Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(3): 512-516 (2016)
Impact of different crop geometries and depths of
planting on growth and yield of rice in system of rice
intensi cation
Archana Rajput
, Satyakumari Sharma*
Sujit Singh Rajput
and Grish Jha
Department of Agronomy, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur (M.P.)
Department of Food technology, J.N.K.V.V., Jabalpur (M.P.)
Department of Agronomy, J.A.U., Junagadh (Gujarat)
Field experiments were conducted during the kharif seasons of 2010-11 and 2011-12 at Krishi Nagar farm, Depart-
ment of Agronomy, JNKVV Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) to study the different crop geometries and depths of planting
on growth and yield of rice in system of rice intensi cation. The results revealed that the 30 cm × 30 cm planting
geometry had superiority in various parameters viz; growth parameter, yield and yield attributes, which were signi -
cantly in uenced by plant geometry and depth of planting. Rice variety MR-219 with shallow depth of planting (2.5
cm) had markedly superior growth parameters viz., number of tillers/m2 at harvest. Almost all the yield and yield
attributing characters viz; test weight, harvest index, grain and straw yields were superior with the MR-219 variety
and shallow depth of planting. The results revealed that growth parameters, viz. number of tillers/m2at harvest was
superior at 20 cm × 20 cm planting geometry as compared to other planting geometries. All growth parameters were
signi cantly superior in MR-219 which resulted in production of more 1000-test weight and sterility percentage and
higher yield as comparison to WGL-32100 and PS-3.MR-219 (6.94 t/ha) proved signi cantly superior to WGL-32100
(6.32 t/ha) and PS-3 (6.02 t/ha) with regard to grain yield, when planted at shallow depth with 25 cm × 25 cm plant
geometry. Interaction between varieties and planting geometry on the grain yields was found signi cant. The variety
MR-219 had signi cantly more grain yield at 25 cm × 25 cm, straw yield at 20 cm x 20 cm and 1000-test weight at
30 cm x 30 cm compared to other planting geometries.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 1
July, 2016
Accepted after revision 13
Sep, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
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Archana Rajput et al.
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important cereal food
crop of the developing world and the staple food of more
than 3 billion people or more than half of the world’s
population. India is considered to be one of the original
centers of rice cultivation, and mostly cultivated state
West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Pun-
jab, production 104.32 MT of rice with an average pro-
ductivity of 3.06 t ha
The poor farmers are losing inter-
est in rice cultivation as factor productivity is declining.
Hence, there is a need to increase the productivity of rice
using reduced inputs and resources to feed the burgeon-
ing population (Das et al. 2009, Shobarani et al. 2010
and, 2015).
Around 65% of the total population in India eat
rice and it accounts for 40% of their food production.
India is the world’s second largest producer of white
rice, accounting for 20% of all world rice production.
Rice-based production systems provide the main source
of income and employment for more than 50 million
households. Rice production in India is an important
part of the national economy. Among the different agro-
nomic practices, planting geometry and depth of plant-
ing play a vital role in achieving higher yield levels of
improved varieties of rice. It is because the proper dis-
tributions of crop plant per unit area and ef cient utili-
zation of available nutrient and other resources as well
as environment. In this context, new technologies like
SRI and ICM appears to have potential that saves inputs,
protects the environment and could improve productiv-
ity and soil health, (Satyanarayana et al. 2006 and Bal-
asubramanian et al. 2007, Sarwar et al. 2014 and Kumar
et al. 2016). Therefore the present experiment was con-
ducted for studying the physiological parameters in the
optimum planting geometries, improved varieties under
depths of planting for getting maximum yield of rice.
The experiment was conducted at research farm of
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur
(Madhya Pradesh) during kharif season of 2010-11 and
2011-12. The three different planting geometries i.e., 20
x 20 cm
, 25 x 25 cm
and 30 x 30 cm
between hills
and rows were kept for growing the crop and to identify
their effect on grain yield parameters. Three varieties
of rice (MR-219, WGL-32100 and PS-3) and two depths
of planting shallow (2.5 cm) and normal (5.0 cm). The
layout of the trial was split-split plot design with three
replications having planting geometry as main plots,
varieties as sub plot treatments and depths of plant-
ing shallow and normal as sub-sub plot treatments. The
area of each plot was 3 x 7m
. Seedlings were trans-
planted with an average of one seedling per hill in the
SRI method of planting. Application of 10 t FYM/ha was
given uniformly to all the plots before  nal puddling
and leveling. Fertilizer with a uniform dose of 120: 60:
40 kg per hectare N, P and K through urea, DAP and
MOP was applied in all the plots. Half dose of nitrogen
and full dose phosphorus and potassium were applied as
basal application just before transplanting. The remain-
ing half dose of nitrogen was applied in two split doses
at tillering and panicle initiation stages.
