Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 10(3): 490-496 (2017)
Evaluation of satisfaction rate of dental implants in
patients referred to private clinics of Kermanshah city
Hedaiat Moradpoor
, Amir Hossien Moradi
, Sara Taherzadeh
and Sahar Raissi
Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry Kermanshah University of Medical
Sciences, Iran
Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry Kermanshah University of Medical
Sciences, Iran
Faculty of Dentistry Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics Department, Faculty of Dentistry Kermanshah University of Medical
Sciences, Iran
The satisfaction of dental care has always been an important topic in the  eld of dentistry. Several studies in the
country from different parts of the dental patient satisfaction has been made. But few speci c studies on the satisfac-
tion of patients of the dental implant have been done. This study was aimed to assess the satisfaction of implantation
done in the city of Kermanshah. Since the present study, is a retrospective study, 108 cases of dental implants placed
in selected patients were asked to  ll a questionnaire that included demographic information and questions related
to the satisfaction of dental implants placed were asked. Data were collected and analyzed using software SPSS18
were analyzed. The results showed that the level of patient satisfaction in the satisfaction of the cost, 80%above the
average and 9.7 is weak. Patients’ satisfaction with the performance of, and only 2.7 percent of the poor were good
average 3/97. The  ndings also showed that mental satisfaction and overall satisfaction of patients was 100%.But
the satisfaction of performance including waiting time was less than the satisfaction rate of 51 percent good and 49
percent were poor.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 27
June, 2017
Accepted after revision 21
Sep, 2017
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007 CODEN: USA BBRCBA
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2017: 4.31 Cosmos IF: 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2017. All rights
Online Contents Available at:
DOI: 10.21786/bbrc/10.3/23
Hedaiat Moradpoor et al.
Despite the many advantages that conventional pros-
thetics have in restoring the beauty and oral function
of patients, their de ciencies cause dissatisfaction of
patients in many cases, and this leads patients to tend to
use more durable and more satisfying treatments, one of
which is dental implants. The lack of serious defects and
the problems of moving and  xed prosthesis, such as
damage to adjacent teeth, Ridge jawbone fracture, unde-
sirable beauty, and other defects in conventional pros-
thesis by replacement of bone implants have increased
their usage worldwide, so that the use of dental implants
in the United States has grown ten times during 2002-
1983 years (Annear et al 2005) and (Karoussis et al
2003) and (Behneke 2002). With the advent of the oste-
ointegrationtheory in dentistry and proving that pure
titanium in direct contact with the bone could provide a
good support for replacing missing teeth, then it led to
the introduction of dental implants (Wheeler 2003).
At  rst, dental implants were used to maintain the
function of the patients, but later it was added to the
beauty. Along with the supply of various implant sys-
tems, many clinical studies have been conducted to
assess their durability rates. Edleau et al. (1981), in their
15-year review, reported success rates of 84% in upper
jaw and 93% in mandibles (Adell et al 1981). High suc-
cess and bene ts such as the lack of need for adjoining
tooth cuttin and the prevention of alveolar bone fraction
have led to an increase in the use of dental implants
(Hobo 1997) and (Lekholm 1999) and (Lindquist et al
Following the protocol provided by Branemark is
often recommended to succeed in achieving success-
ful osonetic secretion (De Bruyn et al 1995). Saha etal.
(2013) in a study questioned 403 people to assess the
awareness rate of dental implants whilethe results
showed that half of them had completely no informa-
tion about the implant (Saha et al 2013). These studies
are consistent with recent studies of the low level of data
about dental implants (Awad et al 2013). The lack of
accurate and true information is one of the reasons that
increase the unrealistic expectations of patients, which
reduces their satisfaction (Satpathy et al 2011). The aim
of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction of dental
implants in patients treated with dental implants.
In this analytical-descriptive study, in order to evalu-
ate the satisfaction of implantation, 108 archival records
of patients treated with dental implants were randomly
selected using a randomized table referring to dental
clinics in Kermanshah. In order to collect the research
data, the researcher completed a questionnaire includ-
ing demographic data and researcher made questions to
assess the satisfaction of dental implant implantation by
calling the patients and inviting them to face-to-face
interviews. The scores of the questionnaire were ranked
based on three good/medium/bad grades, which 1-2 as
weak, 3-6 as average and 7 to 10 as good were ranked.
Also, 1-2questions evaluate cost satisfaction; 3-6 ques-
tions evaluate satisfaction from implant function, and
questions 7-10 assess mental satisfaction and satisfac-
tion with the stages of work. Mental satisfaction is one
of the modes of satisfaction (Levi et al 2003), which is
calculated based on the score that a person received from
the mental satisfaction questionnaire of the research
questionnaire from questions 7 to 9.
