Rajani Bharati and S. Suresh
that using plants extract as reducing and stabilizing
agents for nanocatalysts synthesis is eco-friendly and
cheap method than other methods which use chemicals
(Dizaji et al., 2015).
Single pot method also known as one step method
is the bioreduction processes in which plant extracts are
used as reducing and stabilizing agent to reduce metal
ions in nano range (Gdikandula et al., 2016). Palash
ower extract contains a broad variability of biomole-
cules so this method is faster than other methods (Kumar
and Yadav, 2012).
No research article has been found in the literature
for the synthesis of ZnO/SiO
based nanocatalyst by
using an aqueous palash ower extract as reducing
and stabilizing agent. This work is different from other
works because palash ower extract contains many
metals naturally which increases catalysts photocata-
lytic activity. SiO
has been found naturally in palash
ower extract. Incorporation of ZnO with SiO
its photocatalytic activity for visible light. So ZnO/SiO
nanocatalyst synthesized by this method will be more
effective under sunlight to remove pollutant than ZnO
nanocatalyst synthesized by other methods. We can
use this nanocatalyst to treat ef uents from industries
under sunlight also. ZnO/SiO
with palash ower extract
nanocatalyst was used for acenaphthylene removal from
re nery wastewater in an annular reactor. We have
found Hexagonal crystal structure of ZnO nanocatalyst
which is the most stable in the environment. Synthe-
sized nanocatalysts were characterized by Brunauer-
Emett-Teller (BET), energy dispersive atomic X-ray
(EDAX), Field Emission Gun-Scanning electron micro-
scope (FEG-SEM), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fou-
rier transform infrared spectroscopy ( FTIR) to determine
their Surface area, size, shape, particle distribution and
functional group.
ZnO bulk material (Molychem from Mumbai, 99.5%
purity), acenaphthylene (Ranbaxy ne chemicals from
New Delhi, 99% purity),Sodium hydroxide (A. B. Enter-
prises, Mumba,, 98% purity),HCL (Central drug house
Ltd. From Delhi, 35% purity), Palash owers, (Butea
monosperma) were collected from MANIT Bhopal cam-
pus, Double distilled water. ZnO bulk material was used
as a precursor to make 1mM ZnO aqueous solution; HCL
acid was used to making 1 M solution to dissolve ZnO in
water. NaOH to make the 1N solution to maintained pH.
Phenol was used to make aqueous solution of Phenol
to remove by catalyst and nd Percentage removal of
Phenol by HPLC.
All chemicals used for the experimental work were
analytical grade (AR). Palash owers were collected
from the Campus of MANIT Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh,
India. The collected owers were cleaned by washing
many times with double distilled water and then dried
in sunlight. Dried ower were powdered in a mixer and
stored in a container to prevent from moisture and this
powder was preserved for experimental work. 250 mL
Erlenmeyer ask has been taken for boiling 10 g of
palash ower powder and 200 mL of double distilled
water for 1 h (Yadav and Khurana, 2015). Whatman l-
ter paper (pore size >0.5μm) has been used for ltration
of extract and it has been stored at 4°C in a deep freezer
which was used later for experimental work. We have
chosen water for extracting agent due to an extractive
value of palash ower in water is 17.5 ± 0.5% which is
comparatively maximum than other solvents.
ZnO has been bought from Molychem, Mumbai, and
the aqueous palash ower extract has been used for
the bioreduction process. To make nanoparticles from
palash ower 35 mL of the aqueous ower extract was
carefully added to 90 mL of 1 mM aqueous ZnO solution
in 250 mL Erlenmeyer asks. Colour of the solutions has
changed from brownish yellow to dark brownish, con-
rming the green synthesis of ZnO. We have performed
this experiment at pH 9.30; at this pH we got more pre-
cipitate of ZnO nanocatalyst. After the reaction, nano-
particles in the form of the precipitate had been settled
at the bottom of the conical asks. We separated ZnO
nanoparticles in the form of precipitate by centrifuging
it at 10000 rpm for 15 min (Awwad et al., 2013). Then we
have used these nanoparticles for characterization and
experimental work.
Characterization of ZnO nanocatalyst with palash
ower extract was done by standard methods (Sarma
and Sarma, 2014). Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) sur-
face area of the nanoparticle was found by nitrogen
adsorption at 77.15K using an automatic pulse chem-
isorptions system (Micromeritics Chemisorb 2720) using
the software available with the instrument. To determine
the surface morphology and chemical composition, SEM
and EDAX tests were done in the SAIF, IIT Mumbai. The
phase identi cation and crystal structure have been
analysed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) test. Func-
tional groups present in synthesized nanocatalyst were
found by FTIR test. The XRD and FTIR tests have been
done in central laboratory of North Maharashtra Univer-
sity, Jalgaon, India.
Removal of acenaphthylene by synthesized nanocatalyst
Concentric Annulus photocatalytic reactor has been
used for acenaphthylene removal from re nery waste-
water by synthesized nanocatalyst. In this batch reac-
tor, which we have used for experiment; two coaxial
cylinders are there. The inner with reaction zone and
lamp is placed on the symmetry axis. The total volume