Sina Seyed Abbaszadeh et al.
xed medially at the collumella and at the lateral border
of the alar. Lower lateral cartilage holds up the soft tissue
of the nasal tip (Constantinides et al. 1996). If the carti-
lage get weaker, is was not able to maintain support of
the soft tissue which horizontal excision will contribute
to collapse and compromise at the nasal valve (Richard
et al. 1998). In a study on impact of vertical dome divi-
sion on nasal air ow, Conrad et al. (2000) reported the
air ow was negatively affected in 37.5% and improved
postoperatively in 25% of patients. The protocol which
they applied in their research was differ from ours.
Recently Gandomi et al. (2011) reported the modi ed
vertical dome technique is an effective method for nasal
tip de-projection and narrowing via an open approach.
Despite several research efforts, studies evaluating qual-
ity-of-life outcomes after nasal tip surgery with dome
division surgery remain scarce in the facial plastic sur-
gery literature. In the current study, we used dome divi-
sion technique to determine its effects on nasal air ow.
We think obtained results of the current study can use
as base information for accuracy of this technique on
patients breathing. It is reported dome division tech-
nique improved the life quality of the patients during
a short period (Lavinsky-Wolff et al. 2013) which the
protocol applied in our study was different from incom-
ing research.
In a study on comparison of suture and vertical dome
division techniques of bulbous nose re nement, Ghaz-
ipour et al. (2011) was reported among the 35 patients
with transdomal and interdomal technique, 2 patients
(7.5%) had a previous bulbous nose deformity remained
stable of whom one patient resulted in revision sur-
gery. The overall satisfaction rate in these patients
was approximately 92%. Also, in 35 patients with who
underwent surgery using vertical dome division method,
in 3 patients (6.8%) complication as over narrowing
nasal tip was observed which in one case this led to
revision surgery and in one case (2.8%) collapse of lower
lateral cartilage occurred. Base on their report it seems
vertical dome division is effective for life quality of
the patients while in the current study obtained results
revealed vertical dome division leads to nasal obstruc-
tion. Despite these limitations, our results add relevant
quality-of-life data to the rhinoplasty literature, includ-
ing speci c information about the outcomes of vertical
dome division surgery in patients. In conclusion results
suggested rhinoplasty surgery using dome splitting
decreased the nasal air ow ef cacy after the surgery.
So care must be exercised for alterations in nasal air
ow resistance when manipulating the nasal framework
is done.
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