Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm. 9(4): 718-724 (2016)
The rs4646903 gene transition and idiopathic male
infertility: A systematic literature review and
Majid Nejati
and Mohammad Karimian
Anatomical Sciences Research Center, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Gametogenesis Research Center, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) family enzymes have a crucial role in detoxi cation of environmental toxins which affected
on male reproductive function. In this study we investigate the association of 3801T>C transition (rs4646903) in
CYP1A1 gene with male infertility in an Iranian population which followed by a meta-analysis in Asian populations.
In the case-control study, we collected blood samples from 100 idiopathic infertile and 100 healthy controls. 3801T>C
genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP method. In meta-analysis we selected eligible studies by searching in stand-
ard databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, and etc. Our case-control study revealed that there is a signi cant
association of CC genotype (OR= 3.00, 95%CI= 1.20-7.48, P= 0.018) and C allele (OR= 1.93, 95%CI= 1.09-3.39, P=
0.023) with male infertility. Also, meta-analysis revealed that there are signi cant associations between rs4646903
and male infertility in all of  ve genetic models with a true heterogeneity (P
< 0.01) within Asian popula-
tions. This study results indicated that, CYP1A1 3801T>C transition can be considered as a biomarker for risk of male
infertility within Asian populations.
*Corresponding Author: (M. Karimian)
Received 29
Nov, 2016
Accepted after revision 27
Dec, 2016
BBRC Print ISSN: 0974-6455
Online ISSN: 2321-4007
Thomson Reuters ISI ESC and Crossref Indexed Journal
NAAS Journal Score 2015: 3.48 Cosmos IF : 4.006
© A Society of Science and Nature Publication, 2016. All rights
Online Contents Available at: http//
Idiopathic male infertility as a common health problem
involved about 10-15% of men worldwide (De Kretser,
1997). Some causes including environmental factors,
lifestyle and genetic factors may contribute in idiopathic
male infertility (Nikzad et al., 2015; Karimian and Cola-
gar 2016a). Despite the development of diagnostic tests
for male infertility, especially in the molecular genetics
eld, many aspects are still unknown. Some evidences
suggested that xenobiotic damage to genome, may help
failure of spermatogenesis in about 30 percent of infer-
tility in men (Schuppe et al., 2000).
Majid Nejati and Mohammad Karimian
Cytochrome P450 (CYP) family enzymes are key
regulatory enzymes which catalyze the step 1 oxidation
reactions of endogenous agents and xenobiotics (Gon-
zalez, 1992). CYP enzymes belonging to families 1–3
(among 14 families) in human are most essential for
metabolic activation of numerous lipophilic compounds
called as environmental or industrial pollutants (Nebert
et al., 1996). The CYP1A1 (P4501A1) enzyme is con-
sidered in extra hepatic metabolism of agents including
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Guengerich,
1992). Given to environmental compounds such as PAHs
and their possible reproductive poisonousness through
metabolic activation, polymorphisms in CYP1A1 gene
may contribute in male infertility susceptibility (Crofts
et al., 1994; Schuppe et al., 2000).
The CYP1A1 gene is located on chromosome 15
(15q24.1) and containing 7 exons. This gene is known
as a polymorphic gene with several single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) (Nebert et al., 1996). Among its
polymorphisms, the 3801T>C (also known as, 2A, m1
or rs4646903) is the most common. This polymorphism
results in T to C substitution at 3’ untranslated region
(3’UTR) of the gene, and may change the expression of
CYP1A1 (Luo et al., 2014). The association of CYP1A1
3801T>C polymorphism with male infertility has been
studied only once (Salehi et al., 2012). Also, the results
of genetic association studies in Asian populations are
inconclusive. Therefor the aim of this study was to inves-
tigate the association of CYP1A1 3801T>C polymor-
phism with male infertility within an Iranian population
which followed by a meta-analysis in Asian population.
