Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 10(3): 380-385 (2017)
Antibacterial activity of ZrO
against metallo
beta-lactamase and bio lm producing
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Rajasekar S., Vijayalakshmi S. and A. Mohankumar*
Division of Microbial Technology Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology Chikkanna Government
Arts College, Tirupur-641602, Tamilnadu, India
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is frequent pathogen associated with hospital acquired infections exhibiting intrinsic resist-
ance to numerous antibiotics. A total of 80 isolates of Pseudomonas spp. were isolated from blood cancer patient
from three tertiary hospitals in and around Tirupur and Erode (Dt). Metallo beta-lactamase and bio lm production
is the most worrisome resistant mechanisms observed in P. aeruginosa. Emergence of antimicrobial resistance by
pathogenic bacteria is a major health problem in recent years. The bio lm and Metallo beta-lactamase production
was tested by combined disc test and tissue culture plate method. Electrophoretic analysis of the plasmid DNA pre-
pared was carried out by agarose gel electrophoresis on 0.7%. Nineteen carcinogenic isolates which was showed more
than 50% resistance against tested antibiotics were selected for plasmid isolation. Recurrently, ZrO
comprises of well-known inhibitory and bactericidal effects. The nanoparticles were obtained and tested against 10
Metallo beta-lactamase and bio lm producing carcinogenic isolates. The nanoparticles showed appreciable activity at
all tested concentrations (0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 mg/ml). Thus, it is concluded that the present study designed to determine
the ef cacy of ZrO
may serve as a promising antibacterial agent against cancer causing Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 27
July, 2017
Accepted after revision 21
Sep, 2017
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007 CODEN: USA BBRCBA
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2017: 4.31 Cosmos IF: 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2017. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
DOI: 10.21786/bbrc/10.3/7
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the most important
opportunistic bacteria, causing a wide variety of infec-
tions especially in immune compromised hosts such
as burn patients, patients suffering from respiratory
diseases like cystic  brosis, and cancer chemotherapy
patients (Govan and Deretic, 1996). It is gram negative
short rod belong to family Pseudomonacaeae. Infections
with P. aeruginosa is occupy very important position as
of greatest concern in critically ill and immune compro-
mised patients who have been hospitalized for extended
Rajasekar S., Vijayalakshmi S. and A. Mohankumar
periods of time and have received broad-spectrum anti-
microbial therapy or cancer chemotherapy (Pollack,
2000, Ae Mftah et al., 2015).
The pathogenic cancer causing Pseudo bacterial life
includes stages where the cells are associated and form a
bio lm on a surface (e.g. Costerton et al., 1995). The for-
mation of these surface communities and their inherent
resistance to antimicrobial agents are the cause of many
persistent and chronic infections (Costerton et al., 1999).
Nowadays the P. aeruginosa presents a serious ther-
apeutic challenge for treatment of both community-
acquired and nosocomial infections, and selection of the
appropriate antibiotic to initiate therapy is essential to
optimizing the clinical outcome (Mavroidi et al., 2005).
Unfortunately, selection of the most appropriate anti-
biotic is complicated by the ability of P. aeruginosa to
develop resistance to multiple classes of antibacterial
agents, even during the course of treating an infection.
Further acquired resistance is also reported by the pro-
duction of plasmid mediated AmpC beta ()–lactamase,
Extended Spectrum Beta ()–Lactamase (ESBL) and met-
allo beta ()–lactamase (MBL) enzymes.
Currently, the nanoparticles are increasingly recog-
nized for their utility in biological applications includ-
ing nano medicine (mariappan et al., 2011). The ongoing
worldwide nanotechnology revolution is predicted to
impact several areas of biomedical research and other
science and engineering applications. Nanoparticles-
assisted drug delivery, cell imaging, and cancer therapy
are important biomedical applications of nanotechnol-
ogy (Hua Wang et al., 2011).
Despite their potential biomedical applications, very
few studies have reported on the role of zirconia nano-
particles as anticancer materials. As far as the authors
know, this is the  rst report of the in vitro anticancer
effect of sulphated zirconia nanoparticles against three
cancer cell lines. Speci cally, the toxicity of sulphated
zirconia nanopar ticles against human colon cancer
HT29, human breast cancer MCF-7 and human liver
cancer HepG2 cell lines was assessed, showing promis-
ing results (Ae Mftah et al., 2015).
