectory. With this algorithm, nanoro-
bot can reach the affected area with high accuracy after
traveling in the motion path, arrive the damaged part.
System error is calculated using equations (10) and (11)
which are appropriate criteria for evaluating the system
performance. Equation (10) computes the error of the
horizontal component of nanorobot motion relative to
the horizontal component of the reference trajectory:
While, equation (11) calculates the error of the vertical
component of nanorobot motion relative to the vertical
component of the reference trajectory.
The controller designed for this purpose is an adaptive
controller. The basis for using adaptive controller is to
control the system with the presence of uncertainty.
Although uncertainty means the presence of the ano-
nymity of parameters and system dynamics, but an
adaptive controller generally requires parameters esti-
mation to limit the system output error. In other words,
the expectation of an adaptive controller is not the esti-
mation of system’s unknown parameter but controller
parameter estimation in a way that the error remains
FIGURE 1. Nanorobot system kinematic design
Amir Farahani and Ali Farahani
FIGURE 2. Reference trajectory of the nanorobot system
limited and acceptable. However, in case of persistent
irritation in the system, we can estimate the parameters
of the system.
The adaptive control of non-linear systems generally
has no same rules and procedures. However, in this sys-
tem, we can  nd out that because of the structure of the
state space equations, the third equation of the nanoro-
bot system’s kinematic equations can be used. In other
words, by the state control of in equation (12), x and y
can be controlled in equations (13) and (14):
Where, L = nanorobot length, v = nanorobot velocity, 
= derived reference angle between the body axis and
the axis x, = controller parameter, and
= the refer-
ence angle between the body axis and the axis x. Now,
by having all the values, the system tracking error will
tend to zero with the appropriate choice of . As it was
mentioned before, the motion mechanism of nanorobot
is such that the blood  ow in vessels is the only driv-
ing force or thrust. The blood velocity in the vessel is
obtained as:
Where = pressure gradient, µ = viscosity coef cient,
= vessel diameter, and = longitudinal location of nanoro-
bot. We assumed that nanorobot is located between the
end of the arterial and venous vessels.
According to Sembulingam and Sembulingam (2012),
pressure gradient in this area is 15 mm hg. Also, accord-
ing to Hogg and Kuekes (2006), the blood viscosity coef-
cient is 0.04. The vessel diameter varies in different parts
of the body.In this study, the vessel diameter was consid-
ered as 30 µm and nanorobot length as 0.5 µm. Therefore,
considering the provided values for the parameters, the
blood velocity which is equal to the velocity of nanorobot
motion can be obtained. In equation (14), with smaller
y, we will have less  uid velocity. In other words, when
nanorobot gets closer to the vessel wall, its movement
speed is reduced. The velocity of blood has the highest
value in the center of the vessel, and with higher distance
from the center, its velocity is decreased.
We assumed that nanorobot is in motion with the
highest speed in the center of vessel, and by recogniz-
ing the damaged blood vessel wall, it begins to move
from the center to the wall. By substituting equation (12)
into equation (11), the is controlled, and by substituting
the controlled into the motion equations of (5) to (7),
Nanorobot path can be controlled well with respect to
the reference path. Figure 3 illustrates the overall block
diagram of the system with the controller.
In this study, MATLAB/ SIMULINK software was used
to simulate Nanorobot motion within the blood vessel.
By using equation (5) to (7), nanorobot motion from the
center of the vessel to the damaged part was plotted as
shown in  gure 4.
By comparing the reference trajectory path with
nanorobot motion path (Fig.5), we can see that the
Amir Farahani and Ali Farahani
FIGURE 4. Nanorobot motion
FIGURE 5. Reference trajectory path vs. nanorobot motion path
FIGURE 3. Block diagram of the proposed system
Amir Farahani and Ali Farahani
FIGURE 6. Motion error of nanorobot in vertical direction
FIGURE 7. Motion error of nanorobot in horizontal direction
FIGURE 8. Nanorobot motion along the blood vessel length
motion path curve of the nanorobot is largely matches
the trajectory path curve, and there have little difference
with each other. This ensures the nanorobots to reach
the desired destination.
Motion error graph of nanorobot in two vertical
and horizontal directions are shown in Figure 6 and 7,
respectively. In vertical direction, it can be clearly seen
that most error rate at the beginning of the movement
and the time it starts, the amount of which is equal to
1.6 µm which is negligible. After 0.001 seconds, its error
rate is drastically reduced and approaches to zero (Fig.
6). In horizontal direction, the greatest amount of error
is 0.02 µm which is negligible (Fig. 7). Given the results
of simulation, it can be well observed that the proposed
controller can properly navigate the nanorobot, and
by using this controller, we can control the motion off
nanorobot to the location of the damaged vessel wall by
controlling its movement angle.
Amir Farahani and Ali Farahani
Nanorobot motion within the vessel is shown in  gure
8. The red section represents the blood vessel wall; the
blue lines show the nanorobot motion path, and the black
lines are the damaged parts on the blood vessel wall. We
can see that the nanorobot moves from the center of the
vessel, and after moving in a given direction provided by
the controller, it reaches the damaged part.
In this study we attempted to design an adaptive control-
ler to optimize the motion of nanorobots within the within
the blood vessel. The results of the simulation showed
that the proposed control method, by identifying the
functional characterization of nano-robots such as trans-
port capability, biocompatibility, planning, receiving sig-
nals and its generation, had good performance in control-
ling the nanorobot motion, and its ef ciency is high. The
experimental results and simulations which were based
on considering the blood vessel as a rigid pipe, showed
that with the help of the adaptive controller, nanorobot
followed the determined reference trajectory path by the
signal received from the damaged area, and was moved to
the target destination with an error of about 0.01 µm. The
design of this controller makes it possible for us to be able
to use nanorobots for e.g. venous injury treatment, cancer
treatment, treatment of damaged cells, or laparoscopy with
great accuracy. We suggest that a study to be conducted by
considering the blood vessel as a  exible tube to examine
nanorobot motion inside the vessel and the relationship
among several nanorobots in the body to enhance their
ef ciency.
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