Subjects of this study were selected randomly from an
Iranian population and included 100 idiopathic infertile
and 100 aged-match healthy fertile men from individu-
als refer to IVF center (Kashan, Iran). The causes of male
infertility of the subjects were remained unknown. The
inclusion and exclusion criteria of fertile and infertile
subjects were described in our previous study (Jamali
et al., 2016). According to WHO 1999 criteria all of infer-
tile subjects were classi ed as oligozospermia with less
than 20 millionspermperml in ejaculated semen. After
obtaining informed consent form from all subjects, we
collected 2ml blood samples on EDTA from all of them.
Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples
by salting out procedure. CYP1A1 3801T>C SNP geno-
typing was performed by polymerase chain reaction-
restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP).
The protocol of SNP genotyping was described pre-
viously (Islam et al., 2013). Brie y, the CYP1A1 gene
containing 3801T>C polymorphism was ampli ed by
PCR method with the following speci c primers: F:
GAGTCTTGTCTCATGCCT-3. The 340-bp ampli ed frag-
ments were treated by MspI restriction enzyme. After
digestion procedure and separation by 1% agarose gel
electrophoresis, the samples with 340-bp fragment were
normal homozygote while the samples with 200-bp and
140-bp fragments were mutant homozygote. Moreover,
the samples with 340-bp, 200-bp, and 140-bp fragments
were heterozygote.
We employed standard databases including PubMed,
Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect, EMBase, and Med-
line till October 2016 for publication investigating the
association CYP1A1 3801T>C polymorphism with male
infertility. The keywords that used to search were as fol-
low: male infertility, CYP1A1, 3801T>C, rs4646903, SNP,
and polymorphism. The studies must met the following
criteria: 1- case-control plan, 2- evaluating the associa-
tion of CYP1A1 3801T>C transition with risk of male
infertility, and 3- containing suf cient data to estimate
odd ratios (ORs) with 95% con dence interval(95%CI)
for all alleles and genotypes. The following data were
excluded from eligible studies: country, author’s last
name, year of publication, and genotypes frequency.
In case-control study, the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
(HWE) for genotypes frequencies was calculated by a
Chi-square test. For evaluation of association of CYP1A1
3801T>C transition with male infertility, odd ratios and
95%CI were calculated by binary regression logistic. A
P-value less than 0.05 was considered as statistically
signi cant. These calculations were performed by SPSS
ver.19 software.
In meta-analysis, the pooled OR was calculated in the
ve following genetic models: allelic (C vs. T), homozy-
gous (CC vs. TT), and heterozygous (TC vs. TT), dominant
(CC+TC vs. TT), and recessive (CC vs. TC+TT). Heteroge-
neity was measured by the chi square based Q test and
score, and a p-value less than 0.1 was considered as
statistically signi cant. If there was a signi cant het-
erogeneity, ORs and 95%CI was calculated based on a
random-effect model. Otherwise, a  xed-effects model
was used. Egger’s test and Begg’s funnel plots were
employed to calculate possible publication bias. The
sensitivity analysis, relative effect of individual study on
the pooled OR, was calculated by eliminating one study
at a time. Statistical Meta-analyzes were performed by
Comprehensive Meta Analysis software.
Majid Nejati and Mohammad Karimian
The data from Hardy-Weinberg test revealed that the
distribution of genotypes in case group was deviated
from HWE (
= 6.39, P= 0.011), whereas this distribu-
tion in control group met HWE (
= 3.39, P= 0.066). The
results of genetic association in case-control study are
given in table 1. For example: CC genotype is associated
with male infertility (OR= 3.00, 95%CI= 1.20-7.48, P=
0.018). Also, carriers of C allele were at a high risk for
male infertility (OR= 1.93, 95%CI= 1.09-3.39, P= 0.023).
In addition, C allele is signi cantly associated with male
infertility (OR= 1.91, 95%CI= 1.23-2.97, P= 0.004).
The initial search of database and screening of relevant
articles, 5 eligible studies were included in meta-anal-
ysis (Lu et al. 2008; Vani et al. 2009; Chen et al. 2010;
Salehi et al. 2011; Peng et al. 2012). Moreover, the data
from current study was added to the meta-analysis. The
characteristics of included studies in meta-analysis are
detailed in table 2. These studies included:3, 2, and 1
papers involved Chinese, Iranian, and Indian popula-
tions, respectively. This meta-analysis involved a total
of 957 cases and 1098 controls. The results of genetic
association in meta-analysis revealed that there is a sig-
ni cant associations between CYP1A1 3801T>C poly-
morphism and male infertility in all  ve genetic models
(C vs. T: OR= 1.53, 95%CI= 1.16-2.02, P= 0.003; CC vs.
