Zahra Naserzadeh et al.
Today the occurrence of environmental, hygienic and
security harsh events caused by the release, ignition, and
explosion of chemical and toxic materials in different
industrial units has necessitated the more than before
preparation for prevention or confrontation with these
dangers and accidents. So the places disposed the diffu-
sion and the dangerous material consistency are equal
or more than the fatal or dangerous materials there can
be recognized through prediction and material diffu-
sion quality modeling before the event occurrence and
reduce the amount of nancial, vital and environmental
damages through appropriate engineering and manag-
ing techniques in emergency conditions and crisis man-
agement plans at the time of event outbreak, (Siddiqui
et al. 2012).
In this regard, Yoshihito Tominaga proposed his
study, mentioned that Near- eld pollutant dispersion
in the urban environment involves the interaction of a
plume and the ow eld perturbed by building obsta-
cles. In the past two decades, micro-scale Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of pollutant disper-
sion around buildings and in urban areas has been
widely used, sometimes in lieu of wind tunnel testing
(McBride et al. 2001). Key features of near- eld pollut-
ant dispersion around buildings from previous studies,
i.e., three-dimensionality of mean ow, unsteadiness
of large-scale ow structure, and anisotropy of tur-
bulent scalar uxes, are identi ed and discussed. It is
important to choose appropriate numerical models and
boundary conditions by understanding their inher-
ent strengths and limitations, (Sklavounos, and Rigas,
One of the rst studies in which CFD used to simu-
late emission of gases, the studies by Sutton et al.,(1986)
can be mentioned, that they used k- Turbulence model
to consider viscosity effects of turbulence. Using these
instruments faced with progress at computer hardware.
Perdikaris stated in this context that computational uid
dynamics (CFD) has been recognized as a potent tool for
realistic estimation of consequence of accidental loss of
containment because of its ability to take into account
the effect of complex terrain and obstacles present in
the path of dispersing uid (Gavelli, et al., 2008). In this
paper an attempt has been made to employ CFD in the
assessment of heavy gas dispersion in presence of obsta-
cles ( Hong-xi, et al., 2008).
Some workers have stated safety reports required for
sites storing quantities of dangerous substances in excess
of speci ed levels should include an assessment of the
risk associated with the facility, which will include an
evaluation of the effects of releases of dangerous sub-
stances to the environment. The models commonly used
for assessing the dispersion of dense gases in the atmos-
phere are based on the unobstructed terrain. They have
proposed physical modeling of releases in a Boundary
Layer Wind Tunnel (BLWT) and the use of Computa-
tional Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
These papers focus on the key ndings of the study,
which provide a dramatic insight into how terrain and
buildings can fundamentally alter the dispersion behav-
ior of dense gases. The results show how at terrain
models may overestimate the chlorine hazard range by
as much as a factor of 5, whilst the predicted direction of
travel of the cloud may err by up to 90 (Alberto and Hill,
2008). Kashi et al., (2009) in a study entitled “Tempera-
ture Gradient and Wind Pro le Effects on Heavy Gas
Dispersion in Build up Area”, stated dispersion of heavy
gases is considered to be more hazardous than the pas-
sive ones. This is because it takes place more slowly. In
this paper, based on the extensive experimental work of
Hanna and Chang, the CFD model was tested compared
with Kit Fox experiments. In order to accomplish this
validation, the multiphase approach was employed as
a new method in this area. In addition, the tempera-
ture gradient effects were investigated. The survey of
wind speed was done taking factors such as time, height
and direction into the consideration. To reduce the num-
ber of elements in computational domain, a combina-
tion of 2D and 3D geometries were utilized (Kashi, et al.
This paper deals with the evaluation of the atmos-
pheric dispersion CFD tool Fluid-PANACHE against
Prairie Grass and Kit Fox eld experiments. A descrip-
tion of the models for turbulence generation and dis-
sipation used (k–3 and k–l) and a comparison with the
Gaussian model ALOHA for both eld experiments are
also outlined, (Cormier et al. 2009).
As observed, many researchers provided a variety of
studies on accuracy of different turbulence models in
predicting emission. Study by Zhang et al. (2009) and
Gavllei in 2010 can be remembered here. Zhang has used
k- model to model gas emission with density over air.
The results of their study to the experimental results
found with acceptable error 2.2%. Currie et al. in 2012
using CFD examined how a heavy gas dispers in an
area and addressed evaluating risk regarding the results
(Zhang, 2009).
Given the progress in software and hardware contexts
particularly at the recent decade, using CFD to predict
how the pollutants emit at residential and industrial
areas has been increased. Indeed, CFD and/or modeling
ow in a three-dimensional form is as a virtual labora-
tory in which effect coming from different parameters
on ow can be examined easily with very low costs
rather than experimental methods like real measure-
ments, (Gavelli et al. 2010).