Balarak, Mostafapour and Joghataei
The adsorption energy obtained from Tempkin plot
218.25 J/mg which indicates that the adsorption process
is endothermic and a strong interaction between SWCNT
and Aniline molecules. Also value of energy obtained
from Dubinin Radushkevich isotherm was 808.95 J/mol,
revealing physisorption of Aniline on SWCNT
The results of the present study indicate that SWCNT
have good potential as adsorbents for the removal of
aniline from aqueous solution. The amount of aniline
uptake (mg/g) was found to increase with increase in
aniline concentration and adsorption time. The results
obtained from the plots show that the process of adsorp-
tion follows Langmuir and Freundlich Isotherm model
for adsorbent. Thus, it can be used to estimate the model
parameters. This con rms the fact that Langmuir Iso-
therm best explains the adsorption process of aniline
from aqueous solution. The maximum loading capacity
estimated was 37.59 (mg/g) for Langmuir model.
The authors are grateful from deputy of research and
technology of Qom University of Medical Sciences due
to supporting of this research.
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