Maryam Hajain etal.
with major depression (Baek etal. 2015). There is now
compelling evidence that lifestyle factors including diet,
physical activity and exercise, relaxation and meditative
techniques, quality of sleep, environmental pollutants,
and social support are signi cant in the pathogenesis
and treatment of depression; moreover, epidemiological
studies have shown that low physical activity can be a
risk factor for the development of depressive symptoms
and that regular physical activity in early years of life
is linked with reduced risk of experiencing depression in
adulthood (Sarris etal. 2014).
Therefore, prevention of depression and other mental
disorders by doing regular physical activity and exercise
is a cost-effective approach for people who experience
higher rates of mental illness compared with the general
population. Indeed, mandatory physical exercise for the
prevention of mental illness has been proposed for medi-
cal students in USA (Bitonte etal. 2014) as high prevalence
of depression and anxiety has been reported among USA
and Canada medical students, with levels of overall psy-
chological distress indicators consistently higher than that
in the general population and age-matched peers (Dyrbye
etal. 2006). This approach can be used in the public sui-
cide prevention programs too, as exercise has been shown
to improve stress management ability, general feelings of
well-being, and self-esteem and can act as a nonspeci c
psychological therapy (Kaminsky etal. 2006).
Low physical activity level and female sex are possible
risk factors for drug suicidal attempts in Iranian patients.
More precisely designed studies are needed to evaluate
the relationship between physical activity and suicidal
attempts in females. Promotion of increasing physical
activity and exercise for patients at risk of suicide espe-
cially females, are recommended.
The study was done in a drug poisoning management
center and suicidal patients with causes other than drug
poisoning were not included. Also the cases were alive
patients and the dead ones were not included.
The fund of this study was provided by research pro-
posal number 4589 of Shahid Beheshti university of
medical sciences, Clinical Research Development Center
of Loghman Hakim Hospital.
There is no con ict of interest.
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