Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(4): 828-832 (2016)
Effect of
Allium sepa
seed extract on body and
testicular weight, mature gametes and parietal cells
of male rats
Hosseini Ahar, N.
* and Sa , SH.
Young Researchersand EliteClub, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Department of Clinical sciences , Faculty of Veterinary Specialized Sciences, Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Allium cepa has been used throughout history as a medicinal drug. It has many compounds mostly contain a sulfu-
ric content such as Alicin, Di-alkyl Di-sul de (DAS), that caused antioxidant and protective properties. The present
study examined body weight and testicular weight and spermatogenesis in mice. All these reactions were performed
by using Allium cepa. This study was conducted on 10 adult male rats, ranging from 6 to 8 weeks. Animals were
divided in to two groups, a control group and the experimental group that received Allium cepa (0.5 cc) for a period
of 30 days. After 30 days, the rats were weighted and after anesthesia, their testes were taken out and tissue dissec-
tions were obtained. T-test was applied for statistical analysis. The results show that the body and testis weight and
spermatogenesis increased in the rats. This study shows the anti-oxidant characteristics of Allium cepa, and also its
effect on reducing harmful metabolites. It seems that using it in infertile patients has bene cial effects.
*Corresponding Author:
Received 3
Aug, 2016
Accepted after revision 19
Nov, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Onion (Allium cepa) is one of the most commonly culti-
vated species of the family Liliaceae, and has long been
used in dietary and therapeutic applications. Onions
such as Allium cepa are rich in two chemical groups
that have perceived bene ts to human health. These
are the  avonoids such as quercetin and the alkenyl
cysteine sulphoxides (ACSOs). Allium cepa has been
reported to have medicinal potentials. Compounds iso-
lated from onions have been shown to possess anti-
carcinogenic, hypolipidaemic, antithrombotic, antiasth-
Hosseini Ahar and Sa
matic, antibacterial and antifungal properties .A number
of varieties of A. cepa are available commercially with
varietal differences in phytoconstituents and biological
activities. Studies have also documented the antioxidant
value ofA. cepa. Research has shown that onion con-
tains exogenous and endogenous antioxidants such as
selenium, glutathione, vitamins A, B, and C, and  avo-
noids such as quercetin and isorhamnetin. The antioxi-
dant effect ofA. cepa has been associated with reduced
lipid peroxidation index malondialdehyde (MDA) and
increased superoxide dismutase (SOD), (Ige et al, 2011,
Guercio et al., 2014 and Kumar et al 2016).
It also protects DNA and other important molecules
from oxidation and damages, and could improve sperm
health parameters, increasing the rate of fertility in men
(Rajeev and Narmada, 2006; Yang et al. 2006 ).
ACE (Allium cepa extract) and QCT (component querce-
tin) have broad ranging pharmacological effects, par-
ticularly free radical scavenging properties, that protect
against oxidative injury, due to their ability to modu-
late intracellular signals and promote cell survival (Dai
et al, 2013).
Compounds from onion have been reported
to have a range of health bene ts which include anticar-
cinogenic properties, antiplatelet activity, antithrombotic
activity, antiasthmatic and antibiotic effects (Grif ths
et al, 2002). Recent epidemiological data provides robust
evidence that consumption of onions reduces the risk
of gastric cancer (Guercio et al., 2014). Previous stud-
ies have also shown that A. cepa antagonizes the toxic
effects of AlCl
and improves the antioxidant status and
sperm quality of male rats, (Ige and Akhigbe,2012).
Pre-treatment of rat with Allium cepa extract pre-
vented CdSO
–induced reproductive toxicity by improv-
ing sperm quality and enhancing testicular lipid per-
oxidation status (Ige et al, 2012).
onion and garlic
supplementation enhances semen quality characteristics
in Hubbard white breeder broiler cocks (Okoro et al,
2015). The present study reports the antioxidant effect
and possible role of Allium cepa extract on spermato-
genesis parameters such as body weight, testes weight,
mature gametes and parietal cells in rats.
The experiment was carried out with 10 male Wistar
rats (6-8 months and 200±20g body weight) and ran-
domly divided into two groups. They were housed in a
temperature controlled room (25-30°C) with 12-h light
and 12-h dark cycles with free access to water and food
in cages placed in Animal Husbandry. All animals were
treated in accordance with the Principles of Laboratory
Animal Care. The rats randomly divided into two experi-
mental and control groups. Onion (Allium cepa) seeds
were bought from local market in Tehran City of Iran.
Seeds (100g) were washed and dried, and were extracted
with 80% methanol in Soxhlet apparatus for 72 h. After
extraction, the solvent was  ltered and then evapo-
rated by rotatory evaporator and dried (Eidi et al,2006 ;
Swami et al,2008).
The rats were fed normal diets and divided into 2
groups, each with  ve rats. A total of 10 rats were used.
Group one served as the control group and just received
an equal volume of distilled water daily with no extract.
Groups 2 received 0.5 mg/kg body weight of the extract.
They were observed daily for any observable change.
At the end of the treatment period (30
day), the rats
were weighed and anesthetized using intra peritoneal
pentobarbital sodium (40mg/kg), then killed. The peri-
toneal cavity was opened through a lower transverse
abdominal incision. Testes in control and experimental
groups were immediately removed and  xed by perfu-
sion with 4% formaldehyde in buffered solution for 20
minutes and afterwards their left testes were taken out
and weighed.( AD GF600, Germany).
