Hajianfar, Hassanpanah and Nosrati
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) has been accounted as the
third most important food crop after wheat and rice
(Haverkort et al., 2009). Potatoes were introduced into
Europe in the 1570s, from Andes region and coastal
Chile. After a short time, this crop became widespread
in whole Europe and beyond to other parts of the world
(Hawkes and Francisco-Ortega, 1993; Pandey and Kau-
shik, 2003). Despite many potato cultivars available in
different sites, introducing of new varieties with desir-
able traits have been considered as a prior goal by
breeders. The new varieties must have been equipped
with some characters such as: yielding more marketable
potato with the minimum cost of producing, getting the
least damage from attack of pests and diseases, having
enough tolerance to the environmental stresses and giv-
ing more economical bene t than the current varieties.
Two basic steps are mentioned as premier ones in potato
breeding program: 1) selecting of superior parents for
crossing 2) selecting of derived clones with desirable
properties from segregating progenies (Gopal, 2015).
The rst step in the plant breeding is creating a
population which contains suf cient variation in the
respected traits (Tabanao and Bernardo, 2005). The
variation between plant materials provides the effec-
tive selection. This variation could be created naturally
through open pollination or arti cially through hybrid
and more variation lead to better discriminating, which
is favourable in the plant breeding (Jozani et al., 2003).
In conventional potato breeding program, both
hybridization and open pollination (OP) could be used
for producing breeding population. However, clones
derived from hybrid usually produce tubers which are
more uniform, larger in size and have favorite quantity
and quality traits (Macaso-Khwaja and Peloquin, 1983).
Many different factors are involved in the crossing
between parents of potato in the hybridization method.
These could be counted as owering, incompatibility,
ploidy level, endosperm balance number, heterozygo-
sity, general combining ability and speci c combining
ability (Bonierbale, 2007; Muthoni et al., 2014; Gopal,
2015). The selection of parents depends on the objective
of breeding program. New techniques and approaches
in plant breeding make it possible to hybridize differ-
ent potato genotypes in spite of limitation in crossing
(Muthoni et al., 2014). The main principle for breeding
is developing new cultivars which inherit good traits of
their parents. For this reason, it would be more achiev-
able when potato cultivars with complementary features
used as parents to create progenies and derived clones
with desirable traits. However, in some cases there is no
prior knowledge about the outcome of the crosses. So,
for compensating this defect and maximizing the num-
ber of derived clones with good characters, the number
of cross combination should be increased (Grüneberg
et al., 2009).
Potato breeding in different countries could be divided
into four to ve main steps, on the basis of national
potato breeding programin successive years. The includ-
ing steps are choosing the appropriate parents, crossing,
primary evaluation of segregating population, advanced
and adaptability experiments. After crossing between
the appropriate parents, the primary evaluation could be
done in the net-houses and small scales of experimental
eld. Derivative potato clones are multiplied and evalu-
ated more detail in advanced and adaptability experi-
ments in different locations (Neele, 1991; Douches et al.,
2001; Clough et al., 2010). Multi-location variety trails
are generally done on the selected potato clones to eval-
uate their uniformity, qualitative and qualitative traits
and resistance to important regional diseases and pests.
Therefore, adaptability and stability of selected clones
are usually studied in locations with different environ-
mental condition in order to determining their capabili-
ties (Bradshaw et al., 2006; Bonierbale, 2007).
In this research, quantitative and qualitative traits
of 21 potato clones derived from 8 hybrids and 2 open
pollinated populations in the previous experiments were
studied in three different production regions in Iran.
Selected potato clones in the preliminary study derived
from crossing between commercial cultivars and OP
population of potatoes were evaluated in advanced
experiment (table 1). The clones were qualitatively and
quantitatively compared with cultivar Agria as check
cultivar in the experiment in three production site
including Karaj, Hamadan, and Ardabil in Iran. The
experiment was conducted according to the randomized
complete block design (RCBD) with twenty one treat-
ments as clones and cultivar with three replications, in
each site. The clones were planted in the plot with two
5 meter length sowing rows with density of 25 × 75cm
and planting depth of 10cm.
During the growth of potato clones in the eld, some
agronomical and morphological characters such as plant
height, number of main stems, growth habit and length
of growth period were recorded. Five plants in each plot
were considered randomly and the mentioned characters
were calculated. Among the characters, growth habit is a
morphological trait and was recorded during forming of