Plant density is an important agronomic factor that
greatly in uences the micro climate of the  eld and
eventually the yield of agricultural crops. The analysis
of variance resolved that the growth parameters of the
planting geometries. Planting geometry had signi -
cant in uence on growth parameters of system of rice
intensi cation. Results showed that
number of tillers/
was signi cantly higher in wider spacing with 20
cm × 20 cm as compared to wider spacing of 25 cm ×
25 cm and also 30 cm × 30 cm.
These  ndings are in close vicinity with Geethadevi
et al., (2000),
et al, (2015) and
et al.,
(2013). The signi cant reduction of dry weight of plant
with increase in plant geometry might be due to higher
mortality of tillers per hill. Some of the late emerged
tillers are not well develop and even died. Thus, a little
reduction in number of tillers/hill was noted at matu-
rity compared to its preceding stage.
The 1000-grain weight was signi cantly higher in 30
× 30 cm in comparison to 20 × 20 cm and 25 × 25
cm. Similar results have also been obtained by Bari et
al. (1984). Rice MR-219 variety was markedly supe-
rior in various growth attributing characters viz; test
weight and more harvest index over WGL-32100 and
PS-3. The growth parameters and yield attributes sig-
ni cantly greater under shallow depth of planting than
deeper planting depth.
Harvest index showed their non-
signi cant response to different planting geometries,
varieties and depth of planting treatments (Table 1).
The grain yield was signi cantly in uenced by
planting geometries at harvest during both the years.
Result showed that rice varieties had worked effect on
grain yield Thus, the 25 cm x 25 cm planting geom-
etries (6.86 t/ha and 7.00 t/ha) produced signi cantly
higher grain yield in comparison to 20 cm x 20 cm
planting geometries (6.34 t/ha and 6.51 t/ha) and 30
Archana Rajput et al.
Table 1: Effect of planting geometries, varieties and depth of planting on growth and y ield contributing attributes of rice in SRI
Number of tillers/m2 at
Grain yield (t/ha) Straw yield (t/ha) Harvest index (%) 1000-grain weight
2010 2011 Mean 2010 2011 Mean 2010 2011 Mean 2010 2011 Mean 2010 2011 Mean
Planting geometry
S1 - 20 cm x 20 cm 538 544 541 6.34 6.51 6.43 9.53 9.29 9.41 40.06 41.32 40.69 18.9 20.0 19.4
S2 - 25 cm x 25 cm 499 504 502 6.86 7.00 6.93 8.82 9.70 9.26 44.14 41.97 43.05 21.0 22.1 21.6
S3 - 30 cm x 30 cm 312 317 315 5.81 6.04 5.92 8.15 9.19 8.67 41.64 39.89 40.76 22.8 23.9 23.3
SEm ± 5.96 5.79 5.87 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.42 0.21 0.25 1.17 0.50 0.70 0.6 0.6 0.6
CD. at 5% 23.39 22.72 23.05 0.38 0.36 0.37 1.64 0.83 1.00 NS NS 1.95 1.8 1.8 1.8
V1 - MR-219 511 516 513 6.83 7.05 6.94 9.46 10.71 10.08 42.12 39.74 40.93 23.2 24.2 23.7
V2 - WGL-32100 448 453 450 6.22 6.41 6.31 8.83 8.67 8.75 41.45 42.55 42.00 19.1 20.2 19.7
V3 - PS-3 391 396 394 5.95 6.08 6.02 8.21 8.80 8.51 42.26 40.89 41.58 20.5 21.5 21.0
SEm ± 7.68 7.59 7.64 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.22 0.21 0.14 0.61 0.70 0.50 0.6 0.6 0.6
CD. at 5% 23.66 23.39 23.52 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.69 0.65 0.43 1.33 1.53 1.09 1.3 1.3 1.3
D1 - Shallow Depth (2.5 cm) 455 461 458 6.49 6.68 6.58 9.11 9.61 9.36 41.79 41.07 41.43 21.5 22.6 22.1
D2 - Normal Depth (5 cm) 444 449 447 6.18 6.36 6.27 8.56 9.17 8.87 42.10 41.05 41.58 20.3 21.4 20.8
SEm ± 5.27 5.26 5.26 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.19 0.15 0.13 0.83 0.44 0.59 0.4 0.4 0.4
CD. at 5% NS NS NS 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.57 0.44 0.39 NS NS NS 0.7 0.7 0.7
Archana Rajput et al.
cm x 30 cm planting geometries (5.81 t/ha and 6.04 t/
ha) during both the years and mean value of pooled
grain yield also higher in 25 cm x 25 cm planting
geometries (6.93 t/ha) produced signi cantly higher
grain yield than 20 x 20 cm planting geometries (6.43
t/ha) and 30 cm x 30 cm planting geometries (5.92 t/
ha) during pooled mean analysis. The grain yield was
signi cantly higher at optimum spacing of 25 cm × 25
cm as compared to 20 cm × 20 cm and 30 × 30 cm,
which might be due to production per hill which may
develop better than higher tillers per hill and number
of plant per m
Ultimately, 20 cm × 20 cm produced
signi cantly higher straw (9.53 and 9.23 t/ha) yields
over 25 cm × 25 cm having straw yield of (8.82 and
9.70 t/ha) and 30 cm × 30 cm having straw yields of
(8.15 and 9.19 t/ha) during both the years.
