Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 11(3): 469-475 (2018)
Effect of pelvic  oor exercise on non-speci c lower
back pain in post-partum women
Nitesh Malhotra
* and Aksh Chahal
Ph.D Scholar, Department of Physiotherapy, Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University
Department of Physiotherapy, Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan–333001
The present aim of the study was to investigate improvement in pain intensity and measure disability of women with
constant postpartum lower back pain after and tailored exercise protocol. Herein, 30 women aged between 30-35
years having lumbo-pelvic pain after delivery of three years were included and were received tailored exercises.
The subjects were classi ed acoording to Demographic and Anthropometric characteristics. Manual Screening for
pain was done through VAS (visual analog scale) and Oswestry disability questionnaire. Group A and Group B were
classi ed as according to the exercise protocols. Group A were subjected to pelvic  oor exercise along with abdomi-
nal muscle strengthening while Group B were subjected to Spinal hyperextensions along with abdominal muscle
strengthening. The results depicted that the pelvic  oor exercise in combination abdominal exercise with routine
treatment for back pain provide signi cant bene ts in terms of pain relief and disability over routine treatment as
compared to spinal hyperextensions along with abdominal muscle strengthening. A correlation was also established
between the changes in disability and pain intensity in between two groups.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 7
July, 2018
Accepted after revision 12
Sep, 2018
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007 CODEN: USA BBRCBA
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC / Clarivate Analytics USA and
Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2018: 4.31 SJIF 2017: 4.196
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, Bhopal India
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DOI: 10.21786/bbrc/11.3/16
Back pain is common phenomenon in female which is
experienced during postpartum and is expected to pro-
long for 4-6 months affecting activities of daily living.
The majority of women recover from pregnancy related
mechanical lumbo-pelvic pain within 6 months of deliv-
ery However, studies show that 25 % of females still
have persistent non-speci c lower back pain 2-3 years
after delivery and which interferes with their daily activ-
ities (Tersi et al., 2015, Corso et al., 2016 and Gausel
et al., 2016).
Nitesh Malhotra and Aksh Chahal
The pelvic  oor is the area underneath the pelvis
which consists of muscles and connective tissues a
complex structure. It provides support to the abdominal
viscera including uterus, bladder and other viscera. The
core muscles include pelvic  oor muscles, transverse
abdominis, multi dus, internal and external oblique,
rectus, abdominus, erector spinae, quadratus lumbo-
rum, lattismus dorsi, and gluteus maximus. The muscles
involved in lower back pain are erector spinae, oblique
muscles. Since the core muscles and back muscles are
involved into spinal rotation, so they are related to each
other, (Javadian et al., 2015, Chevidikunnan et al., 2016
and Teymuri et al., 2018).
The lower back is related to multiple factors which
recount dynamic instability of pelvis and hormonal
changes this joint instability initiate the deep muscle
activation which demonstrates the sacroiliac stiffness,
based on the earlier studies guided exercises for pelvic
oor and abdominal are recommended. Consequently,
the design of the study should be suitable with observa-
tion of relation between motor control and reduction in
symptoms. Only few studies describe tailored exercises
therapy for strengthening pelvic  oor muscles and spi-
nal stability and methods adapted are kegel’s exercise
protocol, spinal extension and abdominal strengthening.
The intervention adapted should target the outcomes
throughout the whole intervention period (Portney
et al., 2014, Tondel et al., 2016 and Bhadauria et al.,
The exercises protocol adapted to activated the
group of deep and super cial muscles which results
in improvement in the ODQ and pain score also dem-
onstrating core strengthening exercise of conven-
tional exercises (Saragiotto et al., 2016, Ferla et al., in
2016), also improving on the biomechanics (Bi et al.,
2013) also some author established more emphasis
should be given over the exercise during the third tri-
mester of pregnancy where chances of weight increase
are more established. (Domenjoz, 2014 & Kolu, 2014).
Also pelvic  oor exercise for organ prolapse and urinary
incontinence plays an important role in improving the
symptoms and to treat musculoskeletal and movement
impairments in women (Kurz et al., 2017). The weak-
ness of pelvic  oor muscles and relationship of urinary
incontinence was established in both men and women
and importance of screening of back pain in patients
with urinary incontinence (Cassidy et al., 2017)
The aim of the present study was to investigate weekly
improvement in pain intensity and measure disability of
women with constant postpartum lower back pain after
and tailored exercise protocol. A secondary aim was to
establish correlation between the changes in disability
and pain intensity in between two groups.