Testes were  xed in 10% formal saline, blocks embed-
ded in paraf n and sections cut at 5 micron which
was then stained with H&E and mounted. Microscopic
examination of the sections was then carried out under
a light microscope.All experimental data are presented
as means± SD. Each experiment was performed at least
three times and subjected to statistical analysis. For sta-
tistical analysis, analysis of variance was performed to
determine whether there were differences among two
groups (P < 0.05). P value below 0.05 was considered
signi cant.
The obtained results in this study were illustrated in
table 1. There was no signi cant difference in body
weights between two groups, although (P<0.465). Tes-
tis weight was increased signi cantly in experimental
group in comparison with the control group (p<0.009).
Comparative study of samples from the two groups
showed that administration of A. cepa (0.5 mg/kg for
30 days) led to signi cant increase in mature gametes.
Experimental animals showed signi cant increase in
parietal cells comparing to normal control (table 1).
After about 4 weeks of treatment, control rats showed
normal morphology of seminiferous tubules. Treat-
ments with Allium cepa extract at doses of 0.5 mg/kg
induced signi cant changes in the seminiferous tubules.
The histological features of the experimental group can
increase the inner diameter of the tubules and the num-
ber of mature gametes.
In this study, the use of morphological and mor-
phometric methods were performed to determine body
and testes weight and different classes of gametes from
Hosseini Ahar and Sa
control and experimental groups. It was tried to assess
possible effects of onion extracts on the process of sper-
matogenesis. As shown in Table 1, this study showed
that A. cepa extract has signi cant effect on mature
gametes and parietal cells. Furthermore, it affected the
body weight and testis weight in experimental group in
comparison with the control group. Onion contains a
wide variety of phytochemicals and micro constituents
such as trace elements, vitamins, fructans,  avonoids,
and sulphur compounds, which may have a protective
effect against free radicals. Recently, much attention has
been focused on the protective effects of onion against
colon cancers in rats (Ola-Mudathir et al, 2008; Prasad
and Oberleas, 1973). Some unique properties of onion
such as antilipidaemic and antioxidant potentials have
been studied (Corzo-Martinez et al, 2007; Lewin and
Popov, 1994; Prasad, 1996). Many studies were done to
shows Onion peels exhibited strong antioxidant activity
and abundant phytochemicals (Duan et al, 2015)
and to
elucidate their mechanism of action (Rahman and Bil-
lington, 2000; Lau, 2001; Dillon et al, 2003). signi cant
remedy effect on sperm parameters and also increase
in the number of leydig cells was showed (Khaki et al,
Several factors have effect on very sensitive and
complex process named spermatogenesis, and Lead to
infertility or reduced fertility (Hosseini et al, 2014).
present results clearly indicate that Allium cepa has a
good effect on spermatogenesis in rats. The biologi-
cal activity of an extract of onion or garlic depends on
its mode of preparation (Shashikanth et al, 1986; Klei-
jnen, 1989; Corzo-Martinez et al, 2007). In the present
study, the alcohol extract of onion was separately pre-
pared. Quercetin, as a natural antioxidant, is ubiqui-
tously distributed in fruits and vegetables. Onion is a
rich source of quercetin (McAnlis et al, 1999). Previous
study found that  avonoid quercetin and daizein have
protective effects on cadmium or polychlorinated biphe-
nyls-induced oxidative damage in mice testes (Zhang
et al, 2008; Bu et al, 2011). Studies showed that C, E, and
B vitamins are useful in reducing the poisonous effects
on tissue of the testes (Yang et al, 2006) Allium cepa
Table 1: Body weight, Testis weight, mature gametes and Parietal cells of control and experimental groups.
N. Body weight(g) Testis weight(g)* Mature gametes* Parietal cells(mm)3*
Control 5 301±22.47 1.45±0.1 98.6±8.96 197.8±2.77
Extract 5 307.49.94 1.95±0.16 168.4±18.87 315.6±13.93
*: p<0/05
FIGURE 1. Testes from control group (A) and extract group (B).H&E.(×640) The role of Allium cepaon
aluminum-induced reproductive dysfunction in experimental male rat models.
Hosseini Ahar and Sa
could prescribed as an effective pharmacological supple-
ment to moderate exposure degenerative effects (khaki
et al, 2016). Structure-activity relationships of querce-
tin were investigated (Cao et al, 1997 ). The antioxidant
activities of quercetin may depend upon its hydroxyl
groups. It is supposed that  avonoids prevent the pro-
gression of the radical chain reaction by trapping free
radicals at the interface of the membranes (Ross et al,
2002). In addition to its free-radical scavenging proper-
ties, quercetin can also chelate those transition metal
ions responsible for the generation of reactive oxygen
species (Rice-Evans et al,1996). The neuroprotective
potential of Allium cepa was seen that might be due
to the PPAR agonistic action pertaining to its  avonoi-
dal content (Singh and Goel, 2015).
The present study provides detailed information on the
effects of Alluim cepa extract on testis weight, body
weight, mature gametes and Parietal cells count. Mor-
phometric results obtained from this study showed that
the administration of A.cepa extract also in uences the
seminiferous tubules, cell proliferation and spermato-
genesis in the experimental group compared to control
group. Onion with rich compounds may be useful for
inclusion in the diets of those who are suffering from
sexual disorders and can be effective in relieving dis-
This research was supported by Young Researchers and
Elite Club,Islamic azad University ,Karaj Branch, Iran.
The code of this research protocol was “92341”.
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