Leila Dstan and Mohsen Dehghani
maximum ef ciency by zeolite clinoptilolite. The cause
of high absorption rate in the initial moments of reac-
tion is a large number of absorption active sites (Gho-
rai 2005). These results correspond with the results of
Shawabkeh (2004).The results of adsorbent dosage effect
on the adsorption process showed that, by increas-
ing of adsorbent value, the value of cadmium absorp-
tion will be increased, that is because of increasing the
number of levels at the available of adsorbent because
of its increasing, which leads to an increasing in the
level of contact and increasing in the free bonds on
the level of adsorbent (Wajima et al., 2009; Ramdani
et al., 2010).These obtained results correspond with the
results of Shawabkeh, 2004 and Shamohammadi et al.,
Rate and value of adsorption is subject to charge
and mass of adsorbent. At all multipartite soluble con-
centrations, the amount of total absorb heavy metals
ions increased in per unit mass of natural zeolite in
comparison with the amount of absorbed article from
partial solutions. This shows that the difference in the
mechanism of surface absorption may include surface
absorption per action. The obtained results correspond
with Motsi et al (2009).In Freundlich model has been
supposed that the adsorbed exit on heterogeneous sur-
faces will be occurred by adsorption on multi layers.
By performed calculation it showsthat the value of R
is equal to 0.998 and n is equal to 1.77 and it indicates
that this adsorption is optimal and the reaction follows
from Freundlich equation. Also in this study, based on
Radushkevich model E is equal to 12 kJ/mol (between
8 and 16 kJ/mol). So adsorption process is a chemical
reaction. In a study that carried out by Motsi et al on
the removal of Mn
by natural zeolite, also the obtained
results by Wanga and Peng (2010) as well as the results
of Mishra and Patel (2009) on the modi ed zeolite in
aqueous environment, this process follows Freundlich
model that corresponds with the results of the removal
of cadmium zeolite clinoptilolite.
The results of this study shows that natural zeolite for
removal of cadmium from industrial waste water under
optimal conditions (times of 15 minutes, pH=4, adsor-
bent dosage of 1 g per liter and concentration of 2.5
ppm cadmium) has very good ef ciency. The bene ts of
this natural, low cost, mineral article, is easy access to
it. Moreover this absorbent is more advantageous than
common absorbents such as activated carbon or opera-
tional procedures such as electro dialysis and exists in
the numerous mines in Iran, including Semnan, Kerman
and Azarbaijan.
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