Shokri, Azdarpour and Honarvar
mance. Thus, Vogel’s method should be skin effect.
These results suggest that skin factor has negative effect
on production rate, which reduces it signi cantly. Thus,
methods of skin removal such as acidizing and hydraulic
fracturing are of great importance (Dehghan et al. 2015
Yegin et al. 2016 and Sobhaniaragh et al. 2016).
The well testing analysed through pressure build up test
showed that the reservoir is a homogenous reservoir
bounded with an impermeable fault. The value of skin
factor in this reservoir is too high, which impeded the
natural production from the well. This negative impact
of skin factor could be solved through acidizing of
hydraulic fracturing of the well. The reservoir perme-
ability is high enough to deliver suf cient uid from
the reservoir to the wellbore, however the lift to the sur-
face requires addition support by skin removal. Darcy’s
method can be used when bubble point pressure and
reservoir pressure are not close, which results in linear
IPR. However, when the values of pressures are close
to each other, then Vogel’s method should be used to
analyse the well performance. In this case, the IPR is no
longer linear and it is curvature.
The authors would like to appreciate the Department of
Petroleum Engineering, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Marvdasht, Iran for the provision of the lab-
oratory facilities necessary for completing this work.
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