Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 10(1): 91-102 (2017)
Which one more re ects atherosclerotic lesion status
in rat carotid? Oxidized low density lipoprotein,
activity of plasmatic antioxidant enzymes or
atherogenic index of plasma: A comparative study
Roshanak Bayatmakoo
, Nadereh Rashtchizadeh
, ParichehrehYaghmaei
Mehdi Farhoudi
and Pouran Karimi
Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Biotechnology Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Neurosciences Research Center (NSRC), Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Dyslipidemia,oxidative stress,in ammation and apoptosis are common features in atherosclerosis disease leading to
stroke. However there are numerous diagnostic tools indicating atherosclerotic lesions status such as imaging tools
and evaluation of circulating indexes such as atherogenic index of plasma (AIP). But these markers don’t de nitely
re ect vessel in ammation and apoptosis signaling pathways in early stages. We therefore considered which circulat-
ing risk factors have stronger association with apoptosis related proteins in the carotid tissues. Hence the associations
between the expression of in ammation or apoptosis related proteins content and antioxidant enzymes activity,
serum levels of oxidized low density lipoproteins (OxLDLs) or AIP were assessed and compared. Twenty male wistar
rats aged 8 weeks were randomly divided into two groups (n=10) and fed the following diets for 8 weeks: normal
diet, (ND); a high-cholesterol diet (HD) 2%.Immunoblotting technique was applied to assay of expression of B-cell
lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) and cleaved caspase 3(c-caspase 3) proteins as well as phosphorylation of p38 mitogen activated
protein kinase (MAPK) in carotid artery homogenate. Plasmatic lipid pro le consist of triglyceride (TG), total cho-
lesterol (TC), HDL-C and LDL-C were measured using colorimetric technique in end point manner. The serum levels
of Ox-LDL were measured by ELISA.Log (TG/HDL-C) as aatherogenic index of plasma (AIP) was calculated. Correla-
tions were assessed by use of the nonparametric Spearman correlation coef cient. After 8 weeks feeding with high
cholesterol diet, the mean of lipidic pro le including TC,LDL-C, TG, OxLDL and AIP, MDA were higher in HD vs. ND
group (P<0.05 in all) as well as the immunoreactivity of p- p38 and c-caspase 3 were elevated in HD vs. ND(P<0.05
*Corresponding Author:
Received 17
Dec, 2017
Accepted after revision 19
March, 2017
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007 CODEN: USA BBRCBA
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NAAS Journal Score 2017: 4.31 Cosmos IF : 4.006
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Roshanak Bayatmakoo et al.
in both). Antagonistically, the expression of bcl2, the activity of SOD and GPx as well as the capacity of total anti-
oxidants were reduced in HD vs. ND(P<0.05 in all). The association (with the expression of p- p38 or c-caspase 3 )
were signi cant also positive for variables of OxLDL and MDA (strongest; r= 0.874) but negative for SOD, GPx and
TAC(P<0.05 in all). The association (with the expression of bcl2 )were signi cant also negativefor variables of OxLDL
and MDA but positive for SOD, GPx and TAC(P<0.05 in all). There is no signi cant association between AIPand the
expression of c-caspase 3, p- p38 or bcl2 (r=0.45; p=0.08, r=0.44; p=0.08, r=-0.38; p=0.14 respectively). Findings
suggest that MDA,anti oxidant enzymes activity and ox LDL are powerful predictor and monitoring tools for carotid
tissue in ammation and apoptosis , two common feature for atherosclerotic lesions.
Atherosclerosis as a chronic in ammatory underling
disease (Yang et al., 2012) is accompanied by some
changes in plasmatic lipid pro le and redox status (Tie
et al., 2014). Generally, the hyperlipidemias are of inter-
est to the physician in the context of risk factors for
cardiovascular diseases. Among lipid pro le, The strong
predicting value for the ratio of triglyceride (TG) to high
density lipoprotein (HDL-C) has been shown in (Watt
et al., 2016). The log of (TG/HDL-C) is commonly called
as atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) (Nwagha et al.,
2010, Klafke et al., 2015).
