Torabizadeh Seyed Mohammad et al.
In the past, success in endodontic treatment was identi-
ed by three factors including debridement, steriliza-
tion, and channel obturation with equal importance for
each one. In one primitive radiography study about suc-
cess and failure, Ingle indicated that 58% of treatment
failure is due to defected obturation (Ingle et al, 1994).
Forming and cleaning trend determines decontaminated
level and ability of lling root channel space; thus chan-
nel obturation is re ection of forming and cleaning.
Main reason of pulp and pre apical diseases is bacterial
(Kakehashi et al, 1965). Evidence show that root chan-
nel system cannot completely be cleaned and disinfected
and it is necessary to ll root channel space in order to
elimination of leaking (Heard and Walton 1997). Obtura-
tion of channel prevents coronary leaking and bacterial
contamination and seals apex against pre apical tissue
liquids and remained drivers in the channel (Delivanis et
al.1983 and Silva Almeida et al. 2017).
Different endo dentin materials have been recom-
mended for lling root space. Most methods use a central
material and sealer. Sealer is necessary for core material
in all methods and it provides stiff sealing against liq-
uids. Root channel sealers are necessary things for seal-
ing space of crown wall and main cone. Sealers also ll
voids and root channel irregularity, secondary, lateral
channels and space between applied gutta-percha cones
and also they act as tripper during lling. Some stand-
ards of an ideal sealer include: providing real connec-
tion between main material of obturation and crown,
not solving with tissue liquid during connection, being
bacteriostatic, and nally creates an apical and lateral
and crown seal and maintains it (Grossman and Oliet
1988 and Setia et al 2014).
Sealer can be reason of root treatment failure due to
micro leakage that happens in the space between sealer,
crown, sealer and core. Chemical connection of sealer to
channel wall on one side and on the other side obtura-
tion material of gutta-percha creates a mixture of mono
block by which there is minimum channel micro leak-
age (Pawar et al 2014 ).Most popular sealers are zinc
oxide and eugenol mixtures, hydroxide calcium sealers,
glassionomer and resins. Resin sealers are AH-26 seal-
ers (Dentsply, Maillefer and Swiss) that are used for a
long time, they have adhesion property, they don’t have
eugenol and slowly stiffens (De Moor and De Bruyne
2004; Al-Haddad and Che Ab Aziz 2016; Savadkouhi
and Fazlyab 2016; Ahuja et al. 2016).
It is stated that when this combination is in the tooth
it has ability of hydroxide apatite and chemical connec-
tion. Bioceramic sealers are the most important biocer-
mics which have best role in reducing micro leakage and
increasing prognosis of root treatment by forming mono
block and chemical connection to channel wall. One
popular bio ceramic sealer is Total Fill BC Sealer pro-
duced by BRASSELER USA factory. This sealer is acces-
sible as injectable mixed paste which is based on com-
bination of silicate calcium which is unsolvable. It does
not need water for being stiffened. It does not need to be
mixed. Working time and setting time is 4 hours in room
temperature. When channel is dry, setting time reaches
to 10 hours. Most bubble and most complexity are in
rst and third apical area of channel which has effect
on treatment prognosis (Vertucci 1984). Micro leakage
is main reason of endodentic failure which can happen
between gutta-percha and sealer, sealer and crown and
also in micro bubbles which exist in sealer. Edge match
indirectly re ects ability of sealing ller material of root
end which is very important. Assessment of edge match
of root end llers by scanning electron microscopy can
give information about ability of this material sealing
(Shokouhinejad et al. 2014; Ghorbanzadeh et al. 2014).
Bio ceramics of ceramic combinations are the best eco-
friendly mixtures which have been recently produced
and its contents include zirconium oxide, calcium sili-
cate, calcium phosphate, hydroxide and ller and other,
(Pawar et al., 2014, Utneja et al. 2015; Jitaru et al. 2016
and Silva Almeida et al. 2017).
Bioceramic sealers can increase wall matching and
can reduce microleakage specially in apical area due to
formation of mono block mixture and chemical con-
nection to channel wall thus, in this study we aimed at
assessing wall matching of bioceramic sealer in rst and
third apical areas of tooth root channel.
In this experimental laboratorial study, thirty single
root and single channel were extracted from upper jaw
and lower jaw of people due to hopeless prognise peri-
odontal. For this study double blind and teeth randomly
divided into two groups. In all groups, radiology images
were taken and they were studied considering lack of
crack, breaking, curvature, and calci cation of chan-
nel. Then teeth were oated for 5 minutes in 5/25%
sodium hypochlorite. Consequently, remained tissues
and clean mass were washed from teeth and were kept
in normal saline. Teeth crow were cut by hand piece
with high speed under water spray. Working length was
measured by entering 15 le K le (Dentsply, Maillefer,
Swiss) into root channel until le top then one millim-
eter was reduced. Channels of all roots were prepared
to 35,36% taper by rotary le connected to electric
endodential hand piece (Dentsply, Maillefer, Swiss) in all