TT: OR= 2.43, 95%CI= 1.33-4.42, P= 0.004; TC vs. TT:
OR= 1.36, 95%CI: 1.13-1.64, P= 0.001; CC+TC vs. TT:
OR= 1.57, 95%CI= 1.17-2.11, P= 0.003; CC vs. TC+TT:
OR= 2.02, 95%CI= 1.21-3.37, P= 0.007) (Table 3 and
Figure 1). The heterogeneity analysis revealed that there
are true heterogeneities for association of 3801T>C with
male infertility risk in C vs. T (P
< 0.001, I
= 77%),
CC vs. TT (P
= 0.003, I
= 73%), CC+TC vs. TT (P
= 0.021, I
= 62%), CC vs. TC+TT (P
= 0.010,
= 67%) models within Asian populations (Table 3). The
data from publication bias test revealed that there are
publication biases in CC vs. TT (P
= 0.018) and CC vs.
= 0.017) genetic models (Figure 2).
In this study we investigated the association of CYP1A1
3801T>C polymorphism with male infertility in an Ira-
nian population and a meta-analysis in Asian popu-
lations. Our case-control study indicated a signi cant
association between 3801CC genotype and 3801C allele
and male infertility in study population. Moreover,
results of meta-analysis revealed that there are signi -
cant association between CYP1A1 3801T>C and male
Table 1: Genotype and allele frequencies of CYP1A1 3801T>C in cases and controls.
Genotype/Allele Control (%) (n= 100) Cases (%) (n= 100) OR (95% CI)
TT 64 (64%) 48 (48%) - -
TC 28 (28%) 34 (34%) 1.62 (0.87-3.02) 0.131
CC 8 (8%) 18 (18%) 3.00 (1.20-7.48) 0.018
TC+CC 36 (36%) 52 (52%) 1.93 (1.09-3.39) 0.023
T 156 (78%) 130 (65%) - -
C 44 (22%) 70 (35%) 1.91 (1.23-2.97) 0.004
OR, Odds Ratio; CI, Con dence Interval. The signi cant differences are bolded
Table 2: Characteristics of included studies in meta-analysis
Country Genotype frequencies Allele frequencies Reference
Control Case Control Case
China 95 104 27 69 96 27 294 158 234 150 Lu et al. 2008
India 146 80 4 108 80 18 372 88 296 116 Vani et al. 2009
China 88 45 7 35 47 23 221 59 117 93 Chen et al. 2010
Iran 85 91 24 58 72 20 261 139 188 112 Salehi et al. 2012
China 78 94 30 72 93 39 250 154 237 171 Peng et al. 2012
Iran 64 28 8 48 34 18 156 44 130 70 Current study
Majid Nejati and Mohammad Karimian
FIGURE 1. Forest plot for the association of CYP1A1 3801T>C polymorphism
and male infertility. Findings of quantitative data synthesis under TC vs. TT
model (A) and CC+TC vs. TT model (B).
Table 3: Results of meta-analysis for association of 3801T>C with male infertility risk
Genetic model Analysis model OR (95%CI)
-value tau
C vs. T (Allelic model) Random effect 1.53 (1.16-2.02) 0.003 0.092 21.56 < 0.001 77% 0.057
CC vs. TT (Homozygous model) Random effect 2.43 (1.33-4.42) 0.004 0.40 18.35 0.003 73% 0.018
TC vs. TT (Heterozygous model) Fixed effect 1.36 (1.13-1.64) 0.001 - 7.24 0.203 31% 0.141
CC+TC vs. TT (Dominant model) Random effect 1.57 (1.17-2.11) 0.003 0.083 13.25 0.021 62% 0.118
CC vs. TC+TT (Recessive model) Random effect 2.02 (1.21-3.37) 0.007 0.263 15.06 0.010 67% 0.017
OR, odds ratio; CI, con dence interval; Ph, P-values for heterogeneity from Q test; Pe: PEgger (p< 0.05) was considered as a signi cant difference.
infertility in all of  ve genetic models. But, heterogene-
ity analysis demonstrated a true heterogeneity in four
genetic models. The different results from various stud-
ies may be due to differences in environmental condi-
tions and ethnicities. Also, a publication bias was found
in TC vs. TT and CC vs. TC+TT genetic models. This pub-
lication bias may arise from small sample sizes and more
chance of positive outputs for publications.