High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) is the
most important particle among the  ve major lipo-
protein particles involved in esteri cation and reverse
transporting of cholesterol from the peripheral tissues to
the liver (Nwagha et al., 2010). HDL-c particles possess
multiple anti-atherogenic activities such as anti-in am-
matory, anti-oxidant, anti-thrombotic, anti-apoptotic
and vasodilator effects (Vavrova et al., 2015 and Klafke
et al., 2015). Despite numerous reports on the relation-
ship between HDL-c concentration and in ammatory
and oxidative stress biomarkers, there is controversial
data in some population (Vavrova et al., 2015).
In addition, a large body of studies investigated the
associations between HDL-c concentration and status
of in ammation, endothelial activation and oxidative
stress biomarkers (Silva et al., 2011). Recently, Klafke et
al study has showed that TG concentrations can re ect
the enhanced advanced oxidation protein products, pro-
in ammatory markers such as high-sensitivity C-reac-
tive protein, endothelial dysfunction indicator like nitric
oxide and ischemia-modi ed albumin (Klafke et al.,
2015). Oxidised low-density lipoprotein (OxLDL) as an
cholesterol induced oxidative stress injures the vascular
endothelium, a key step in the pathogenesis ofathero-
sclerosis (Watt et al., 2016).
Circulating levels of OxLDL in blood are increased
generally following dislipidemia and particularly hyper-
cholesterolemia (Levitan et al., 2010). There are con ict-
ing data on whether The levels of circulating OxLDL
correspond to the severity of vascular damage. How-
ever accumulative evidence have shown the atherogenic
effect of OxLDL, there are too many controversies in use
of plasma levels of OxLDL as a atherogenic index. Tertov
et al. study in 1998, showed that atherogenicity of the
levels of plasmatic LDL does not depend on the degree of
lipid peroxidation in LDL particles (Tertov et al., 1997).
Marchesi et al. study indicated that, the use of biological
markers of in vivo LDL oxidation (antioxidatively modi-
ed LDL autoantibody titers) could be used to evaluate
the clinical setting of high-risk carotid atherosclerosis
both in screening and in follow-up studies (Chiesa et al.,
1998). Another study has been showed that enhanced
LDL oxidation correlates to the intima media thick-
ness (IMT) in carotid arteries of hypertensive patients.3
The relationship between circulating Ox-LDL levels
and foam cell formation has been shown (Liu et al.,
Another study has been indicated that enhanced LDL
oxidation correlates to the intima media thickness (IMT)
in carotid arteries of hypertensive patients (Marchesi et
al., 1996). in other hand the results of studies suggest
that OxLDL initiates and accelerates the development of
atherosclerosis by endothelial injury through change the
expression of antioxidant enzymes such as extracellular
- superoxidedismutase (EC-SOD) (Makino et al., 2016),
inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) (Luoma et al.,
1998), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) (Ma et al., 2015) and
inducing the oxidative stress markers such as malondi-
aldehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) (Zhang
et al., 2016).
Cao et al. have showed negative partial correlation
between total anti oxidant status and arterial stiffness
in elderly hypertensive patients that suggests the decline
in antioxidant capacity may be responsible for vascular
damage and arterial elasticity decrease in elderly essen-
tial hypertension patients (Cao et al., 2013). Antioxidant
enzymes activity associate with in ammatory index. As
shown in a Vasamsettiet al recent study a intracellu-
lar glutathione GSH contents as an antioxidant marker
regulates monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation and
in ammation (Vasamsetti et al., 2016).
Roshanak Bayatmakoo et al.
Nevertheless, there is few study investigating the cor-
relation between antioxidant enzyme activity and bio-
markers of vessel in ammation. p38 mitogen activated
protein kinase (MAPK) is a well known stress-induced
protein kinases in general and subsequent of modi ed
LDLin (Chapple et al., 2013) cells in particular. Studies
of advanced atherosclerotic lesions revealed a strong
correlation between incidence of vessels in ammation
and programmed cell death (Brown and Jessup., 1999).
