Khadije and Asieh
Nowadays, chronic diseases are considered as the great-
est challenge to public health and chronic renal failure is
a chronic disease [Bard, 2010]. It is anticipated that about
167 million people will suffer from chronic diseases by
2050. The estimated cost for treating these patients has
been estimated at $ 797 billion [Smeltzer, 2010]. Kidney
failure is among these diseases that it has been reported
with incidence of 242 cases per one million population
and 8% increase to the number of patients who suffer
from these disease per year [Afkand, 2012]. Kidney fail-
ure is one of the largest causes of death and disability
worldwide [Monahan, 2007]; the most common method
of treatment is hemodialysis for these patients [Cohen,
2009]. Mental and social health in hemodialysis patients
depends on stresses on them to a large extent, i.e. stresses
that patients with chronic renal failure face them. It can
refer to the long and continuous treatment with dialysis,
invasive medical procedures, time-consuming treatment
during each dialysis session and the loss of jobs. The
stula or catheter causes food and drug restriction and
on the other hand stress; patients with dialysis have not
enjoyed suitable mental status and faced mental prob-
lems and social withdrawal [Theo lou, 2011].
Abundant physical, mental and social problems for
these patients require attention to the patient’s ability
in making the activities and extent of his self-ef cacy
in obtaining desired quality of life [Curtin et al., 2008].
The person’s self-ef cacy beliefs affect incidence of
various diseases and recovery process through affect-
ing the behaviors related to well-being and biological
function [Naja , 2007]. Moattari et al. in their study
entitled “study on effect of empowerment on self-ef -
cacy, quality of life and clinical indices in the patients
treated with hemodialysis” indicated that there is a
large difference on extent of self-ef cacy, reduction of
stress, power of decision making and all dimensions of
quality of life mentioned in the questionnaire before
and after intervention in two groups [Moattari et al.,
Nowadays, it is stated that the best outcomes of
health care come to realize when the patients involve
in their care. The active participation of the patient in
the care process such as tracking the treatment progress,
monitoring symptoms, side effects, tracking positive
behaviors related to health such as having a healthy
diet, regular exercise and improvement in patient’s gen-
eral health will be followed by reduction of treatment
costs [Longo et al., 2012]. In the study by Khoshnazar. it
has been concluded that self-ef cacy of patients treated
with hemodialysis has been at average level, so that
there has been 70% desired general self-ef cacy [Kho-
shnazar, 2014].
The research by Christiaan, quoted from Karimi
et al, indicated that self-ef cacy depends on the physi-
cal and mental health in the patients with Rheumatism
and arthritis, i.e. the patients with low self-ef cacy com-
pared to the patients with high self-ef cacy feel dis-
ability, fatigue and pain as well as depression and anxi-
ety [Karimi et al., 2011]. With regard to what mentioned
above and the fact that the ef cacy is considered as the
effective factor in achieving the outcomes expected by
patients and increase of self-ef cacy in patients can
cause increase of self-care ability, and on the other hand
due to the constant involvement of patients with chronic
renal failure with their disease symptoms, necessity of
study on factors affecting self-ef cacy in these patients
obliged the researcher to conduct a study in this con-
text with the title of study on the relationship between
motivational and inhibiting factors and self-ef cacy of
patients treated with hemodialysis.
The present research has been a descriptive correlation
conducted on the patients treated with hemodialysis
referred to selected hospitals in Tehran during 2015-
2016. Data collection tools included: 1-demographic
information questionnaire for the units under research
including age, gender, education, marital status, job and
insurance status, number of family members who live
with patient, status of house and Comorbidities, number
of dialysis sessions in week and income.
Maddox and Scherrer (1982) argue that self-ef cacy
theory is a model of cognitive processes and they rst
built a scale to measure public opinion; the Scale con-
sists of 17 items. Maddox and Scherrer, without specify-
ing items, believe that the scale measures an aspect of
behavior including desire to behavior boot, the desire
to complete the task and deal with obstacles. The scor-
ing is made in this way that score 1-5 is given to each
item and high score indicates higher self-ef cacy. Score
17-39, 40-64 and 65 to above indicate low, average and
high self-ef cacy.
Questionnaire of motivation and inhibiting factors is
a self-ef cacy prepared via related works and interview
with a number of patients. This questionnaire was given
to a number of faculty members of Islamic Azad uni-
versity and Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences
to con rm the validity of questionnaire; ultimately a
research-made questionnaire consisted of 50 questions
was developed, consisted of 26 questions related to
motivational factors and 24 questions related to inhibit-