Numerous studies suggested a time-dependent reduc-
tion of quality of human sperm (Adamopoulos et al.,
1996; Van Waeleghem et al., 1996). The causes of proba-
ble alterations in quality of human semen and the cumu-
lative rate of male infertility were not fully understood.
Among the several suggestions in this  eld, the possible
roles of environmental exposures and their effects on
functions and development of male reproductive system
less regarded. (Sharpe and Skakkebaek, 1993). Speci -
cally chemical compounds disrupting the endocrine sys-
tem such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides,
and etc. have been debated as possible risks of fertility
(Sonnenschein and Soto, 1998). Since the xenobiotics
including chlorinated hydrocarbons are indissoluble,
they could accumulate in ecosystem and reproductive
system of males affected by them. (Wagner et al., 1990).
Therefore the protective procedures in human body
were ampli ed. In order to prevent the accumulation
of xenobiotic materials in human body, a wide range
of enzymes with variable catalytic activity are involved
in the process of detoxi cation (Nebert et al., 1996).
The cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily are important
Majid Nejati and Mohammad Karimian
enzymes in phase I oxidation/ reactions for metaboliz-
ing both endogenous substrates and xenobiotic agents
(Nelson et al., 1996). The CYP familiy enzymes are mem-
ber of 1-3 families (from 14 cytochrome families), that
are very important for catabolism of lipophilic chemicals
(Gonzalez, 1992). Among these, CYP1A1 enzyme metab-
olizes extra-hepatic catabolism of heterocyclic amines
and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Guenger-
ich, 1992). Given to the complex procedure of spermato-
genesis (Weinbauer & Wessels, 1999), xenobiotics accu-
mulation in different sections of the testicular tissues
may be damaging for the process. In addition, immune
activation of cells by reactive metabolites can lead to
testicular immunopathology. The capacity of testicular
tissue for metabolizing of xenobiotics was investigated
in experimental models. For instance Leydig cells in rats
are able to metabolize PAHs (Georgellis and RydstroÈm,
1987). Also, in certain strains of rats, the expression of
CYP enzymes in the testes altered at caloric restriction
(Seng et al., 1996).
Therefore CYP1A1 has a protective role in male
reproductive function any changes in the structure
and expression of CYP1A1 gene could alter the risk
of male infertility. SNPs could alter the functions and
expression of genes depending on their locations on
the genes (Karimian and Colagar 2016b; Karimian et
al., 2015). Therefore CYP1A1 3801T>C gene transition
which located at 3’UTR of CYP1A1 may alter the gene
expression. Our previous studies revealed that bioinfor-
matics tools are suitable for evaluation of the effects of
SNPs on several molecular aspects (Raygan et al., 2016;
Soleimani et al., 2016). Then we suggest that the further
studies were focused on effects of 3801T>C on molecular
aspects of CYP1A1 by in silico analysis.
Finally there are some limitation in this study that
should be declared. The gene-gene and gene-environ-
ment interactions were not considered in case-control
study, since these issue may moderate the effects of
3801T>C CYP1A1 on male infertility. Moreover, origi-
nal data of included studies in meta-analysis such as
biochemical characteristics and BMI were not available,
therefor we could not able to justify the role of 3801T>C
CYP1A1 in male infertility by mentioned parameters.
Moreover, the number of studies which included in
FIGURE 2. Funnel plot for the association of CYP1A1 3801T>C polymorphism
and male infertility. Possible publication bias under TC vs. TT model (A) and
CC+TC vs. TT model (B).
Majid Nejati and Mohammad Karimian
meta-analysis was very low, therefore more studies with
larger sample size are needed to gain more precise data.
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