Several plasmatic in ammatory biomarkers have been
already candidate to re ect the status of atherosclerotic
injury (Karakurt et al., 2013). Heretofore, High sensitiv-
ity C-reactive protein(hsCRP) (Gupta et al., 2013), TNF
and Interleukin-6 (IL6) have represented the in am-
mation in general but any of them could not present
the real feature of vessels atherosclerotic lesions (Silva
et al., 2011 and Gupta et al., 2013). Recently, evidence
showed that estimation of activity of related kinases are
more speci c and reliable indicator of tissue in amma-
tion and apoptosis as two common features of athero-
sclerotic lesions (Chapple et al., 2013 and Zhang et al.,
2013). The phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and expres-
sion of apoptosis related proteins can exactly re ect the
degree of involvement of vessels but based on location
and unavailable nature of these proteins, they have not
been used as diagnostic markers yet. So any correla-
tion between an available plasmatic marker such as AIP,
circulating OxLDL or antioxidant enzymes activities
and expression of these proteins in vessels tissue can
be helpful in monitoring of real status of atherosclerotic
Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate
the relationship between plasma OxLDL,AIPor antioxi-
dant enzymes activity with expression of in ammatory
and apoptosis related proteins in carotid tissue. To our
knowledge, this is the  rst study to consider these asso-
ciations and our results provide data that enable physi-
cians to really evaluate atherosclerotic lesion status by
using circulating indexes.
All compounds were of the purest quality available
andwere purchased from Sigma Chemical (St. Louis,
MO,USA) or Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).All required
antibodies were from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Santa
Cruz, CA, USA).
Twenty wistar male rats, obtained from our local breed-
ing colony (neurosciences research center laborato-
ries, tabriz university of medical sciences, tabriz, Iran),
underwent controlled light (12 h light/dark), humidity
(45–65%) and temperature (21–23°c) conditions with
free access to standard (chow diet) or to high-cholesterol
diet which is composed of 2% cholesterol plus 0.5%
cholic acid and tape water .
Rats were divided into two experimental groups (n=10
per group): one normal diet group (ND) and another
high-cholesterol dietgroup received chow diet or high-
cholesterol diet until 8 weeks respectively. Agreement
of experimental protocolwith the ethics of Guidelines
of National Institute of Health for the Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals (NIH Publications No.80-23) was
con rmed by the local institutional animal care anduse
committee (Approval Number:A125345).
At the end of the 8 weeks treatmentby high cholesterol
diet, rats were anesthetized by Xylazine (Parke-Davis,
Ann Arbor, MI, USA) and ketamine hydrochloride (Parke-
Davis, Ann Arbor, MI, USA).Following vascular access
and isolation of the common carotid artery (CCA),Blood
samples were collected positively from heart of rats and
poured in anticoagulant free tube then left to clot for-
mation in 2 hours at room temperature. centrifugation
(Beckman model L centrifuge) 3000 × g for 20 min was
performed to serum separation. sera immediately sub-
jected to biochemical analyses. The CCAs were stored in
C deep freezer for immunoblotting analysis.
The photometric assay (VITROS 5600 Autoanalyser;
(Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Inc. USA). were used to
determinestandard lipid panel including total choles-
terol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)
andtriglyceride (TG) by using pars azmoon kits (Tehran,
Iran).The levels of Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
(LDL-C) were calculated by usingFriedewald’s formula
(Abo El-Khair et al., 2014) asdescribed: LDL-C= TC–
(TG/5) –HDL-C .Atherogenic index of plasma (AIP)); log
(TG/HDL-C) was calculated as a signi cant predictor
ofatherosclerosis (Nwagha et al., 2014). Plasma levels of
Ox-LDL were detected by a competitive enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using a commercial spe-
ci c ELISA kit (MBS729489, My Bio Source. Ltd, USA).
