Elham Poonaki et al.
Since cancer is a fatal illness worldwide, it is the sec-
ond leading cause of death in the world after car-
diovascular disease and, according to annual reports,
causes many deaths from cancer. Today’s treatments
are very costly and have unpleasant side effects in the
patient’s body. Today, efforts are being made to nd
newer and more effective treatments, including these
treatments, for chemical treatments. Nowadays, there
is a lot of research to discover new drugs, appropriate
drug delivery routes, and optimal drug targeting with
less side effects. Recently, therapeutic studies have been
conducted on the transmission of antibody-dependent
drugs, but since the therapeutic method of drug delivery
using antibodies also has inef ciencies and transitional
problems, costs and side effects, in particular, itself, a
newer research for the transfer of anticancer drugs is
taking place. Since then, research has shown that the
consumption and removal of cancer cells increases sig-
ni cantly over nitrogen and polyamide compounds, and
the expression of some amino acids such as methionine
amino acids on the surface of the cancer cells is more
pronounced and therefore cancer tissue cells to increase
the amino acid methionine, (Levine et al., 2000, Palmer
et al. 2009, Roché et al. 2011).
In this study we have used methionine amino acid
as carrier and antimicrobial agent for the treatment of
Chlorambucil. Cancer treatment as an anticancer drug,
like other anticancer drugs, has side effects on the can-
cerous patient’s body, the reason is that by designing
an anticancer drug conjugate using methionine amino
acid (as an enhancement of cellular uptake and DTPA
interface and conducting biologic studies of the effect
of this conjugate on cancer cells through drug delivery
to reduce side effects and Increase the ef cacy of Chlo-
rambucil to as an appropriate drug delivery method, we
tried to do that. So far, hybrids have been made of non-
interfacing Chlorambucil, such as Chlorambucil glucose
and Chlorambucil –tyrosine (Gupta A et al. 2010).
But the proper interface for ef cient drug delivery is
very important. We have been working to produce this
conjugate for the amino acid linkage of methionine We
used the DTPA connector for Chlorambucil amine, which
looks very good interface due to amine groups, because
amine receptors from cancer cells increase and drug
delivery will be more successful. We then performed the
relevant biological tests on the MCF-7 and HT-29 cell
line breast cancer cells.
Following chemicals were used in the study.Chloram-
bucil (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) USA • Cell line MCF-7 and
HT-29 (Pasteue Institute of Tehran) • Sulfo-NHS (Sigma-
Aldrich, USA) USA) • EDC (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) • PBS
(Merck, Germany) • DMSO (Merck, Germany) • Sepha-
dex G-10 Fine (Sigma-Aldrich) • Chloroform (Merck,
Germany) • FCS (Seromed Biochrom, Germany) ) • FBS
(Merck, Germany) • RPMI medium (Sigma-Aldrich, USA)
• Penicillin powder (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) • Streptomy-
cin powder (Sigma-Aldrich, USA) • The TNF-alpha kit
(The RayBio® Human TNF -alpha ELISA) Kitin Annex-
inV-PI (BD Pharmingen, UK).
Combination or hybridization of an antimicrobial
agent of Chlorambucil and methionine amino acid,
produced by the interface of DTPA herein. 2.320 g of
methionine (if used 3 mg of Chlorambucil) is added in
5-5 milliliters of water Soluble. 2. Add 1 mg DTPA to
the solution and dissolve it by sterilizer. 3. After 1 to 2
minutes, add twice as much amino acid as EDC to the
previous solution. To the product of the rst stage after
1 to 5 minutes of production, 758 mg / kg of Chloram-
bucil is added. 2. To complete the Chlorambucil disso-
lution, dissolve it with sterilization. 3. The product is
ready for the next reaction. Use of DSMO is due to fat-
loving Chlorambucil (CBL) and DMSO helps to dissolve
it and accelerate the reaction. At this stage, puri cation
of the conjugated product is studied. The purity of the
compound produced was investigated by TLC chroma-
A 10 milliliter TLC solvent was prepared containing
3 milliliters of chloroform (nonpolar solvent to dissolve
lipophilic compounds) and 7 milliliters of methanol
(polar solvent to dissolve hydrophilic compounds) (30%
chloroform and 70% methanol) TLC papers were cut in
rectangles with dimensions, length 8-7 cm and width of
5-4 cm. Then 1 millimeter above the solvent line (the
highest part of the paper that is placed inside the sol-
vent), with the capillary tube, there were delicate spots
spaced apart, which included, respectively, methionine,
DTPA, Sulfur-NHS, conjugate synthesis They were Chlo-
rambucil and EDC. Each paper was placed in a solvent
containing a 45° angle inside the container and due to
the evaporation of chloroform and methanol, as well as
the toxicity of chloroform, it should be closed in a con-
tainer. The required amount of 25-26 C° and the required
time in this method is about 20 minutes. Be Due to the
fact that all materials and stains are colorless, UV light
was used to observe the movement rate of the material,
and stains were observed in the range of 280-220. The
patches created with DTPA, sulfur-NHS, EDC, and CBL
stain were a blurry and sharp spot. By this method, the
result was that the synthesis product, conjugate Chlo-
rambucil-methionine-DTPA, was present in the fourth to
seventh test tubes.
Mass Spectroscopy analysis was carried out to con-
rm methionine - DTPA- Chlorambucil