Gourab Roy, Kalidas Mandal and G. Ravikumar
bombycis, nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV) and densovirus
(mainly DNV1&2), infectious acherie virus (IFV), cyto-
plasmic polyhedrovirus (CPV) and bacteria. The micro-
sporidians cause pebrine disease; NPV causes grasserie;
and DNVs, IFV and bacterial pathogens cause ach-
erie diseases. Among all, the microsporidians disease
is responsible for the signi cant economic loss in the
sericulture industry. Microsporidiasis remained a threat
to silk industry since time immemorial, because of its
unique and recurrent occurrence and is the only dis-
ease transmitted both horizontally and vertically (Bhat
et al., 2009). Several species and strains of microsporidia
have been isolated from infected silkworms among
which pebrine caused by Nosema bombycis is the most
prevalent. Other microsporidian species (Vairimorpha,
Pleistophora, Thelohania etc.) which differ in their spore
morphology, sites of infection and virulence, have also
been isolated from silkworms (Kawarabata, 2003, Gupta
et al., 2017).
Since the control of disease is often met with lim-
ited success, early detection of pathogens is essential to
control of emerging, reemerging, and in preventing the
spread of infectious diseases. Microsporidian are easily
detected by light microscopy when infections are heavy
and spores are present. However, early infections without
spores, or light infections with low numbers of spores are
easily missed. This limitation has made it dif cult to con-
duct investigations into microsporidian prevalence and
transmission. To overcome these dif culties, PCR- based
techniques have been developed to detect the major path-
ogens of silkworms with great speci city and sensitivity
(Hatakeyama and Hayasaka 2003, Hamiduzzaman et al.,
2010, Ravikumar et al., 2011, Fu et al., 2016).
Due to the availability of sequence information and
the presence of conserved and variable sequence regions
within the SSU rRNA genes, PCR-based methods have
typically used primers of this gene for the detection of
microsporidians (Franzen and Muller, 1999). Herein, we
report that primers designed from the RNA polymerase
of microsporidians can also be used to detect micro-
sporidians from silkworms. To our knowledge, this is the
rst report on the detection of microspordians using its
RNA polymerase primers from silkworms.
The silkworm rearing and microsporidian infection were
essentially performed as reported by us (Ravikumar
et al, 2011). Silkworms, B. mori (Pure Mysore) were fed
on mulberry leaves. For Microsporidian infection, 3rd
instar day 1 larvae were orally fed with 2000 spores/
larva and periodical observations were taken. Control
larvae did not receive microsporidian infection. On 4
and 8
day post infection (p.i.), larval mid gut tissues
were dissected out and used for DNA extraction, fol-
lowed by PCR. DNA was also extracted from pupa, adult
and eggs of infected and normal silkworms.
DNA extracted from the mid gut of infected and control
using Hi-Pure DNA extraction Kit (Himedia) according to
manufacturer’s protocol. DNA from mulberry leaves and
pebrine infected A. mylitta DNA were used as reported
earlier (Ravikumar et al., 2011). The DNA was analyzed
in 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and quanti ed using a
Nanodrop (Thermo Corporation) spectrophotometer.
A set of primers were designed from the conserved region of
available microsporidian RNA polymerase sequences from
NCBI database. The primers used were: Sense: 5’-CCICAY-
TTYCCIAARGARGAYTA-3’ and antisense: 5’-AARGAY-
ITIGARGGIACIAAYGA-3’. (I: deoxyinosine; R: A, G; Y: T,
C). PCR reactions were carried out using 1X Taq buffer,
2.5 mM dNTPs, 25 mM MgCl2, 0.5U Taq DNA polymerase
(Fermentas) and 100 ng of DNA. The DNA from control
silkworms and mulberry DNA were employed as negative
controls. PCR reactions were carried out (Eppendorf) using
the following cycles: 94°C for 2 min, 30 cycles of 94°C for
40 s, 48°C for 30 s, and 72°C for 30s and 1 cycle of 72° C
for 5 min. PCR products were analyzed in 1% agarose gel
electrophoresis, stained in Sybergreen (HiMedia) and visu-
alized under UV transillumination. The PCR products were
cloned in pJET blunt end cloning vector (Fermentas) and
positive clones were con rmed by colony PCR. Puri ed
plasmids were sequenced at Euro ns, Bangalore, followed
by BLAST analysis (NCBI).
Results are presented in Figure 1. PCR ampli cations
have resulted in discrete and desired product. DNA
extracted from the microsporidian infected silkworm
yielded speci c ampli cation products of ~ 650 bp (Lane
1-4) using RNA polymerase primers. No non- speci c
products were observed. The negative controls; DNA
from normal silkworm and the plant DNA from mul-
berry showed no PCR products, indicating the speci c-
ity of the PCR. The banding intensity on day 8th was
higher to that of on 4th day showing the proliferation
of pathogen at an advanced stage of infection. Fur-
ther con rmation of the PCR products was done by
sequencing and BLAST analysis. BLAST showed 92- 99
% homology to RNA polymerases of various isolates of