GPxactivity was measured in hemolysate usingRansel
kit (randoxLaboratories Ltd. Admore, Northern Ireland,
UK) in which GSH-Px degraded H2O2 in the presence of
GSH, decreasing the GSH. SOD activity was also deter-
mined in hemolysate using Ransod kit (randox Labo-
ratories Ltd. Admore, Northern Ireland, UK) in which
SOD inhibited the generation of nitrite from oxidation
Roshanak Bayatmakoo et al.
of hydroxylamine by superoxide anion (O2-) produced
by the xanthine/xanthine oxidase system.
The units of measurement for both of them were
expressed as U/g Hb. Plasma Total Antioxidant Sta-
tus (TAS) of serumwas determined by using randox kit
(randoxLaboratories Ltd.Admore, Northern Ireland, UK).
Serum levels of MDA was assayed with the thiobarbi-
turic acid (TBA) method in which the reaction of MDA
with thiobarbituric acid toproducethiobarbituric acid-
reactive substances (TBARS), and the resultant data was
expressed as nanomolesper milliliter of serum.
Western blot analysis was used to determine of the con-
tent of phosphoP38MAPK, P38 MAPK,Bcl2 and cleaved
caspase3in carotid tissue. Santa Cruz online protocol
was applied as previous study (Faramoushi et al., 2016)
all over experiment.Brie y, A 10% w/v carotid tissue
homogenate was prepared in ice-cold lysing buffer (50
mMTris–HCl, pH 7.4, NP-40 1%, Triton X-100 1%, 50
mMNaCl, sodium deoxycholate 1%, 0.5 mMEDTA) con-
taining protease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma Chemical Co.
MO, USA). The protein concentration was measured by
Bradford assay using commercial available kit(Sigma
Chemical Co. MO, USA). Denaturing SDS/polyacryla-
midegel10% were used to separate proteins.Protein
bands were transferred to Hybond ECL nitrocellulose
membrane (Sigma Chemical Co. MO, USA). After block-
ing of membranewith 3% nonfat milk (sigma) in Tris-
buffered saline (TBS) 1x-Tween 20 0.05%, the membrane
was blotted overnight at4 °C with the rabbit poly-
clonal primary antibodies(1:500; Santa Cruz Biotech-
nology Inc, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) againstBcl-2 (N-19)
(sc-492) Cleaved caspase-3 p11 (h176)-R (sc-22171-R),
antiP-p38 Antibody (Tyr 182) (sc-101759) and anti p38
antibody (sc-535) and B-actin (sc-47778) then probed
by HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit secondary antibodies
(1:5000;Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc.) for one hour at
4 °C. The membranes werestripped (Restore Western Blot
Stripping buffer, Pierce Biotechnology, Rockford, IL,
USA). The bandswere detectedusingECL kit (GE Health-
care Europe) following the manufacturer’sinstruction.
B-actin was used as loading control.
Data are expressed as means±standard error of the mean
(SEM). Kolmogorov smirnov test was used to determine
distribution of variables. Differences between groups
were evaluated with the Mann-Whitney U test for vari-
ables. Spearman correlation coef cient was applied to
correlation analysis. P value less than 0.05was consid-
ered as statistically signi cant. The data were analyzed
using SPSS statistical package, ver 26 (SPSS).
Table 1. Baseline parameters of the twenty rats studied. Data are expressed as mean and SD or
percentages. ND: normal diet rats; HD: hypercholesterol diet rats. Data were analyzed statistically
using non parametric two- independent -sample test. Categorical data were summarized as
percentages.*P < 0.05when compared to ND group. **P < 0.01when compared to ND group.