The results
of present investigation are in close agreements with the
ndings of Baskar
et al., (2013),
et al., (2015)
et al., (2015).
Harvest index was signi cantly higher at optimum
spacing of 25 × 25 cm in compared to 20 × 20 cm
and 30 × 30 cm which may be due to higher mortal-
ity of tillers per hill in wider spacing and closer spac-
ing which reduced grain ratio in total biological yield.
Similar results have also been obtained by Verma et al
(2002), Mohabbesi et al. (2011) and Deb et al. (2012).
The cumulative effects of superior growth and yield
attributes were  nally re ected in terms of higher grain
yield. Both grain and straw yields were also higher in
the MR-219 over WGL-32100 and PS-3. Ultimately,
MR-219 produced signi cantly higher grain (6.83 and
7.05 t/ha) and straw (9.46 and 10.71 t/ha) yields over
WGL-32100 having grain yield of (6.22 and 6.41 t/ha)
and straw yield of (8.83 and 8.67 t/ha) and
ing grain yield of (5.95 and 6.08 t/ha) and straw yields
of (8.21 and 8.80 t/ha) during both the years.
harvest index is mainly governed by genetic make-up
of plant that would not be mostly affected by various
The results of present investigation strongly
support the  ndings of Sreedhar
et al.
(2010), Sridhara
et al.
(2011) and Thakur
et al.
The grain yields of rice directly correlated to the
no. of tillers per unit area, NAR and test weight and
other physiological parameters. These growth attribut-
ing characters were signi cantly superior in MR-219
as compared to WGL-32100 and
, which attributed
to produce higher grain yield. Thus, rice MR-219 gave
9.94 and 9.98 % more grain yield over WGL-32100
and 14.78 and 15.98 % over
, during 2010 and
2011, respectively and MR-219 gave 9.94 % more grain
yield over WGL-32100 and 15.37% over PS-3, during
pooled average analysis. Straw yield of rice is directly
related to growth parameters. viz; number of tillers per
unit area and these growth parameters were superior
in MR-219 may be responsible for the differences in
straw yield in comparison to WGL-32100 and PS-3.
Harvest index (HI) of rice was signi cantly in uenced
due to varieties during both the years.
(42.26 and
40.89%) had signi cantly higher HI in compared to
MR-219 (42.12 and 39.74%) and WGL-32100 (41.45
and 42.55%), which may be owing to greater partition-
ing of photosynthesis towards the production of straw
rather than the grain yield (Table 1).
These  ndings are
in close vicinity with Nayak et al. (2003)
and Ogalo S.O.
(2011). The all varieties might have high coef cient for
partitioning of photosynthesis in production of grain
out of the total crop biomass and accordingly the
higher HI was obtained under it. Signi cantly higher
grain yield of rice was obtained under shallow depth
of planting (6.49 and 6.68 t/ha) in compared to normal
depth of planting (6.18 and 6.36 t/ha) during both the
years (Table 1) which may be ascribed to cumulative
effect of growth. Signi cantly higher values of growth
attributing characters viz;
functional leaves/hill, dry
weight of plant/hill
, test weight, and more harvest
index under shallow depth of planting than normal
depth of planting. The shallow depth of planting did
not show signi cant effect on straw yield and harvest
index (HI) during 2010 but during 2011 signi cantly
higher straw yield was obtained under shallow depth
of planting (9.61 t/ha) as compared to normal depth of
planting (9.17 t/ha).
The results are in line with those of
Kumar et al. (2016) and Sarwar et al. (2014).
The results revealed that growth parameters, viz. number
of tillers/m
at harvest was superior at 20 cm × 20 cm
planting geometry as compared to other planting geom-
etries. All growth parameters were signi cantly superior
in MR-219 which resulted in production of more 1000-
test weight and sterility percentage and higher yield as
comparison to WGL-32100 and PS-3.MR-219 (6.94 t/
ha) proved signi cantly superior to WGL-32100 (6.32 t/
ha) and PS-3 (6.02 t/ha) with regard to grain yield, when
planted at shallow depth with 25 cm × 25 cm plant geom-
etry. Interaction between varieties and planting geometry
on the grain yields was found signi cant. The variety
MR-219 had signi cantly more grain yield at 25 cm × 25
cm, straw yield at 20 cm x 20 cm and 1000-test weight
at 30 cm x 30 cm compared to other planting geometries.
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