Moreover, it is reported here that these novel
nanopar ticles hold promise not just for anticancer appli-
cations but also for anti-infection applications. The
steady increase in the antimicrobial resistance of micro-
organisms represents a great public health concern. This
requires the search for new unconventional antimicro-
bial agents. Nanotechnology provides promising mate-
rials to  ght infectious diseases such as nanoparticles
with antimicrobial activities. So hence the present study
has made an attempt to point out the antimicrobial
properties of the ZrO
nanoparticles were determined
using the agar diffusion method against cancer causing
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
A total of 100 clinical cancer blood samples were col-
lected from the jugular vein with a sterile syringe of
different age group of blood cancer patients in different
clinics and PHC (Primary Health Centre) from in and
around Tirupur and Erode District. 80 isolates of Pseu-
domonas aeruginosa were isolated from the samples. Col-
ony morphology was reported as non-mucoid or mucoid
and the isolated colonies were subjected to standard
biochemical tests and 16S r-DNA gene sequencing for
identi cation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Finally all
isolates were kept at – 20
C in media containing 8%
dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) until use.
The qualitative and quantitative analyzes of the bio-
lm produced were performed of clinical isolates of
P. aeruginosa according to the protocol described by
(Xicohtencatl - Cortes et al. 2015). Clinical strains of
P. aeruginosa were incubated for growth in trypticase-
soy broth (TSB) at 37°C for 24 h. For bio lm formation,
24-well plates containing 1 ml of TSB were inoculated
with 50 ml (1.5 x 108 bacteria/ml) of a bacterial suspen-
sion of each of the P. aeruginosa strains and incubated
at 37°C for 24 h. Bio lms were washed with phosphate
buffer solution (PBS) (pH 7.4) and  xed with 2% forma-
lin at 4°C overnight. Subsequently, the  xative solution
was removed with PBS and the  lms were stained with 1
ml of 1% crystal violet for 15 min. Excess crystal violet
was removed and 1 ml of methanol at 70% was added
for quanti cation of the bio lm to an optical density of
600 nm.All imipenem resistant isolates were tested for
MBL by Imipenem- EDTA combined disc test (CDT).
The Imipenem- EDTA combined disc test (CDT) was
performed as described by the method of Yong et al.
(2002). The test organisms were inoculated on the plates
with seeded Mueller Hinton agar as recommended by the
CLSI. A 0.5 M EDTA solution was prepared by dissolving
18.61g of EDTA in 100 ml of distilled water and adjust-
ing its pH 8.0. The Mixture was sterilized by autoclav-
ing. After two Imipenem (10µg) discs were placed on the
surface of agar plate, add  nally 4µl of 0.5 M concen-
tration of EDTA solution. Finally, the inhibition zones of
imipenem- EDTA discs were compared after 16 to 18 h
of incubation in air at 37°C. In the combined disc test,
if the increase in inhibition zone with imipenem- EDTA
disc was ≥7 mm it was considered as Metallo Beta Lac-
tamase positive (Lee et al. 2001).
The blood cancer causing P. aeruginosa was treated
with various different concentrations (0.2 mg/mL, 0.4
mg/mL, 0.6 mg/mL & 100g/mL) of ZrO
cles no signi cant difference in the growth curve. The
growth experiment under the in uence of Zirconium
nanoparticles thus reveals the non-toxic nature of the
Zirconium nanoparticles in the bacterial system. In the
Rajasekar S., Vijayalakshmi S. and A. Mohankumar
present study plasmid DNA was done by boiling prepa-
ration method (Holmes & Quigley, 1981; modi ed by
Riggs & McLachlan, 1986).
Antimicrobial activity of protease was carried out by
using well diffusion method. The Pseudomonas aerugi-
nosa was inoculated in LB broth and incubated for 24
hrs at 37
C. The turbidity of the broth was adjusted at
0.5 (optical density) using Spectrophotometer. The bacte-
rial culture was inoculated on MHA plates using sterilized
cotton swab. Allow it to dry for 2 – 5 min. Well was made
using sterile cork borer. Various different concentrations
(0.2 mg/mL, 0.4 mg/mL, 0.6 mg/mL & 100g/mL) of dif-
ferent µl of ZrO
nanoparticles (50µl, 100µl and 150µl)
was impregnated in to the well. The plates were swabbed
with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The plates were examined
to measure the zone of inhibition around the well.
