Niusha Golbari et al.
ues. This could possibly be explained by the ampli-
ed monomer conversion and additional post-curing
cross-linking reactions in the resin phase over the time.
Compoglass F, Filtek Z250, Filtek Supreme and Premise
specimens stored in distilled water had lower surface
microhardness reductions compared to the specimens
immersed in sports and energy drinks (Erdemir et al.
2013). In a study using Meliodent, FuturaGen and hard
GC reline.
Rajaee et al. (2014) reported heptane conditioning
decreased the exural strength of Meliodent and Futur-
aGen and microhardness of FuturaGen. Ethanol solution
had the most adverse effect on the microhardness and
exural strength of the tested resin materials (Rajaee
et al. 2014). Takahashi et al. (1998) reported that water
immersion had different effects on the exural strength
and microhardness of different denture base and reline
resin materials. They concluded that the results could
be due to the fact that the intrinsic strength of the
resin and the amount of water sorption in the system
in uences the mechanical strength of water absorbed
acrylic resins. It is reported two days of immersion in
the water lead to a reduction in the microhardness of
the resin samples. As mentioned, water absorption and
continuation of the acrylic polymerization process is
time-dependent and diffusion-controlled Azevedo et
al. (2005). Organic solutions may damage the resin
matrix (heptane and aqueous ethanol solution). On the
other hand, water and citric acids can damage organic
llers. Therefore organic solutions could decrease ex-
ural strength and microhardness of dental resins (Yesi-
lyurt et al. 2009).
In a study, Yaniko
˘lu et al. (2009) determined the
surface microhardness of lled (Estelite), nano l (Ælite),
un lled (Valux Plus), hybrid (Tetric ceram) and Ormocer-
based (Admira) composite resins in tea, coffee, Turk-
ish coffee, mouthwash, cola, and distilled water. Based
on their report the microhardness values of composite
materials were statistically different in different immer-
sion solutions. The acidity may change the polymeric
matrixes of composite resin affecting dimethacrylate
monomer present in their compositions (Al-Samadani,
2013). A previous study suggested that, by lowering the
solutions’ pH, there is production of methacrylic acid
that results in the sorption and hygroscopic expansion
as a consequence of enzymatic hydrolysis and biodeg-
radation (Sripetchdanond and Leevailoj, 2014). It was
observed that sodium uoride containing mouth rinses
also reduce the surface microhardness (Sripetchdanond
and Leevailoj, 2014).
In a recent study, George et al (2017) on effect of four
mouth rinses on microhardness of resin composite (Filtek™
P60) material (3M ESPE St. Paul, MN, USA) reported all the
mouth rinses showed reduction in surface microhardness
of the esthetic restorative material. Yesilyurt et al. (2009)
reported microhardness of silorane-based composite was
not in uenced by ethanol signi cantly, which could be
due to the hydrophobicity of the resin matrix. Except for
Bis-EMA, all other molecules (Bis-GMA, UDMA, and TEG-
DMA) have hydroxyl groups, which promote water sorp-
tion. As for silorane-based composite, it has 3,4-epox-
ycyclohexyl-cyclopolymethylsiloxane. In conclusion, the
microhardness of composite resin materials used in this
study in uenced by food simulation solutions. The effect
of heptane on change in surface microhardness is material
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Health effects of energy drinks on children, adolescents, and
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