ND HD P value
Total serum cholesterol (mg/dl) 67.89±5.14 229.35±13.26** <0.001
LDL-cholesterol (mg/dl) 15.20±2.34 177.39±10.38** <0.001
HDL-cholesterol (mg/dl) 33.66±2.90 35.27±4.69 NS
HDL/LDL 1.96±.14 .55±.12** <0.001
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 50.12±7.16 65.41±10.66** <0.001
Serum-oxLDL (ng/dl) 69.13±9.92 214.42±17.46** <0.001
OxLDL to LDL ratio (ug/mg) 4.48±.84 1.20±.05** <0.001
total antioxidant (mmoL/L) 1.74±.53 1.17±.24** <0.001
Hemolysate superoxide
dismutase (U/gHb)
829.14±65.90 681.68±73.65 <0.001
SERUM MDA (umol/l) 2.95±.68 6.37± .857 <0.001
Hemolysate Glutathione
peroxidase (U/gHb)
85.29±2.62 71.08±9.32** <0.001
c-caspase 3/Bactin(% of control) 100 147.63 ± 6.89** <.001
p-p38/total p38(% of control) 100 235.56± 6.95** <.001
Bcl-2/B-ACTIN(% of control) 100 6.95 ± 5.02* <0.05
AIP .17±.06 .26±.09* <0.05
Roshanak Bayatmakoo et al.
The baseline parameters of the study rats are shown
inTable 1.The levels of serum total cholesterol in HD
group were approximately three-fold higher than
ND group where as the levels of serum LDL-C in HD
group were more than ten-fold higher than ND group
(table 1). Based on resultant data, a signi cant increase in
triglyceride levels were observed in the HD group, when
compared to ND group (p < 0.05).However a slight and
non signi cant decrease observed in HDL-cholesterol
(P = 0 .36), the ratios of HDL to LDL were signi cantly
decreased (approximately four times).As shown in table
1 serum OxLDL levels was three times higher in HD
compared to ND.An antagonized effect of cholesterol
was observed on redox system of rats. The antioxidant
capacity including SOD, GPx and TAC were signi -
cantly decreased in HD vs.ND but a two fold increase
wasseen in MDA levels as a lipid peroxidation marker
(table 1).The expression of in ammation related pro-
tein, p-p38 MAPK, and proapoptotic protein,c-caspase
3, were diminished in HD vs. ND but The expression
of anti apoptotic protein,Bcl2, was raised in HD in
compare to ND (table 1).Moreover,a 150% increase
also were observed in AIP index in HD vs. ND group
(table 1).
FIGURE 1. Correlation between serum levels of OxLDLand proin ammatory and proapoptotic markers in normocho-
lesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic rats.A Correlation between serum levels of OxLDLand c-caspase 3.B Correla-
tion between serum levels of OxLDL and expression of phospho p38.C Correlation between serum levels of OxLDL
andexpression of bcl2.The expression of c-caspase 3, phospho p38 and bcl2 were determined by immunoblotting
assay as proin ammatory,proapoptotic and anti apoptotic markers respectively in normal diet(ND) or high choles-
terol diet(HD, 2%) fed rat carotid tissues. OxLDL was measured by ELISA. Correlations were assessed by using of the
spearman correlation coef cient. n=10 in each group. p< 0.05 considered as signi cant.
Roshanak Bayatmakoo et al.
caspase 3,pP38MAPKANDBcl2.
According to resultant datathere were signi cant,
positive,and strong correlation between serum levels of
Ox-LDL and expression both of c-caspase 3 (r=0.768,
p<0.001) and pP38MAPK (r = 0.760, p<0.001) (Fig.1A,B).
Correlation between serum levels of Ox-LDL and
expression ofBcl2 was reverse and signi cant (r=-0.82,
p<0.001) (Fig.1C).
caspase 3, pP38MAPK AND Bcl2.
As shown in (Fig. 2A,B, C) signi cant, moderate and
reverse correlation were found between SOD activity
and expression of c-caspase 3 ( r=-0.62, p<0.01) and
pP38MAPK (r=-0.593, p <0.016),where as positive cor-
relation was observed between SOD activity and expres-
sion of Bcl2(r= 0.593, p<0.016).
caspase 3, pP38MAPK AND Bcl2.
Considration of the relationship between GPx activ-
ity and c-caspase 3 or pP38MAPK revealed reverse
correlation (r= -0.59, p < 0.01 and r=-0.51, p < 0.04
respectively) (Fig. 3A,B). No considrable correlation was
observed between GPx and expression of bcl2 (r= 0.41,
p = 0.11) (Fig. 3C).