The carcinogenic disease is caused by external factors,
such as tobacco, infectious organisms, and an unhealthy
diet, and internal factors, such as inherited genetic muta-
tions, hormones, and immune conditions. These factors
may act together or in sequence to cause cancer. Cur-
rently, emerging and reemerging infectious disease are
a major problem in public health and global econom-
ics. They are caused by different type of infection such
as drug resistant infection, mostly involving bacteria,
and many emerging pathogen is increasing signi cantly
over time because they are becoming progressively more
resistant to conventional antibiotic compounds. For
example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been reported as
an opportunistic pathogen and one of the most impor-
tant opportunistic bacteria, causing blood cancer by the
intrinsic resistance to many antimicrobial agents. So, the
need for the development of new antibiotics to counter
drug resistance in bacterial pathogens has been stressed
by various researchers worldwide.
Totally 100 carcinogenic blood samples were collected
from the jugular vein with a sterile syringe of different
age group of blood cancer patients in different clinics
and PHC (Primary Health Centre) from in and around
PLATE 1. Isolated of colonies Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Blood
Rajasekar S., Vijayalakshmi S. and A. Mohankumar
Tirupur and Erode District. 80 isolates of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa were isolated from the samples. The can-
cer causing leading pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa
strains were con rmed by comparing the results with
standard biochemical test and 16S-rDNA gene sequence.
In the study 28.75% of blood cancer causing Pseu-
domonas aeruginosa isolates was found to be MBL pro-
ducers. These isolates exhibited a ≥ 7 mm zone enhanced
for Imipenem and EDTA combined than the Imipenem
disks alone. All the MBL producing isolates were multi
drug resistant, most of which showed resistance to
more than twelve antibiotics out of the twenty anti-
biotics tested. Twenty three isolates: PARS01, PARS02
PARS74, PARS75, PARS77, PARS78 and PARS80 which
was showed more than above 50% resistance used for
Metallo Beta Lactamase production by Imipenem (IMP)-
EDTA Combined Disk test of (Yong et al. 2002). The
maximum zone of inhibition (mm) produced by the
strain No. PARS21 and PARS 77 which showed 40 mm
followed by minimum amount of zone of inhibition
produced by the strain No. PARS56 and PARS64 which
showed 30mm (Plate: 8; Table: 16). Electrophoretic
analysis of the plasmid DNA prepared was carried out
by agarose gel electrophoresis on 0.7%. Nineteen car-
cinogenic isolates (PARS01, PARS02, PARS03, PARS05,
PARS64 and PARS80) which was showed more than
50% resistance against tested antibiotics were selected
for plasmid isolation.
The antibacterial activity of ZrO
nanoparticles was
studied by agar well diffusion method. Three differ-
ent concentrations (0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6%) were used
in this assay against leukemia (blood cancer) causing
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The maximum zone of inhibi-
tion 18mm, 19mm and 22mm was observed in strain
no. PARS47 followed by the minimum zone of inhibi-
tion 15mm, 16mm and 17mm was observed in strain no.
PARS64 and PARS56 at 150l concentration of different
µg- 50, 100 and 150 of ZrO
. Mahrukh Khattak et al.,
(2013) determined the frequency of Pseudomonas aerug-
inosa in middle and outer ear and to check the antibiotic
susceptibility pattern of commonly used antibiotics. The
pathogen was highly sensitive to Gentamycin 30 (71.4%),
followed by Aztreonam 28(66.6%), Ce xime 22(52.3%),
Imipenem 18(42.8%), amikacin 15(35.5%) and Cip-
ro oxacin 12(28.5%). Females were more susceptible
to Pseudomonas infections. Isolates of Pseudomonas
PLATE 2. Detection of Metallo
-Lactamase by Imipenam EDTA
Combined Disc Test
PLATE 3. Bio lm production by carcinogenic patho-
gen Pseudomonas aeruginosa
PLATE 4. Isolation of plasmid from Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Rajasekar S., Vijayalakshmi S. and A. Mohankumar
aeruginosa from samples showed highest sensitivity
(71.4%) to Gentamycin while maximum resistance was
showed to Cipro oxacin (47.6%). In this research, simi-
lar results were found in all the Pseudomonas aerugi-
nosa in blood cancer origin were more highly sensitive
to Imipenem (97.5%).
Resistance to imipenem has been found to be inde-
pendent of -lactamase production and in P. aeruginosa
has been attributed to diminished expression of certain
outer membrane proteins (Buscher et al., 2000). More
than 80% of isolates in this study were sensitive to imi-
penem (97.5%). Compared with results of a study con-
ducted at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH)
in which 12.5% were resistant to imipenem, in this study
only 5.4% Pseudomonas strains were resistant. Imipe-
nem is a drug that is not readily available in our envi-
ronment and its cost is also prohibitive.