The study population was selected from patients
treated with dental implants who had undergone at least
one year of treatment. The sample size was calculated
based on a pilot study and considering the variables
of satisfaction such that S=3.17 (standard deviation),
= 0.05 (con dence), and d = 0.6 (accuracy), while the
minimum sample size was 108, which was selected as
The collected data was analyzed by SPSS software
version 18. In descriptive statistics, mean and frequency
distribution and in inferential statistics, Mann-Whitney
test were used.
The level of the cost satisfaction of the people was
assessed9.7% as weak, 47.8% moderate, and 42.5%
as good.The satisfaction of individuals with implant
function was evaluated as 2.7% weak, 4.4% moderate
and 92.9% good. The mental satisfaction of individu-
als was evaluated as 0% weak, 16.8% moderate and
83.2% good. The degree of satisfaction of the people
from the stages of work was evaluated as 48.7% weak
and 51.3% good (Table 4-6 and Fig. 4-8). The satis-
faction of beauty was evaluated 15% were weak and
85% good. The satisfaction rate of the whole popu-
lation was evaluated 0% weak, 10.6% moderate and
89.4% good. The total satisfaction of the individuals by
gender was evaluated in men, 0% weak, 10.6% moder-
ate and 89.4% % good and in women 0% weak, 10.8%
moderate and 89.1% good.
In order to determine the relationship between satis-
faction and age variables, implant loading years, gen-
der and education level, Chi-square and Fisher’s exact
tests were used. Chi-square test showed no signi cant
Hedaiat Moradpoor et al.
FIGURE 1. Distribution of Cost Satisfaction among Participants in the Study
FIGURE 2. A Distribution of satisfaction with implant function among participants in the
relationship between satisfaction and age (forty- ve
years or less - more than forty- ve years) (P-value =
33.93). Fisher’s exact test showed no signi cant rela-
tionship between satisfaction and implant loading years
(three years or less, more than three years) (P-value =
513). Chi-square test showed no signi cant relation-
ship between satisfaction and gender (P-value = -0.96).
Fisher’s exact test showed that there was no statistically
signi cant relationship between satisfaction level and
level of education (diploma and undergraduate - univer-
sity degree) (P-value = 0.96).
Research  ndings in the area of satisfaction from the
cost of implanting showed that almost ninety percent of
Hedaiat Moradpoor et al.
FIGURE 3. Distribution of mental satisfaction of participants in the study
FIGURE 4. Distribution of satisfaction from work stages among participants in the study
participants were satis ed with the cost of implanting.
It is clear to everyone that the dental services in our
country are expensive due to the cost of dental materials
and its costs. Patients always expect the services to be
satisfactory and cost-effective. The results of this study
showed that the patients in this study were satis ed with
the cost of implant implantation, which indicates that
patients’ expectations have been met. This means that
although the inserted implant imposed cost on them, but
it has been able to keep them satis ed with this action.
The results of this study were consistent with the results
of study by Rismanchian et al. (2007). The Rismanchian
et al, in their study reported a satisfaction of over 90%.
In their study, 107 male and female patients were evalu-
ated. Their study was a two-year study, but the current
study was a one-year study after implant implantation,
Hedaiat Moradpoor et al.
FIGURE 5. Distribution of satisfaction with beauty among participants in the study
FIGURE 6. Distribution of satisfaction among participants in the study
however, high satisfaction was reported in both of the
mentioned studies.
The  ndings of the study showed that all individuals
are satis ed with implanted implants. More than 92%
of the patients in the study showed a moderate to high
satisfaction with implant function. Implant function is
very important for the patient. The results of this study
are consistent with the results of studies by Pjetursson et
al (2005), Levi et al. (2003). They reported in their stud-
ythat more than 90% of patients who have implants are
satis ed with implant function. In studies ofPjetursson
et al. (2005) implanting time was for 5 to 15 years. But
the current study was a one-year study, but the results in
both studies showed a high satisfaction of patients from
It is worth noting that Pjetursson et al. (2005) used
VAS for measuring patients’ satisfaction in their study,
but in the current study, only a questionnaire was used
Hedaiat Moradpoor et al.