30 women after lumbo-pelvic pain after delivery of
three years were included in the study and received tai-
lored exercises. The subjects aged between 30-35 years
were included in the study. The study was performed
at RLJT Hospital & Research Centre, Jhunjhunu. Exclu-
sion criteria BMI > 25, traumatic backache history of
neurological or autoimmune disorder, history of Pelvic
organ prolapse, respiratory or metabolic disease The
experiment was conducted on the basis of Demographic
data and Anthropometric characteristics of the subjects
was recorded including Name, Age, Gender, Height and
Weight, therefore BMI was also recorded prior to the
study. Manual Screening for pain was done through VAS
(visual analog scale) and Oswestry disability question-
Visual analogue scale (VAS) - the pain scale was used
to measure the degree of pain, after presenting the pain
levels on a straight line of 10 cm without gradation. The
calculations were done as 0 presenting as no pain and
10 presenting as extreme unbearable pain. The mark-
ing were made from 0-10 in centimeters, (Kersten et al.,
Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire-
The instrument was developed to illustrate functional
disability and to measure the clinical reduction and
improvement lower back pain. It a self questionnaire to
be  lled by the patient based on the disability faced dur-
ing activities of daily living, the questionnaire includes
10 questions related to pain management, personal care,
walking, sitting, standing, sleeping, and social life with
a scoring from 0-5 for every question with a total scor-
ing of 50.Thirty women with non speci c chronic LBP
were recruited and randomly assigned into two groups,
an experimental group A (n=15) and experimental group
B (n=15). The assessment was performed in crook lying
position, Pre and post data was collected before inter-
vention, pain intensity was measured on Visual Ana-
logue Scale (VAS) and functional disability was assessed
using Oswestry Disability Questionnaire (Pereira et al.,
Total protocol was performed for 8 weeks
Group A: Pelvic  oor exercises:
Women in this group were explained the importance of
exercises, anatomy of pelvic  oor exercises. The patients
were taught to contract their pelvic  oor muscles and to
squeeze with maximum applied effort and hold for 3-4
seconds without holding the breath.
1st phase: The patients were asked to complete 15-20
repetition in sitting and lying for 2-3 sets in a day for
rst 3 weeks in crook lying positions
Nitesh Malhotra and Aksh Chahal
Table 1. Illustrates the demographic data and
anthropometric data of the subjects
Characteristics Group A Group B
Age (Mean ± SD) 33.77±1.44 32±1.46
Height (In cm) (Mean ± SD) 164±7.89 154.44±5.06
Weight (In kg) (Mean ± SD) 64±8.14 60.5±8.54
BMI (Mean ± SD) 23±4.58 25.73±2.49
phase: For 4
week onwards the repetition were
increase nearly double and as per the comfort of the
patient completing 2-3 times in a day, patient were
advice to practice the session in two positions i.e. sitting
and lying
phase: 7
week onwards the patient was asked to
increase the no. of repetition to 40-50 with same no. of
sets in a day and continued till end of 8
week, patient
was advice to continue the exercises in lying , sitting
and standing
Abdominal exercises:
A. Pelvic tilt:
Subject lies in supine lying position with knees
exed, arm placed on the side.
Subjects were push the lower trunk into the  oor
and contract the abdominal and glueteal muscles,
with rotating the pelvis upwards and inward and
making a bridge back off from the  oor , the same
position is holded for 5 seconds each and relax
period of 5 seconds repeating 10 times for 2- 3
times in day.
B. Partial curls:
Subjects is asked to lie down supine with knees  exed,
arms are extended the subject is asked to rest hands over
the legs and then sliding the  ngers over the knees with
exion of the trunk and slightly lifting the shoulders,
exercises should be repeated 10 times with 2-3 sets in a
day .Subjects were instructed not to hold breath in any
C. Diagonal curls:
Subject in supine lying position with arm in forwards
position , subject is asked to lift the shoulder off the
oor bringing the left shoulder towards the right knee
and vice-versa then repetition for 10 times for 2-3 times
in a day
Group B:
Women in this group are trained for back extensor exer-
cise along with abdominal muscle strengthening.
Spinal hyperextensions: Subjects were asked to lie down
in prone position with hand on side, keeping weight on
the hands were asked to lift and extend the spine and
hold for 5-10 second repeating the process for 10 times
and 2-3 times in a day.
Prone on elbows: Subjects were asked to lie down in
prone position with elbow on side, keeping weight on
the elbow were asked to lift and extend the spine and
hold for 5-10 second repeating the process for 10 times
and 2-3 times in a day.
Abdominal exercises: Isometrics abdominals: Subjects
were asked to lie down supine with knee  exed and hands
under the lower back, they were told to contract the ante-
rior abdominal muscles and pres the hand with the back,
holding the position for 5-10 second and repeating the
same exercise at least 10 times for 2-3 sets in a day dur-
ing the exercises the breath holding should be avoided
followed by same abdominal exercise taught to group A
Data analysis: The data analysis was done using Sta-
tistical Package for Social Sciences software Version 19
applying the descriptive data included mean standard
deviation was also calculated with paired t test and
ANOVAs test were applied to calculate the difference
between pre and post treatment intra groups. The data
was analyzed using with t-value in inter group and in
intra group using F distribution value and the F-crit
value. The result will be signi cant at p < .05.and if
p>0.05 considering it non- signi cant.
Subjects (30) were included in the study with mean
age of 33.77 ±1.44 in Group A and 32±1.46 in Group
B years. The mean height calculated was 164±7.89 and
cm and 156.44±7.59 cm, mean weight was 62±9.50 and
60.5±8.54 in kg, The mean BMI was also calculated as
23±4.58 and 25.73±2.49 respectively for group A and B.