FIGURE 2. Correlation between serum levels of MDA and proin ammatory and proapoptotic markers in normocho-
lesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic rats. A Correlation between serum levels of MDA and c-caspase 3.B Correla-
tion between serum levels of MDA and expression of phospho p38 .C Correlation between serum levels of MDA and
expression of bcl2. The expression of c-caspase 3, phospho p38 and bcl2 were determined by immunoblotting assay
as proin ammatory, proapoptotic and anti apoptotic markers respectively in normal diet(ND) or high cholesterol
diet(HD, 2%) fed rat carotid tissues. MDA was measured by colorimetric method. Correlations were assessed by using
of the spearman correlation coef cient. n=10 in each group. p< 0.05 considered as signi cant.
Roshanak Bayatmakoo et al.
caspase 3, pP38MAPK AND Bcl2.
When the association of TAC with c-caspase 3,
pP38MAPK were considered, it was noted that the corre-
lation between them is reverse and signi cant (r= -0.77,
p < 0.00 and r=-0.77, p < 0.00) (Fig. 4A,B). moreover, we
observed signi cant, also strong, correlations between
TAC and bcl2 (r= 0.78, p<0.00) (Fig. 4C).
caspase 3, pP38MAPK AND Bcl2.
The strongest also positive correlation was observed
between the levels of circulating MDA and expres-
sion ofc-caspase 3 (r= 0.873, p < 0.000) (Fig. 5A) and
between the levels of circulating MDA and expression
ofpP38MAPK (r= 0.874, p < 0.000) (Fig. 5B). Morover-
correlation between circulating MDA and expression
of Bcl2 was strong but reverse (r=-0.832, p < 0.000)
(Fig. 5C).
Based on our  nding no signi cant correlation were
observed between calculated AIP and expression of
c-caspase 3 (r=0.45, p=0.08), p -p38MAPK (r=0.44,
p=0.08) or bcl2 (r=-0.38, p=0.14) (Fig. 6A, B, C).
Atherosclerosis is a major cause of stroke in devel-
oping countries (Georgiadi et al., 2013). Historically,
Atherosclerosis was believed as a simple accumulation
of lipids in sub intima and was not thought to be an
FIGURE 3. Correlation between serum levels of SOD and proin ammatory and proapoptotic markers in normocho-
lesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic rats. A Correlation between serum levels of SOD and c-caspase 3.B Correla-
tion between serum levels of SOD and expression of phospho p38 .C Correlation between serum levels of SOD and
expression of bcl2. The expression of c-caspase 3, phospho p38 and bcl2 were determined by immunoblotting assay
as proin ammatory, proapoptotic and anti apoptotic markers respectively in normal diet(ND) or high cholesterol
diet(HD, 2%) fed rat carotid tissues. SOD was measured by colorimetric method. Correlations were assessed by using
of the spearman correlation coef cient. n=10 in each group. p< 0.05 considered as signi cant.
Roshanak Bayatmakoo et al.
in ammatory disease but there is growing evidence
supporting the fact that in ammation are essential
contributing factors in the development of atheroscle-
rotic lesions (Niemann-Jonsson et al., 2000). This fact
that Risk factors for atherosclerosis, such as oxida-
tive stress (Watt et al., 2016), in ammation (Bretscher
et al., 2015), hypercholesterolemia (Niemann-Jonsson
et al., 2000) and central obesity (Verreth et al., 2004)
commonly co-exist suggest that we can use some cir-
culating indexes to monitoring of arterial in amma-
tion or apoptosis regarding to association of between
The current study is the  rst in vitro work which
highlights the association between various markers of
arterial in ammation or apoptosis with circulating oxi-
dative stress or atherogenic indexes and compare con-
siderable associations to know which one is more strong
and reliable to monitoring of carotid tissue in amma-
tion and apoptosis status.