Pjetursson 2005). The primary purpose of the implant is
to help the patient’s function, and this goal is still impor-
tant for patients. An implant satisfaction survey shows
that satisfaction with implants is high in patients and
it has been able to meet patient expectations (Jie Yao
et al 2014). In their study, patients were satis ed with
the condition of the implant, shape, overall appearance,
effect on the speech, and the ability of the function. The
results of the current study also con rm this satisfac-
tion. Although satisfaction was used in their study using
email, the degree of satisfaction in the current study was
consistent with their study.
The  ndings of the research in the area of mental
satisfaction showed that more than 80% of the patients
had a high satisfaction with the implants, while the  nd-
ings showed that only 16% of the patients had low men-
tal dissatisfaction. Mental satisfaction is a condition in
which a person is satis ed with the work done and has
internal satisfaction (Levi et al2003), which is calculated,
based on the score obtained from the mental satisfaction
questionnaire of the research questionnaire, which are
these questions 7-9. The results of this study were con-
sistent with the results of Levi et al. (2003).
They reported in their study that patients who have
dental implants had a high degree of mental satisfaction
with their implants. Patient’s mental satisfaction can
reveal a set of person’s satisfaction with cost, function,
beauty. Patient mental satisfaction can be considered as
the most important type of satisfaction, because if there
is no mental satisfaction, it can be claimed that the work
has failed. But given the fact that some patients have
very high expectations from implants, their implant sat-
isfaction is not provided after implantation. This can be
argued that a dentist must reach the patient’s expecta-
tions before implantation, and moderate the unreason-
able mental expectations of the patient (Levi et al 2003).
Patients are expecting miraculous treatments by refer-
ring to dental centers and hearing some of the new tech-
niques. Dentists can make the patient’s mental expecta-
tions largely acceptable with a simple explanation of
the stages of work and problems that may occur during
The  ndings of the study showed that only half of the
participants were satis ed with the stages of work, and
the other half were completely dissatis ed with the work
process. Dissatisfaction with the work process involved
the waiting time until the layout of the cover. Dental
services, and especially implants are usually time-con-
suming due to the collaboration of several specialists
and labs, but the patient expects to achieve the goal at
a very short time. It is necessary to the dentist explain
the required steps to increase the patient’s satisfaction,
the need for collaboration of several specialists and the
laboratory, and the time of implantation for the patient
prior to the implant implantation (Razmi et al 2010),
which would increase the patient’s satisfaction. Dental
services are always time-consuming due to the special
circumstances. Implanting will naturally be more time
consuming due to the collaboration of several specialists
and lab. This is necessary to tell the patient at the begin-
ning of treatment. Explaining the patient in addition to
patients about the collaboration reduces their expecta-
tions, can also increase patient satisfaction from work.
Also, the  ndings showed that approximately 90% of
total satisfaction in patients was well evaluated, and only
10% of the participants had a moderate overall satisfac-
tion rate. The results of this study were consistent with
the results of studies by Pjetursson et al. (2005), Levi et al.
(2003), Yi et al. (2001) and Riesmannchian etal. (2007).
In their studies, they reported total satisfaction in patients
who had implants, including satisfaction with function,
beauty, cost, and acceptable levels (Razmi et al 2010) and
(Yi et al 2001) and (Rismanchian et al 2007) and (Haji
et al 2010). The  ndings also reported the equal over-
all satisfaction in male patients and female patients, and
did not show any difference between the satisfaction of
women and men. It can be said that the most important
issue at the end of dental care is the patient’s satisfaction.
Although the work process and services provided by the
dentist may be con rmed, it is more important than the
patient’s own satisfaction, and it should be noted that sat-
isfaction is a mental issue. In the current study, the satis-
faction of implant implants was reported, which indicates
that dentists have been able to achieve a satisfactory level
of satisfaction at all stages. In all studies, overall satisfac-
tion has always been reported with high rates. This may
lead to an increase in implant implants in Iran and other
countries in recent years.
According to the mentioned materials, it can be said that
dental services in the  eld of implanting have been able
to achieve satisfactory patient satisfaction. Implanting
has been able to satisfy patients in the issue of satisfac-
tion with performance, cost, and satisfaction. Only on the
work process the patients were dissatis ed while it should
be noted that the dentist needed to justify the patient
from the beginning of the implant implantation timeli-
ness, the steps required, the need for several specialists
and the laboratory to work together, which could moder-
ate the patient’s expectations. This will increase patient
satisfaction. It should be noted that satisfaction is a men-
tal issue and dentists have to meet the expectations of
the patient, especially patients with unreasonable expec-
tations and many expectations of implant implantation
treatments, at the beginning of the treatment so that they
can increase the level of satisfaction of the patient.
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