As shown in table 2 and 3 there is signi cant effect
on the VAS score of the patient at baseline in both the
experimental Group A & B, there was an signi cant dif-
ferent seen in the score in experimental group A, but
there was no signi cant improvement seen in the ODQ
in group B
As explained in table 4 the difference within the group
for VAS score that the mean square between treatments,
2.7 not much larger is than the mean square within treat-
ments, 1.02381. The F value for VAS i.e. MSB/MSW after
the treatment is 2.63. The values showed not much vari-
ability between treatment groups and within treatment
groups. The smaller the ration less con dent the score are
Nitesh Malhotra and Aksh Chahal
Table 2. Illustrates Group A-Experimental group (VAS and Oswestry
Disability Questionnaire)
Visual Analog scale (VAS) -3.07 0.78 8.829 < 0.00001
Oswestry Disability
Questionnaire (ODQ)
-26.13 34.55 10.508 < 0.00001
Table 3. Illustrates Group B-Experimental group (VAS and Oswestry
Disability Questionnaire)
Visual Analog scale (VAS) -3.73 0.92 9.427 < 0.00001
Oswestry Disability
Questionnaire (ODQ)
-2.07 14.50 0.53036 <0.3002
FIGURE 1. Illustrate the pre and post VAS scores for Experimental group A
FIGURE 2. Illustrate the pre and post ODQ scores for Experimental group A
Nitesh Malhotra and Aksh Chahal
FIGURE 3. Illustrates the pre and post VAS scores for Experimental group B
FIGURE 4. Illustrates the pre and post ODQ scores for Experimental group B
Table 4. The above two table illustrate the comparison between groups and within groups
Source of Variation for VAS SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 2.7 1 2.7 2.637209 0.115593 4.195972
Within Groups 28.66667 28 1.02381
Total 31.36667 29
Source of Variation for ODQ SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 3349.633 1 3349.633 54.9206 4.53E-08 4.195972
Within Groups 1707.733 28 60.99048
Total 5057.367 29
Nitesh Malhotra and Aksh Chahal
rejecting the H1 and accepting the H0 hypothesis ,stat-
ing there was no difference in VAS score in between two
group A and B showing similar results. Secondly the P
value is more than the signi cant the p-value is 0.115593.
The result is not signi cant at p < .05. The difference
within the group for ODQ score that the mean square
between treatments 3349.633, much larger is than the
mean square 60.99048 within treatments The F value for
ODQ i.e. MSB/MSW after the treatment is 54.9206. As the
value shows much variability between treatment groups
and within treatment groups. The larger the ratio more is
the con dence of score in rejecting the H0 and accepting
the H1 hypothesis, stating there was a difference in ODQ
score in between two group A and B. The f-ratio value is
54.9206. The p-value is < .00001. The result is signi cant
at p < .05.
We hereby discuss that pelvic  oor muscles make up
a large part of the body’s core, which is the foundation
for all movement, balance, stability and  exibility. The
pelvic  oor muscle exercise protocol used in the pre-
sent study was designed to co-activate super cial, deep
core muscles and abdominal exercises which resulted
in signi cantly better improvements in pain scores and
ODQ score. Javadian et al., (2015) compared with routine
treatment with back extension exercise and abdominal
exercises. Back function parameters were improved
over 8 weeks regular exercise protocol from baseline
in group A, with signi cant between-group differences
In the previous studies VAS and Oswerty disability
index was used to demonstrate the effect of pelvic  oor
exercises, (Mohammad et al., 2011 & Teymuri et al.,
These results are consistent with the  ndings of oth-
ers, who demonstrated the superiority of a pelvic  oor
strengthening protocol to over spinal extension exer-
cises for LBP. Others have suggested, however, that
pelvic  oor exercises do provide bene t over conven-
tional physiotherapy exercises in terms of pain or dis-
ability reduction (Bi et al., 2013 & Bhadauria et al.,
A spinal extension exercises protocol comprising
exercises every day for 8 weeks was found to provide no
additional signi cant improvement in ODQ score com-
pared with routine treatment. The more intense training
and longer treatment period (a minimum of 15 contrac-
tion cycles/day for 12 weeks) may explain the signi -
cant improvements in pain and disability seen in the
present study. Improving the biomechanical characteris-
tics of muscles in patients with LBP may require longer
duration in case of patients treated with spinal extension
The current studies also have some limitations. The
sample size was too small to draw any  rm conclusions.
Finally, as the study population included patients with
nonspeci c low back pain, it is not possible to general-
ize these  ndings to those with low back pain of speci c
In conclusion, the PFM exercises in combination
abdominal exercise with routine treatment for back
pain provide signi cant bene ts in terms of pain relief
and disability over routine treatment. Also it may be
recommended that PFM exercises should be an routine
protocol for any mechanical lumbo-pelvic pains. Fur-
ther, larger-scale studies with long-term follow-up are
required before these  ndings can be applied to a wider
patient group.
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