Hadi Pourjafar et al.
ice-cream, yogurt, cheese and other fermented dairy
beverages (Cardarelli et al. 2008, de Souza et al. 2017,
Guggisberg et al. 2009, Karimi et al. 2015, Kolida et al.
2002, Valero-Cases and Frutos 2017). de Souza et al.
(2017) studiedthe effect of inulin in different propor-
tions up to 3%, on the survivability and resistance to
simulated gastrointestinal conditions of Bi dobacterium
animalis Bb 12 added in probiotic and synbiotic mar-
garine. In this study, Inulin enhanced Bb 12 survival
signi cantly (P<0.05) (de Souza et al. 2017). Valero-
Cases and Frutos (2017) investigated the prebiotic effect
of diverse concentrations of inulin (0, 1 and 2%) on the
growth and viability of Lactobacillus plantarum CECT
220 in mixed carrot and orange juices. Throughout stor-
age time, the inulin improved the survivability of Lacto-
bacillus plantarum and the monosaccharide concentra-
tion remained upper regarding the juice without inulin
(40% lower). At 30 days, the fermented juices with 2%
inulin following in vitro digestion presented the maxi-
mum viability of Lactobacillus plantarum (Valero-Cases
and Frutos 2017).
To the best of our knowledge, present study is the rst
work that shows the effects of inulin and fat percentage
concurrently on the viability of Bi dobacterium lactis.
According to the results of this investigation, the most
important status for the viability of Bi dobacterium lac-
tis was in 2% fat chocolate milk. We conclude that the
viability of this probiotic bacterium is higher in samples
with higher fat content, and adding inulin may increase
the viability of bacteria in low fat milk (1%) but not in
high fat milk (2%). Inulin inoculation had some effects on
biochemical and organoleptic changes. In sensory exami-
nation, all groups were more favorable than the control
sample (without the probiotic bacterium and inulin). It is
suggested that chocolate milk with 2% fat and inulin be
as a more effective probiotic dairy product.
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