Plasmid analysis of the multi-resistant strains showed
that 18 of the Pseudomonas strains harbored plasmids,
eleven of which had similar plasmid band patterns of
1-7 plasmid bands having low to intermediate molecular
weights. Plasmid prevalence was higher in the strains
from blood cancer. Acquisition of mobile genetic ele-
ments is known to be the main mechanism for short term
accumulation of resistance determinants in bacterial
genomes (Liu et al., 2000).Our  nding that 18(78.75%)
out of the 46 Pseudomonas isolates contained plasmids
with seven different plasmid pro les, coincides with
that reported by Tsakris et al., (1992) who found that
10 isolates harbored plasmids out of 35 multi resistant
pseudomonas strains, with 6 different plasmid pro les.
In another study, Poh et al., (1988) detected 11 different
plasmid pro les in Ps. aeruginosa isolates.
Bio lm producing organisms are responsible for
many recalcitrant infections and are notoriously dif -
cult to eradicate. They exhibit resistance to antibiotics
by various methods like restricted penetration of anti-
biotic into bio lms, decreased growth rate and expres-
sion of resistance genes (Hachem et al., 2007). There are
various methods for bio lm detection (Poole, 2004). In
the present study the number of isolates showing strong
bio lm producers were 41(64%) and moderate bio lm
producers were 39(36%) by Tissue culture plate method
similar to the study done by Afreenish Hassen et al.,
(2011). In their study noted that out of 110 isolates from
different clinical samples tested for bio lm production,
the number of bio lm producers identi ed by Tissue cul-
ture plate method (TCP) was 70(64.7%) and non or weak
bio lm producers were 40(36.3%). The recent study has
performed the Tissue culture plate method by addition
of 1% glucose in trypticase soy broth. Addition of sugar
helps in bio lm formation16. This was also reported by
studies conducted by Mathur et al., (2006).
Metallo-beta-lactamase enzyme is an emerging threat
and cause of concern for physician. The metal ion active
sites appear to decrease their susceptibility to beta lac-
tamase inhibitors and enable them to hydrolyze broad
spectrum including carbapenems. The Metallobeta-lac-
tamase are plasmid mediated, so the resistance can be
spread among hospital pathogen and will cause prob-
lems in treating infections (Mehul Chaudhari et al.,
2011). In present study, attempt was made to detect
Metallobeta- lactamase producing Pseudomonas aer-
uginosa. Of 80 isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 23
(2.5%) were resistance to imipenem. All 23 isolates were
found to be MBL producers. Of 23 isolates of MBL, 23
(28.75%) were isolated from blood cancer patient. The
prevalence of detect Metallo-beta-lactamase producing
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in our setup if 2.5%.
Ae Mftah et al., (2015) studied the sulphated zirco-
nia nanoparticles showed high antimicrobial activity
against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bac-
teria. It was found that the nanoparticles showed the
highest activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
methicillin-resistant S. aureus, followed by Bacillus
subtilis and Salmonella choleraesuis. The  rst time that
the exposure of cancer cells to sulphated zirconia nano-
particles (3.9–1,000 g/mL for 24 hours) resulted in a
dose-dependent inhibition of cell growth, as determined
by (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium
bromide assays. Similar promising results were observed
for reducing bacteria functions. In this manner, this
study demonstrated that sulphated zirconia nanoparti-
cles with bronsted acidic sites should be further studied
for a wide range of anticancer and antibacterial appli-
cations. Followed by these present study similar results
of antimicrobial ability of ZrO2 at different concentra-
tion (0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6%) used against blood cancer
causing Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Zirconium oxide was
PLATE 5. Antibacterial activity of
against Metallo beta-lactamase
and bio lm producing carcinogenic
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Rajasekar S., Vijayalakshmi S. and A. Mohankumar
used and it shows prominent anti carcinogenic activity
against test pathogen.
The study also highlights that ML incidence is increas-
ing in our region. The metallo beta-lactamase and bio lm
production is the most worrisome resistant mechanisms
observed in P. aeruginosa. Emergence of antimicrobial
resistance by pathogenic bacteria is a major health prob-
lem in recent years. The resistance may spread rapidly
to various species of Gram-negative bacilli; therefore, to
prevent the further spread of ML producers, it is essen-
tial to rapidly detect ML-positive isolates to aid infection
control. Recurrently, tiny nanoparticles, far smaller than
the width of a human hair, might help the body’s own
immune system  ght tumors. Moreover, it is reported here
that these novel metallo nanopar ticles (ZrO
) comprises
of well-known inhibitory and bactericidal effects against
cancer causing Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
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