The present study indicates that the markers of cir-
culating antioxidant status and lipoprotein oxidation
including TAC, SOD, GPx, MDA, OxLDL respectively
re ect arterial in ammation and apoptosis status
accessed by the expression of pP38MAPK, c-caspase
3 and bcl2 in carotid arteries of hyper cholestrolemic
model rats. In this experiment, we made a moderate ath-
erosclerotic rat model by administration of 2% choles-
terol (TC = 229.35±13.26 mg/dl) We used this model to
FIGURE 4. Correlation between serum levels of GPXand proin ammatory and proapoptotic markers in nor-
mocholesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic rats. A Correlation between serum levels of GPXand c-caspase
3.B Correlation between serum levels of GPX and expression of phospho p38 .C Correlation between serum
levels of GPX and expression of bcl2. The expression of c-caspase 3, phospho p38 and bcl2 were determined
by immunoblotting assay as proin ammatory, proapoptotic and anti apoptotic markers respectively in normal
diet(ND) or high cholesterol diet(HD, 2%) fed rat carotid tissues. GPX was measured by colorimetric method.
Correlations were assessed by using of the spearman correlation coef cient. n=10 in each group. p< 0.05
considered as signi cant.
Roshanak Bayatmakoo et al.
FIGURE 5. Correlation between serum levels of TAC and proin ammatory and proapoptotic markers in normocho-
lesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic rats. A Correlation between serum levels of TAC and c-caspase 3.B Correla-
tion between serum levels of TAC and expression of phospho p38 .C Correlation between serum levels of TAC and
expression of bcl2. The expression of c-caspase 3, phospho p38 and bcl2 were determined by immunoblotting assay
as proin ammatory, proapoptotic and anti apoptotic markers respectively in normal diet(ND) or high cholesterol
diet(HD, 2%) fed rat carotid tissues. TAC was measured by colorimetric method. Correlations were assessed by using
of the spearman correlation coef cient. n=10 in each group. p< 0.05 considered as signi cant.
investigate the expression of in ammation and apop-
tosis related proteins in carotid of hypercholestrolemic
rats. As shown in Ntchapda et al study, extensive ath-
erosclerotic plaques were created even by administration
of 1% cholesterol, which was not the case with of the
normocholesterolemic rats (NC) (Ntchapda et al., 2015).
We found signi cantly higher level of OxLDL, MDA in
serum of hypercholestrolemic rats in comparison to nor-
mal control group. Further the study shows the decrease
in the serum levels of TAC, AIP and activity of anti-
oxidant enzymes containing SOD and GPx which is also
con rmed by (Lluis et al., 2013).
The results indicated the strongest relationship
between the serum levels of MDA and the expression
of pP38MAPK, c-caspase 3or bcl2, suggesting a role
of this measurement in monitoring of arterial in am-
mation and apoptosis status. MDA is an important end
product of lipid peroxidation and a widely-used indica-
tor of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production playing
a critical role in the pathogenesis of both the micro and
macrovascular complications (Karakurt et al., 2013). In
other hand, The increase of MDA activity is an indirect
proof that atherogenic conditions could elevate the oxi-
dative stress (Levitan et al., 2010). Since we did not  nd
any study investigating the correlation between MDA
and the expression of pP38MAPK we have to compare
previous study in correlation of MDA and circulating
in ammatory cytokines.
Roshanak Bayatmakoo et al.
FIGURE 6. Correlation between serum levels of AIP and proin ammatory and proapoptotic markers in nor-
mocholesterolemic and hypercholesterolemic rats. A Correlation between AIP and c-caspase 3.B Correlation
between AIP and expression of phospho p38 .C Correlation between AIP and expression of bcl2. The expres-
sion of c-caspase 3, phospho p38 and bcl2 were determined by immunoblotting assay as proin ammatory,
proapoptotic and anti apoptotic markers respectively in normal diet(ND) or high cholesterol diet(HD, 2%) fed
rat carotid tissues. Atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) was calculated as Log (TG(mg/dl)/HDL-C(mg/dl)). correla-
tions were assessed by using of the spearman correlation coef cient. n=10 in each group. p< 0.05 considered
as signi cant.
In line of our study, Gupta et al showed a signi cant,
positive, also strong correlation between MDA concen-
tration and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) as an in am-
matory index in diabetic chronic kidney disease (Gupta
et al., 2013). Also, previous researchers found the asso-
ciation of genotype of IL-1 as another in ammatory
factor with MDA and showed that there was signi cant
difference in MDA level in nephropathy with diabe-
tes and nephropathy without diabetes group vis-a-vis
control (Dabhi et al., 2015). Moreover, the relevance of
MDA epitopes in human pathologies by in ammatory
processes in atherosclerosis was reported in Papac et al.’s
study (Papac-Milicevic et al., 2016). In contrary of our
result, Karakurt Arıtürk in a study on atherosclerosis in
familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) showed that Serum
MDA levels were the same between the FMF and healthy
control group( Karakurt Ariturk et al., 2013). Based on
resultant data, there was also signi cant decrease in GPx
and SOD activity and serum levels of TAC in HD group
vis-à-vis control group. Mentioned that low activity of
antioxidant enzymes may increase the susceptibility of
arteries to oxidative injury.
In agreement with this study the concentrations of
SOD were signi cantly low in high cholesterol diet fed
group as compared to the control group (Balkan et al.,
2002). The results also indicated powerful association
between serum TAC content, activity of SOD with the
expression of pP38MAPK, c-caspase 3or bcl2. Moreo-
ver a moderate association was observed between GPx
activity and the expression of pP38MAPK, c-caspase 3
Roshanak Bayatmakoo et al.
or bcl2.Similar to our study, Baez-Duarte et als study
indicated that SOD activity is associated with meta-
bolic syndrome in Mexican subjects (Odds ratio: 167.1;
P < 0.01) (Baez-Duarteet al., 2016).
Furthermore in a recent study, the extracellular super-
oxide dismutase methylation frequency of case group
was reported lower than the control group. That suggest
methylation status is associated with the size of cerebral
infarction, degree of cerebral arteriosclerosis and sever-
ity of neurological impairment (Zhou et al., 2016). Also,
Pearson’s correlation analysis showed that SOD and total
antioxidant status were negatively related to AP-1 as a
responding to a variety of in ammatory cytokines in
elderly patients with mild-to-moderate essential hyper-
tension (Liu et al., 2016). In present study serum levels
of OxLDL were higher in cholesterol rich diet group in
compare to normal diet fed group that has been fre-
quently con rmed by previous studies (Chatauret et al.,
2014 and Canas et al., 2015 ).
Moreover, a strong correlation was observed between
OxLDL concentration and expression of pP38MAPK,
c-caspase 3 or bcl2.Oxidative modi cations in low-
density lipoprotein are associated with intima media
thickness of carotid artery in athletes (Fonseca et al.,
2016).Despite of signi cant increase in AIP index in HD
group, no considerable association was found between
calculated AIP and mentioned in ammatory and apop-
totic markers. As afore mentioned, the point of current
study is a concomitantly comparison of spearman cor-
relation coef cient of several atherosclerosis risk fac-
tor including OxLDL, TAC, SOD, GPx, MDA or AIP
with expression of pP38MAPK, c-caspase 3 or bcl2.
The experiment showed that the strongest association
is belonged to MDA ( Fig. 5). The correlation coef -
cient of SOD (Fig. 2) and TAC (Fig. 4), OxLDL (Fig.1)
also was strong and near to MDA.A moderate corre-
lation coef cient was calculated for GPx (Fig. 3) and
nally no signi cant correlation was observed for AIP
(Fig. 6).
Findings suggest that MDA and anti oxidant enzymes
activity and ox LDL are powerful predictor and monitor-
ing tools for carotid tissue in ammation and apoptosis ,
two common feature for atherosclerotic lesion.
We thank the Dr. farhoudi as head of Neurosciences
Research center (Tabriz university of medical sciences,
Tabriz, Iran) for providing the facilities for experiments.
None to declare.
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